Abandonados 11/14
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Fev 6, 2024
11 of 14 episódios vistos
Abandonados 0
No geral 1.0
História 1.0
Acting/Cast 1.0
Musical 1.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
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Soft Porn Trainwreck

Much like a train wreck I couldn’t look away. But before the explosion I decided to look away because I cannot unsee what I had seen already. I don’t need to see the end to know the death of this series.

I read somewhere that some of the actors are Only Fans broadcasters. I am not sure if this is true but it would make sense for the NC scenes and the zero acting ability.

For Nant, I don’t understand this character at all. Other than he was a plot device. There is no character development. I didn’t even see him in the first scene and had to rewind when his twin Non’t showed up.

How can the friends not know Non’t is not Nant? But then again all the friends are super fvcked up people.

How can Prom just hook up with Non’t after he knows it’s not Nant? It’s weird. Prom was supposedly in love with Nant. He even helped him fake his suicide to help him escape loan sharks. I thought Prom was Playboyy’s owner but it’s the pedophiler Daddy JasonLee.

Zouey and Teena are an odd couple. Teena comes across as the Only Fans broadcaster because dude just stands around looking like a prop except when he has to perform sex acts.

Yuck to First. Seriously the insertion of objects into the butt. The fisting. And biting someone’s d!ck. Soong and Pune most really need the money thst bad to put up with it. Good for Soong leaving but to upend ups it’s another psycho like Daddy Jason Lee.

Captain can rot in hell. Good that Keen found out about him and made him think he’s still with Puen. I want him to suffer in heartbreak. Shit I want someone to pistol whip some sense into him.

Porsche doesn’t deserve Jump. I am glad Jump has journalist side piece. I want them together and Porsche can deal with Daddy Jason Lee on his own.

Maybe Phop and Nuth belong together. They are both orange flag with one going green and the other red. That’s how they are coming off.

At this point I don’t care who kill Nant. Most likely Daddy JasonLee. Or will I wast any more time watching the last episode.

Even scrubbing through at 2x isn’t helping to save this self inflicted torture

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2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mar 3, 2024
14 of 14 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 6.5
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 3.0
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I truly hoped for better, especially since the story sounded so great and different.

The only thing worth watching this for is the story, and yet they ruined that by going ahead and rushing the ending. The actors themselves are great, the chemistry, visuals and acting itself is nothing to comment on, BUT. Prepare to get major second hand embarrassment. First of all, why, and I mean WHY would screen writers choose random English conversations out of absolute nowhere? I get that BL´s are getting a lot of recognition not only in Asia but all over the world, but come on people...
Secondly, could you have chosen an uglier brand of underwear for the poor boys to wear IN EVERY EPISODE?
Third, and honestly most importantly, I feel like the great story of friendship, betrayal, love, drugs, unconventional relationships etc was ruined by the rushed (and honestly vague) ending. I must say, I can't believe I actually spent 10+ hours watching this. The actors deserved better.

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Mariia Boiko
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 25, 2024
14 of 14 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 7.5
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 5.0
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Good Enough for a One Time Watch

I have watched the first episode two times before finding strength to watch the series completely. Initially, the first episodes were hard to watch, but with progression of storytelling I binged-watched the rest. The plot itself is good, but sometimes lacks execution. I think it is fair to say that most came for the NC scenes after the trailer, icluding myself. It was used as a plot device to show that the missing of the twin brother was linked to the sex industry, although excesive. I was happy they decided to cut down on them for the plot`s sake. Some scenes were confusing and you have to fill in the blanks yourself.

Now, moving on to the cringe part of the series. Why did they have to use japanese porn sounds or whatever it was? It was used two or three times, but enough to make your skin crawl. As well as, why did some characters speak English out of nowhere? It was not awful, but would make sense if they had prior education in a foreign country. Though, it is not applicable to Soong, for instance, as he could not have afforded it.

Costume design in some scenes is questionable. When characters are wearing corsets and leather jackets on bare skin and heels to highly dramatic or action-filled scenes, it does not really make sense and shifts your attention.

