
  • Última vez online: 2 minutos atrás
  • Gênero: Feminino
  • Localização: 不讨好的勇气
  • Contribution Points: 39 LV1
  • Papéis:
  • Data de Admissão: Agosto 31, 2022
  • Awards Received: Flower Award2
To My Harry
6 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de LucyL
Out 30, 2024
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 1.0
História 3.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

What more could be said.......A LOT

The writer absolutley knows nothing about mental health issues.The FL's character was misinformation personified, and was astonishing given the Genre and Tags for Dear Hyeri.

The writer absolutley knows nothing about Narcissism, which is also a mental health disorder. Or maybe she does, and it's why she wrote......

The ML as a Narcissist who follows the standard narcissist handbook. The character is the most vile of ANY dramas MLs I've ever watched.

The writer for Dear Hyeri, apparently, believes a woman's happiness revolves around a man to give them the only healing they need. Psychiatry sessions were a filler and weren't needed.

The writer abandoned, not only the title of her drama, but the real Hye Ri, the D.I.D. personality Hye Ri, and Ju Eun Ho too. Not to mention, the relationship between the D.I.D. personality Hye Ri and the SML. Nothing was resolved in these areas. The last Ep gave the customary hit 'n miss to each character.

The writer expected the viewers to not remember info in earlier episodes were rewritten in later episodes, as if we were stupid.

The writer waited too long to include the ML and FL's initial 'relationship' from their first meeting to them living together. The man had red flags blowing for any viewer to see, from the beginning. There was more than one interlude before they cohabitated. The 1st being 4 months after, then the 2nd being 6 months; 10 months total of manipulation by the ML.

The writer EXPECTED the viewers to not remember why the ML broke off an 8 year cohabitation with a simple "Goodbye".

The writer EXPECTED the viewers to not remember the ML was the cause of the FL developing D.I.D. Yes, she had family issues that contributed, but the ML was the driver.

The writer EXPECTED viewers to be believe her gaslighting in ALL of the mid episodes forward. There were too many scenes to list them here.

The writer couldn't use the largest salvage vessel in the world for her drama after Ep 6/7.

And yes, I'm outraged the writer's script was such a blatant misrepresentation of what a good, or even great, relationship truly is between a man and woman. It's no wonder why young women and men are floundering. The thought that even 1 woman would see this as something to strive for hurts my brain, and my heart.

I thought a few other dramas which were released this year (2024) were pretty bad, but Dear Hyeri's writing surpassed ALL poorly written dramas in the last few years.

Casting was too heavy. With a convoluted storyline, too much emphasis was placed on characters that didn't add anything, such as the grannies and the office workers. Maybe that's why a few characters kinda sorta disappeared with no word of why.

The cinematography, the direction, the acting, and the OST were good. The storyline itself could have been great in another writer's hands. Or I would like to believe it could.

My 1 rating overall is for Shin Hye Sun ONLY. The Acting/Cast 9 rating was for Shun Hye Sun ONLY. She carried the drama. Her acting was impeccable, as usual.

The majority of viewers apparently have never encountered a Narcissist who is the complete opposite of a normal human being, nor have any idea what co-dependency actually means. A true Narcissist is not common among normal people (even if it's becoming less so nowadays).

Finally, I wouldn't recommend this for even the real Narcissists that I've had a personal relationship with. They do tend to pick up new tactics from any source.

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Uma Flor Congelada
4 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de LucyL
Fev 9, 2023
Completados 2
No geral 5.0
História 3.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 1.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

The whole review is a spoiler

I'll start by saying, I wasn't forced to watch A Frozen Flower, but it was hard to watch due to my background of childhood sexual abuse and a narcissistic parent who preferred either male or female.

The story: A teenage King who groomed a pubescent boy to be his lover in the guise of "service" to the King who was homosexual. Years later, the King needed an heir to keep his reign (or be killed). Disgusted at the thought of being with a woman, his Queen, whom he'd never consummated his marriage with, the King offered the services of his Chief Guard (his lover) to impregnate the Queen and hopefully no one would be the wiser. The Chief & the Queen fell in lust with one another (love?, NO.) after sneaking around behind the King's back well beyond the required "services" after finding their much needed freedom FROM the King and for both TO a first sexual encounter for both of them; she with her first lover and he with his first woman. They both were escaping a Stockholm syndrome situation with the King so they thought they "loved" each other. The King had the Chief's doonie cut off (castrated) in response to him being "betrayed" by the Chief & the Queen. The Queen had been impregnated so the King's plan did work, but now the King had to shut everyone up since too many people knew it was the Chief's dna and not the King who had gotten the Queen pregnant. The Chief, infuriated by not having a doonie anymore, and not having a future with the Queen, decided to kill the King. The King had also killed the Queen's maid and hung her head on a pike with the Queen's sachet (given to her by the Chief) making the Chief think the King had killed her. This gave the Chief all the more reason to kill the King. The Chief killed the King. The Chief was finished off by the other Guards and both bodies were to be hidden. The Queen could give birth to the throne's heir, and everyone could not live happily ever after. The end.

