Dramas I finished

wake me up next week Abr 2, 2023
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  • Finja Até Conseguir

    101. Finja Até Conseguir

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 14 episodes


    I realllly love this drama , it's a mature romcom with minimal misuderstandings and all the characters were logical , relatable and understandble , there is not absolute villain in this drama .This draa talks about a lawyer who's struggling at her work and ML whos a banker and is a playbol as he has a lot of girl friends ,he doesnt wanna be commited since he was hurt from a previous relationship , then he is gonna meet FL and will become friends with her , they are both trying to convince themselves that they are not attracted to each other but they are indeed as they are not ready to get hurt .Afterwards , FL will confess but ML will kind of reject her but he is gonna try to get her back.Then we have SFL , whos FL's sister , she is gonna have multiple love intrest , she also met ML earlier on but they didnt really click , then will meet up with a older guy who she is gonne think he is not as rich (she has a list of criteria of men), then will meet a guy and will start to be invested in her rs as he was good to her but they will break up as he displayed stalkish behaviour and he was overprotective , by the end , she will get together with a local singer seeking after her happiness.Also, when main cp got together they rarely had any misunderstaning as they trusted each other and communicated well and they will stay like this until the end of the drama.Overally , I really enjoyed it , I would recommend it to anyone as it tackles adults subjects.finished 10 September 2023

  • Zombie 100

    102. Zombie 100

    Japanese Movie - 2023


    MOVIE NOT A DRAMA .This movie talks about a graduated dude who got a job in his favourite company and will get shocked by the fact it's so physically and mentally draining as they work overtime everyday with little to no breaks and his boss was very controlling and didnt take ppl in consideration.One day , he is gonna find out that there was a virus breakout where everyone is turning into zoombies and he got happy with that since he is now free and will no longer have to go to work ,he is also gonna rescue his bestie where they gonna explore together and will meet up with an audacious girl where he is gonna start his bucket list of things he want to do before becoming a zombie such as paragliding , riding a motorbike ...But , when they decided to go to an aquarium they found his ex-boss starteing a mini company exploiting ppl there for minimum food and ML will get back his trauma and will get oppressed but he will break free from it by the end as his dream is to become a superhero that will save humanity and therefore goes on their journey.recommended in general , it was kind of gory and I liked the fact even thought , its a zoombie movie but mostly focused on relations with ppl and taking break when u need and never do things to the extreme.finished 15 Septembre 2023

  • Love at Second Sight

    103. Love at Second Sight

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 22 episodes


    this was pretty good for a short drama , it talks about a married couple that are going through divorce as she thoight ML was cheating on her but he's not , then she's gonna start working at his company where they will fall in love again as their marriage wasnt based on love.SFL in this drama was annoying and she's gonna turn out to be the adopted family of the biological family of FL (FL didnt know she was adopted by her current family)and she was investigating her dad's death which is gonna be caused by ML's uncle.SML wasnt as bad , if ML wasnt in the picture , then SML wasnt not bad for an option.recommended if you like short rom com with real kisses and ML who trusts FL and he never doubted her.finished 16 September 2023

  • Useless Lies

    104. Useless Lies

    Korean Drama - 2023, 16 episodes


    i find it really normal as a korean drama , it started off pretty good , it talks about FL who's a liar hunter , she can detect ppl when they lie and she uses this ability as her job , ML is a songwriter with trauma as his gf commited suicide after he broke up with her and he blames himself for it he also wears a mask outside because he is afraid ppl will recognise him as he was the suspect before police concluded that it was suicide but we gonna find out later that it wasnt a suicide but a murderer .ML and FL will become neighbours and therefore will start their love story and ML will start investigating with him to find out who is the true murderer.This drama started off pretty strong , I was looking forward to the eps each weak but afterwards it went downhills and the chemistry wasnt really the greatest (kisses were pretty good tho).The other cast were normal , no one really stood out .Tbh , I wouldnt really recommend this drama as it had nothing special.finished 19 Septembre 2023

