Thai BL/Gay - BL and Gay dramas and movies from Thailand

BL/Gay themes movies, dramas and short movies from Thailand. 

For a comprehensive list of Asian (China including Taiwan and Hong Kong), Japan, South Korea and Thailand; see my huge list (793 titles and counting) for Asian BL/Gay movies and dramas. Also see my separate lists for each country.

List will only contain titles in which BL/Gay/Male Bi couples/characters/themes, have at least a somewhat prominent role. 

***(Titles with (only) Trans characters; not included--a Trans woman who loves men is straight, not gay.
Crossdressing has nothing to do with gender identity so titles with cross-dressing guys who like guys; included.
Bodyswap is (reluctantly) included.
Bromance if there is an implication that it is/will go beyond friendship)***

*Adding titles and comments every now and then.* 

My ratings are pretty harsh at times, but I judge by quality, not by how much I like/dislike it. Also by intention. Don't compare cinematic masterpieces with light-hearted romcoms. That's not fair. Judge by what they were intended to be. 

Note; To make it simple; I'll just call BL, even if it would be more correct to say; stories about guys who are attracted to guys.  
"Gay theme" and BL are two different things.
But as long as one can tell fantasy from reality--it's a convenient word.

Bambikill Ago 8, 2017
342 Titles Loves
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  • 2 Moons 2 A Série

    1. 2 Moons 2 A Série

    Thai Drama - 2019, 12 episodes


    I was hesitant about this one, and kept putting it off. I didn't even like the original and reboots usually make for a poor replacement.
    This didn't.

    This is much better than the original 2017 version. Acting and chemistry between most leads, pacing and focus, directing and planning, musical score (LOVE the instrumental score)-- everything is better. I haven't read the novel(s?) since I didn't like the 2017 drama, so I don't know if the side couples have this amount of time in the novel, but I love it. I prefer those to the main story. This version also has a  MUCH better pacing for the main couple's story, giving plenty of space and time for three couples.

    I don't like cheesy, so at times the syrup makes me cringe, but for the most part, it stays "just sweet"--delivering an overall very satisfying parade of great BL treats that are bound to make you squeal...
    In terms of actual quality--I was happy to find quite a few scenes that were REALLY well directed and made me go twinkly-eyed-silent instead of "iiiihhh". That's heavy praise coming from me.

    Unfortunately, it's bursting with tiring and gross stereotypes and tropes-- especially Alpha Male-behaviour of self-proclaimed tops bossing their "wives" (i.e. their possessions) around. (Just because you do it kindly and gently doesn't mean that it's not degrading and emasculating. Fangirls/boys... please question the use of "wifey" and "hubby", the attitudes they're paired up with, and what the use of those words actually brings in terms of sexism and inequality... It seriously degrades bottoming guys as well as women...)
    But let's blame the author of the original story for that, not the producers of the drama. I do, however like, that the three couples at least represent three different trope constellations, giving us some variation. (And hopefully one relationship more equal and respectful, when Ming and Kit progress in the sequel season.

  • 2 Moons 2 Special:  Before the Moon Rises

    2. 2 Moons 2 Special: Before the Moon Rises

    Thai Special - 2019, 1 episode


    Special for the "2 Moons" reboot "2 Moons 2". 

    (God, that becomes so confusing when writing...)

  • 2 Moons 3 The Series

    3. 2 Moons 3 The Series

    Thai Drama - 2022, 12 episodes

    Sequel season for the "2 Moons" reboot "2 Moons 2" from 2019.

    Upcoming 2020.

  • 2 Moons A Série

    4. 2 Moons A Série

    Thai Drama - 2017, 12 episodes


    I'm sorry, but this one is so overrated. There are a shitton of better ones out there... Like the reboot from 2019, which is SO much better in every way. I really don't like this one but since the production as a whole is fairly well done, I can't rate it below other run-of-the-mill BL. 

    The main crappy things; The pacing of the main couple's story is excruciatingly slow (slow progress is good if done right, but this is just drawn-out without any substance to back it up) and steals so much time and space from the side couples, that those two only come off as unnecessary and shallowly explored filler components. The chemistry is a bit better between the side couples. but the main guys have none whatsoever.
    (No wonder...)

    The whole crap with the IRL homophobic behaviour and comments from one of the lead actors as well as from people in the production, left one with a very bad taste in one's mouth, not to mention that the homophobia severely affects the end result in terms of chemistry. If you don't sincerely want to portray homosexual relationships, but only think "BL is trending, let's release a BL title" without any desire to actually create a good piece, you won't be able to write nor direct in a way that actually creates a believable atmosphere or chemistry between the actors. 

    Watch the reboot from 2019 instead.