The characters are complex with their own life experiences and traumas. I like that they are not plain good or bad. However, none of them have charachter development. They ended, where they started. Constant cheating, lying and harming others only makes them slightly uncomfortable. They do not change their ways or feel like they are in the wrong. Some of the couples should not be together if not all of them. It would be more realistic if some relationships did not survive. They confess their "love", which looks more like lust or infatuation.

The acting is mediocre, the actors would better suit cheerful and light series. The most charismatic were Prom/Nont. Their portrayal of emotions was believable and enjoyable. They had great chemistry with each other and I was waiting for their couple to appear on the screen. Nonetheless, they were underdeveloped as others. Nont is supposed be a clever charachter, who plays a "detective" role. He must be vengeful and mistrustful, but the second questions arise he gives out his real identity to people, who might be directly linked to his brother`s missing. It would have been such an amazing plot twist, if they learnt from the news he is actually not their friend, as Nant`s body was found in the woods.

Overall, it is an alright series, when you do not have anything else to watch. I will be watching the second season, if it ever comes out, which I doubt.

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2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 13, 2024
14 of 14 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 5.0
História 3.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musical 4.0
Voltar a ver 2.0
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Just a porn parody trying to be edge

Playboyy is a camp series. They want to be dark, edge and sexy, but the script is too bad to allow that. And the worst of all is that the story has immense potential and could easily be one of the best BLs ever made. But that's not the case.

The biggest problem here is the lack of development. The script (for a 14-hour series) is extremely rushed and does not allow for in-depth analysis of the characters. It's a series that wants to address very complex issues such as sexual harassment, prostitution, murder, trafficking and addictions, but the characters and their motivations are too shallow.

The entire mystery plot surrounding Nant's disappearance (a character we only see in 2 or 3 scenes) is promising, but investigation boils down to Noth accusing people without proof and torturing prostitutes. The discoveries are all random and the plot never advances, which makes everything even more confusing.

All the relationships and the problems arising from them are equally shallow and unrealistic, in part because the characters look at each other, talk dirty and are having sex. Two scenes later they are in love, but the series doesn't bother to show it. There is no sexual tension, no flirting, no tension or sense of danger in the mystery, no nuance. Everything here is raw, played out on screen and explored in an extremely dramatic and obvious way.

Each episode has around 5 to 6 sex scenes that are terrible. It's like watching a porn parody and the attempt to do something daring gives the impression that these scenes were created by a teenager who just discovered pornography.

It's exhausting to follow a series where 95% of the content is sex scenes or bad dialogue that revolves around sex. It's a script extremely obsessed with its own theme. The prostitutes are there to show off their bodies and that's all the series allows them. The students are spoiled and almost all of them are committing a crime or being toxic and whiny.

Zouey and Teena are a couple that happens very quickly and after the fifth episode they practically serve no purpose in the plot. And the entire final plot with Zouey doesn't make sense, maybe it would work if the series showed the relationship between them, but that never happens.

First and Soong give us the worst representation of BDSM I have ever seen. They have a relationship that starts from nothing, there is no construction whatsoever and the First being so spoiled, cruel and selfish only makes things worse.

Captain and Keen have something interesting there at the beginning. But everything goes wrong when they have Captain lying, recording and exposing Keen's sextapes and still coming out as the lovelorn sufferer.

Porsche and Jump is another random couple that adds nothing to the plot. Porsche blackmailing and harassing Jump and his relationship with Mr. Lee just means nothing in the narrative.

Puen and Aob are by far the most interesting couple. But the characters are too shallow. At no point does the series attempt to bring any critical thought about prostitution or social inequality. The entire psychological and sentimental aspect is left aside, which makes any social criticism present in the series and these characters null and void.

Phop and Nuth is another couple that I don't care much about. There is a violent presentation of Phop, a construction that there is something wrong with him, but this is soon abandoned and Nuth is there. Even the final plot with him is something that only the screenwriters will be able to explain, because there was no logic in the plot.

And finally we have Nont and Prom. A couple with no chemistry and that shouldn't even exist. Nont is looking for his brother, but that soon turns into him having sex with other men to find out information. Prom is a dull character and the final revelation that he knew everything (the fake suicide tape and the dog mask) just makes their entire arc so pointless.

