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Eu chorei muito
No outro dia quando estava prestes a dormir vi um vídeo sobre esta curta e decidi vê-lo. Pensei que seria aborrecido, mas depois mudei a minha maneira de pensar.Começarei por falar sobre os meus primeiros pensamentos ao visualizá-lo. Ao início quando vi o rapaz na cama pensei, meu Deus, ele morre no início, mas depois esqueci-me ata que ficou doente. Gostei muito de como foi e no final chorei, não por causa da morte, mas por causa da miúda.
Por outro lado, o desempenho é muito bom. Se fossem piores atores, isto não chegaria tanto aos nossos corações.
Só isso, espero que gostassem tanto como do que eu gostei. beijos
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vida na vila sofrida
achei que seria uma historia de terror ou bem mais suspense do que foi, porém gosto das reviravolta e de como o principal vai se moldando e tentando resolver as coisas para não volta o que era antes pois só quem já passou por momentos ruins e uma vida sofrida como é apavorante retomar a ela quando você consegue se libertar,mesmo com os métodos errados só assim conseguem se dá bem.
não recomendo pois não é todo mundo que gosta desse tipo de filme, eu adoro então .
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Um filme que te prende, mas deixa a desejar em alguns pontos.
Se tem algo que amo são suspenses psicológicos - aqueles que mexem com nosso emocional, nos deixa tensas e roendo as unhas. Bem, Unlocked cumpriu isso em partes - ele te envolve, deixa levemente agoniada; mas em contrapartida para quem ama e é acostumado com o gênero (tipo eu), sai um tanto quanto frustrado - afinal esperava um mistério mais tenso e denso e para mim soou muito óbvio; o suspense, a parte maníaca do personagem deixou muito a desejar; mas bem, ainda assim me vi presa e querendo ver onde tudo iria dar e bem... o desfecho me deixou com uma imensa sensação de: tá, só isso? E agora?Mas para quem está iniciando no gênero é fato que irá amar e quem sabe sair um pouco neurótico; já para os amantes do gênero... irão sair satisfeitos, mas sem aquela sensação de ter assistido algo memorável.
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Estava pé atras porque é sobre novas tecnologias e etc, mas quando vi a sinopse e vi que se podia tratar de algo mais sentimental eu dei uma chance. O filme em si está interessante, achei que tem MUITAS partes desnecessárias, de conversa fiada.Achei que iriam explorar mais a relação da cientista com a Jung_E, mas foi em vão... tudo isso só serviu para ela no final a soltar e apagar as memórias dela... (??), mudar a mente dela para um robot sem expressões e deixa-la ir.
Eu entendi a intenção dela, mas para mim não fez muito sentido sair de lá num corpo de robot e fugir para sei lá onde num mundo apocalíptico ...
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Suspenseful, but I liked it a little less than Blind
My biggest complaint with this movie was the cinematography. There was a lot of crazy camera work that was apparently supposed to put us in her shoes, but she was blind, so every time that happened, it killed the suspense for me.There were some periods when the acting was less than stellar, but not throughout the whole thing, thankfully.
I liked this movie from the standpoint that we got to see what happened in his past that made the perp a bad guy. I also liked that they didn't kill off the detective like they did in Blind. And since it was a newer movie, the social media aspect worked really well.
I also liked the end where her new "brother" was in a band in a tribute to her brother that died.
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Main story that feels like a side-plot.
I’m sad to say, but there was something strangely satisfying about this movie. It did not feel like the main story. It felt like one of the side plots in a drama. A bit wishy-washy.Yes, the story was technically moving. Love how it showcases disability focused on the children and how it affects them and their guardians. I also truly appreciated the focus on communication and the patience needed to create a bond with a child who does not use the usual channels of communication we know.
The acting was amazing, especially from Jung Seo Yeon who was only 7 when she portrayed Eun Hye. And yet, while the movie made me smile from time to time and the interactions between Eun Hye and Jae Shik were adorable, I was never truly moved.
Maybe because there was just too much going on plot wise? MLs failed career, gangsters on his ass, hunting for the “aunt”, then side plots with the watermelons and that small family, his bond with Eun Hye. At the end everything felt underwhelming.
Overall, I liked it, but did not love it. Maybe it would work better in a longer format, or with some plots trimmed.
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Não precisa pôr nem tirar
Do começo ao fim, achei sem defeitos.Me senti assistindo a um vlog daqueles que a pessoa quase não fala, isso no sentido de que o ator principal parecia não estar atuando, mas mostrando sua própria rotina (atuação 10/10 pro Koji, que profissional incrível).
Uma vida simples, mas cheia de gratidão. Nada de grandioso acontece, mas não precisa, e essa é a vida que a gente espera ter - na simplicidade, mas que difícil é.
Assistir a esse filme é como sentar em um lugar calmo e observar tudo o que existe em volta, mesmo que não seja quase nada, apenas uma árvore balançando seus galhos. É aquele respiro que a gente quer dar depois da correria e do nosso imediatismo. A esperança que encontramos para sermos pessoas melhores nos inspirando no protagonista, que vive um dia de cada vez.
Uma história que podia seguir por caminhos diferentes, mas que se deu ao trabalho de - não, não vamos desenvolver isso, vamos seguir sem mostrar nenhum desfecho -, de forma que não seguiu com nada mirabolante, e pra mim isso foi incrível. É um recorte da vida de uma pessoa que, mesmo que tenha problemas como qualquer outra, não deixa de ser feliz e vive no contentamento. Pareceu muito real pra mim.