  • 2Day

    5. 2Day

    Thai Special - 2020, 1 episode



  • 2gether A Série

    6. 2gether A Série

    Thai Drama - 2020, 13 episodes


    This... kinda' grew on me. After ep 1, I was "meh". Then I started to fall for the guys and now I kind of like it. But I might be biased. Anything that has guys with guitars and puts this much focus on music--is bound to get me hooked. 

    But the MDL rating... Seriously?!

    There isn't much to the story--it's standard and more than a little bit stupid (aren't most...), but it's generic BL. It's not meant to be super deep. It's sufficient for a fix of cute boys love. (Also, the MC actors are just about the prettiest BL leads ever. A runway model and a fairytale prince. Something like that.) Most of the cast is made up of familiar faces from earlier BL. Acting, from all involved, is... okay.
    (Gunsmile drives me crazy, though. He CAN act, but he always goes over-the-top in comedic roles. I hate that.)

    As for technical aspects... Not impressive. The editing is really weird and at times--so abrupt that it feels like one went to the bathroom during commercials and missed out on a couple of minutes... The jumps between the couples, are really haphazard. And the amount of time they get, is so odd in proportion that the side couples feel unnecessary. (But since I love Toptap, I won't complain. He's adorable. I want to adopt him. I want to pinch his cheeks. Like, really.) 

    In Ep 10, stuff went haywire in writing/pacing. The story up until then, building slow, just went into total lightspeed, causing a crazy rushed progression. It took them 9 eps to get to mutual admittance of feelings--then one episode to hook up, shack up and shake it up... 

    But fuckups aside--the OST is catchy and the cheery intro song from this series blasting when my alarm goes off in the morning--turns my cranky mood down a notch. 

    Basically; despite a thin plot, messy techs and lack of originality... gorgeous guy x 2, with nice chemistry = Enjoyable even if it would be utter crap.

    It's not amazing, but Me Like.

  • 2gether the Movie

    7. 2gether the Movie

    Thai Movie - 2021

  • 2Wish

    8. 2Wish

    Thai Special - 2019, 2 episodes


    This isn't good. I have no idea how anyone could claim it is. The only reward is to see more of Mean and Plan--whom I like both as individual actors and paired up in BL. 

    In this piece, I did love seeing the huge contrast between their characters in "Love By Chance" and this one. Mean's 180 change if one has watched "Love By Chance" before this one--makes you go "whot?!" They're both very versatile as actors, but especially Plan is crazy convincing both in his cocky, confident roles as well as his absolutely awesomely adorable ADHD-airhead-space-cadet role as Can in "Love By Chance". (One of my all-time fav BL characters...)

    And I love their chemistry. I've seen people complain about the lack of that in their pairing in "LBC", but remember--in that drama, their relationship has barely even started at the end of S1 and the development of their connection is perfectly right for the storyline of their hate-to-love. In this mini-drama you see that they do have chemistry. And good such. 

    So basically; the mini-drama sucks but since it's these two guys, it's still rewarding enough to be worth watching if one likes Mean and Plan--individually or together.

  • A Academia da Vitória

    9. A Academia da Vitória

    Thai Drama - 0000

  • A Melhor História

    10. A Melhor História

    Thai Drama - 2021, 3 episodes

  • A Shipper

    11. A Shipper

    Thai Drama - 2020, 12 episodes

    Not BL, per se, and seems to revolve around BL fandom and includes female-male body-swap, but also has "gay character/relationship" listed, so probably a bit of both.
    Either way, the themes qualify it for the list... (And it has Ohm. That in itself, is enough.)

    Upcoming May 22nd 2020.

  • A Tale of Thousand Stars: Counting 1 to 1000 Stars

    12. A Tale of Thousand Stars: Counting 1 to 1000 Stars

    Thai Special - 2021, 1 episode

  • Absolute Zero

    13. Absolute Zero

    Thai Drama - 2023, 12 episodes

    Upcoming 2021.

  • Academia de Ótimos Homens

    14. Academia de Ótimos Homens

    Thai Drama - 2019, 8 episodes


    I did NOT expect to say this; I love it!
    Overall, I dislike fantasy and gender-bender stuff pisses me off since they usually go "hetero-cop-out-thank-god-you-were-actually-a-girl".  I was skeptical, but this is one of the loveliest romcom-dramas I've seen. The only flaw was really that a few parts were annoying, I'd given a 9 if they'd ditched standard plot-fillers.

    James KILLS as a body swapped girl, I'm impressed, he's usually so dudish. But he's got the girly thing down to a T. He catches the smallest details--expressions, mannerisms, body language. The acting overall is very good. Production is stylish, OST is great--especially the ending song is super-catchy, and SFX are quite great for a tv-production.
    It's about love--not just romantic--but also love for friends and family.
    It's funny, it's cute, it's deeper than one might expect and it's simply good.