The series even gets better from the 7th episode onwards and continues to grow interestingly. The photography is solid and has beautiful scenes with stylish lighting, the script has surprising twists and despite some average performances, all the actors have a lot of charisma.

But the final episodes sink the plot again and show the screenwriter and director's inability to connect all the plots and deliver scenes of tension and danger. There is no responsibility for the atrocities committed by the characters, Nont's plan is something so silly and the revelations are just confusing. The editing does nothing for this series, the way they put a supposed suicide scene followed by a sex scene is just an example of how bad it is.

The unresolved ending and the promise (threat, in this case) of a second season is the proof this series as a huge disappointment and waste of time.

What remains are sex scenes without chemistry, a convoluted script, problematic and poorly constructed characters, countless scenes of men in padded underwear and an attempt to create a mystery BL that results in a sleazy porn script.

For those who just want to see men making out, enjoy. But to everyone else, stay away from this series. A complete waste of time.

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2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mar 14, 2024
14 of 14 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 6.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 2.0
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The BL Lack of Communication Trope Pushed to its Limits.

I'll start by saying - The show is watchable, just very disappointing.

At it's core this show is like Not Me ( stripped down, just a better version of this show) and wanted the energy of KinnPorsche - Without earning anything those shows did.

The show is confused energetically hopping quickly between a mystery, thriller, romance, softcore simulated p*rn, while attempts at "comedy".

There were too many characters for the plotline once things fell into place. The story tries so hard to involve everyone in the central plot that it makes everything make LESS sense.

I'll just list out some spoiler thoughts instead of getting to lengthy.

- Porche, First and Captain were all written terribly. The spoiled child into cold emotionally stunted adult thing is writable, these all are just the spoiled child refused any accountability. The moments we're meant to feel bad for them are BEYOND unearned, in fact, the story goes out of its way to NOT justify their motivations for just screwing with people or the things around them. Even more importantly, gives us no motivation for the group to even be friends. Zouey for as self-righteous as they try to make him late in the show for red herring reasons, has 0 reason to associate with any of these guys given to us.

- After episode maybe 3 or 4, the next 8 to 9 episodes are ALL characters lying without any HINT of motivations for their lies to be found in the series. It spreads from character to character to the point that instead of twists, the story gets predictable. Their lies make less sense in context of the surrounding plots. Aob and Prom had little reason to lie in the time frames they did that would have provided any benefit to them, or protection.

- The "daddy" is unearned. He's the big bad sure whatever. No character ever has motivation to protect him, every single character seems to know exactly who he is, but forgets who he is and what he is behind when it is convenient to the plot. In earlier episodes no one knows who their boss was, in the last 3 episodes they all acknowledge random bits of history with him, working with him, or working directly for him.

- The locker room had the lighting of a dramatic indie film, including messages projected onto characters, intimate light shows, shaped mirrors in locker rooms refracting dramatic lights. Did they start here and run out of budget or something?

- Nont being painted as the bad guy for plot reasons after everything the friends did was so eyeroll inducing. They all basically got spun into horrible situations, knowing who Porche's boyfriend was, due to their actions and their actions alone. I understand after the unfortunate last episode, it was a red herring but ugh.

I don't like to just compare shows, but this is flat out a worse version of Not Me.
It had an intriguing start but bogged itself down with an endless cast and then contrived writing trying to link it all together and then an insulting ending assuming the show will be enough of a success for a season 2.

The cast were all most very attractive at least.

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2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mar 2, 2024
14 of 14 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 10

Actually not that bad

The reviews here are like a rollercoaster going up and down.

Playboyy is in essence a QL more than a BL (where most of the time one main convinced he's gay seduces his crush who's into girls). With BLs its the strong chemistry that makes it successful. Here all actors do a convincing job acting and making believe they're gay. Some BLs advocating gay acceptance (like teddybear) lack such passion.
The screenwriter (Den) is the same as from "only friends" , which is also a QL per that definition but with a well-known BL crew.

The prostitution aspect in the show is a probe not often used. The violence we saw in other mafia BLs and also the school flavour is in. There were some hot and steamy moments although "bed friend" from earlier in the year was more sensual and convincing like also "only friends" with the NC scenes.