  • Mang Ai Qian Jin

    105. Mang Ai Qian Jin

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 30 episodes


    this was a pretty good drama , it talks about a rich girl who got blind after an accident and her father died but she believes that it's not an accident but murder , and she is engaged to SML whos cheating on her with SFL who's FL best friend .ML is going to become her bodyguard but he has been involved since forever in the family drama as his family got ruined supposingly by FL's family so he is there to uncover the truth and protect FL at the same time.FL had some misuderstanings involving ML since he wasn't telling her the entire truth but still she was trying to see it for herself .Drama will end with SML in prison and SFL got killed by SML and happy ending for our cp.I liked the acting and chemistry in this drama , and the kisses were good .recompmended for someone who like revenge short dramas with good acing and chemistry .finished 21 Septembre 2023

  • Moving

    106. Moving

    Korean Drama - 2023, 20 episodes


    I really liked everything about it ,the drama starts with 1 girl and 2 boys in the same school and they all have superpower , one who can fly , the girl who can heal quickly and the other one who's powerfull and fast .We will see them in the first eps but then the story will focus on the backstory of the parents and how they were all related in the past , and we will see their love storie for ex: for the one who flies , his dad is the one who actually flies and he is also gonna inherit from his mom her excelled 5 senses and they both work for NIS and his mom will have a mission to seduce the dad but they both know that she's on a mission but they are gonna fall in love regardless and will have the kid .For the girl , her father was a gangster who redeemed himself and will start working in NIS and the mom was a coffee girl and when they will meet the father fell for her at first sight and will get together and get married and have the girl but the mom will die from a car accident .the two fathers will become partners in NIS so they all know each other .And for the last kid , his parents were already married but his father has mental disorder so his speech is kinda slow but he is so protective of his family that he will serve in prison for assault as he beat ppl up to protect them.We will get many more stories with ppl with other superpowerssuch as electricity , seeing through wall...There was also conflic between North and South Korea as they are both exploiting and sacrificing ppl to get ppl with superpowers as they are afraid of each other's attack.Anyways , this drama ended with ML's father coming back from NK as he was held captive for 15 years and ML actually being a superhero and saving ppl in danger , we do need a s2 as we duno what happened with the girl who was saved by FL by was commanding the general ant the guy who was manipulating time and naju's daughter.RECOMMENDED FOR EVERYONE.finished 21 Septembre 2023

  • Dear Mr Hermitage

    107. Dear Mr Hermitage

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 24 episodes


    this was a normal romcom , it started off pretty good , with FL chasing after ML fater getting a mission from his father to convince him to stop secluding himself in the mountains and living as a monk ,so that she can get a contract for her company as she is a broadcaster but not a famous one , and ML was a ver successful businessman that decided to live as hermit after his mom's death to atone for himself and he is go to a villagz to start growing a kind of tea that villagers stopped growing after entering the coffee market , so he is there to achieve his mom's last dream.After some eps , he is gonna fall for her pretty quickly and will start pushing her but FL has a pretty song personality so she wont back them and they will get in rs.The SML had a crush on ML that wont last for long as she will start liking SML who is in the same company as FL and he is also crushing on her but they will get together by the last ep.The villagers were kind of old at the beginning but they will start warming up for our cp lil by lil.Overally , it wasnt the best , I didnt like the second half as I found it very repetitive and predictable but it was kind of healing as it tells ppl not to chase after fame and money on the expense of ur morals and family, also the chemistry was good and the kisses too .recommended for ppl who like romcoms with healthy relationship and supportive ppl(dad , villagers , friends).finished 21 September 2023