    It's BL and not BL at the same time. The romance is perhaps, technically, hetero--since our MC is a girl originally, but it happens in male+male form, which gives us the boy-on-boy. Plus, it's angled differently than bodyswap-themes usually are.
    In GOOD ways. It doesn't cop out, doesn't excuse itself with "Gay-4-U",  doesn't present a hetero-happy conclusion, NOR a gay one. Just a happy one. Because in the end, what the fuck does it matter who's gay, straight, bi, girl, boy or unicorn, as long as everyone is happy?
    Is Love a girl because she was one originally? Or is she a boy because she now has a dick? Will she be a girl again if and when the dick is gone?
    Or is she just a person...?

    The starting premise is a division between genders--but ends up a theme that erases the lines altogether, making the characters learn to see things differently.
    This drama summons up my belief; genders are just physical differences, and sexual orientation aside; ultimately, we love people, not genders.

  • Acordem, Mulheres: A Série

    15. Acordem, Mulheres: A Série

    Thai Drama - 2018, 13 episodes

    Not BL, but the MC , a "love doctor" serving romantic advice to a bunch of women, is gay. (But supposedly, the actual gay content is very low.) But the drama has high ratings and does sound entertaining.

  • Alma Gêmea

    16. Alma Gêmea

    Thai Drama - 2020, 2 episodes

  • Almas Gêmeas

    17. Almas Gêmeas

    Thai Drama - 0000

  • Amigo Íntimo — Temporada 1

    18. Amigo Íntimo — Temporada 1

    Thai Drama - 2021, 6 episodes

  • Amigo Para Sempre: A Série

    19. Amigo Para Sempre: A Série

    Thai Drama - 2020, 12 episodes

  • Amor do Meio

    20. Amor do Meio

    Thai Drama - 2023, 8 episodes

  • Amor e mentira esconder falso The Series

    21. Amor e mentira esconder falso The Series

    Thai Drama - 2018, 8 episodes

  • Amor Por Acaso

    22. Amor Por Acaso

    Thai Drama - 2018, 14 episodes


    This is good. This breaks some stereotypes and tropes. This is different.

    We have a quite effeminate actual-gay MC, something we seldom see in drama/movie BL, even though it's such a cliché in comics.
    And even though he's so cutesy he makes your teeth hurt, he's a normal person and not a passive doll with no will of his own. There is also room for a much shorter, "not handsome" (Perth IS cute, though) top... how often do we see a super cutesy,  tall bottom plus a shorter top? Answer; Never before.

    (I hate the mandatory BL division into set roles, decided by "strongest-male-rights". But here  it just comes naturally and without fuss nor any Alpha Male attitudes. I like that.) 

    Pete and Ae's relationship is just about the loveliest teen BL one on screen. Equal, genuine and real. Crazy sweet, amazing chemistry and both are good actors. Perth, as Ae, is always brilliant. (Pete annoys me at times, but Saint is good. Compare his different roles and you'll see his versatility...)

    The side couples represent three BL tropes... Enemies-to-lovers (as well as opposites attract), Step-brothers and the Sadistic Schemer vs. Airhead. The first story is funny (and that couple will get their own S2), the second story is so-so and the third is disturbing even though it's played off as comedic. 

    This drama is also different because it's... positive.
    We don't have the mandatory interference, tons of angst and drama, sexual identity crises or other standard BL stuff --but a happy feel, without it being unrealistic. Serious issues are handled, but not wallowed in. It's about love, not OBSTACLES to love. Super props for talk about lube, self-education, consideration for your partner and so on. Thank you.
    And the attitude to sex is awesome. Not gratuitous smut, nor unrealistic innocence. Just normal human drive.

    Add to that good and solid production and OST--and you have one of the most feel-good BLs out there.

  • Amor Por Acaso 2

    23. Amor Por Acaso 2

    Thai Drama - 2020, 13 episodes


    Sequel season to "Love By Chance", this time focusing on the side couples, mainly on Tin and Can. 

    I completely trashed this when I had watched the first episode, and totally ignored watching it, until recently. 

    I didn't like it very much, but it wasn't as bad as I expected... 

    I'll get to writing some thoughts about it, when I feel motivated to do so...

  • An Ordinary Love Story

    24. An Ordinary Love Story

    Thai Movie - 2012

  • Antes Que Eu Te Ame: Mek x Mork

    25. Antes Que Eu Te Ame: Mek x Mork

    Thai Movie - 2019


    Pointless little mini-mini-drama-series with three short episodes featuring three different couples. Pretty much harmless junk, but if you have nothing better to watch and go ballistic over every BL you can get your paws on--sure.

  • Antes Que Eu Te Ame: Phu x Tawan

    26. Antes Que Eu Te Ame: Phu x Tawan

    Thai Movie - 2019


    See comment for other part of three episodes in the mini-mini-drama.

