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- Título original: องศาสูญ
- Também conhecido como:
- Diretor: New Siwaj Sawatmaneekul
- Roteirista: Salil Utchariyakorn Sirikam
- Gêneros: Romance, Drama, Sobrenatural
Onde assistir Absolute Zero
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Elenco e Créditos
- Tor Supakorn WuttinansurasitOngsaPapel Principal
- Mix Wanut SangtianprapaiSuansoonPapel Principal
- Toey Puwanat RuengvesOngsa [Older]Papel Principal
- Teng Kanist PiyapaphakornkoonSuansoon [Older]Papel Principal
- Sine Inthira CharoenpuraNunPapel Secundário
- Mint Benjanee WatcharavasoontaraNaPapel Secundário

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uma trama meio criminosa e meio confusa, porém vale a pena assistir
várias novelas que tem a temática de viajar no tempo sempre tem as mesmas regras. 1ª: sempre há um gatilho pra viagem, como por exemplo em animes como tokyo revengers no qual o protagonista viaja apertando a mão do irmão da ex namorada dele, 2ª: **geralmente** o protagonista acorda no corpo dele mesmo no passado e 3ª: o protagonista sempre tenta mudar oq vai acontecer no futuro.eu sinceramente não gosto que sigam todas essas regras necessáriamente já que eu assisto tanto dramas com viajem no tempo que essas 3 regras chega até ficar chato porque você sabe oq vai acontecer, apesar disso absolute zero não segue essas regras.
sinceramente eu acho que não havia necessidade nenhuma de ter mais de 3 visões durante o seriado (a do suasoon do passado, a do ongsa e do suasoon do futuro sem o ongsa) pq acaba q fica confuso mesmo sabendo q o ongsa vai ficar com todas as memórias (tanto as do passado quanto as do futuro).
(a seguir vem a minha indiguinação que contém spoilers cruciais da série então você vai ler por sua conta em risco, não é minha culpa se você ler já que esse é o segundo aviso de spoiler)
também tem aquela questão do age gap... cara... a relação do casal principal da série se baseou em um adulto de quase 30 anos se aproximando do amor da vida dele de 10 anos atrás (a série se passa em 2008-2018 apesar de ter sido lançada em 2023), e o pior de tudo, é que o ongsa realmente se apaixona por alguém teóricamente 10 anos mais velho do que ele. sei que suasoon e ongsa teriam a mesma idade em 2008 PORÉM O SUASOON DE 2018 TEM QUASE 30 ANOS ENQUANTO O ONGSA NÃO ERA NEM MAIOR DE IDADE QUANDO A HISTÓRIA DE COMO ELES REALMENTE SE CONHECERAM PELA PRIMEIRA VEZ, sério, apesar disso, é uma trama bem reconfortante se você tiver tempo já que todos os episódios possuem mais de 40 minutos de duração além dos episódios mais pra perto do final que começam a ter 50.
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absolutely needed better writing (watch suggestions)
Overall: I enjoy a series with a different premise, but unfortunately the writing/world building/pacing did not work for me. 12 episodes about 50 minutes each. Aired on iQIYI. Re-aired on Studio Wabi Sabi YouTube channel.Content Warnings: past death/grief, dub/non con touching, 10 year age gap with a highschooler*, manipulation
Watch suggestions: unless you enjoy very slow pacing, characters doing nonsense things, a bunch of crying and untold flashbacks here is my suggestion
1. Watch episode 1, at the end tell yourself that Ongsa died
2. pretend that Suansoon goes back in time and tries different things like having Ongsa avoid that location/day/time but none of them work, so then he tells Ongsa to not meet him at the movie theater
3. Ongsa ignores him, watch episode 7 (basically a retelling of episode 1 from Ongsa's perspective)
4. watch episode 8 where Ongsa learns the only thing to do is for them never to meet when in high school
5. Ongsa time jumps to the present, start watching episode 11 at 19 minutes (although there is a cute high school moment at the very beginning of episode 11)
6. Watch episode 12
What I Liked
- mysterious vibe/present
- how what happened in the first episode related to later episodes
- sweet moments
- Karn (Dear Doctor I'm Coming For Soul) in ep 12
Room For Improvement
- character actions didn't make sense, if Ongsa had actually died and then Suansoon went back and told Ongsa not to drive that day and he didn't but still died and we see Ongsa repeatedly going back trying to change things that would be interesting (like The Butterfly Effect) however Ongsa wasn't even dead and instead of being by his partner's side Suansoon started a romantic relationship with high school Ongsa in the past...
- *age gaps generally don't bother me but the adult Suansoon actor is 36 and he looked like it, past Ongsa is in high school (actor is 25 but looks much younger), it was very uncomfortable to see the adult Suansoon in a romantic relationship with a teenaged Ongsa (who didn't even know that they end up together for quite some time), and Suansoon touching Ongsa when he was sleeping was not romantic but came across as creepy, in general they should have shortened this time and focused more on young Ongsa/Suansoon and older Ongsa/Suansoon
- nonsense stuff, how did no one say anything about a highschooler romancing an almost 30 year old??? why wouldn't in the present Suansoon call Onga's parents/go to their house/look on social media/talk to mutual friends/do an internet search/hire a private investigator/hang up fliers/go to their old hangouts....he just cried
- slow pacing, there was a lot of hanging out in a coffee shop and crying
- a bunch of flashbacks
- really poor world building and a ton of "because the writer said so"
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