  • The Outcast

    108. The Outcast

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 27 episodes


    This is my favourie drama of 2023.It talks about whang chulan ML who's shameless and he was always lonely since the death of his grandpa , the one who bought his up since his parents died young , his grandpa taught him how to cultivate qi as he is training him to become the inheritor of qi apotheosis (he will use it in the last ep).One day, at his uni , he will get chased by a girl holding knife who's FL feng baobao who doesnt age and lost a big chunk of her memory so she is always looking for her lost memories and her family,she works at NDT:a delivery company at the surface but also is the intel company of oustiders(ppl who have superpowers),we are gonna witness the awesome friendship between them.Therei also wang ye (who manipulates time )and is the inheritor of one of the 8 supremes , and zhang linyu who's gonna also inherit another supreme and he has the same kind of qi as ML , it's just that he had rs with xia he (one of the villain sect)so his qi wont be pure like ML and he will also feel little and discouraged by that, but he will learn to accept himself.I also liked his master from mount linghu , he was the best chacter ever , he was badass , stylish , supportive and realllly powerful , he is really the best of the best.In this drama , we are gonna see the friendship between the oustsiders and them seeking after the jiamen catastrophe , which the masters are hiding the truth about .This drama surely needs a s2 and I hope I can see ASAP. RECOMMENDED TO EVERYONE , this drama had everything , and the acting was really good.finished 22 Septembre 2023

  • Zai Ci Xing Fu

    109. Zai Ci Xing Fu

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    This was really meh as a short drama , it talks about a married girl who has a son and her in-laws and husband are treating her as a nanny especially when she is highly educated and had a good job before marriage , she is gonna get divorce because she couldnt live in that toxic environment anymore .While working,she's gonna pick up a guy who lost his memory and will start living with her and her son but he will get back his memory later and will find out that he is actually the CEO ,Therefore , he will start pursuing her and will start a rs with FL.This drama had many tropes that were'nt really done well and the quality and directing didnt help either .The acting from leads werent bad and the other supportive characters , it wasnt really good.This drama had a happy ending with marriage between cp.NOT RECOMMENDED .finished 22 September 2023

  • Romantic

    110. Romantic

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 22 episodes


    This was a pretty good short drama , it talks about a girl FL who woke up after being in coma for 3 years after she was pushed by her fiancé SML the day of her marriage and her fiancé is cheating o her with her bestfriend sfl who works as a secretary for SML.After waking up she will pretend to have amnesia to trick SML and SFL and to take revenge as they wanted to destroy her .ML who was her father's bodyguard will come forward to help her with revenge but she didnt know that he was actually in love with her since forever and will start pursuing her romantically .For the second cheating cp , they were mostly funny but they were really unforgiving .The ML will actually be the heir of the FL's company but still he was by her side just to help her with her revenge .This drama will end with SML dying since SFL crushed him with her car a,d SFL turning crazy and going to prison and a happy ending for our main cp.RECOMMENDED FOR PPL who like short romcom with little bit of revenge and good acting , chemistry and kisses .finished 23 September 2023

  • The Lotus Casebook

    111. The Lotus Casebook

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 40 episodes


    this was a good drama , i binged watched all the 40 eps in 3 days , it talks about a hero who was the master of a sigu sect but after a big fight 10 years ago with di feisheng , he got poisoned wit the deadliest posion and he only has 10 years to live but he is gonna assume a new identity as a mysterious doctor li lianhua who revives the death and during the last year this story will take place.He will meet fang duobing,his dream is to become a detective and he will be on probation where he will start investigating cases with ML but he didnt know that his hero was actually by his side all the time and even di will join them smtm so he is not the villain in this story and they will become close .There is not much romance in this drama , ML was in rs 10 years but after he disappeared , after some years she got together with another guy from the same sect but she never got over ML , she will get her closure later on .There is another girl su who likes him and is active in helping them investigate but it never got deeper , they were and remained as friends.For fang , he got an arranged marriaged with the princess and we will get to see that they have feeling for each others but they never acted upon it in the drama.There was a saintess who was obsessed with di and wanted to own him because he never fell for her seduction(ML is the other exception ).The ultimate villain is gonna be the dead partner of ML who did all of this to control the ppl and become the new king  and we will see how they will succeed in winning over him .I really liked this drama especially that I dont watch a lot of male based wu xia drama , so this one was really fun .I would have liked it if we got a clear ending because I consider that ML died by the end because he gave u his treatments but there are ppl who claim that he is actually alive and kicking because of a special ep and the fact he was wearing a hairset jade which represents life.finished 26 September 2023