  • Antes Que Eu Te Ame: Rain x Storm

    27. Antes Que Eu Te Ame: Rain x Storm

    Thai Movie - 2019


    See comment for other part of three episodes in the mini-mini-drama.

  • Arco-íris Cinzento

    28. Arco-íris Cinzento

    Thai Drama - 2016, 4 episodes


    This has gotten quite a lot of decent ratings, but I don't really love it. It's a bit strange, as a whole. At some parts--it's excellent. At other--not so much. But worth a watch. Acting and themes are good.

  • Área do Amor

    29. Área do Amor

    Thai Drama - 2021, 6 episodes

  • Até nos Encontrarmos Novamente: A Série

    30. Até nos Encontrarmos Novamente: A Série

    Thai Drama - 2019, 17 episodes


    The concept is unique--and it works.

    There are parts that I dislike, some of them downright boring.  
    But the good parts--goosebumps. This drama rides on emotion and it's melodramatic, to say the least, but it works, because the feelings portrayed are so overwhelming that they demand this kind of over-the-top emotional gushing.
    I mean--we're talking humongous emotions here. Feelings strong enough to pass on into the next life. Of course they have to bawl their eyes out and go into half-hysterics. How else to portray such profound things?

    The four main actors do a good job, especially Earth, who kills every scene he's in and already in the opening scene of the drama showcases exactly what he is capable of.
    (And btw, let's support all his work, since he's one of few who dares to be out in an industry that has had the habit of demanding only straight actors (or actors that hide/deny their orientation) for BL roles... Thankfully that's changing and the few out-and-open actors are getting roles. Deservedly so, since Earth in particular, is a gem.)

    The acting is so good that I decided to translate the subs into Swedish for my mom--and she really liked it.

    I'm not a huge fan of the 2019-couple--actors nor characters--but they do carry their load and convince in both chemistry and acting. The 1989-couple though... Not only is their story the  BL version of Romeo and Juliet, but their chemistry is adorable and one can't help but love them. 

    The side couple story is unnecessary. Considering the far too sparse airtime they get--it just becomes shallow and haphazard. Which is a pity because I like them.

    This isn't a super fav of mine. But I think it's a must-watch because of the concept and parallel timelines, as well as for many of the "remembering" scenes that give you goosebumps. And for Intouch's and Korn's story. 

  • Auto-Focused Love

    31. Auto-Focused Love

    Thai Special - 2016, 4 episodes

    No synopsis on MDL but is tagged with "gay" tags. 

  • Bad Buddy

    32. Bad Buddy

    Thai Drama - 2021, 12 episodes

  • Bad Roomate

    33. Bad Roomate

    Thai Drama - 2021, 30 episodes

  • Bang Rak Soi 9/1

    34. Bang Rak Soi 9/1

    Thai Drama - 2016, 55 episodes

    Family sitcom, with the son of the family being confused about his sexual orientation due to being attracted to both a guy and a girl in a set of siblings. 

    Haven't watched it, and I probably won't. Read the comment threads on the page for the drama, if you want spoilers about whom he choses. (If either.)

  • Bangkok

    35. Bangkok

    Thai Drama - 2020, 2 episodes

  • 36. Bangkok G Story

    Thai Drama - 2017, 20 episodes

  • Bangkok G Story: Samet Island

    37. Bangkok G Story: Samet Island

    Thai Special - 2019, 3 episodes

  • Bangkok Love Stories: Inocência

    38. Bangkok Love Stories: Inocência

    Thai Drama - 2018, 13 episodes

    Haven't seen it, but supposedly the BL content is very low. 

    (You'll find Max from the "Together With Me" series in a role, but I think a straight one? Tul, his BF from that series, apparently has a cameo in some episode, but I have no idea if they're paired up in any interaction whatsoever, this time around.)

  • Bangkok Love Story

    39. Bangkok Love Story

    Thai Movie - 2007


    It's crap. But it's classic, and there really wasn't very much to choose from, back then. The story is quite different from other Gay themed ones, and that's one reason to appreciate it, even if the thing as a whole is far from qualitative.

  • Before I Love You: Phu x Tawan  Uncut

    40. Before I Love You: Phu x Tawan Uncut

    Thai Movie - 2020

  • Beije

    41. Beije

    Thai Drama - 2016, 16 episodes


    This is the parent story that first introduced the now-classic BL couple, Pete & Kao, as a side couple. They got popular and got much more screen-time when their backstory is told in this sequel "Kiss Me Again", which is a prequel in the chronological timeline.
    Their story continues in "Dark Blue Kiss", which is almost entirely focused on BL.  

    I don't love it, even if I do love most of the characters in the "Kiss" series. Sandee is, alongside Jihwa from the "Bad Romance" series, the coolest female character you'll find in most Thai dramas. Such a fresh breath of air compared to all the little princesses. Other straight storylines are boring.

