I decided to make this post for anyone who's curious about the difference of Tantai Jin versions between the adaptations especially those who haven't read the or hear the book & the radio version.

In terms of childhood, Tantai Jin in the two OGs:

-Born without shame nor empathies.

-Aware of killing his mother so he can be born.

-The evil bones prevented him from feeling other emotions aside hatred & bloodlust.  Also prevented him from doing martial arts, leaving his body weak.

-Aside getting back those who humiliated him, he desired to kill Xiao Lin despite he never harmed him due to his upbringing and jealousy that he wanted to snatch everything from him that he felt belonged to him.

-The one thing he treasured aside his life was the colored glazed Goddess statue he deemed beautiful as a child.  After Tantai MingLang destroyed it to spite him, he ate the glass shards.  

Tantai Jin in the c-drama:

-Loved his mother despite his birth caused her death.

-The evil bones prevented him from having love threads and compassions.

-He admired Xiao Lin since childhood & became close enough to see each other as brothers. Even after they became enemies then his death, Tantai Jin still valued him as his closest friend.

-Can talked and controlled animals namely crows and little insects.

-Was sadden from being abandoned then betrayed by his caretakers.

His relationship and marriage to the real Ye XiWu in the OGs:

-He deliberately had her poisoned with the Spring knot silkworm  she intended to give to Bingchang then he digested the antidote so he escaped the Zhou kingdom which lead to their hateful marriage.

-Tantai Jin hated her enough to set Xiwu up to be killed by bandits after going to pray for her ancestors at the mountains.

His relationship in the c-drama:

-Tricked Xiwu into believing they had a ONS when she was drunk that lead to their loveless marriage so he can escape from the Jing country.

Tantai Jin after Susu took over XiWu in the OGs:

-Realized something different about her after rescuing her from the bandits since she didn't have the same personalities and was smarter than before.  Both the radio and the manhua showed Tantai Jin noticing that she was surrounded with bright light.   

-Despite trying to humiliating her then killing her, Tantai Jin can't help but being pissed at the odd feelings he's feeling about her.

-The jade statue Susu/Xiwu given to him for protection was the 1st gift he ever received.  Tantai Jin was confused at the warm sensations he felt touching it.  During the immortal act, he was still carrying it as the few mementos she gave to him then left it at the imperial tomb where Susu later found it after the final battle.  

-Tantai Jin hated the scent of the acacia flowers very much as Xiwu began to carry its perfume  around her often.  The flowers will play an important part of his growth in the story as they symbolized his feelings towards her.

Tantai Jin after Susu took over XiWu in the c-drama

-Noticed she was less violent than before in her attempt to torture him.

-Stunned at her shameless antics to have him undress and became suddenly smarter than before.

-Tantai Jin felt strange seeing her defending him from the abuses and humiliations in the Ye house.

-He began cherished at the clothes she given to him.

-During the new year, he witnessed Xiwu buying the fireworks from the poor seller.  Despite saying the reality of the poverty, he cheered her saying the lady will stay warm for the celebration.  

-Had his first snowball fight without pain with her.  For the first time, he enjoyed playing and having a fun time with someone acting like a normal boy.  

Tantai jin true face & his escape from the Xia country:

-Xiwu/Susu witnessed Tantai Jin using the blood crows on Ye Zheyu for revenge.

-After exposed his true character, Tantai Jin stopped pretending as her disciplinary beating began when he failed to silence her.

- Tantai Jin was stunned at her offering to teach him to draw talisman.   Even though he had evil intentions, he succeeded in conjuring the Common Talisman where it showed him a picture scroll of a beautiful landscape.  The talisman will be essential later on in his growth then the 2nd part of the plot.

-Like the drama, he kidnapped Susu after failing to take Pian Ran fox core then took her to the boat he prepared to escape from Xia country.   

-Tantai Jin forced her to write a letter in 10 minutes to her eldest brother, Qingyu, so he can pass or else he'll kill her.  She did what he asked but as he opened the paper, he saw was a sketch of a woman skewered a man with her sword with big words written underneath "Aren't you quite conceited? believe it or not, I will stab you to death one day." Furious at her deceit, he shot the crossbow which she avoided.  "Don't be disgusted, you want me to harm my eldest brother, You are dreaming." Then she threw her shoe at his face and ran the side of the boat where he ordered his men to catch her. "Want to catch me? In the next life!" She jumped to the cold river without hesitation.  Tantai Jin was in trance at what happened as more arrows shot to the river.  He threw the crossbow furiously to the river and went back to the docks.  (Took it from the radio drama cause it made the scene funnier.)

