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Branding in Seongsu korean drama review
Branding in Seongsu
9 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by S1234
Mar 15, 2024
24 of 24 episódios vistos
Completados 6
No geral 9.0
História 7.0
Atuação/Elenco 10.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 8.0

Finally settled on a 9!!!

So basically this is my third review for this drama. First review was a glowing 10 just after watching 14 episodes. Then right after I watched the rushed last 2 episodes (which were not great by the way) I gave it a 5.5 and got angry with some plot elements in ep 24. I cooled down since then and now I am giving in a 9. This score because it not perfect has many logical flaws in writing so it cannot be a 10.
Now onto why I am giving it a high score third time around, the leads chemistry was out of this world. I have seen lomon in high school roles with lots of action and very innocent romance. Here he was an adult with a real love hate relationship with a woman and it was hot to watch. Super hot… almost like reading a book. The scenes where he is the female lead, or when he becomes himself and goes up to her for a face off, were very compelling and like I said quite hot. Generally k dramas are sweet and not sexy at all, so it was refreshing.
The female lead was charismatic and the scenes where she was the girl boss, makes you actually hate her (wow how many East Asian actress would step out of their comfort zone to do that). When she got emotional you could almost put yourself in her shoes. Amazing actor. Wonder why she is getting side roles. I hope you get lead roles.
The drama itself had a trio of three musketeers and they were hilarious and I loved them.
Many issues were tackled in the drama which is not usually done in k drama, corporate greed, gender identity, extreme alcoholism and s@x positivity and this makes it a very avant- garde drama.
My final verdict watch it watch it please.
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