    This first installation won't give you much of Pete and Kao, so I'd say--if you're only after the BL, focus on their parts in the sequel, then watch their parts in this one and then you have their own series saved for last. "Dark Blue Kiss".

  • Beije-me Novamente

    42. Beije-me Novamente

    Thai Drama - 2018, 14 episodes


    Sequel (but in timeline a prequel) to "Kiss". In this installment, we get to know the beginning for the BL couple Pete and Kao and they get much more screen time this time around.

    I REALLY hate the straight storylines in this one. All of them. The dork vs. playboy one is bearable because those two have an amusing hate-to-love chemistry, but other than that; bleh.

    The BL storyline is nice, I really like this couple even if they're not my absolute favourite one. I have a very weak spot for Tay and his chemistry with New is great. I'd have loved much more skinship between them, but they're so fricking cute together that it doesn't matter in the end.

    See the continuation of their story in "Dark Blue Kiss", which focuses almost entirely on BL.

  • Bitter Sweet

    43. Bitter Sweet

    Thai Drama - 0000, 8 episodes

  • BL: Fantasia Quebrada

    44. BL: Fantasia Quebrada

    Thai Movie - 2020

    A short-film/docu about the BL industry and the fandom? Haven't watched it and the rating is horrible but could be interesting enough to take a look. 20 minutes or so isn't too much of a sacrifice, even if I suspect that my own philosophical ponderings on the matter, are probably far more elaborated than what this little chunk on the matter, can serve.

  • Bloody Buddy

    45. Bloody Buddy

    Thai Movie - 0000

  • 46. Boring Love

    Thai Movie - 2009

    The first dramatization of the nutty story posted on Thai discussion forum "Pantip". 

    The later version you're probably familiar with--the BL drama "What The Duck?"

  • Boyfriend

    47. Boyfriend

    Thai Movie - 2016


    Not true BL. More, like, "pretend" BL. But I'll include it since there is a clear indicator that it will turn real eventually. 

    The movie itself is pretty much total junk. Thin in story, less than stellar acting, and not much substance at all. 

  • Brothers

    48. Brothers

    Thai Drama - 2021, 13 episodes

  • Calculating Love : SineTan

    49. Calculating Love : SineTan

    Thai Drama - 2020, 7 episodes

  • Call It What You Want

    50. Call It What You Want

    Thai Drama - 2021, 6 episodes

  • Call It What You Want 2

    51. Call It What You Want 2

    Thai Drama - 2021, 6 episodes

  • Causa da Morte

    52. Causa da Morte

    Thai Drama - 2020, 14 episodes


    Hmm. I'm ambivalent about this one... 

    I was totally hyped up when I heard about it, and waited eagerly for the release. (I would've liked it no matter what--since I've been waiting a long time to see Max and Tul reunited in BL...)

    After a couple of episodes, I gave it a "temporary" rating of 8, but I've lowered that considerably since then... I still haven't finished it, since I just can't say that I think it's very good :S I guess I have to get to finishing it, though...

    The genre is tricky to navigate if one has been working in BL (director behind "The Love of Siam" and "Dew, Let's Go Together")--especially when giving a love story equal space. One will have to yield and here it will be the thriller part that gives in to the romance. Which is sad--and awesome--depending on how one sees it.  It's hard to mix and find the balance and it doesn't turn out that perfect here, but perhaps that's because of the original novel, I don't know. I plan to read it. Eventually.
    I wasn't expecting thriller quality á la South Korea, so I wasn't too disappointed. 

    I'm a bit split about that part above--since we're talking my two fav genres, BL and crime, I don't want either to fall flat. But I'll choose to see it this way; this is a BL thriller. Not a thriller with BL. And then it's fine. And I'm SO HAPPY that we finally get gay content in other genres than sappy romance and/or heavy dramas. So even if I'm critical, just that simple fact makes me love it. At least to some extent.

    My final judgement shall fall when I've finished it...

    Just a nerdy side note; As a life-long criminology/forensics buff + worked in human and vet care--I spot quite a few annoying little technical stupidities and errors in procedures and whatnot... but... who cares... 

  • Change

    53. Change

    Thai Movie - 2013

    I haven't watched this, so I base this on the synopsis;

    I think this probably belongs on the list even if there is a sex change involved. (If he would identify as a woman but likes a guy--he would be straight = not BL.)
    Because as far as I understand; the choice to change sexes is not really based on gender identity but a wish to get the guy he wants. (How fricking horrible is that?!) I.e. he's gay.
    It depends on how one sees it and how the piece portrays it.

    I won't watch this because I think that I might end up VERY upset and angry. This plotline is absolutely disgusting, whether it would end up being because the producers are extremely disrespectful towards the whole issue of being Transgender and transitioning--or whether it would be because I want to cry at the thought that anyone would be insane enough to change their gender physically in order to get a person they're in love with.