  • Zhao Ge Fu

    112. Zhao Ge Fu

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 29 episodes


    this was a nice short drama , but i didnt really enjoy the ploy , it was too sad for ML , it talks about a pretty girl who as in love with a man but once she caught the eyes of the emperor and he will kill her lover , kidnap and torture her for 5 years until his son ML will usurp and will become the new emperor and will take FL as the empress.ML have always liked her but she never allowed herself to love him as she was in trauma and felt that she didnt really deserve him . It will end with her rejecting him and dying in his arms.The acting ,makeup and outfits were really good for a short drama .The acting , chemistry and kisses were also good but I just couldnt get in depth with them as I felt that the plot was too heavy for a short drama and FL her life was so sad that she ends up dying.Recommened if you like short drama with good acting but dont mind sad endings.finished 1 October 2023

  • Usokon

    113. Usokon

    Japanese Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    this drama started off pretty strong as I gave it 9 in the beginning with the main leads that were childhood friend meeting after FL was fired from her job and ML suggested they get in a fake e marriage as he told his investor he was married.Therefore , they will start living together and will try to deceive the ppl around them one by one by telling them that they ave been married for two years but what FL didnt know is that he actually liked her from the get go and he was always hesitant to confess to her as he thought that she has a crush on their othr childhood friend which is not case based on the last ep and that she always liked him too .What made me rate this drama low is the fact FL had no personality and she always catered to ppl liking and did what they liked and never thought about her happiness till the last ep and we can see that she never actually a character developement , I find that this drama had a lot of potential to be great but the plot wasn't strong at all .Acting was normal as well , no one stood out .We had barely kisses also .NOT RECOMMENDED IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR FAKE MARRIAGE ROMCOM.finished 2 October 2023

  • Beijo da Morte

    114. Beijo da Morte

    Japanese Drama - 2018, 10 episodes


    this was a good drama , it was different .It talks about ML host who has childhood trauma as his brother died in yacht accident where his dad was the driver and instead he saved a little girl that will turn out to be FL who when she kisses ppl they die , and she die afterwards and they go back in time 7 days to rectify what they wanna do .So , at first he will think that FL only wanted to kill him as she shows up only to kiss him but she was actually saving him and letting him know who actually wanted to attack him.Afterwards , when he will get to know her power , he will use her to correct what he did and he is trying to get together with a rich heiress SFL who is in love with her adoptive brother SML.By the last ep , when he will actually succeed in pursuing her and he will get to marry her , he will hesitate as he was already in love with FL and she will die protecting him .But , he will get to go back to time but this time 3 months , where he is gonna solve things and FL will not know all the history they went thought but he came to the conclusion that all he needed was love and not money or status.Overally , I really enjoyed this drama since ML is not someone with morals and he will sell his body to just get what he wants , also we had a lot of kisses in this drama even boy to boy an girl to girl and acting was good.RECOMMENDED IF YOU LIKE DIFFERENT DRAMAS WITH PLOT TWISTS.finished 3 October 2023

  • Ex-Wife Stop Season 2

    115. Ex-Wife Stop Season 2

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 24 episodes


    this was a cute romcom , it's a sequel to s1 and it starts with main cp getting married again and ML will misunderstand FL that she is actually with him just to acquire his company and he will get into a car accident and therefore suffers from insomnia.FL will help him get his memory back and also helps his company gets thro the crisis.I didnt like how this drama was too focused on the business part since it's already a short drama so they could have just giving us more romantic moments .Special mention to their daughter , she was so cute and smart.The acting was normal , it wast the best, there were a lot of kisses and the budget feels high for a short drama .The villain was the step mom of FL who wanted to take the company that is not even lawfully hers and she was the cause of the car accident that main cp had.Overally , this was good and it had a happy ending where they got married again as their 2 first marriages got interrupted .RECOMMENDED IF YOU LIKE SHORT ROM COM WITH GOOD CHEMISTRY.finished 3 October 2023

