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  • Awards Received: Finger Heart Award1 Flower Award3


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Love in the Big City
43 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 28, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.0

Don't Shy Away From Being Yourself ❤️

Life becomes a little easy - when you find people who accept and love you for who you truly are. This message is exceptionally narrated in this movie through the main leads who are deemed "different" by society but manage to hold on to each other and fight through prejudices/biases of society, friends, family and their own self to eventually loving and accepting themselves for who they truly are.

From the moment we're born, society judges us for our looks, height, skin color, skills, sexual orientation, behavior, and more. Biases and prejudices are ingrained in people’s minds upon first meeting us, and while some may change with understanding, many remain. Despite progress, there’s still a long way to go to eliminate these judgments in today's world. "Love in the Big City (2024)" is a commendable step in the right direction, and I applaud the cast, crew, and original novel creators for this remarkable film.

The movie powerfully portrays the challenges of "being different" through a heartfelt narrative that evokes a range of emotions—smiles, tears, and everything in between. The female lead is someone I've admired for a long time, but this was my first time seeing Steven Noh in action. Known from "Pachinko," his portrayal, even within a limited emotional range as his character demanded, showcased his immense talent. The main leads bond together on the common ground of being labelled outcasts and the movie progresses from their 20s to early 30s showing us how they fight the societal prejudices, missed chances at love, inner fear of showing their true self, facing their family, overcoming failed relationships to ultimately accepting their own true self, and being proud of it.

The line "How can being yourself be a weakness?" resonates as the film’s strongest message. Personally, as someone who has faced various judgments from young age from strangers/close relations alike movies like this offer a solace of sorts - a feel-good factor that reinforces the importance of learning to love your true self, before seeking it elsewhere.

The film does not come across as preachy - but rather resonates with me (and am sure others) because it does not shy away from showing the good/bad and ugly side of journey towards self-acceptance. Profound, Powerful, Engaging - from start to finish, would highly recommend it as a must watch ❤️

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My Heart Beats
80 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 15, 2023
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 9
No geral 4.0
História 1.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 1.0

It will make your Heart BREAK and not BEAT!

Warning: For those thinking to watch Heartbeat now - Do it At Your Own Risk.

This is me as the drama was announced: ❤️_❤️
This is me as the drama progressed and now ended: (T_T)

For the first time in my K-Drama watching history, I have not been so disappointed as today. Cause I honestly had high hopes for this drama, given the cast and premise. Even recommended to few friends and MDL-ers as I completed the initial 2-3 episodes (please forgive me). But the magnitude of disappointment is making me rant here so please bear with me 😭

I chose to watch an airing drama (big feat in itself) that continued to dip low as the series progressed. But I still thought - No, I have dropped too many dramas and I judge dramas too early - so let's keep watching and hope that it will get better. But it doesn't, week on week it got worse and I was watching this on 2x speed and then just fast-forwarding all together.

But man, that ending - worse than Bella Swan's character and acting in Twilight (and that's saying something).

> Story: 0 (wish I could mark the same in MDL)
> Acting: 7 - cannot blame the actors, they all did a good job - just that the script was terrible, hence the result was terrible.
But no fault of the skills of actor, I would still look forward to their other projects so that I can erase this terrible memory.
> Music/OST: didn't make any difference, cause with such bad writing even when it was good, it all lost meaning.
> Overall: 4/10 - and this 4 is just for the sake of actors.
> Verdict for Heartbeat: Skip it or you'll be filled with regrets like me.

The premise was so good which made me have great expectations as they could have done so much with the romance, comedy, fantasy and mystery elements. They had a decent cast and music as well - but nothing could save it because the writing/script is one of the worst ones I have come across. Like what were the writers eating/drinking that made them act like this??

I feel bad for Taec Yeon as I like him as an idol from 2PM days, and this was my first proper drama of his that I wanted to see. Also, Kim In Kwon - cause he is an exemplary actor! He is one of my favorite support actors, I means see that guy in Mr Queen (what a fine senior actor).

Personally, this drama is making me rethink that I need to continue staying away from airing dramas, and watch them only when it finishes. Binge-watching is better for my sanity and drama viewing. I am just so angry/sad/disappointed. Dramas are after all supposed to bring joy and not make me pull-my hair. Hence, anyone reading this - hope you have a fair idea what could be expected, please tread carefully in case you are planning to watch this drama. Better, don't and watch something else.

Life is too short and our schedules too busy otherwise - to waste time on bad dramas! Leia Mais

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Strong Woman Kang Nam Soon
23 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 27, 2023
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 10
No geral 2.0
História 1.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musical 3.0
Voltar a ver 1.0

Garbage Sequel - BWS & Min/Bong Cameo are the only Redeeming Factor (Hence 1 Point Each for Them)

No one can deny the popularity of Strong Woman Do Bong Soon. It might have its flaws, but is one of the most popular K-dramas that can be termed as a Classic of 2015-2020 times. The Bong-Bong & Min-Min couple is legendary both on-screen and off-screen, so this is definitely a series that you can recommend to others and rewatch.