For the couples, I thought that Nont looked a bit like Draco Malfoy's mom with the blond patches ;-) but found his acting quite good. The scene with Zouey dressed as a girl and Captain could have been more) and Zouye with Jason Lee scenes was also something to be developped. Zouey and Teena were maybe the weakest couple. Most genuine couple I was rooting for was Phop and Nuth, very convincing. Will see what season brings for them...

Hopefully these actors get some rewards and positive vibe and I wish them good luck. after their performance in a more daring series.

To bring the average score higher I gave it a high 9.5 as 6.2 is not what the ranking should be as it's not a boring BL.

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Abandonados 7/14
Zii3 Finger Heart Award1
24 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 2, 2023
7 of 14 episódios vistos
Abandonados 7
No geral 2.0
História 1.0
Acting/Cast 3.5
Musical 4.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
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Feels faked. Like writer&director looked up kinks on Wikipedia & actors are poorly playing pretend.

Dropped after Ep7. I can't force myself to keep watching, not even for the sake of keeping my review current. General spoilers only.

Not mentally or emotionally engaging or satisfying as either porn-with-plot OR porn-without-plot. It's mostly quick cuts to and away from 10-60 sec vignettes of "action" with not much to string them together. Akin to scrolling through porn search results; it's mini previews of scenes I might be interested in watching more of without actually getting to see them. Many of the snippets are at the point of highest shock value and then they are over or the story jumps away. There's rarely any build of anticipation or sexual tension and the BDSM scenes get more campy as the series goes on, especially when gear is involved.

The story also has a tendency to cut away right after the pinnacle of non-sexual, emotional confrontations, which comes across as lazy writing not putting in the effort to comple scenes. It's also frusterating because it keeps the audience at a distance from character's experiences leaving huge gaps between scenes/events, which makes it hard to connect with and invest in the characters emotionally.

I was looking forward to a grittier BL story with intrigue that explored sex and kinks more freely but this is so far disappointing. The characters are written 2-dimensionally (simple & shallow) and acted flatly, and the sex/kinks often feel forced/fake. Like the series is trying to sell a showy shell of a vaneer without a fundamental understanding of the dynamics that would drive the more extreme types of desires and scenes in real life. Like BOTH the writer and director looked up kinks on Wikipedia and the actors are poorly playing dress-up; interactions are poorly faked simulations that no one seems to enjoy convincingly.

I can't believe it's the Only Friends screenwriter (which had it's weaknesses but was overall enjoyably chaotic while the characters were understandable and many were easy to empathize with and root for). The quality of storytelling in this is so disjointed and weak. There are too many characters that don't get introduced or followed properly and the mess of thin plotlines are shallow and often confusing.

I continued to watch in the hopes that it would get better, since I thought the screenwriter was capable of it. Ep 4 actually made me laugh out loud twice at how bad it was with poor and overly dramatic writing, acting, and music.

Ep 7/14 update: This episode showed a couple improvements after the holiday hiatus but it had a different feel to it, which I think would be even more noticeable if someone was binge-watching. It was weird how 'in love' many of the characters became suddenly.

There was still confusion about what exactly was going on in some scenes, the way multiple relationships are progressing don't quite make sense, multiple character choices are illogical, and Zouey still feels like a different character than how he was presented at the start of the series. He seems to have somehow moved past the physical/sexual/psychological eccentricities that originally made him so different and interesting.

What I thought was improved: Power dynamics were the focus in the various types of relationships. The themes of the episode and their execution were more clear. There was a better rhythm to scenes because the editing didn't interrupt and bounce back and forth in the middle of scenes as much. The editing between scenes was less choppy, the interactions between characters were more focused, and the music was well suited to each scene. This allowed some tension to build over the course of the episode leading to a more intense cliffhanger.

I watched the Uncut version on GagaOOlala in the USA.

General Spoilers for Ep 1-3 below.

There's some tension/anticipation built with Zouey and Teena but then Ep3 breaks it. Zouey uncharacteristically feels "in the mood" (to go all the way no less) and they start a slow exploration then SNAP, the camera briefly switches to the middle of a sex scene with a different pair! and SNAP, we're back to Zouey and Teena and they are about to try 'the main event'. And it quickly doesn't go well.

