Hi! It's Ana!
I´m an Art Historian and a Teacher.
Blilingual in Spanish and English. Mostly sweet, and chill, i often live in my own world tho. Some days very active, others a couch potato.
Dogs, white wine, nice views, travel and BL.

Around 2006 my early teen self found a taiwanese drama called Devil beside you. Then i entered a rabbit hole, Taiwanese dramas lead me to Japanese and koreans and that to kpop music. I discovered BL around that time as well, 2006 or so with Love of Siam and saw the birth of the genre in Thailand. Lastly, in 2020 i started to watch bl from Philippines. I am one of those who wish and craves for more Bls that hold hands with Lgbtq+ content and make a midle ground. We are getting there, hopefully.
I'll be updating my likes, watch list and creating my own as i go:
Singto Prachaya Ruangroj and New Thitipoom Tacha-apaikun Know that i exist, i can die a happy woman. Meet them and could glance and stare at the rest of Our Sky cast in a press conference at GMMTV bulding in Bangkook in September 2018.
Meet Saint Suppapong Udomkaewkanjana at a fanmeeting in Paris during 2019, he is my protected baby, totally a Minger.
I am open to watch every genre, but BL / queer content is my thing.
Feel free to hit me up if you want! : )