  • 54. Check Out

    Thai Drama - 2022, 12 episodes

  • Check Out: Special Episode

    55. Check Out: Special Episode

    Thai Special - 2021, 1 episode

  • Choose

    56. Choose

    Thai Drama - 2017, 5 episodes

  • Close to You

    57. Close to You

    Thai Movie - 2017


  • Club Friday The Series 12: Rak Sap Son

    58. Club Friday The Series 12: Rak Sap Son

    Thai Special - 2020, 5 episodes

  • Club Friday The Series 12: Rak Tee Mai Mee Krai Roo

    59. Club Friday The Series 12: Rak Tee Mai Mee Krai Roo

    Thai Special - 2020, 4 episodes

  • Club Friday The Series Season 1

    61. Club Friday The Series Season 1

    Thai Drama - 2012, 12 episodes

    To be honest, all the Club Friday Installments are completely jumbled in my mind and I can't remember which ones I've seen and which ones I haven't. I've included the ones that supposedly have BL/Gay storylines according to tags on MDL.

  • Club Friday The Series Season 10: Kao Tur Lae Eak Khon

    62. Club Friday The Series Season 10: Kao Tur Lae Eak Khon

    Thai Special - 2018, 4 episodes

  • Club Friday The Series Season 10: Khon Tee Mai Yorm Rub

    63. Club Friday The Series Season 10: Khon Tee Mai Yorm Rub

    Thai Special - 2019, 4 episodes

  • Club Friday The Series Season 2

    64. Club Friday The Series Season 2

    Thai Drama - 2013, 12 episodes

  • Club Friday The Series Season 5

    65. Club Friday The Series Season 5

    Thai Drama - 2014, 29 episodes

  • Club Friday The Series Season 8

    68. Club Friday The Series Season 8

    Thai Drama - 2016, 39 episodes

  • Club Friday The Series Season 8: True Love…or Bond

    69. Club Friday The Series Season 8: True Love…or Bond

    Thai Drama - 2016, 5 episodes

  • Club Friday The Series Season 9: Ruk Tong Laek

    70. Club Friday The Series Season 9: Ruk Tong Laek

    Thai Special - 2017, 5 episodes

  • Club Friday To Be Continued: Minty and Miu

    71. Club Friday To Be Continued: Minty and Miu

    Thai Drama - 2015, 12 episodes

  • Club M2

    72. Club M2

    Thai Movie - 2007

  • Com Amor: A Série

    73. Com Amor: A Série

    Thai Drama - 2019, 15 episodes


    Junk. Junk, junk, junk. I started watching in lack of other light-weight dramas (since I've already watched everything else, like, ten times) but I had to put it on hold, it was so extremely boring. Acting isn't very good, storyline is a mess (and boring)--it's just not worth your time. 

    Big minus; To put Mark--so far almost exclusively a BL actor--in a BL series, but in a straight role. Why?! What a waste.

  • Conselheiro de Amor: The Series

    74. Conselheiro de Amor: The Series

    Thai Movie - 2021

  • Contei ao pôr do sol sobre você

    75. Contei ao pôr do sol sobre você

    Thai Drama - 2020, 5 episodes




    The insane ratings made me a little bit suspicious. I did think it sounded interesting when waiting for the release, but I'm always sceptical to crazy ratings, so I didn't except quite this level of awesomeness. 

    I was blown away. And THAT does not happen often. With BL--practically never. Sure, I can adore BL series and movies--but I seldom think they hold exceptional quality in terms of story and direction. This did.
    As a BL--this is a fricking 10/10. No... it's actually 11/10... (I kid you not.)

    But thing is--this holds the quality of being close to flawless as a DRAMA. Not just as a BL such. I'm very restrictive with my 10s. But I can't--just can't--find anything to motivate anything other than a "masterpiece"-stamp of approval. The 0,5 point deduction is not really based on anything particular--more, like, a moderation in case I find some tiny flaws when rewatching...

    This should finally convince those BL-fans who diss and label (all) Thai productions as "cheap", "commercial fanservice", "run-of-the-mill" and alike. There is true quality stuff in Thailand.

    This is one of the most realistic, tender and engaging coming-of-age stories I've ever seen in the department of BL. Relatable to anyone who is, or once was, a teen--gay or straight. The insecurities, infatuations, search of self, impulsivity and intensity. 

    Exquisite athmosphere, masterful direction based on careful script and planning, wonderful pacing, beautiful visuals, bulls-eye score and music (too cheesy for me, but always perfectly fitting). And the acting is absolutely phe-no-me-nal. From almost every single actor. Chemistry is outta' this world... 