Duas horas se passaram como num piscar de olhos. Fiquei com vontade de mais, mesmo que esse "mais" fosse a mesmice de cada dia.
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A sensitive and wonderful film
The film is a decade old, but at the same time, in terms of the plot, it is timeless, and it is true that it is supernatural, but at the same time the most sensitive and human, there is unconditional love in it. The casting is perfect, as is the soundtrack, and the film rightly received so many awards and praise. The actress Han Hyo Joo is wonderful and plays the role perfectly with a quiet and penetrating voice. I highly recommend it 10/10. I also recommend watching the drama of the same name, The Beauty Inside, which has the same great plot (instead of a man who changes characters every day, in the drama it is a woman who changes once a month, and falls in love with a man who has a disease that he does not recognize, (a disease that exists in real life) and how both of them do not give up on love and bridge the gaps.Esta resenha foi útil para você?
carino, ma finale boh
Brave Citizen, movie del 2023Voto personale 7,5
"Un'ex campionessa di pugilato ora lavora come supplente in una scuola superiore e che, dopo aver assistito a violenze intollerabili, decide di farsi giustizia da sola"
Bel cast e anche la storia, forse avrei gestito il finale in maniera diversa, ma nel complesso, lo consiglio.... Vi lascio il link
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l was shocked
well l actually expected a typical BL but damn this film got me shocked ,l think it's worth watching ,Jeff and all the other actors did an amazing job,though l was cussing throughout the whole movie l still recommended itnow I'm gonna spend the rest of the week thinking about it😭😭Jeff why did you do this to me?😭😭
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A huge downshift
In its attempt to one-up The Peacock King, Saga of the Phoenix unfortunately feels like a massive downturn often coming across as a huge internal battle between two directors whose styles do not fit together, cutting the darker and more adult fantasy elements to make it more kid-friendly was a poor move. Poor Yuen Biao spends most of the film encased in ice and nobody seems to care, granted the sequences helmed by Lam Nai-Choi are a sight to behold with plenty of great special effects work and dazzling production design, however, the action is sorely lacking even if it is rather well shot. Nobody ever sets out to make a bad film but sometimes even the best intentions go badly awry, there's a wealth of oddness and general daftness to keep you entertained but it lacks what made its predecessor special. Granted the film does earn an extra brownie point with me for having Zatōichi himself, Shintarō Katsu, in the film even if it is a relatively small role. By the time Biao returns to the film to set things straight, the damage has been done. Truth be told, the film is passable in spurts but sadly, it's also 25 minutes too long. The scope of Saga of the Phoenix may be smaller but there's still a lot of charming creativity which means I can't hate the effort, although catering the film for a younger demographic did not help matters and hurt its overall impact.Esta resenha foi útil para você?
Hear Me: Our Summer Review - ZyKuu
"Actions speak louder than words" - The story was very simple and easy to follow. There was a gentle atmosphere this movie laid out that allows the viewer to be calm in enjoyment. Two nitpicks I have pertain to the dynamic of both main leads Yong-jun and Yeo-reum. I feel as if their relationship did not develop naturally or at a reasonable pace. Also, I believe that there was bit of romance lacking between them. The cast was very small in this project. Yeon-jun's parents were fabulous as they nailed their roles as expected. The secondary couple I wish had more interactions and screen time. Ga-eul was a character I wish we got to spend more time with as I found her story interesting. The background OST was nice and helped set the mood when needed. This film delivers important messages about family and life that many people can relate to. I am also laser focused on learning ASL as one day there may be a time it might come handy, along with making the people who communicate using this language feel more comfortable. I highly recommend checking out this film if you have some free time!Esta resenha foi útil para você?
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"Amah, you're my number one."
One scene that stuck with me is when the grandmother seeks help from her wealthy brother, only to be met with indifference, which broke my heart at how success, hard work, and failure can divide families or create unspoken tensions, which reflect inequalities that exist within even the closest bonds. I couldn’t help but think of my brother and hope the both of us never lose sight of having compassion for each other as we age.It captures the bittersweet journey of aging and the richness of a life fully lived, even as it approaches its end. It reminds me of the struggles, joys, and sacrifices that shape a person's life over the years. It’s a poignant reminder that every elderly person has a unique history filled with experiences that deserve to be acknowledged and cherished.
Grandma’s story serves as a gentle reminder that, at the end of the day, success and failure matter far less than the love and care we give each other. It’s those moments of kindness and connection that truly endure.
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Flop ending
the movie was doin good till her husband decided to b a cuckold and she exposed her video like that s bravery? lol what a joke, she s nothin but a parasite, at least the husband had some rationality and goodwill behind his acts.. the wife was just a shameless dirty mop where people wiped their shoes..i know they both cheated, but the context s different. For him sex was out of lust, but in the wife s affair, sex was a tool to fulfil her greed and ascend the ladder. which makes it more disgusting and degrading.
that lube sex scene was unnecessarily too long.. i understand they were showin us how that art was bein made with her gripping the sheets durin the act.. but it was too fkn long to look at
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One of the Saddest Movie I Ever Watched.
When I Started it i thought It would a good movie with a happy ending, but in the end I was crying...................................................................................................................
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