Wait. First, you deliberately don't show us the interesting part of seducing a body with pleasure (especially Zouey because we're not even clear in what way he does/doesn't experience pleasure or arousal) then second, tell us a sex worker doesn't know how to adequately prepare someone for bottoming?!?!? Really?

How in the world did they even get that far- what was Zouey's reaction to anything leading up to that point? That's what made that scene/relationship interesting and they didn't bother to write it in. *Facepalm. And where was the Japanese overvoice that was present before? (And why weren't subtitles included for that by the way?) It feels like Zouey and Teena were written out of character just so their plotline dilemma could line up with one of Zouey's friends for this episode.

I somewhat appreciated that safe words were a topic in Ep 3, but it was very rudimentary in its explanations and kind of put blame on Zouey for not remembering to use a safe word instead of "wait/no" for his first time. The discussion by the group of friends compells me to add:
FYI you can incorporate "What's your color?" or "Say your color" to check in with your partner using the traffic light system (green = go, yellow = slow down or reduce, red = stop). Prompting a response in this way is especially helpful when trying something new or with those that have a hard time thinking and/or verbalizing while exploring (like those in subspace).

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Em andamento 12/14
4 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Fev 22, 2024
12 of 14 episódios vistos
Em andamento 0
No geral 10
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
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My opinion

My opinion is that it’s a good drama but it has some up’s and downs but when I first started watching it in ep1 there were many “exposing” scenes but when zeouy was at the party and jump came it was wired and then when Porsche started to dominate jump it was hard to watch so then I took a brake from watching it and on top when Jackson Lee and his business it then got interesting
Esta resenha foi útil para você?
Em andamento 14/14
3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Fev 4, 2024
14 of 14 episódios vistos
Em andamento 0
No geral 9.0
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10

vague title

so, yeah. this show did a thing.

tbis show made me realize i have a fetish for blonde twinks with mustaches so i think thats an automatic 10/10. I also love the addition of schizophrenic representation. love to see it, i feel seen and heard.

Not only did this show diagnose me with schizophrenia and possibly HIV, it also diagnosed me with very serious homophobia and i never wanna see a gay person ever again after this. It will be on sight. If i see fucking korn outside on the hood streets of bangkok i will not hesitate to whip out a glock and pop his ass straight back into his mamas womb.

9.0 cause i would love to see the entite cast have one giant orgy but whatever. a man could dram.

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 6, 2024
14 of 14 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 6.5
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 5.0
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Une curiosité aux sentiments mitigés...

C'est assez compliqué de parler de cette série parce qu'elle laisse des sentiments mitigés tout au ayant quelques points intéressants…

Playboyy pue le sexe, littéralement. Le sexe, la dépravation, la sueur et la douleur. J'ai eu besoin d'un peu de temps pour arriver à la fin (je ne recommande pas de la binge-watch), mais c'était une curiosité qui me donnait envie d'aller jusqu'au bout. Et peut-être que le regard sauvage de Koawoat était aussi une raison de ma ténacité, ahah.

À mes yeux, la plus grande réussite de cette série est son ambiance. Dès le premier épisode, il y a une tension qui s'installe. C'est à la fois érotique, sexuel, sensuel, chaud, humide, mais aussi curieux. De temps en temps, ça devient plus lugubre ne serait-ce que par la direction prise par l'intrigue, pour finalement revenir à des hommes nus qui s'amusent dans les draps (ou ailleurs). Parfois, ça sonne comme un vieux porno ringard. Certaines scènes sont tellement horribles qu'elles en deviennent drôles tout en ayant une forme d'attraction... Honnêtement, c'est souvent embarrassant. Mais à titre comparatif, j'étais plus à l'aise devant Playboyy que Secret Crush on You (que j'ai abandonné après trois tentatives).