Hence, when this spin-off/sequel was announced with such a strong cast, expectations were sky-high. For me, I was both excited and nervous, cause it is not easy to live up to Prequels, especially when they are such a hit. Still keeping the hope alive, courtesy the strong cast that the drama had got - I expected great things to happen! Alas, it did not and here is my breakdown of what went wrong and why only Byeok Woo Seok's portrayal of the charming antagonist Ryu Shi-Oh is the only redeeming point in this drama!

----------------------------------------------------------| SHORT REVIEW |----------------------------------------------------------

♥ Best Things About this Drama ♥

1. Ryu Shi-Oh: one of the best portrayal of antagonists in a long time. He will charm your pants off & definitely deserved more than what he got in screen-time. He is the reason, I could watch the drama every weekend and not drop it!
2. The cameo of our beloved Bong-Min Couple from prequel: Warning: This is just 5-10 minutes in early episode. But even in that short time, they did more than what transpires in the rest of the drama by the main protagonists.

✘What Went Terribly Wrong for this Drama ✘

1. Biased portrayal of women power: as a woman, I personally felt the 3 women were over the top and borderline abused their powers. The heroics were illogical and meh.
2. Unnecessary side characters: the poor couple, fake Namsoon and lover Barista - complete waste of talent, time! Randomly introduced, not fleshed out and then dropped without much notice.
3. Zero Chemistry of Main Leads: Zilch, Nada, Nothing you feel when you see them onscreen. The butterflies are zombies in the stomach after seeing them, especially when you compare to the toe-curling adorable couple Bong-Min in S1.

✧❅✦ SUMMARY ✦❅✧
• Overall hugely disappointing. I think those like me who watched it while it aired did it only cause of the villain.
• Anyone thinking of watching it now - you have been warned. Maybe you can watch the whole show in 2x to get the gist of it and slow down for parts/characters that you like.
• I know there is a Season 3 in the works - but if it is anything like this show, I am skipping it. The only factor we liked in this series is gone, so not worth it. Unless they take note and make it more like Season 1.
• My rankings for acting is 9/10 only for Ryu Shi-Oh, rest of the actors are great as individuals but they had very unlikable traits as characters. The rewatch score too is only cause I would like to watch the villain charm us again, and again.
• Just cause of Byeok Woo Seok and the Cameo of Park Bo Young and Park Hyung Sik - I am rating this series a 6. They individually were a 10/10 of course. But take them out and this series would be a 0-2 rating or entirely Skipped.

----------------------| DETAILED REVIEW - Expanding more on Best & Worst Parts of this Show |------------------------


❤️ Ryu Shi-Oh:
While we always want the heroes to win, good to triumph over evil, there is always some antagonists that are hearts bleed out for. You know that had they been in a better environment, had there been a helping/loving hand extended to them - they would shine bright, perhaps brighter than the main leads. You would not justify their evil doings, no, but then you would think that had you been there - you would have tried to understand them, maybe see things from their perspective and bought them to light. They are antagonists you would root for - as their characters are so well written and so well portrayed, that you can't help but be enamored and be a fan. Some names that come to my mind - Thanos, Joker, Pain, Itachi, Light Yagami, Yoo Ji-tae
as Woo-jin Lee, Darth Vader and so on. They have a fanbase and following of their own, and it is quite justified cause they are such impactful characters.

May be it is not the same level, but Ryu Shi-Oh would definitely be on this list for me. I had seen the actor in a charming puppy kind of ML role in 20th Century Girl, and I was smitten. But when he arrived in this drama, the aura/charms and overall screen presence were nothing short of earth-shattering. While from the start you know he would be doomed, but still you wanted to root for him - and that little moments were he left behind his dark persona and was just another boy trying hard to be loved and make his place in this world. Yes, his means were not right and we wish he had been dealt better cards in life, but he so far was the only reason - I looked forward to watching this drama every weekend, and the rating I give for acting and rewatch is solely cause of him.

I cannot wait for Byeok Woo Seok's other projects - cause going by the popularity of his video edits on SNS, he is the only good thing from this drama and I can only hope and pray that he gets opportunities that make him grow upwards and onwards - and for us viewers it will be a delight as always to see such a handsome man with such talent!

❤️ The cameo of Do Bong Soon and Ahn Min Hyuk:
Yes, you are reading this right! Even that less than 5-10 minute cameo was highlight of this show, which came early on and gave us hope. Unfortunately the light goes out with them, cause the rest of the show is just a chaotic mess, wasting talent.


✘ Biased portrayal of women power/attempt at feminism:
As a woman, I was quite delighted at the whole notion of these series, where women run the show. In the prequel, maybe Do-Bong Soon's mother abused her power but that was one perspective, the others were doing it right. But here the women are powerful and they show-off, to the point that they debase their partner/children and common people around them. This did not sit well with me. Feminism or Women Empowerment means having an equal seat at the table, not overpowering someone just cause you are strong. This is just my opinion but this did not make me appreciate the dynamics the 3 women had, and most of the times it seemed so over-the-top. I know many would say had it been a man or story from male perspective, we would be okay with it. I feel that was the past, if we are having stories showing Strong Women, I think we can take a better approach and change perspective. What is the difference between the past portrayal and now, if we use the same formula?

✘ Unnecessary Characters and storyline:
The poor couple, the barista lover and the fake Namsoon - if you really think about it, had they been omitted the story would have remained same. Like they introduced these characters, but never expanded on their storylines and then dumped them like trash/incomplete stories in the end. Waste of talent, screentime and viewer time!

