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Eu chorei muito
No outro dia quando estava prestes a dormir vi um vídeo sobre esta curta e decidi vê-lo. Pensei que seria aborrecido, mas depois mudei a minha maneira de pensar.Começarei por falar sobre os meus primeiros pensamentos ao visualizá-lo. Ao início quando vi o rapaz na cama pensei, meu Deus, ele morre no início, mas depois esqueci-me ata que ficou doente. Gostei muito de como foi e no final chorei, não por causa da morte, mas por causa da miúda.
Por outro lado, o desempenho é muito bom. Se fossem piores atores, isto não chegaria tanto aos nossos corações.
Só isso, espero que gostassem tanto como do que eu gostei. beijos
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vida na vila sofrida
achei que seria uma historia de terror ou bem mais suspense do que foi, porém gosto das reviravolta e de como o principal vai se moldando e tentando resolver as coisas para não volta o que era antes pois só quem já passou por momentos ruins e uma vida sofrida como é apavorante retomar a ela quando você consegue se libertar,mesmo com os métodos errados só assim conseguem se dá bem.
não recomendo pois não é todo mundo que gosta desse tipo de filme, eu adoro então .
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Um filme que te prende, mas deixa a desejar em alguns pontos.
Se tem algo que amo são suspenses psicológicos - aqueles que mexem com nosso emocional, nos deixa tensas e roendo as unhas. Bem, Unlocked cumpriu isso em partes - ele te envolve, deixa levemente agoniada; mas em contrapartida para quem ama e é acostumado com o gênero (tipo eu), sai um tanto quanto frustrado - afinal esperava um mistério mais tenso e denso e para mim soou muito óbvio; o suspense, a parte maníaca do personagem deixou muito a desejar; mas bem, ainda assim me vi presa e querendo ver onde tudo iria dar e bem... o desfecho me deixou com uma imensa sensação de: tá, só isso? E agora?Mas para quem está iniciando no gênero é fato que irá amar e quem sabe sair um pouco neurótico; já para os amantes do gênero... irão sair satisfeitos, mas sem aquela sensação de ter assistido algo memorável.
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Estava pé atras porque é sobre novas tecnologias e etc, mas quando vi a sinopse e vi que se podia tratar de algo mais sentimental eu dei uma chance. O filme em si está interessante, achei que tem MUITAS partes desnecessárias, de conversa fiada.Achei que iriam explorar mais a relação da cientista com a Jung_E, mas foi em vão... tudo isso só serviu para ela no final a soltar e apagar as memórias dela... (??), mudar a mente dela para um robot sem expressões e deixa-la ir.
Eu entendi a intenção dela, mas para mim não fez muito sentido sair de lá num corpo de robot e fugir para sei lá onde num mundo apocalíptico ...
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This movie is an experience… The ending is… a choice.
I struggle with collecting my thoughts after finishing it. It was something else.The funniest thing is - I knew the spoiler. But I did not remember it till I was way past half way through the movie. So when the memory hit me I was just praying the whole time it was my imagination.
While many people say the twist, revelation, the ending was THE factor that made the movie huge, personally I would probably rate it higher with something “less”. I found out the truth and thought - that’s it? That’s the motivation? For all the shit that happened, it felt a bit underwhelming. That said, the storytelling was extremely solid and the tension, thrills and piling up frustration was so high I had to take a break halfway through the movie. My brain was just filled with question marks.
For many the motivation and the extent of the imprisonment and why it happened was the reveal, the plot twist. For me? The last scene of the movie That’s when the true traumatic experience starts and ends, leaving the viewer in a state of complete shock.
Many describe Old Boy as a cinematic experience, and with that I have to agree. Putting aside the shocking aspects of it, it’s just an extremely well made, well edited, well acted and directed movie. Masterfully crafted.
Overall, I think I need a few business days to come to terms with what I just watched.