Je ne pense pas qu'il faille prendre l'histoire au sérieux. C'est tiré par les cheveux avec une enquête qui s'entremêle à des romances et à des règlements de compte. Je n'ai pas compris l'intérêt de certains personnages. La fin me laisse perplexe… Je ne l'ai pas suivi à la loupe. Cependant, je n'ai pas le souvenir que cela pouvait prendre cette direction. Je ne suis donc pas très emballée par une suite, mais après tout…

Difficile de ne pas parler des scènes de sexe. Elles sont particulièrement osées pour certaines, mais elles sont bien réalisées. Ça colle à l'univers de la série. Pour prendre un exemple, les scènes de Kiseki: Chapter 2 étaient audacieuses oui, mais elles ne dégageaient rien, contrairement à celles de Playboyy. Qu'elles plaisent ou non, elles ont une ambiance et dégagent quelque chose (un sentiment, une tension...). Pour cette raison, j'ai ajouté 0.5 à ma note globale, parce qu'on ne peut nier l'aplomb des acteurs.

Je pense qu'il est important de mentionner que vous ne pouvez pas aimer/regarder Playboyy si vous êtes mal à l'aise avec la nudité ou des actes durs. On voit beaucoup de fesses, de torses transpirants et des actes qui peuvent déranger et peut-être choquer pour les plus sensibles. Personnellement, je suis une personne très pudique lorsqu'il s'agit de mon corps et de mes sentiments, mais la nudité des autres ne me dérange pas du tout. Je n'étais donc pas mal à l'aise devant la majorité des scènes. Il faut également accepter de voir des scènes où les personnages se font malmener et où certains s'en sortent alors qu'ils devraient être en prison pour la quatrième fois en moins de trois minutes, mais bon… Comme dit plus haut, c'est une histoire qui ne doit pas être prise très au sérieux.

Pour résumer, Playboyy est une série étrange qui tangue sans cesse entre la curiosité et le ridicule. Je ne pense pas l'avoir aimé, mais je ne pense pas l'avoir détesté non plus. C'est un entre-deux bizarre qui me pousse à ne pas recommander cette série, mais à ne pas non plus la condamner. Je pense que chacun réagit de façon différente vis-à-vis d'elle. Essayez et vous verrez ?

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mar 1, 2024
14 of 14 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 9.0