✘ Lackluster Main Lead and Love Story:
I can write pages after pages for the prequel Bong-Bong and Min-Min couple, they were the right mix for a K-drama couple. I think we all know how good they were on-screen that we still hope they come together off-screen (Too bad I feel this is another Leonardo/Kate Winslet story). But the main leads here were too sugar sweet to be liked. I mean they had their cute moments, but it was too over-the-top again and the chemistry was so off the charts. Like negatives for me.

The antagonist and FL gave better love/cute/adorable moments than they did. In fact, if you are active on social media, there is a huge amount of edit on this and you can see why!

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Uma Advogada Extraordinária
30 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 25, 2022
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 7.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 6.5

Extraordinary Story & Characters - Finished Ordinarily

One of the most anticipated and talked about drama of mid-2022 which started on a high - with heartwarming story and characters, while showing the harsh reality of society but ended a bit-weakly. Overall, an enjoyable ride and it will definitely remain an iconic drama and in must-watch lists for time to come. Sharing my short & detailed reviews below:


Why You Should Watch It:
♥ Refreshing concept - great portrayal of person suffering from ASD
♥ Superb Acting by ALL characters
♥ Cute main-lead love story - will induce giddiness, make you curl your toes and smile ear-to-ear!
♥ Loveable and Hate-worthy Side Characters (the latter, cause we need a reminder that all in not rosy even in dramas)
♥ Good Reflection of society's good, bad and the in-between
♥ Beautiful, Addicting Soundtrack
♥ Funny and comedic relief to break-through the seriousness in storyline

What Might Bother You:
✘ No hard-core, well explained baddie/villain
✘ Some side-characters have weak character development
✘ Law cases are not as gritty and thrilling
✘ Ending is rushed (can be managed, but might leave some frustrated)

This drama is for you if you are looking for a cute romance story, set in the backdrop of attorneys navigating their way in the society - shown through the eyes of a genius woman suffering from ASD. You get preview of her friendships and family, initial inhibition of people on accepting people with ASD, how they try to understand and sympathize, while others choose not to - and both sides are valid and real.

Watch it for - Woo Young Woo's acting, Jeon-Ho's charms, cute moments, some brilliantly executed cases, comedy from our loveable side characters and portrayal of those who suffer from ASD - so that we can learn and be kind in our real life!

........................................ || not spoiler, but some hints are there at storyline - read with caution || ..............................................


❤ Lesson From This Drama: Celebrate the Extra-Ordinary in all of us! ❤

--------------------------------------------------------- ✧✦ What Works ✦✧ ----------------------------------------------------------

✦ The Concept:
Refreshing story of how a genius young woman suffering from Autism deals with her work, friends, work and other social interaction. We get to see from her lenses - the good, bad and the in-between we deal with in society. Somethings that might just seem natural to us in our every-day life, might be a task for people suffering from ASD. While the cases and characters propel how our main lead actress navigates through it all, my takeaway from it is that we need to more observant, understanding, sympathetic to people and our surroundings, cause not everyone is same, we are all different and that is okay and something to be celebrate!

✦ The Acting:
While our main lead actress is phenomenon and it is what draws audience to start watching this drama, stay and fall in love with her - it is also the other characters around her. How they in their respective roles are either supportive, begin to understand her, or are completely against her. Which is a good and solid representation in real life - some will hate thee, some will love thee. Right from characters shown in the positive or negative role - I believe if a character makes you love them or hate them, that is a job and portrayal well done. So kudos to the entire star cast, minus the glitch in certain character development, with the limelight on this show, everyone stayed true to their acting!

✦ The Cases (some of them - at the start)
This is not a courtroom drama, but more of how it is approached by a person suffering from ASD. What maybe missed by the ordinary attorneys is captured beautifully by our Extraordinary Attorney Woo. The cases in the first half are somewhat thought-provoking, nothing that that will give you sleepless nights or keep you guessing till the end, but more on the lines of breaking it to the audience that society evils persist and sometimes our perception creates or manifests evil or wrong. But seen from the lens of the innocent (like Attorney Woo) you can see past the pre-conceived notions/prejudice and see a person or situation for what it really is and make a judgement or form opinions accordingly.

This was a double-edged sword - some cases worked while some did not. But in all cased - we see our lead making some good/bad and confusing decisions in her own battle to love the law and abide by it.

-------------------------------------------------- ✧✦ What Could Be Better ✦✧ ---------------------------------------------------

✦ The love-story (or stories)
Now in a great romance - you have a build-up, the cute moments, a tragedy or hurdle that tests them and then happily-ever-after, right?

I personally fawned, curled my toes in the romantic scenes, cause it was cute, mushy and our lead pair were devastatingly good looking and convincing. But I was saddened by how the writers wrote their hurdles and ending phrase. The relationship graph went super high only to nose-dive in the end. Though some would like it and appreciate how it was tied up, but I would have preferred more explanation or some romantic/dramatic declaration of love - because we are focusing on a character who is socially meek, so more words were needed to explain those emotions.