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Gripping plot, I wish it went even deeper on characterization for more emotional payoff
The movie follows the story of a duo of scammers, brother and sister, as they are grifting on old people, leading a very despicable lifestyle. They are living in a parallel world to regular society, full of misfits and scums. It is not necessarily an anti-hero tale but rather a dark thriller as they are trapped in an infernal spiral of events following succession of very bad decisions as well as very poor family background.I think some of the emotional, more intense moments could have been elevated even more. I feel we were deprived of emotional payoff relating the fate of some of the characters. I think the heroine was so cold, despite having some fit of rage that sometimes scenes that could have been heart-gutting were handled in a too detached manner. There were of course some clear bonds between characters and I loved the relationship between the heroine and her younger brother. But it could have been even more elevated: as the script could have spent even more time detailing the sibling relationship, making it even more twisted to accentuate that unhealthy but also ultra solid bond they share.
Even though I wish Ando Sakura (who played Neri, the main protagonist) would have been able to show more range and nuance, especially in the more sweet or painful moments...I liked her overall. What brought the story to life was the gallery of characters who are surrounding her: there are many colorful support roles that were very well-played with the right touch of craziness and darkness. Yamada Ryosuke, as the other main role, is shining in his part. His character is the triggering factor of the events and he is the driving force of the movie.
The production value was very good. The decors in which the characters are evolving are really well made. The costumes are participating is setting up the characters in a very efficient way, allowing the viewer to grasp what's not directly told...The music is not memorable but felt fitting for the movie.
I would recommend this to people that are looking for a dark thriller. There is some psychological aspect to it that I really enjoyed but I wish it would have been pushed even further. There are a lot of interesting elements relating to the relationship between the two main roles that could have been elaborated more for deeper emotional payoff. However, it was still a pretty exciting story to follow with a lot of craziness and darkness. I don't think it aims to make us love the protagonists neither to provide a well rounded social critic. But it is in overall pretty entertaining and quite captivating.
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Напружений сюжет і сильні емоції
Фільм "Поїзд до Пусана" вразив мене своєю драматичністю та динамікою. Це не просто історія про зомбі-апокаліпсис, а розповідь про людські стосунки, жертви та справжню силу любові до ближнього.Акторська гра заслуговує на найвищу оцінку. Гон Ю в ролі батька продемонстрував глибокі переживання та внутрішній конфлікт, тоді як Кім Су Ан, яка грає його доньку, змусила мене повірити в кожну емоцію. Особливо вразили другорядні персонажі, які вносили додаткову напругу та співчуття.
Музичний супровід гармонійно підкреслював напруження, а динамічні сцени тримали в постійному напруженні до самого фіналу.
Фільм залишив сильне враження, але повторний перегляд, можливо, буде складним через емоційне навантаження. Рекомендую тим, хто цінує глибокі людські історії в жанрі жахів.
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idk about this one.
I didn’t feel the chemistry and everything felt rushed in their relationship.
Also what grossed me out was how the students were talking abt her being grapped…like uhm wtf?? even the girls in her class were basically just being straight up mean and mocking her. So cliche and messed up.
the cast is good, the acting is good as well but personally I think it could have been better. the music is good but…
Rewatch value obviously is low for me but it was a good one-time movie so try it out yourself to make up your own opinion
Anyways Otomo is my fav character because he’s well thought and unlike Kou, was always there for Natsume
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Sweaty hands that wrecked my heart...A brutal and nuanced story
This short movie managed to convey a fully fleshed story featuring two characters that clearly love each other in different way. Love can be hurtful when not reciprocated at the same level but different kind of love can coexist without one being necessarily more powerful than another. I think there was some room to do much more with the script but given the duration of the movie, they effectively convey the point of the story.Honestly, the scenario got me teary-eyed a couple of times which is quite an impressive achievement for a movie of only 19 minutes. The acting was pretty good: I totally believed in the feelings portrayed on screen by Bible and Jes. Maybe for some scenes, it could have been even more raw but they found a right balance to have the characters act naturally in some heart-wrenching situation.
The production value was quite good with a soundtrack fitting the melodramatic arc of the story. It was maybe a bit overpowering and could had been toned down, but nothing really deterrent to the story depicted.
I would recommend this movie to people that are looking for a short emotional story that will leave you with a strong lasting impression. It might wreck you heart but it is worth a shot for the simplicity in which it portrays two characters loving each other albeit somewhat differently.