  • Mundo Paralelo

    116. Mundo Paralelo

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 38 episodes


    it talks about guide on a  expedition with his girlfriend and his friends but a big storm happended , everyone died except him and he got hated by everyone , therefore will start living in hiding and then FL lost sections of her memory and one day she will find a camera with picture of ML's dead girlfriend so they will team up to investigate with the help of fatty tang and another girl and guy .They will enter a parallel world where there are a lot of exotic beasts and FL will find out that she's from there and she's hated by ppl because she betrayed scorpion eye which is not the case since she is the founder with Jiang Han (they were slaves and they escaped together).There , they will meet a lot of ppl like the sorcerer Li who helped them throughout their journey whith his roosters(MVP) and also a girl from the guards who's gonna have a love line with tang.Later on , they will find out that everything was a scheme by long family who long zhi (the villain )is the heiress and she did mostly all of it from jealousy as she was in love with jiang han but he was in love with FL and most of her plans were successful with the use of exotic beasts such as the dragon that made jiang han replace his memory of FL with the long's and made FL memories ambegious and both of them will succeed in geting their momories by cutting off their hands.This drama will end with a HE from main couple and tang and the guard and for the third couple , the guys will become a shadow beast as he cannot survive in his body as he was covered in extra saliva of the Gold mine dragon.I really enjoyed this drama , the rs between main cp was so healthy and they were so communicative also I enjoyed their skinship and kisses and I love the fact that ML didnt blame ML for his gf's death as she was responsible for her death but she didnt mean t as she wanted to only cross between the 2 worlds.RECOMMENDED TO EVERYONE .finished 7 October 2023

  • Embrace Love

    117. Embrace Love

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 20 episodes


    this drama started off good with FL who's an actress in year 2222 (was never showed in the drama)has a blood condition and only has 1 year left to live , she's will time travel to the past with her robot who's like her brother and to recover she has to take ML blood who's a scientist studying rare blood conditions since his mom died of the same conditions but when he has romantic feeling so she went on the mission to make ML meet SFL to fall in love but ML but she will fall in love with him instead and he will also fall for her and therefore will start a relationship .There is also a second couple with SML who also came from future to help FL and SFL a pianist who had a crush on ML but got over him quickly , I quite enjoyed the romance as SFL wasnt annoying ans she was direct about her feelings and she knew how to push and pull with SML. One day , ML concluded that she time travelled so time went back (no one can know she came from future).So , this time she will try to stay away from him and restart but she couldnt help but get involved with him .By the end , the robot sacrificied himself to make the time travel machine work (he was involved with the sister of ML who had a crush on him and had a robot company), for second lead , it was open as we dont see SML coming back from future and for main cp , we saw that FL got back from future.Overally , I liked the drama at first but as it went on , it got more repetitive , I liked their acting tho.RECOMMENDED IF YOU LIKE ROMCOM TIME TRAVEL DRAMAS .finished 8 October 2023

  • Todome no Parallel

    118. Todome no Parallel

    Japanese Drama - 2018, 10 episodes


    This drama shows us the alternative worlds after main leads died after kissing each other.So every ep , shows a different world with different results .RECOMMENDED IF YOU WATCH THE MAIN STORY TODOME NO KISS .finished 9 October 2023

  • The Devil's Plan

    119. The Devil's Plan

    Korean TV Show - 2023, 12 episodes


    A SHOW NOT A DRAMA .in this show , they bring 12 people to compete in games involving memorisation , maths and wit .You see their interaction and I really loved an alliance with dong jae ; ha seok jin( the final winner) and lee see won who was competitive and very decisive I like that about her .I didnt like how pacifist was orbit ,wy was he trying to save everyone where there is only suppposed to be one winner .In this kind of shows, you have to care about yourself and try to win .Overally , I enjoyed the show and i would like to see ha seok jin in more similar shiws as he was really the brain and he was the most mature between them.RECOMMENDED FOR EVERYONE .finished 12 October 2023