Another weak area - the love stories of the side-characters was just done for namesake, only cause they are on screen so let's show a backstory or put 1+1 characters just cause side characters also need some love - did not work for me, sadly. Had they omitted the love angle and shown it more as a supportive friendship or hinted at a camaraderie, would make more sense.

✦ The Negative Characters' Development
Everyone loves a good villain - you may love, admire or hate them but you just cannot ignore them.
In Woo Young Woo's life too, we see such characters pop-in but with not much preamble as to why the dislike our main lead, what is their backstory and main motive to cause disruption. It is all too mellow and not sharp, vengeful or even justified. They are just there - and you would expect that the next episode would drop some insight, but are just left waiting. Talent, in this case, got wasted as well as the story arch.

--------------------------------------------------------- ✧✦ Summary ✦✧ --------------------------------------------------------

It definitely is a tale that is worth-a-watch only for the portrayal of ASD, some great acting and beautiful soundtrack.
But like me, many could be saddened at how it all tied up in the end. Because the drama was so highly anticipated and the first half really sets the bar high, to have such a mellow ending was not expected.

Usually I give a drama a rating of 10, deducting 0.5 or 1 as story progresses and characters develop. Therefore, I gave this drama a 9 at the start only to bring it down to 8 now, which can possibly share some perspective to whoever is reading this.

It is a cinematic treat - the acting, scenes and music make it easy on the eyes and ears and the story is a heartwarming tale that is worth taking a note of, at least once.

-------------------------------------------------------------- ✧✦ ✦✧ ------------------------------------------------------------

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Money Game
17 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mai 18, 2024
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 7.0

Survival Thriller Show with Wes Anderson direction - Must Watch!

If you like narration as in Wes Anderson's film "The Budapest Hotel" and survival game dramas/movies that showcase human desperation like Squid Games, Alice in Borderland & The Platform - then you must watch this show. Worth the binge watch!

• Almost everything - good plot, pacing, acting, suspense, moral lesson
• Unique Factor: narration like Wes Anderson film done by the main character (Floor #3), changes in aspect ration. Easter egg in the end where another character (Floor #7) opens floor to Season 2
• Compact format, but does due diligence to cover every character's backstory, changes during the game & after

• Not exactly a negative point - but the show does not give immense thrill, only cause we know of shows that have come previously like Squid Games and Alice in Borderland. So for some this may blur into the same category & not be unique.
• Personally did not like the sacrifice shown in the end, though it fits well in the story. But just my opinion that the finale episode could have ended differently.

If this genre is to your liking - give it a watch, else skip. Not a unique-never-seen-before drama, but compact format makes it a good watch if you enjoy such thrilling survival shows that focus on how humans will do anything to survive!

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She Dreams of Cinderella
20 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 1, 2024
10 of 10 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 6.0

Be Your Own Prince Charming & Follow Your Joy!

Cinderella tropes are nothing new but what sets this drama apart is the depiction of the known characters in a different light.

Our FL Cinderella from the start is proclaiming herself as a sort of gold-digger, the Prince Charming ML is distrustful for those who proclaim love to him assuming they are in for his money - and this drama is a journey on how they both realize that what they are looking for is something within themselves and each other. Supporting them strongly are roles of the step-mother & sisters, who are not mean like in the fairytale but have their own way of supporting their Cinderella sister. The villains are funny more than evil. the SML momentarily seems mysterious only to become a catalyst in Cinderella's journey to find her calling.

Best Parts:
> The acting of the ML is worth investing time in this drama. He can be childish, rich spoiled brat but when need be he can be the most manly charming male lead that can make men/women around him swoon. And boy can fight!
> The entire retelling: seeing the age old story in a new light was a fresh perspective; the good have some flaws and the evil are not truly evil. Something that sets well in modern times, and the message of the drama is strong and apt: "Follow Your Joy" and be your own Prince Charming i.e. you yourself are the ones who can make/break your happily ever after.
> The illustrations in the start, background narration, comedic effects and cross over from Taxi Driver was a cherry on top that sweetened the deal.
> Short, well paced drama of 10 episodes

> Personal Opinion: The latter half of the drama did not arrest or hold my attention. I even watched some parts by fast forwarding. I was invested to finish the drama and know what happens in the end, but these parts could have been done better.
> The villains were there just for comedic effect - their actions in order to break the main couple as needed in a kdrama, was lacking. Again two ways to see it: it did not frustrate me but then it made me question what was their role? It felt half-baked to some extent

Watch it cause of its short, well paced retelling of the Cinderella trope and for ML, Lee Jun Young's acting.

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The Hidden Dragon
14 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 25, 2023
10 of 10 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 9.0

Im-Siwan giving another iconic character: Jang Byung Tae, the dogged warrior against bullying!

After the iconic Jang Gu-Rae (Misaeng), Si-wan has given us another legendary character as Jang Byung Tae. Words would not be enough to praise this idol-turned-actor for every diverse role he undertakes. At 35 years of age, he plays a high-school boy with such finesse which I doubt actors of that actual age would be able to deliver. His latest work, Boyhood, deserves to be added into his ever-growing list of amazing works & personally for me it has wrapped up my 2023 Drama-Year beautifully!