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A sci-fi GL film with potential
Being Thailand's first space film, Uranus2324 seems rather promising and has a lot of potential but falls short in many aspects. I watched it three times to get to the point of writing this review.I like the idea of star-crossed lovers caught between the sea and the sky (or space), but the story itself falls a bit flat. The screenplay really drags it down. The conflicts and emotional parts are there, but the lack of a solid background story makes it difficult for me to fully invest in their journey and emotional connection. Even after watching it three times, the overall vibe still feels pretty shallow. But what I found refreshing is how this film sidesteps the topic of sexual orientation. The love shared between Kath and Lin feels very natural, and there’s no scrutiny surrounding it.
The transitions between different periods and parallel worlds are also not as smooth as they should be, making it hard for me to stay engaged throughout the film. The special effects are not bad, but occasionally feel unpolished. If the CGI had been more refined, I would've been more immersed in the experience.
Despite the shortcomings, there are a couple of redeeming qualities that make this film worth your time. First off, the cinematography is great. I'm a sucker for beauty shots, and the camerawork really captures the essence of the story in a visually appealing way. The use of color, light, and composition effectively enhances the on-screen storytelling. And let’s not forget the action scenes; those fighting, freediving and spaceship sequences are quite impressive. Another highlight is FreenBecky’s natural chemistry. Their on-screen dynamic is palpable and authentic. It helps carry the film through its weaker moments. They’ve got some serious acting chops! The way they embrace new challenges and step out of their comfort zone truly brings great results in the end.
Even though it didn't hit the mark, Uranus2324 is still a decent watch. It's a good effort overall, but if only it came with a bit more polish in the script and story pacing, it could easily become a standout sci-fi GL film.
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Film impegnativo, non per gli amanti dell'intrattenimento
Un film, questo, che non è per tutti. Certo non per chi cerca una BL facile e spensierata.A dire il vero, qui non parlerei nemmeno di BL. Se vediamo tre piani diversi, quello individuale, quello di coppia, e quello relativo al contesto esterno, è proprio il piano intermedio ad essere meno rappresentato. Non c'è una storia di coppia, insomma.
Ci sono scene che, come passaggi fondamentali, portano passo dopo passo allo sviluppo dei due protagonisti e, di conseguenza, all'interazione tra di loro e col mondo esterno.
Ambientato subito dopo l'abolizione della legge marziale a Taiwan, in un momento sì di grandi cambiamenti, ma dove il tema dell'omosessualità è ancora visto come un problema e l'omofobia spopola.
Due giovani studenti s'incontrano e devono ciascuno venire a patti con sentimenti che non avevano messo in conto di provare. Jia Han è forse il personaggio più lineare e facile da leggere: viene travolto dalla presenza di Birdy come un tornado - inizialmente è proprio quest'ultimo che, complice un carattere impulsivo e volte un po' sopra le righe, promuove infatti momenti condivisi tra i due - e una volta compresi e accettati i propri sentimenti rimarrà sostanzialmente fedele ad essi. Il suo amore nei confronti di Birdy resisterà a tutto, alla convinzione di non essere corrisposto, alla mancanza di coraggio di Birdy nel fare insieme a lui quel passo così difficile.
Birdy è decisamente più criptico e tormentato: se il sentimento, possiamo supporre, è lo stesso, la reazione è ben diversa. Si rifugia nella negazione, situazione che sicuramente fa soffrire Jia Han ma che deve essere devastante in primis per lui, vittima di un conflitto interno che cerca di soffocare ma che, di fatto, è sempre lì presente.
La scena nella doccia - banale se letta solo sotto il punto di vista fisico - rappresenta il momento in cui i nodi vengono al pettine. Birdy si ritrova messo a nudo - ovviamente non non mi riferisco alla mancanza di vestiti - e incapace di negare ancora una volta i propri sentimenti. Se Jia Han lo costringe a un'ammissione non verbale, lo stesso Birdy, subito dopo, compie un atto sincero, il bacio da parte sua a Jia Han, quasi unidirezionale, a sottolineare come gli argini appena rotti abbiano permesso a Birdy una manifestazione veramente sua e veramente onesta. C'è quindi un'ammissione, un atto liberatorio, e dunque le scuse. C'è la verità assoluta, in quella scena. Verità che però torna a trovarsi in forte contrasto con la vita quotidiana: pur essendosi lasciato andare, pur avendo mostrato a Jia Han che il sentimento era ricambiato, Birdy non riesce a compiere la scelta di stare al suo fianco. Non potendo però più nemmeno negare, l'allontanamento diventa la sua unica opzione (la scena sulla spiaggia stempererà un addio altrimenti troppo tragico, sottolineerà il difficile bivio tra ciò che si vuole e i limiti che non si riesce a superare).