    (Btw - the reference to Oh-aew looking like actor Tor--I was flabbergasted from first appearance, about how similar they look, and laughed my ass off when they actually pointed it out... haha)

  • Contei ao pôr do sol sobre você: Documentário

    76. Contei ao pôr do sol sobre você: Documentário

    Thai Special - 2020, 8 episodes

  • Contei ao pôr do sol sobre você: Temporada 2

    77. Contei ao pôr do sol sobre você: Temporada 2

    Thai Drama - 2021, 5 episodes

  • Cornetto Love Expert

    78. Cornetto Love Expert

    Thai Special - 2020, 3 episodes


    Well... It's asuper-short commercial spot. There is no point, no story, no time. It couldn't possibly be GOOD... Take it for what it is; fanservice with Off & Gun. Who are always cute.

  • Country Boy

    79. Country Boy

    Thai Drama - 2021, 2 episodes

  • Crush Secreto em Você

    80. Crush Secreto em Você

    Thai Drama - 2022, 14 episodes

    Upcoming 2021.

  • Dangerous Boys

    81. Dangerous Boys

    Thai Movie - 2014


    This really sucks. But there is a tiny bit of BL. 

  • Dark Blue Kiss

    82. Dark Blue Kiss

    Thai Drama - 2019, 12 episodes


    The third, latest (2019) and probably last, installment in the story of Pete and Kao--this season focusing almost exclusively on them + the second BL couple who are made up from characters we met in the previous installment. A small straight storyline is present, very much an excuse to make everyone happy, but it's okay and is connected to one of the BL couples, in a reasonable and logical way. 

    One's gotta' love Pete and Kao, they're so cute. This season has a lot of drama but sweetness tastes even better after bitter, right. The side couple's story is quite nice, too. And both couples have good chemistry and acting skills.

    For those craving smooching and skinship, this one has more of that, although still too little for my taste :P

    For another fix of Pete and Kao--they have one special episode in the anthology "Our Skyy".

  • Deal Lover

    83. Deal Lover

    Thai Drama - 2021, 5 episodes

  • Dear Doctor, I’m Coming For Your Soul

    84. Dear Doctor, I’m Coming For Your Soul

    Thai Drama - 2022, 12 episodes

    Upcoming 2021.

  • Ded Peek Nangfah

    85. Ded Peek Nangfah

    Thai Drama - 2018, 11 episodes

  • Dew - O Filme

    86. Dew - O Filme

    Thai Movie - 2019


    The biggest disappointment in a long time... I was really looking forward to this, especially since I'm a big fan of Ohm, but this was just... pretty bad. It could have been great if it would've played out as the coming-of-age thing that it seemed to start out as. But it just went completely off-kilter and ended in a train wreck. 

    Editing was a mess, the writing was crazy strange and the whole thing just felt moronic. I get what the director wanted to say, but it just didn't work. Too bad, because he does have a knack for creating atmosphere and beautiful scenes.  I wasn't all that bothered by the thing I suspect most BL-fans would oppose. I'm bothered by the uncomfortable way it was resolved. I won't spoil, watch it for yourself. 

    I also dislike the way the movie handles a very serious topic--which I have never heard of, but assume is anchored in reality; some kind of former school run "re-education" for Thai gay kids. Whether it has been very regional and sporadic--or whether it has been done in a bigger scale--I have no idea about, but I would definitely have wanted to know more about it. But the movie doesn't go into any detail at all and just touches the subject in a shallow way, which feels offensive. It would be very important to direct attention to something that awful, but if done--it needs to be done a hell of a lot better than this.

    Pluses; The acting. Great such from pretty much everyone. Some scenes were beautiful in execution and visuals. 

    And... on a personal nostalgia-note; I was a kid in the 90s, albeit much younger than the guys in the movie, so I do get some flashbacks to my childhood. Clothes, hair-dos... And, of course, the 3D-pictures... Yay! (Natually, I had to pause the movie in the scene where they show the particular picture that is poignant to the story--to see what the picture showed. I won't spoil. Look for yourselves. If you can see 3D-pics, that is.)

  • Diário de Tootsies

    87. Diário de Tootsies

    Thai Drama - 2016, 12 episodes

    I actually haven't watched this yet, so I can't vouch for whether it should be on the list or not...

    A Trans woman who identifies as a woman and likes guys; is not gay, she is straight, no matter what she has in her pants. So if there are no characters who identify as male and likes guys, this shouldn't be on this list.

  • Diário de Tootsies 2

    88. Diário de Tootsies 2

    Thai Drama - 2017, 12 episodes

    Season 2. See S1 for comment.