In first half - we meet Jang Byung Tae, a meek school-boy, oppressed all his life by bullies, no matter how many school he changes. He has been "whooped" so much that he and his family assume it to be his destiny & he has no other meaning/dreams from his life. By a comedic chain of events - in his new school he is mistaken to be renowned bully/fighter than being someone who is bullied. He gets to live life on the other side - but all good things must come to an end, right?

The second half - reveals the truth & once again Byung Tae is miserable as bullies oppress him and his friends. He reaches his breaking point & when his friends/family make Jang Byung Tae realize that his life is meaningful & he is not someone that should just be bullied. He vows to fight the bullies to end this cycle of violence so that one day he and others can wake up to enjoy life as they should. But in face of the oppressor, can Byung Tae emerge victorious as a true Dragon Warrior?

In short - EVERYTHING! But let me break it into main TOP 3 (rest under detailed review)

1. Hitting the right notes of nostalgia through the music, cinematography, story & acting by all that made me experience 1989!
2. Balancing the serious issue of bullying with apt comedy, action, cute romance & friendship of youth!
3. Im-Siwan: he proves his acting chops again. Dialogue, face expressions, dancing - is there anything this man is not good at?


Very rarely you come across dramas that remains true to its premise & expectations. Boyhood manages to deliver it through the acting, action, music, story, friendship and romance - making it one of the best dramas of 2023 for me! It wrapped up neatly in 10 episodes, which ensured no dull moments, even pace & satisfactory conclusion. While Si-wan is the highlight for me but the above factors intertwined with his character's journey beautifully making this a delight to watch.

Would highly recommend to watch, it would be worth your time & I am confident land up as a drama high-rated on your individual lists.

Im-Siwan, yet again has all my heart ❤️ what a talent! He already has recognition for his work, cannot wait for it to go to another level/global in his future work (especially counting it for Squid Games 2)


❤️ DETAILED REVIEW - of parts that I loved in this drama

• The Dogged Spirit: Laughing in the face of bullies
Throughout the series, it delves on bullying & it's effects which we face head-on with Byung Tae & his friends. The gravity of the bullying will make you somber & is more prominent in the second half of the show. The seriousness is cut through with apt comedic situations, dialogues & acting - making it a perfect blend of comedy . The show will give a lump in our throats, misty eyes but loads of laughter!

• Im-Siwan as Jang Byung Tae:
In his role as Jang Byung Tae, Siwan is exemplary right from his dialogue delivery, his stances (as the bullied guy & then the change as he learns to fight), the pouting, the crying, the cute dances. Literally everything this man does is par excellence & a delight to watch. TBH, I would just ask the readers to simply go & watch the show only for Im Si-wan. He is one of those few talents that are rare and needs to be watched, re-watched, recommended at every opportunity we have.

• Soundtracks, Cinematography & Acting:
Without downplaying anyone - I consider Byung Tae as the only main cast & rest support him in his journey. The story of Byung Tae & his youth cannot be told unless sharing about the bullies, families & friends. The actors in these roles all bring in their A Game in execution, making us relive the 1989 rural life of Korea through their adventures. Their unique stories & characteristic quirks blend seamlessly in Byung Tae's personal journey from being bullied to fighting for justice! Aiding the acting is the right location, make-up, fashion, camerawork & props that is sure to hit the nostalgia button - as you watch their school life, places the gang hangs out in and the awesome fights!

The music is diverse: tracks that are plain fun, soulful renditions that define our relations of our youth - friendships & romance, & dance hits of 1980s K-POP. All the tracks may not be memorable, but each of them fits perfectly into the scene that is playing.


1. I wanted more romance between Byung Tae and Ji-Yeong:
They have a lot of sweet moments which are cute & so wholesome. But since we are used to K-dramas having a confession/kiss scene initiated by the ML, I blame this unconscious bias of mine for finding fault here. Right from the start we know they are tight & even without the drama explicitly showing it - I know where these two are headed in future, in terms of romance. But human me is unable to overlook this minor thing.

2, What is the ending for Jung Gyeong-Tae and Kang Seon-Hwa?
Given the evil forces they are - again I know where they could be headed, but I guess I would have liked it to be shown that being implicit/open-ended.

The above issues are very minor, personal opinions and it does not impact the overall magnificence of this drama. It still remains as one of the best dramas of 2023 for me! This drama had everything - good storyline, great acting, fitting soundtrack, beautiful cinematography - truly a hidden gem of this year & I cannot wait for more people to discover & enjoy it! ❤️

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Esta resenha foi útil para você?
20 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 8, 2022
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 10

Showing the Good, Bad & Controversial

❤️ Lesson: There will always be hardships, but only you can save yourself from it, live the best version and look around - cause there might be someone to help you look forward to a "tomorrow" which will be beautiful / 아름다운

❤️ Nutshell Review:

Every episode is story of different individuals who will make you think on lines of existential crisis, showing the good, bad and difficult choices we make as humans with complex emotions & relations. But there is also an underlying backstory of the main characters (though not a satisfying one for Rowoon's I feel in final episode, hence -0.5).