TL;TR: A gay King needed an heir, offered his longtime lover Chief Guard to service the Queen to impregnate her. The plan backfired due to the King not understanding people have emotions, and aren't robotic, thus he didn't contemplate his CG and the Q falling in lust with one another. Having lost control of his CG the King sought revenge by castrating the CG which prevented both he and the Queen from having a relationship with him in the future. The King was killed by the Chief. The Chief Guard was killed by the other guards. The end.

Korean films take leeway in explicit content, whereas their dramas don't.

SERIOUSLY, the movie should have a disclaimer attached to it (on Viki where I watched) as an EROTIC film, a Trigger Warning for sexual abuse (or grooming), pedophilia, explicit sexual scenes, nudity, profanity, & extreme violence, and restrict access for anyone under the age of 18. It also is not a BL movie and shouldn't be labeled as such. It is an adult erotic movie with adult content, plot, and storyline.

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de LucyL
Jan 9, 2025
Completados 5
No geral 1.0
História 1.0
Acting/Cast 2.0
Musical 1.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
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Some ideas and creations should remain in one's mind


Just NO. I've watched quite a few bad dramas and movies, regardless of the reviews, and wish I hadn't wasted my time. HOWEVER, with And Then There Was Light/Hikari (2017), not only did I waste my time but I had a huge icky-low-self-esteem feeling during the entire 2:17:58 movie.

Why did I finish it? So I could write this review and WARN others this movie is among a couple of others that left me wondering how such an amateurish film would be made in the first place. I say "would be made" because it clearly represents what should've been left in the heart of the original creator or scriptwriter, never to see the light of day.

The bgm (background music) was horror movie level and came at intervals and was loud & jarring (also forced to even give a rating so the review would submit). There was no story and no plots. The extremely long looks/gazes were frustrating, so much so I had to check to see if my wi-fi had dropped, numerous times. The screenwriter/director's (one in the same) or the original creator's fetishes - no words. There was no moral to this non existent story, which MDL forces to have at least a 1 rating to submit one's review. There was no value from the dialogues, no inclusion of life altering profound wisdom, just mundane, very mundane. What little there was of cinematography, was on par with taking the oldest cellphone from the 1970/80s out in the backyard to capture a tree, oh, and the moon which alludes to the 'light' from the Japanese word hikari. Absolutely nothing was of worth to sit in front of a 2:17:58 hours long piece of what the other reviewer said was a textbook example of everything not to do in making a movie.

It contains child molestation, infidelity, child abuse, murder, blackmail, sexual content, weird sucking fetishes, and corspe abuse if one were to add a character's rummaging around in his dead father's underwear for a possibly-hidden picture. It was SO slow one would wonder how all that would fit into the length of the movie. It just went from one bad scene to another while including all those elements. I checked at least 3 times to see if it was anywhere near finished, starting at the 1 hour mark.

Rewatch value is zilch, yet MDL requires a rating in all catagories to be able to submit a review.

I DO NOT RECOMMEND the movie to anyone. I'm surprised Viki hasn't dropped this so it's absence can be filled with something much more worthy of being included ON Viki.

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Treeless Mountain
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de LucyL
Mai 30, 2023
Completados 1
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 1.0
Voltar a ver 7.0

Heartbreak..Theirs and Mine

I won't bore you with fancy entertainment industry words such as cinematography, direction, etc. Treeless Mountain (named for the small branch of a tree the youngest, Bin, and her sister, Jin, "planted" on the top of a gravel/dirt pile in their aunt's neighborhood is an extremely slow slice of life movie. The tree branch was a metaphor for the sisters' plight.

Treeless Mountain isn't a feel-good movie.

There isn't any background music (bgm), very little interaction between the grown folks and the girls, and has an overall feeling of hopelessness about it as we're carried along by the girls daily survival, first under the "care" of the aunt, then by their grandparents in the country.