  • An Li Zhao Mi

    120. An Li Zhao Mi

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 24 episodes


    this was nice overall .It talks about a rich guy who wants to take revenge from the gf of his dead brother who he thought was FL because of a painting he has since she is a designer and then he will start orking in her company after she broke up with her cheating bf and they will start with the push and pull as they are both pulling tricks to make the other fall in love with them.Afterwards, they will start a relationship , I find it pretty healthy and I liked the fact ML was unsure since after befriending her , he was like she cant be the one who caused my brother's death.This drama had a lot of kisses , acting was normal , ML was kind of stiff thought and the chemistry wasnt ozzing .Second couple was interesting involving FL's bestie and ML's bestie and they were mature.This drama had a happy ending with a proposal and them finding out that the ex gf was , his stepmom and she did all of that to get the bag with the help of her brother who's ML ex bf.Overally , it was nice and it's short .RECOMMENDED FOR PPL WHO LIKES SHORT ROMCOMS WITH CUTE LEADS.finished 13 October 2023

  • A Lua de Neve

    121. A Lua de Neve

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 24 episodes


    this was nice overall , it talks about a fox demon who's the emperor and is hated by everyone and FL is his maid who's gonna be his destined lover and this is their 10th life together since she always died due to a curse .At first, FL is gonna be manipulated by SML who's the son of the previous emperofthat wants to get back his throne ,to kill ML but she's gonna fall for him in the process.ML from the start jnew that she approched hom to kill him and let him do so to end the curse .Later on , ML will tell her the truth and they will be together but all the demon clan is gonna be killed by SFL who's the bodyguard of SML and who's gonna end a half human half demon and she did all that to concure the world and annihilate all humans and demons since she was outcasted .This drama will end with ML locking SFL with him for the sake of the world's peace and FL waiting for ML to return which he will do , thus a happy ending .Overally , acting was normal but ML was good , for events I found them to be quite repetitive and the wasn't much happening so I was bored but it was an easy watch .RECOMMENDED IF YOU LIKE SHORT HISTROCIAL DRAMA .finished 14 October 2023

  • You Will Be Famous

    122. You Will Be Famous

    Chinese Special - 2023, 16 episodes


    This was cute overall , it talks about a rich CEO who pretends to sit in wheelchair ,and FL who's a poor girl who got outcasted by ppl for his disability and afterwards, they will start a relationship .This show is an add for skincare brand and the eps can be watched separately as it was aired on douyin .RECOMMENDED FOR PPL WHO LIKE SHORT DRAMA WITH JIANG SHIQI.finished 11 September 2023

  • My Lovely Wife

    123. My Lovely Wife

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 22 episodes


    this was a normal drama overall , it talks about a girl who developped mutism because of her mom's suicide and ML who's also suffering from childhood traula as he is afrad of blood , sharp stuff and physical touch .Fat will bring them together and they will have a contract relationship as he was drugged and paparazzi took a pic of them together in a hotel room to quench the playboy rumours .Her father used to cheat her mom and will have a mistress that he will marry and will even have a daughter together but FL thought it was her step sister but in fact it's her half sister and FL's mom will commit suicide because of depression and the mistress pushed her to the edges and thus she couldn't take it anymore .Later on , they are gona fid out that FL's father is ML's father but ML was adopted therefore they can be together.This drama will end with ML proposing to FL and them taking revenge of every one that was involved .Overlly , it was ok , the acting wasn't bad but it was kind of boring imo and their rs started pretty late , the kisses were awful .FL was so stunning , she looked good in everything .RECOMMENDED IF YOU LIKE SHORT DRAMA WITH MESSY RS AND CUTE LEAD.finished 15 October 2023