Good one-time watch, though some episodes/cases may make you want to revisit (Example - Episode 9 🐶)

❤️ Detailed Review:

This show is FOR YOU, if you like a PLOT where:

• great narrative to show the good, bad and controversial side of human nature
• there are elements of mystery, mythology/fantasy
• it is about SECOND CHANCES
• past lives mix with modern times
• female lead is strong with impeccable edgy fashion style
• male lead is righteous, speaks his mind but also goofy & handsome
• there are underlying backstories for characters - main & support cast, both
• visual affects are good-to-great
• people make mistakes, learn and find redemption
• every episode will keep you glued to your screen
• every episode will explore a new character's challenge - yet tie it all together for the main plot and cast
• every week you will wait for the next episode with genuine anticipation
• there is a deeper meaning about values and relationships of life, which are relatable to certain level
• focus on dark/deeper topics like suicide, murder, death in general

❤️ The Cast is Strong

• Kim Hee Sun and Kim Hae Sook (reminder of their previous drama - Room No 9, brilliance)
• Lee Soo Hyuk (cold, calculating, goes by the book, reminds of Lee Dong Wook in Goblin, but am sure there is a history here)
• Rowoon (he is growing and how!)

❤️ So, why did I PICK UP this drama?

99% of the time - I watch a drama that is COMPLETED airing.
• Rarely, a drama like this comes along that demolishes this resolve of mine
• Past Dramas that did: Mr Queen, True Beauty, Business Proposal
• So you can get an idea of the caliber of this drama - that this is not a bad pick, and you can give it a try too!

I was already a fan, before I watched the show:
• I write as a hobby, especially spin-offs of dramas I finish watching
• Usually with themes of alternate endings, or imagining the reader with the lead actor/actress.
• For this show Tomorrow - the premise & trailer itself was so good, that I drafted a spin-off beforehand.

Now at the end, the stories and lessons were beautiful, the background story and end to our characters made me take the rating a notch down to 9.5 - but still a great watch and rewatch anytime!

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The Queen 'Woo'
7 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Out 8, 2024
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 2
No geral 7.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 6.0

Wasted Potential - Failed on Story & Acting trying to be Korean GoT

With a star-studded cast & premise, it had promises of a great sageuk - but it just came close to being meh. It failed as it tried to be the Korean GoT (even some of the sigils were similar + unnecessary nudity) but its main downfall was the weak confusing narrative and some of the main actors not living up to their potential (the Queen and Prime Minister).

► Story: Too much of anything is bad
The constant back and forth between past and present in every episode got boring and did not help in creating a seamless storyline. Some of the twists/turns were badly explained or rather left to interpretation - making situations illogical, with gaps. They just increased the volume of the background music, giving that epic heroic vibe but failed to showcase it through story and characters on-screen. Adding nudity just for the sake of it - does not help the story either. It does not work like that - at least for me for a Political/Historical drama of such repute.

► Acting:
• The Queen carried the Resting B*#ch Face which I guess was supposed to emote that she was a noble figure and her mind was strategizing moves way ahead - but it did not feel that way. It just felt inexpressive - and I do not dislike the actress per se - but this is her third work, that am seeing - the previous one being Burning and Money Heist (Korea) and seems like this is ongoing phenomenon. Sad to say but I do not think she is an expressive person, and therefore not a good actress in my books now. Just by doing some bold scenes and keeping a stoic face does not cut it for me.

• Most surprising and disappointing was Kim Mu Yeol as the Prime Minister, Eul Pa So. His character was supposed to be the twist, but it was delivered so flat and lifeless. You'd expect a twist to be delivered with some kind of shock value in the revelations but this did not, in fact the narrative was so bland we did not even realise when the twist for his character even came in. Not sure if I should blame the writers or directors, cause I have seen other works of the actor and he is one of the most talented actors in the industry who literally make any role their own.

• The only saving graces were Lee Soo Hyuk, with his flawless portrayal role of the barbaric 3rd Prince; AND even in the limited screentime Ji Chang Wook (the late King), Jeon Bae Soo and Jo Han Chul (Queen's father & uncle) and Park Ji Hwan (Commander) delivered their characters to a perfection. But sadly, they could not salvage everything else that was going wrong with this drama.

With all the negative points highlighted above, the drama does has its positive moments. For example: it does try to keep a level of excitement for the audience to know what the Queen will do to survive. But the bad parts overshadow the good by a long margin, and I have seen some other gems in similar genre and themes. And if the story and acting is weak, then nothing can save this drama, no matter how good the action, visual effects and feeble attempts of suspense were. Therefore, I have given it 7/10 which for me means a good/decent drama - had potential to be great but was missing a lot, especially with the ingredients it had in hand.

Would recommend to watch only if you have nothing else.

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Perfect Family
9 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 21, 2024
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 3.0
História 1.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 1.0

Deceptive Drama - Looked Promising, Failed to Deliver!

Extremely disappointing drama, one of the worst of 2024. Despite a promising cast (Yoon Se Ah, Kim Byung Chul, Yoon Sang Hyun, Kim Do Hyun) and an intriguing poster, trailer, and summary suggesting a suspense thriller with a twist, the show failed to deliver. The first 2-3 episodes offered some character development and suspense, but it quickly lost direction. The storylines were completed poorly, making it hard to stay engaged. I had to watch it at 2x speed just to finish the remaining episodes.