  • Diga Ao Mundo Que Eu Te Amo

    89. Diga Ao Mundo Que Eu Te Amo

    Thai Movie - 2022

  • Down the River

    90. Down the River

    Thai Movie - 2004

  • Driver

    91. Driver

    Thai Movie - 2017

  • É Ele

    92. É Ele

    Thai Special - 2018, 1 episode


  • Ele Está Vindo Para Mim

    93. Ele Está Vindo Para Mim

    Thai Drama - 2019, 8 episodes


    Truly one of the most unique BL to date. Not only the theme, but also the way that it's told and unravels.
    As everything else, it has flaws--at times, it can be a little bit melodramatic and slightly cheesy, but it's excusable since it's always heartfelt and genuine. The story might sound a bit too much for someone who's not a fan of supernatural themes--but believe me, you'll be okay with it. I'm REALLY not one for those themes, but I still fell for this one.

    The acting is absolutely superb--Singto, being the veteran BL pro-in-every-inch that he is, as usual, shows his skills and versatility. And paired up with the raw and natural talent of Ohm--who is one of my favourite young actors on a global scale--it can become nothing but awesome. If Ohm doesn't give you goosebumps and a lump in your throat (or even make you cry--I did, several times) in a couple of his strongest scenes, I'd be surprised. He's one of those that doesn't even seem to act. He just is.
    Side characters vary in delivery; Than's (Ohm) mom and friends (especially Sing, as Khiao-Khem) do a good job, while Mes' (Singto) ghost buddies bug the hell out of me. Especially Gunsmile, as Jeng, who once again goes haywire when put in a comedic role. It's too bad, because the guy CAN act. He just doesn't have any moderation when he goes comedy. 

    There are heavy themes and sadness in this one, but overall, it's just really sweet and light-hearted. Actually, it's quite paradoxal. It's silly and filled with gags--yet profound and quite thought-provoking. Sad--yet very happy. But I guess that's fitting, since it's about life--and death.

    The production... It's sufficient. The budget is probably low, but it doesn't matter because it doesn't affect the result. The 90s music sets a nice frame and atmosphere.

    I didn't expect to like it and decided to watch it only because of Singto and Ohm--but it ended up as one of my all-time favs. It's just that special.

  • En of Love: Esta é uma história de amor

    94. En of Love: Esta é uma história de amor

    Thai Drama - 2020, 3 episodes

  • En of Love: Mecânica do Amor

    95. En of Love: Mecânica do Amor

    Thai Drama - 2020, 4 episodes

  • En of Love: TOSSARA

    96. En of Love: TOSSARA

    Thai Drama - 2020, 4 episodes


    Oh, God. Where do I even start? 

    The reviews for this first of the "En of Love" trilogy of mini dramas--were a slaughter-house. But I'll watch (almost) anything once. If for nothing else--at least to be able to trash it. I mean--it couldn't be QUITE that bad?

    It was.

    First cringe; A crazy, squealing fan going bonkers in an (utterly uninteresting) video rant. I don't want to see it in a shitload of dramas. (Which we do.) Second cringe; The intro song. (The whole OST is awful.) And thus began the major cringe-feast. 


    Cheesy. As in drowning in a swimming pool-sized fondue pot level of cheesy.
    Far-fetched. As in--the assigned bottom (sigh), even giving in to the out-of-nowhere courting, was about as believable as Kim Jong-Un's unicorns.
    Win. (In the role of Gun.) Who casted this guy?! He's about as good an actor as a some poor kid assigned to play a tree in a school play. Stiff, flat, monotone and (I'm sorry;) came off as more than a little bit... intellectually challenged. Both the character and the actor. And (if to be even more mean;) he's not fit for the role of a supposedly super-hot uni idol that people will walk over corpses to date. I actually LIKE non-gorgeous leads, but it just becomes weird when a whole school shrieks and faints over a really plain, clumsy, dorky dude who just screams "Forrest Gump".

    Techs and production were fair. Acting from everyone else, varied between "uhh" and "totally okay". Folk (Bar) has promise, with a bit more experience. He's definitely the one redeeming factor of this crap.

    But overall, this was just awful. A corny, sleazy, syrupy, illogical mess.

    However--I don't hand out "1" ratings, unless it's an absolute catastrophe of epic levels. The extremes of "1" and "10" should be very sparsely used, IMO. A "4" is fair, taking everything into consideration. I.e.--significantly below average.

  • Enchanté

    97. Enchanté

    Thai Drama - 2022, 10 episodes

  • Entre Nós

    98. Entre Nós

    Thai Drama - 2022, 12 episodes

    Sequel/Parallel story to "Until We Meet Again", but focusing on the story of Win and Team.
    (Looking forward to this since I do like these guys--but there just wasn't enough time for them in the parent story, so they just became a filler in that one...)

    Upcoming 2021.

  • Escritor Adorável

    99. Escritor Adorável

    Thai Drama - 2021, 12 episodes

  • Especial Junto Comigo: A Série

    100. Especial Junto Comigo: A Série

    Thai Special - 2017, 1 episode


    Special for drama "Together With Me".