Táo bạo nhưng gài gắm nhiều thông điệp

Phải nói rằng mình chưa bỏ lỡ bất kì series nào của P'Cheewin cũng như là team Copy A. Loạt series gần đây đều gây ấn tượng cho mình bởi những câu chuyện "rất đời" lột tả mọi bộ mặt của con người, những ham muốn bất chấp, thế giới ngầm hay mặt tối diễn ra đâu đó trong cuộc sống.
Đầu tiên phải cảm ơn đội ngũ sản xuất vì đã không ngần ngại tạo nên tác phẩm này. Không bàn đến những cảnh phim táo bạo thì nội dung phim cùng dàn diễn viên rất hợp gu mình luôn. Chỉ là do tên phim và nội dung có vẻ không được tươi sáng, màu hồng cho lắm đã làm hạn chế sự biết đến nhiều của series. Mình rất ấn tượng về những cảnh mở đầu bằng hàng loạt vụ án là chủ đề hot đang được xã hội bàn tán nhưng vẫn chưa tìm thấy câu trả lời cuối cùng. Hoàn cảnh của các nhân vật cùng lời thoại được lột tả một cách chân thật qua từng hoàn cảnh cụ thể như "có làm thì mới có ăn", ngoài những ham muốn tình dục, khát khao về tình yêu thì mỗi người cũng cần phải làm việc để kiếm cái ăn và đấu tranh với bản thân để tồn tại:
- Cách mà Puen và Zoey đấu tranh để giành học bổng và muốn có một vị trí đứng cho riêng mình.
- Cách mà Keen đã lật lại ván bài để cứu lấy bản thân mình, điều đó thật khó khăn nhưng mình nghĩ nó thật sự rất chân thật khi chúng ta cố gắng để bảo vệ cho danh dự và tương lai của bản thân, miễn là nó không ảnh hưởng quá nhiều đến người khác và vẫn còn có con đường để đi. Tuy nhiên là mình không biết chuyện gì sẽ diễn ra tiếp theo nếu được đề cập trong phần 2 khi Captain biết được sự thật, thật là tò mò.
- Hình ảnh của Phop ở những tập đầu khi nói chuyện với mẹ "Đừng lo lắng..." đã khiến mình không khỏi xót xa và đau lòng :((((. Cuộc sống thật khó khăn với mình nhưng gia đình vẫn là sự ưu tiên cho những thứ tốt đẹp nhất.
- Cả Soong, Jump và Aob, câu chuyện cuối cùng vẫn truyền đến cho mình một điểm sáng ấn tượng. Đó là ai cũng có thể quay đầu nếu tòa án lương tâm của mình đã ra phán quyết. Dẫu không biết số phận của các nhân vật trong phần 2 sẽ ra sao, nhưng ở phần 1, sau tất cả mọi chuyện, họ khát khao có một cuộc sống đời thường như bao người, kiếm tiền bằng việc bán hàng... điều đó thật quý giá.
- Tình yêu của First và Soong cũng thật đẹp khi họ biết thay đổi vì nhau, và cách vượt qua bóng ma tâm lí không gì bằng thành thật với cảm xúc của bản thân và điều chỉnh, tiết chế nó một cách hợp lí.
- Ai cũng có những ước mơ, khát vọng, nhưng để vươn tay chạm đến nó thì không phải ai cũng dễ dàng làm được. Nuth đã ngày đêm chăm chỉ viết kịch bản phim mà mình yêu thích, nhưng lại không thể viết được cái kết trọn vẹn cho tác phẩm của chính cuộc đời mình.
Giá trị nhân văn mang lại sau tất cả những trận chiến ấy chung quy đều hướng đến tương lai của những người mình yêu thương nhất và tương lai của bản thân cùng ước mơ tốt đẹp của mình. Đấu tranh cho cuộc sống của bản thân, là điều cần thiết để tồn tại, nếu có thể đứng dậy thì cứ đi tiếp, miễn ta còn thở và còn sức.
Mạch phim tuy có hơi kéo dài nhưng coi rất lôi cuốn, mình chỉ tiếc và hụt hẫng một xíu vì cái kết không trọn vẹn và phải "To be continued" và Jason Lee vẫn chưa được giải quyết một cái kết thỏa đáng. Thôi thì sớm gặp lại dàn diễn viên, họ thật sự rất nghiêm túc và bất chấp hy sinh vì nghệ thuật. Nhạc phim cũng rất dễ thương, hy vọng phần 2 cũng sẽ như nhạc phim để họ có cơ hội được biết đến nhiều hơn ^^. Thank you Copy A Bangkok <3.

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 28, 2024
14 of 14 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 6.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musical 4.0
Voltar a ver 6.0

The humour is in the cringe

The overall story is interesting, the mystery behind Nant's disappearance really keeps your attention but outside of that the story is a bit lacking. There's barely any character exposition or growth, I couldn't quite grasp the motivations behind the actions of most of the characters. Once I started to slightly understand the characters, more characters were added who just stole screentime from other characters. My favourite characters are Nont, Zouey, First, Keen, and Peun. And that's only because I felt like their characters were flushed out properly. I understood the conflicted emotions, motivations, etc.

The acting was a hit and miss honestly. The actors who played Nont and Prom really did a great job, they had good chemistry and really did a great job at evoking emotions from me, really enjoyed seeing them on screen, they were the MVPs of the show. This doesn't mean the other actor's were bad, they tried but some scenes just felt too awkward, I struggled to get immersed in their world at some times.

The sound design was boring, barely noticeable, they only really utilised it during the intimate scenes. The choice in sound is supposed to give me an indication of what mood to feel but I constantly found myself staring at the screen confused.

I don't think I'll miss this series at all. I got to a point where I was just sort of hate watching because everything just felt prolonged. It didn't need 14 episodes and a possible 2nd season, everything could have been resolved in this one season. I don't think there's mouch rewatch value but I'll probably watch the 2nd season just so I can have some conclusion to the series.

This review is not meant to discourage anyone from watching the series. If you're looking for great storytelling and production, this is not the series for you but if you're looking for something cringe and funny (unintentionally) then this is the series for you. I spent most of my time just laughing at how cringe things were and oogling Prom. So have fun with it.

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