Tantai Jin true face & his escape from the Sheng country.

-Tantai Jin exposed his powers to Susu when he tried to take Pian Ran's core.  She saved the fox which angered and confused him as to why.

-He kidnapped her after knocking her out and took her to the boat Lan' An and the Yiyue tribe prepared for their escape.

-He confronted her during her imprisonment no longer disguising himself.   Told her everything what he did in the past including tricking her original self into marrying to escape the Jing Kingdom.

-Despite disguising herself as the musician, Tantai Jin still recognized her and forced her to dance for him.  Being enchanted by her elegant dancing, he found himself amused being strangled by her as she exposed herself.

- He was stunned at her rejection at his offer to go to Jing country by jumping to the cold river as he ran to catch her but failed.

Thanks for the summary. I look forward to reading more. 

Thanks for sharing! Very helpful info. to know.

Tantai Jin during the poison eye sequence in the OGs

-Lan' An betrayed Tantai Jin to Tantai MingLang for her son who's being held hostage.

-Tantai Jin pretended that he had forgiven her for her actions as Tantai Minglang ordered his men to cut his legs' tendons.   He realized no matter how much he begged, she won't help him, broken his façade.

-During the torture, he can't helped but looking at the river spot where XiWu jumped, wondering if she was still alive or not.

-Tantai Minglang blinded his left eye with the Xuanbing needle which will make its victim cry constantly and once its cold Qi entered  the body, it will be brittle as Ice.  However, Tantai Jin' eye only bled but never shed tears as he laughed maniacally.  

-Lan An turned her back on Tantai Minglang before he could inject the needle into his other eye and ordered the Night Guards to protect his Majesty & escape.  She gave Tantai Jin a lock charm that allowed him to authorized to control all the Night guards in the world at the request of her tribe's leader to protect him.

-Before she sacrificed herself to help him escape, Jing Lan An hoped that Tantai Jin would spared her child if they ever survived in this world for the sake for all their people who gave their lives to fight for him and told her son's name, Yue Fuya, before the ship exploded.

-After this, Tantai Jin refused to trust the words from anyone which further his insecurities and his outbursts whenever he was with XiWu later in the act.

Tantai Jin during the poison eye sequence in the c-drama

-Tantai Jin questioned why the boat was slowing down and sent his men to look for Xiwu. 

-After finding where she was located, the boat docked and he went to see her but it was an assassin, sent by Tantai MingLang, posed as her and shot a poison needle in his left eye which will spread throughout his meridians, caused him to spit blood 3 times before he dies.

-Jing Lan' An betrayed him and their tribe, revealing her allegiance to Tantai MingLang who held her daughter, Yue Fuya, hostage.  But Tantai Jin knew better. 

-Unlike her original character, the priestess was less sympathetic as she explained to him her twisted reasons  as though she wanted to see his disappointments for his caretakers betrayals while calling him  a monster.  Then, she saw his feelings for Xiwu and mocked him for it.

-The moment she told him she had no regrets for what she had done, Tantai Jin killed her with the gift he gave to her that contained the hidden spider then split his wrist to prevent poison from spreading and jumped to the river to escape.


Thanks for sharing! Very helpful info. to know.

You're welcome

Bonus little detail: 

- Throughout the original story, not once Tantai Jin ever acknowledged XiWu/Susu as his wife until the ending

-After the Bo'Re dream, LYX Tantai Jin proudly expressed XiWu/Susu as his only wife & queen in his life,


Bonus little detail: 

- Throughout the original story, not once Tantai Jin ever acknowledged XiWu/Susu as his wife until the ending

-After the Bo'Re dream, LYX Tantai Jin proudly expressed XiWu/Susu as his only wife & queen in his life,

TTJ I’m the novel is not exactly a likeable character as compare to the drama. The drama has re-written TTJ for the viewers to empathize and sympathize more for his situation. I do love the drama version of TTJ.