The only redeeming factor were the young child actresses playing Sun Hui, Su Yeon + the parents' performances - noteworthy, despite a bad script. I hope to see them in better dramas. Overall Rating: 3*/10 = Do Not Watch. This drama squandered its high potential of cast for bad storytelling.

*(My Rating Method:

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A Colher Dourada
5 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 18, 2023
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 5.0

Interesting Plot, Great Acting - just the drama pace can bother some (like me)

This drama explores greed, class (gold vs dirt spoon), and justifiable desires, tied to a supernatural element: the magical golden spoon. Overall, it has mystery, strong cast and acting, some romance, and a cool soundtrack. Rated 7/10 due to three issues.

➥ What Works:
✦ The Concept: Through male characters—either dirt poor or rich—the story delves into their desires and choices when their fates twist using the golden spoon. Both protagonists get what they want but grapple with contentment and their original selves. Supporting characters with magical spoons add depth.
✦ Yook Sung Jae: Technically my first drama of his, YSJ lives both rich and poor characters to perfection. Believable and compelling, his acting is the highlight, carrying 80% of the show.

➥ What Does Not Work:
✦ The Pace: (-1 point) The middle episodes plateau. Some elements and golden spoon swaps could have been avoided, making a shorter drama more engaging.
✦ The Ending & Plot Twists: (-2 points) Unnecessary twists in the last episode and other parts of the show. Although it ends well, some twists felt redundant.

➥Summary: Worth watching for its refreshing plot, strong acting, and unique concept. Ideal for one-time viewing, especially for Yook Sung Jae and Choi Won Young's performances.

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A Casa de Papel: Coreia
18 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 24, 2022
6 of 6 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 8.0

Biggest Heist in Korea Unfolds ❤

❤ What to Expect in Plot [Disclaimer]

• Exact remake of the original Season 1 with a Korean touch
• The characters are same, with slight variations for some characters' background stories
• Remakes will always be compared to the original and will not be at par for all, but this is good remake and will make K-fans happy.
• Season 1 is Part 1 and Part 2 - with Part 1 released with 6 episodes on June 24, 2022

So go watch with an open mind!

❤ Acting:

• Since the plot is exact of the original series, the characters are same
• Some highlights/notable differences:
→ TOKYO: since her background is different, her character development is different initially merging into the Tokyo we know
→ BERLIN: If you loved him in the Squid Game, you will love his sadistic portrayal here even more
→ PROFESSOR: a more nerd yet suave version of the original but then again I am a fan of Yoo Ji Tae ❤
→ ARTURO/Jo Yeong Min: still a hate-worthy character like the original right from the start

❤ Setting:

• It is set up in a fictional place: Joint Economic Area
Personally like it, as it takes a lot of braincells to come up with a new place all together (but it is no Hobbitshire/Hogwarts/Narnia) and make a story there. And it makes it different from the original.
• I love the use of HAHOE Masks instead of Dali ones
• Music and Direction is quite addictive and polished

❤ Summary:

→ Keep an open mind and remember that this is a Korean REMAKE. Be kind ❤
→ Fans of Yoo Ji Tae and Park Hae Soo - you will fall in love all over again, as I have ❤
→ A concise remake, with good cinematography and acting showing the biggest heist to be pulled in Korea! ❤
→ I am big fan of the original series, and with that in mind, this has been a pretty great & grand effort! ❤

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Round 6 parte 2
20 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 26, 2024
7 of 7 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 7.0

New Characters, Games, Twists & POV - But No Progress in Storyline | Filler Season

With all the marketing hype around Season 2, I wondered if it was truly remarkable or just overhyped due to a lack of substantial plot. Unfortunately, it turned out to be the latter, feeling more like a bridge to Season 3. As a die-hard fan since Season 1, I eagerly anticipated Season 2 for its deeper story and new character journeys. While it had binge-worthy moments, it ultimately left me feeling a bit cheated, as it answered no questions and the story didn't progress as expected for a sequel.

What I Liked in S2
➥ Biggest Thrill: Discovering Player 001 (no spoilers, but it's an early twist and the best one!).
➥ Overall Games/Thrills & Suspense: Maintains the same intensity as Season 1.
➥ New Characters: Offers glimpses into the Pink Soldiers, Front Man, and Recruiter's perspectives. Wi Ha Joon's police character reveals the game's ecosystem is larger than expected.
➥ Relationships: Explores the dynamics of being pitted against family, friends, and lovers in a survival game, highlighting how humanity can deteriorate under pressure.
➥ Best Character: Park Sung Hoon's portrayal of an ex-army man/trans woman is compelling. His character arc and acting are excellent, and the off-game challenges faced by a trans woman are well depicted. Also, kudos to mother/son characters - done well!

What I Disliked:
➥ Lack of Answers: No insights on why the game started, how soldiers are selected, or why Front Man joined. We only get glimpses of their backstories and therefore the story has not made any substantial progress.
➥ Under-utilized Characters: Too many characters, but none leave a strong impression. Big names like Im Siwan, Kang Ha Neul, Park Gyu Young, Lee Jin Wook, and Wi Ha Joon feel underused. Perhaps they’ll have bigger roles in Season 3, but this season lacked enough development time for them.
➥ Non-sensical Antagonists: TOP and Noh Jae Won, and other players who take the role of antagonists felt underused again. Their role seemed more comedic than having the negative aura something that S1 antagonists carried out very well.