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O Vento Sopra
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de LucyL
Mar 2, 2023
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 9.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Love Knows No Bounds

Sacrifice for love is the main theme throughout the entire drama. Alzheimer's is touched upon and gives the viewer a glimpse into the devastation it wrecks on the mind and body. Only a touch and a glimpse as 16 episodes wouldn't be enough to show the real everyday aspect of it which leaves loved ones having the disease, and the loved ones who care for them, grappling with a battle to remain who they were.

The Wind Blows is an extremely slow slice of life drama for the mature audience. It deals with mature adult decisions and emotions, of which those with youthful life experiences would barely understand. It would probably be quite boring for most. Yet, it's quite beautiful. Please keep this in mind when choosing to watch.

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de LucyL
Jan 26, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 3.5
História 3.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 1.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
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Curiosity Killed The Cat

I watched Jung_E several days ago and couldn't figure out how to express a review right away, so I rewatched the pertinent scenes again and here I am STILL not really knowing how to say just how bad this was. The pertinent scenes throughout the entire 1 hour 33 mins and 45 seconds (fade to black) maybe, MAYBE numbered 5 in total. Maybe a total of 15 mins in all holding the movie together like glue which has been dabbed in spots on a heavy sheet of metal which hasn't dried before being hung onto a sheet rock plastered wall.

The beginning held promise with what I thought was live action from our main female lead, Kim Hyun Joo (the mother). The CGI was on par with the best gaming experience on the market today. Then the reality of the plot was revealed. In the present as an adult, Kang Soo Yeon (the daughter), is overseeing her "mother's" combat ready machine generated "body & brain", that Son Young Sun (the grandmother), had signed over under the Type C contract when she was about 12 years old (played by Park So Yi) after her mother died during combat. The Type C contract allowed living and educational expenses for her granddaughter, Park So Yi, but gave the government complete access in how her mother's brain data would be used in the future. This would allow for her mother to "live on", albeit as a robot. By presenting the "level" families could choose from upon the death of a loved one, and the futuristic health care facility we are shown this was set sometime well past our present time wayyy in the future.

I won't go into detail about the apopcalyptic conditions of Earth except to say it was a wasteland of water covering to the mountain tops. The few citizens that were unable to be transported to a colony in space were living in dire starving conditions underground to escape the war above.

The premise of the movie, the use of the mother's brain data to be used in manufacturing squadrons of elite soldiers was never quite fully formed as we learn somewhere during this 1 hour+ disaster. The daughter, Kang Soo Yeon, apparently had utilized her education since she was 12 years old to become the project manager overseeing her mother's brain data (in the present time). The project was dismantled due to the failure of it being obsolete compared to that of the robotic soldiers of the enemy from 2 other colonies which were at war with all the other colonies and Earth. Thus, the story revolves around saving her mother's brain data instead of being scaped per the appearance for 3 mins tops, Uhm Ji Won, who was the head of whatever authority she represented.

Enter more CGI fighting until the end in which the daughter "freed" the mother, albeit the robot, upon Earth to roam to her "heart's delight", I assume.

Lord have mercy. I hate, really hate this was the last project of Kang Soo Yeon. This role didn't do her justice, and thankfully she has an outstanding list of awards for her other roles, dramas, and movies for us to enjoy and remember her by.

The extremely limited roles were exceptionally acted given what they were which was very little screen time. Beyond the mains, the others were planted mainly to say they were there ONLY. I agree with another reviewer that said this could have been a great series of 16 or more episodes. The story fell flat with 1 premise in the mind of the writer. Also, why the daughter at 12 had surgery for cancer for the cancer to return when she was an adult had nothing to do with driving the plot. The love between mother & daughter could've been utilized differently. The music was unexceptional in that I can't remember it at all even after watching again this morning right before writing this review.

Yes, I feel like I wasted 1 hour 33 mins and 45 seconds PLUS the extra 20 mins it took to write this review. If you're curious, well, you know what happened to the cat, right?

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Lá Fora
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de LucyL
Nov 5, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 6.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
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The zombies aren't to be feared.......

as much as the monster, the father. Outside is a movie based on a family's struggle, and the decline of said family against the backdrop of a zombie outbreak.

The father's childhood trauma, and subsequent c-PTSD, and his knowledge of his wife's 'secret' with his older brother is the core of the storyline.

His wife is the mother to 2 sons, the latter of which, is the father's biological son. The wife warily navigates her husband's animosity towards her.

By just over the halfway point in the movie, the father has already sabotaged his family thrice. Deliberately withholding info and lying about said info, and burning a map his brother had left with him of the possible Camp the wife and oldest son had mentioned earlier. When that 'scene' during the Christmas dinner is shown the viewer knows the father has completely lost all reasoning and is on the edge of madness.