Tantai Jin various names by Susu in the OGs:

-Little devil       -Little pervert         -Foolish dog           -Pervert            -Psycho      -Imbecile           

-Scumbag with the strength of five or Scum with a fighting strength of five       -Crazy   

-Madman          -Shameless                -Lunatic              -Little bastard

Tantai Jin various names by Susu in the c-drama

-Little Devil God            -Pervert                -Freak             -Scoundrel               -My husband, Jin  


I've been so busy with my job but I will write Tantai Jin reaction to his reunion with Xiwu & the artifact sequence tomorrow.  I'll start with the live drama adaptation because the original story had a lot of important key elements that related to his behaviors after his escape from the boat


I've been so busy with my job but I will write Tantai Jin reaction to his reunion with Xiwu & the artifact sequence tomorrow.  I'll start with the live drama adaptation because the original story had a lot of important key elements that related to his behaviors after his escape from the boat

Thanks. I look forward to your post.


I've been so busy with my job but I will write Tantai Jin reaction to his reunion with Xiwu & the artifact sequence tomorrow.  I'll start with the live drama adaptation because the original story had a lot of important key elements that related to his behaviors after his escape from the boat

Thanks much for the effort. Looking forward to your sharing.

Tantai Jin reuniting with Ye XiWu & the artifact sequence in the c-drama

-Xiwu found Tantai Jin unconscious in the wood.  They didn't expect to find each other so soon since they last saw each other.   She did CPR on him when she noticed he had trouble breathing then took him to the cabin.

-As he tried to get up, he noticed not only his hands were tied but the wound on his wrist were wrapped in a soft pink cloth.  

-Since Jing Lan An betrayed, he prepared mentally XiWu interrogation with him. 

-The moment she asked about his caretaker, he flashed back to her last words before her death as he casually said that he killed her, earning a punch on the face.

-As she continued accusing him, Tanati Jin cleared immediately the misunderstanding that he wished she didn't came back for him then abandoned when he had hope.  That's when XiWu learned that she betrayed him and used her escape to kill him.

-Tantai Jin was on the verge of a severe mental breakdown  as he swung the stick at his throat like he wanted split it.

-Tantai Jin laughed at her naïve attempts to keep him alive and rather have her ending his life.

-He talked a bit about his past as they cooked how he survived in the cold palace which made Susu understand how much he had to go through with his curse fate as the vessel of the Devil God.

-While hiding from Tantai MingLang men, Tantai Jin seemed to test her see if she gave in to the temptations like everyone else, but instead, she untied his hands and told him to run while she used herself as bait.  This shook him as he called out her name before went into hiding.

-He saved her with his crows and used the excuse he didn't want her to be capture so she could sold him out.  After the dragon guards intercepted their pursuers, they took the chance and escape. 

-After finding a hiding spot, the poison was acting up again that Tantai Jin confessed that he was poison back on the boat and hoped that it will finally end him.  XiWu was pissed that he held back about it and went out looking for some supplies to help their situation.

-By nightfall, Tantai Jin surprised that she came back for him as she prepared the medicine.  Despite keeping up front,  he reminded her the words she said back on the boat of not wanted to anything with each other when she reminded that they were married seeing he was still shy being undress.

-After seeing the World Jade Allure and hearing the consequences of using its powers, Tantai Jin still careless about his fate but was stunned hearing XiWu was still keen on keeping him alive no matter what.  After finishing tending his wounds, he was left confused as she fallen asleep.  It was as if it's the 1st time he felt safe with someone as he leaned onto her shoulder to sleep.

-They were found by Fuyu the next day and begun attacking the couple.  Since XiWu didn't had her charms anymore, Tantai Jin used his demonic powers to counter her spell.  After she unleashed a powerful attack, he used himself to shield Xiwu from the attacks.

-Tantai Jin was shocked at XiWu using herself as shield to protect him from Fuyu's binding spell.  He threaten his enemy to undo it despite his condition and was laughed at his pitiful state.

-Tantai Jin decided to use the artifact against XiWu's wish to fight and gained tremendous over her spells.  After defeating her, he determined to go after his brother one day before she escaped.  

-He used its power one last time to undo the formation on Xiwu's forehead before fainting next to her.  The rest we audience knew as he was unconscious during the curse transfer.

I think I'll spit the sequence into 2 parts for the original version because it involved a lot with Tantai Jin psychology and his changing views towards Xiwu