I really hope the next season provides answers and better utilizes the characters. This one seemed directionless, produced mainly to capitalize on the hype and global sensation the show has become. Even the characters' plans in the show felt futile. While I love the show, its brand, and marketing, a compelling story is crucial for it to succeed and for me to like and rate it higher.

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Mask Girl
7 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 19, 2023
7 of 7 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 5.0

Poignant, Oddly Addictive Show Depicting Consequences of Chasing Beauty

The short series takes up one character's story per episode and stitches it beautifully into one single noir narrative. One story leads to another which makes it exciting and you might end up binging it like me. It tries to give an insight into the psyche of each character to justify their actions. But inherently it is a sad tale that is reflective of the real world's illogical high standards of beauty since times immemorial and the harsh consequences that it has on all of us.

-------------------------------------------------- ✧✦ Should YOU watch it? ✦✧ ------------------------------------------------------
It is not brilliant/earth-shattering, but oddly addictive as you want to know what each characters does in the end. Hence, if you like dramas with a message - given the shorter format this is worth a one time binge as it has a thought-provoking plot with real world issues, underlying elements of mystery executed well by a fine cast of actors, with right pace and direction!

----------------------------------------------------- ✧✦ What to Expect ✦✧ ----------------------------------------------------------
The drama shows two sides - characters who are perceived not so beautiful by society and therefore face struggles while achieving their dreams at work, love and life. Due to some events and sometimes their own choices they are brought to a breaking point that compels them to take actions having grievous consequences. The other side, we have characters who were going about their usual lives but suddenly their world shifts due to the actions of the first set of characters. Thus their lives get intertwined and now they either seek love or revenge - to find some semblance of peace in their lives.

--------------------------------------------- ✧✦ What Did NOT Work (For Me) ✦✧ ------------------------------------------------

✘ Rampant use of Plastic Surgery:
For some characters, use of plastic surgery was logical and was pivotal for the story to move forward. But for few characters, it was unnecessary and it made no affect on their character development or story arc if they remained looking the same. It's like how spies use temporary disguise in missions, the writers gave these characters the same, just more permanent which felt completely irrelevant.

✘ Lack of Positive Characters/Outlook:
For all characters (except one) it was one sad choice after another. Like they have been dealt a bad hand at life - so everything that follows or their own action are also bad. Maybe this was deliberate in order to focus on the harsh reality that the story characters (and even us) face when you are constantly being judged. Wishing there could be just one sliver of hope through a character/event, that might have made the characters believe that while there are many things bad in this world, there are many good things to look forward to as well. Just that could have changed their outlook, choices and lives!

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Esta resenha foi útil para você?
Rainha das Lágrimas
8 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 28, 2024
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 4.0

Overhyped - Nothing New, Old Plot in New Packaging

Just another K-drama with complicated love-story amidst power-struggling conglomerate family, enemies from past & present, case of terminal illness, amnesia, accidents at the crucial point - finally happy ending with endless promises of everlasting love! The drama is the usual tried & tested K-drama formula that we have known in countless other stories, just executed with fresh casting. The lead pair & marketing efforts make this drama popular, in my humble opinion - which I respect & feel which is what made me take note & watch it. But sadly neither the story nor the characters had any depth for it to remain memorable or call it a drama worth the hype it has created.

• Pace: Easy to follow storyline, but can be seen as sluggish.
• Good cinematography & OST (especially: Crush's Love You with all My Heart)

• Nothing new/memorable/worth rewatching as hyped (Please see below to know what is "memorable" imo)
• Superficial acting:
They have casted such talented artists but they are doing the bare minimum. None of them resonated with me as the character lacked depth, hence did not make me feel the emotions they were out to portray (except for the villain and Hae-In's brother but that was so little). Going around in social media, that everyone's been crying so much seeing the lead pair - it did not work for me. I have seen men crying onscreen, in fact this is one of the best things I applaud K-dramas for - letting the men show emotions. This is one my first drama of the ML - he's good at the whole puppy eyes vibe and cute thing - but his tears really felt fake. The only point where I almost teared up was for the ending of the grandfather (chairman of Queen group).

This drama has the same old ingredients with different packaging. There is nothing in this drama, that I will quote today or 10 years later. It is a good-to-average drama, if you don't watch it, you are not missing anything in terms of remarkable work in K-drama universe. My rating is still pretty basis the mechanism I have tried building, see it here:

Read the lines below, as soon as you read it - the visual will pop up in your head, quite vividly. That's what I call the power of a good drama.

1. "Kim Bok Joo is used as shield by Jung Joon Hyeong" - Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo
2. "Let's go to the Playstore" - Goblin
3. "Gwenchana Gwenchana" - Welcome to Waikiki
4. "Samantha and Rachel" - Business Proposal
5. "All Handsome Men are my Oppas" - Kill Me, Heal Me
6. "Red Light, Green Light (Mugunghwa kkoci pieot seumnida)" - Squid Games

Then there are some shows that I cannot even say one thing cause the whole drama is iconic and a trendsetter:
Boys over Flowers, Coffee Prince, Signal, Move to Heaven, Mr Queen, Misaeng, Strong Woman Do Bong Soon etc.

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