Il finale non lo definirei un happy ending, ma nemmeno un finale triste o propriamente aperto. E' una conclusione doverosa, che da senso al tutto. Non può essere un lieto fine, perchè anche se si sono incontrati nuovamente sono comunque passati 30 anni ed è evidente che la vita che avrebbero voluto/potuto rimarrà un mero desiderio. Di fatto, la loro vita è comunque trascorsa, impossibile riavvolgerla. L'ammissione di Birdy, però, è davvero importante, poichè al di là del risultato da un senso a tutto quanto è stato. Cosa può esserci dopo questo finale non è ben chiaro, forse un avvicinamento, forse qualcosa di più, non credo sia importante. Tra i due, Jia Han è rimasto fedele a sè stesso e ai propri sentimenti, indipendentemente dagli eventi. Più triste forse la situazione di Birdy, che ai tempi della loro frequentazione prima ha negato e poi non è comunque riuscito a trovare la forza di seguire i suoi sentimenti, per poi vivere una vita di facciata che non poteva che - alla lunga - andare a rotoli.
Oltre alla vita di coppia che tra i due non c'è stata, ha anche il rimpianto di averci messo una vita a venire davvero a patti con sè stesso (aver mostrato in adolescenza i suoi sentimenti piuttosto che la telefonata fatta l'anno successivo, sono più momenti di cedimento isolati, che non può negare ma ai quali reagisce proseguendo comunque sulla strada che aveva scelto)
Concludendo, un film impegnativo, che ha una sola chiave di lettura: non è una storia che può essere apprezzata superficialmente e che nasconde però significati più profondi. C'è solo la seconda parte, occorre essere disposti a fermarsi, capirla, in certi passaggi pure a rivederla, per comprenderla veramente. Non c'è intrattenimento, se è quello che si va cercando, anche in minima parte, il risultato non può essere che deludente.
Ma resta un prodotto davvero di spessore, credo poco appetibile ai più, ma innegabilmente valido.
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A história se inicia com um jovem totalmente desinteressado pelas mulheres, a vida e tudo a sua volta aparentemente, mas quando conhece a Mido Shizuka algo o faz despertar a curiosidade e no decorrer do filme é possível ver como o seu olhar em relação as pessoas e até seus próprios sentimentos amadurece e são descobertos.As cenas explicitas dão aquele toque quente ao filme, porém vai muito além de um hot drama. Tenho percebido que os dramas que abordam essa questão de sexo e conteúdo +18 seja no Japão, Tailândia, China ou Coreia, abordam assuntos nas profundezas que me fazem refletir em cada momento.
O que é o sexo? O que é o amor? O que é fetiche, perversão e quem é quem para julgar?
O final poderia ter um pouco mais do amadurecimento dele em relação a algumas questões e achei que a relação final da Mido Shizuka, Sakura e do Ryou um tanto quanto simbólica porém levanta algumas questões não tão "convencionais".
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Somewhat weak case but well presented
I really liked the first season of the show so I was looking forward to the movie a lot. It wasn't quite what I expected and it didn't really feel like something that needed a whole movie dedicated to it, as far as the importance to the overarching plot of the show is concerned (the connection to Garo was flimsy at best), but it shared enough of the same vibes the first season had to be an enjoyable watch.(Spoilers beyond this part!!)
- Now while I said that it felt weird that this particular case got a movie by itself, it defenitely benefitted from the length and detail afforded to it by the movie format. It was very dedicated to setting up the right atmosphere and giving the characters time to show or process their emotions, something that might not have been possible time wise, had it been in the episodic format of the show.
