
Non, because is the love story of Min Ye ans Sang Jiu. They entered in a dream.

No, I'm not talking about that. There is another dream sequence that is shown in the bts that is different from that. And according to the potentially leaked script, it will occur sometime during ep 37 - 40. It's when TTJ turns back into the devil god. 

In the leak, he whisk them off to a dream world he created where they get to relive the new years that had when they had the snowball fight. It's when she asks him if it's too late to turn back and then they kiss. 


Here is the leaked script the leaked script of TTEOM..

The characters are in mandarin you clik in each characters beginning with (长月烬明第三十)

So when you enter in the wesite you will see this: ( I put the translation.)

长月烬明第四十集 ( Episode 40 ) End

长月烬明第三十九集 (Episode 39)

长月烬明第三十八集 (Episode 38)

长月烬明第三十七集 (Episode 37)

长月烬明第三十六集 (Episode 36)

长月烬明第三十五集 (Episode 35)

长月烬明第三十四集 (Episode 34)

长月烬明第三十三集 (Episode 33)


长月烬明剧本第一集 ( Episode 1)

For the translation you have to save each page as picture and with google translate images you get the translation in wherever language you prefer.

Is this legit, like the real script? I don't know since I don't know or understand Chinese. Shouldn't the script be protected or copyrighted? 

 Sirry Usly:

No, I'm not talking about that. There is another dream sequence that is shown in the bts that is different from that. And according to the potentially leaked script, it will occur sometime during ep 37 - 40. It's when TTJ turns back into the devil god. 

In the leak, he whisk them off to a dream world he created where they get to relive the new years that had when they had the snowball fight. It's when she asks him if it's too late to turn back and then they kiss. 

Yes according to the leak script all this happened so maybe is there when their daughter is conceive. I’m traying to translate those pages because I want to find out when they daughter where conceived. And sorry I don’t know how to Write here as spoiler. 


Yes according to the leak script all this happened so maybe is there when their daughter is conceive. I’m traying to translate those pages because I want to find out when they daughter where conceived. And sorry I don’t know how to Write here as spoiler. 

You have to click the grey triangle with an exclamation point and highlight the text to make it a spoiler. But yeah it happens sometime around 38 - 40 according to what I found. I don't think it'll be explicitly stated. I think it's the dream sequence because it says in the next scene that when she wakes up TTJ is gone and she has to go look for him. Honestly, I hope they change some part of the leaked script because I want to actually see him see his kid.


Is this legit, like the real script? I don't know since I don't know or understand Chinese. Shouldn't the script be protected or copyrighted? 

Some parts that have already aired were somewhat accurate so some things have been changed but yes this is a leak. I don't know how this got leaked or if the ending episodes will remain the same. I honestly doubt it cause they are probably aware of the situation so they changed things. 


Yes according to the leak script all this happened so maybe is there when their daughter is conceive. I’m traying to translate those pages because I want to find out when they daughter where conceived. And sorry I don’t know how to Write here as spoiler. 

At the end of the the script suggests like the last 5 min before the script ends 

 Anandi Dutta:

At the end of the the script suggests like the last 5 min before the script ends 

Yes is a rushed ending, so I’m trying to translate after the tower scene to find out about the daughter maybe is when TTJ find Su Su in the inmortal realm after his cultivation. Because I know he will turn  evil and sacrifices him self and dies , so then he reincarnated and that’s where whe saw him in the las 5 minutes at the ending,


Yes is a rushed ending, so I’m trying to translate after the tower scene to find out about the daughter maybe is when TTJ find Su Su in the inmortal realm after his cultivation. Because I know he will turn  evil and sacrifices him self and dies , so then he reincarnated and that’s where whe saw him in the las 5 minutes at the ending,

I feel maybe this scene will also not be included in the drama as already tons of scenes are being cut plus most of the actors revealed that it will be a BE

 Anandi Dutta:

I feel maybe this scene will also not be included in the drama as already tons of scenes are being cut plus most of the actors revealed that it will be a BE

Too many cuts which lead to confusion will make the drama lose the essence.  Not worth watching now,