The movie is about the family. Their relationships with one another. It isn't about the zombies. The family's failed struggle IS the basis of Outside. The movie could have survived without the zombie outbreak as a plot/plots. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone unless they're into intense family dynamics that aren't resolved amicably.

ps. The focus on the father's 'item' from his father was especially poignant. Time, for the father, once he was back in his childhood home, had stood still.

pss. The zombies shown on screen were much better portrayed than the movie poster, and yes, they can talk. Their utterances rasped with their concerns or fears in their zombie state.

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de LucyL
Dez 13, 2022
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musical 1.0
Voltar a ver 2.0

History Lesson???

I'm sitting here pondering over how best to describe The DMZ when there are only 3 speaking roles with very little speaking involved. The visuals are the driving force in The DMZ, and could be used as a supplement in a history lesson on the Korean War.

Studying the Korean War lead me to dramas and movies from my favorite country (aside from my own country (USA) and those from which my ancestors came (Germany/France, Ireland/Scotland)).

I watched because I've been fascinated with the Republic of Korea's history. Watch purely FOR the history, and for the history of the black & white film. It's rare to be able to see outside of the regional area. You can find it on YouTube as of the date of this review.

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Passing Summer
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de LucyL
Jul 31, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 4.0
História 2.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 1.0
Voltar a ver 1.0

Do NOT read the synopsis.

I've no idea who wrote the extremely hyped up synopsis which, after viewing, is actually quite the opposite of what is shown in the movie. I've never run across a synopsis worded in such a way as to 'cover' for the lack of substance, plot, story, etc, but here it is. I was HIGHLY disappointed in this movie. The acting was great. But that was it.

Their tranquil life was not disrupted. There is no sense of tension between Seong Hye's husband and Chae Yun so she doesn't sense it, and her there is no unease when In Gu (doesn't) threaten to expose her past to Jeong Bong. There are no emotions to escalate and no secrets were unsurfaced, the four were not entangled in a web of jealousy and mistrust. There was no storm of emotion. Maybe if there had been any of this it would've been a good movie. The acting was well done despite the uncommonly slow story? plot?

Seriously, I don't give participation awards to every drama or movie because in doing so it doesn't challenge writers to give their best. Maybe the consequences of giving ratings too high in comparation to the drama or movie's worth is being felt in the poor selection of drama and movies coming out of S Korea in the past 2 yrs or so. Yes, a few have been extremely well written though.

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de LucyL
Mar 17, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 4.0
Voltar a ver 9.5

Have your tissues handy

"Remember" might be uncomfortable for some given the subject matter of the Japanese occupation of Korea. Forced labor to other countries of Korea's young men, young women under the guise of working in a factory being forced to give "comfort" to a foreign invader's military men, businesses aquisitioned for the growth of the invading power are but a few of the points at the forefront.

"Remember" was tight and lacked the flaws usually found in a film. The determination of the lead character in his mission was lead by an equal fixation of the scripwriter and director. The plot was straight forward with no detours. Action, Thriller, and Historical genres were given equal measure, with suspense heavily-laden. There was NO room for romance. No room for dilly dallying away precious time in a nearby coffee shop. The story was moved along with one goal in mind. And it was fantastic!!!

I have no descriptions for the 2 main leads. There aren't enough superlatives. The supporting cast were mainly veteran actors who never give less than in any project. It was a male-driven film.

Oh, and if the truth about the past is not remembered & preserved we'll definitely be inclined to repeat it.

Seriously, the ONLY thing that bothered the heck out of me during the entire 2 hours and 8 mins was the Americanized nicknames for the T.G.I.F's (more commonly known now as Friday's) employees which I've seen in other dramas. THE USE OF JASON AND FREDDIE GRATED ON MY NERVES. I hope this one factor isn't an issue with the local employees of the international company. It's degrading and disrespectful.

I rated the music lower ONLY because, well, did it have music???

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Time Between Dog and Wolf
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de LucyL
Jan 23, 2023
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 10

Stands the test of Time

Even though this was released in 2007, it was WELL ahead of its time, and that's why it doesn't feel dated. There are dramas that will always be deemed as classics and they stand the test of time. Time Between Dog and Wolf is one classic. Cain and Abel is another. I could list them all, but...

I watched this 3 times after I checked the DVD out from my local library back in 2008. How this Korean drama was slipped into the mix at a small town library, I'll never know, but it was THE drama that started me on the journey away from watching anything that came out of "Hollywood".

Some have said the ending doesn't make sense. Yes, it does. It makes perfect sense, and is a perfect ending.

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