- Totono as a character was exactly as I have come to know and love him in season one, so no surprises there. It really did feel a lot like a faithful continuation of the story and while some of his 'human nature rants' as I like to call them felt a little out of nowhere, they did manage to tie those into the story as well in the end. Did they sound a little abrubtly preachy? Yes, but not really more so than during the show, so it wasn't really unexpected. The bit about therapy at the end I especially support, the whole family shoud really get some by the end of this...
- There was no over the top questionable acting from any of the characters, but there were some standout performances for me. Shioji's acrtess didn't shine much during the normal or happy scenes of her character but she really nailed the emotional scenes. Be it the moody teenage angst or the heartbreaking grief at the end, as soon as she got to portray more complex emotions she really stole the scene! Same goes for the murderer, who was bland throughout (probably by design) but gave a quite convincing and nuanced performance during his arrest. The way he petulantly started lashing out at everyone and how his whole demeanor changed was as unexpected as it was good. It showed how skewed and unstable the character really was below his unremarkable appearance.
- By far the weakest part of this movie (and my biggest gripe with it) was the plot. Or rather the motivation for the antagonists that brought about the plot. While killing people who looked a certain way that didn't fit in with the original family might have made sense during the first few generations to avoid suspicion, there really was no point to keep doing it in modern times. It could be easily explained through people marrying into the family and in turn, continuing the murders based on appearnace was incredibly suspicious. It just makes no sense that the people involved would't have thought of that at all, so it seems really contrived, especially since the parents digging into the story should have been enough motive to keep the murders and therefore the plot going.
- This might be a personal problem from watching too many similar shows but the 'bad guy' was really predictable. As soon as a character shows up that doesn't really have to be there story wise who also acts too friendly or unremarkable it immediatly seems suspicious to me, but this is more of a pet peeve than anything :P
- I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have liked this movie much as a standalone, so it really is more like an extra long episode for fans of the show than anything else. The story itself doesn't need any prior knowledge from the first season, but Totono's character and his oddities are well established throught he prior episodes, so both the way he acts and the way the case unfolds might seem a little odd if you haven't gotten used to it from the show.
Mostly though it's that the case itself isn't really interesting enough to carry the whole movie, so unless you're a fan of the show (or at least another format of mystery to iunakare) I wouldn't really recommend watching.
TLDR: If you liked the show you'll probably like the movie, unless you're very particular about the case having to make sense, then you probably won't. It wasn't outstanding but if you just want to see Totono be Totono then it's an easy watch and a good way to pass the time while waiting for the second season.
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Fell a little flat
This film has a really interesting premise but I don't know if it adequately established a feeling of paranoia for me, which is what it was going for by the second half. I didn't really connect to the characters, though I still enjoyed the direction that the plot went in. The twist happens a little late.Esta resenha foi útil para você?
Good old Chinese action comedy
Jackie! Panda! Kung fu! It doesn't get much more Chinese than thatI wanted a fun stupid action comedy and I got exactly what I was looking for.
Being a Jackie fan since about 20 years ago, I can't say that there were any big surprises. The story is nothing new, the execution and the quirky characters make it fun. I especially enjoyed Shi Ce playing the panda caretaker, that is scared to bits, but goes out and beyond to protect the little Panda baby. Some parts of the CGI look sloppy, others are really detailed. They did put a lot of effort into the Panda, which makes sense seeing it's the main star of the movie.
To me this movie's charm lies in the fact that you get the good old stunts, but some new faces and a pinch of self-irony.
Jackie, playing himself, looks tired and the fighting is visibly exhausting him, even with his hair dyed you can tell that he is old. Well, because he is old! He is an aging action movie actor, that still keeps on going, because people love what he does. And he himself loves it too, but he also just wants to sit down and enjoy his ice cream sometimes. (one of my favourite scenes)
But I'd argue that you don't need to be his fan to enjoy the movie. You do have to enjoy this kind of slapstick comedy though.
I'd probably rewatch for the same reason I've rewatched Jackie's other movies countless times - for the fun and well choreographed fight scenes.
I do hope Jackie will enjoy his retirement at one point, but until then I am happy to see some more Action!
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