  • My Personal Weatherman

    124. My Personal Weatherman

    Japanese Drama - 2023, 8 episodes


    this was normal as a drama , I didn't find anything special about it , it talks about a handsome guy ML that will become a weathercaster who suggested a contract ,to a shy introverted guy SML that wants to become a famous manga artist but still didn't succeed to do so ,which involves the weathercaster to provide a roof and house expenses and the other one can be like a housewife.We can see that from the beginning that have sex but then SML was confused why they can only have sex when it's sunny , ML told him that it was because of him since it's tiring to wash the sheets when it's raining .Their relationship that wasn't a relationship since they didn't confess to eah until the very end was toxic imo and they weren't communicative and they never tried to make it work so I felt bored while watching this .By the end , we can see that not much improved and that overall their rs stayed the same thus you can see no character developpelent which I didn't like ,I hope they got better for themselves and for the other.RECOMMENDED IF YOU DON'T MIND MISUNDERSTANDING AND LIKE BL DRAMA.finished 17 October 2023

  • Mermaid

    125. Mermaid

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 29 episodes


    this a vertical drama and it ep had 2 min and it was cute .It talks about a girl who's a mermaid and will lose her eye of the sea after kissing ML a rich CEO and then to get it back .They will start cohabiting and will fall in love .This drama has a happy ending .I found that acting to be normal , no one stood out .FL was so cute and I liked her outfits.for ML , he was so whitewashed and the makeup didn't suit him .Overall , it was cute and heartwarming but i feel like we didn't get much scenes of them falling in love so I found it disappointing.RECOMMENDED FOR PPL WHO LIKES ROMCOM SHORT DRAMA.finished 17 October 2023

  • Miss Mystery

    126. Miss Mystery

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 24 episodes


    this was a pretty good short drama , it talks about a girl who wants to take revenge as her entire family and servants got killed and she was the only survivor , years later , she will come back with another identity and will marry ML who's the son of her parents' murderer but what she didn't know that he actually knew who she was from the beginning and will marry her willingly and will even help her with her investigations.Later on , we will find out that ML's dad is ot his real dad and that he also killed his parents .This drama will end will FL taking revenge successfully from all involved people and living happily with ML .Overall , this drama didn't feel like a small budget one as it had good acting and outfits (makeup).The kisses were so good (thqnkfully there is no censorship in short drama).RECOMMENED FOR PPL WHO LIK SHORT DRAMA ITH GOOD CHEMISTRY AND GOOD LOOKING LEADS AND HOT KISSES.finished 21 October 2023

  • Yue Zhao Ji

    127. Yue Zhao Ji

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 32 episodes


    this was disappointing overall , it started off pretty good with FL who wants to become a designer will time travel to the past where she will meet ML who's a lord and is in dispute there as there is a villain trying to take over , when FL will go there , ML will suspect her but later on will fall in love and even marry her , he will even comeback with her to the present and they will start going back and forth , her brother will also go with them to the past and ML's bodyguard will come to the future so I liked this part as it's not only 1 person that can time travel.Afterwards, this drama went downhills as it was dragged a lot and I felt like the scenes were repeating over and over and they couldn't just the vilain in one shot , ML is not as stern so villains always find chances to come back.The second villain who's ML's half brother was not as convincing as a bad guy and I didn't really enjoy his acting as much but it's like other's were that good and he was just obsessed with FL because she is the only one who treated with no prejudice when everyone in his family treated him right but he was so indulged in his family and was affected by his mom who was imprisoned after poisoning ML's mom.this drama will have a happy ending.Overall , this drama could have had only 20 to 24 eps since it started not making sense also there was no logic behind the HE as we dunno how ML came back and where is zhou wei who also disappeared with him so it had a lot of plotholes,also , it had  alot of kisses but we still didn't get one proper one and the outfits were hideous in this drama knowing that she is a designer. NOT RECOMMENED ONLY IF YOU REALLY LIKE TIME TRAVEL DRAMA AND LIKE THE LEADS.finished 21 October 2023

  • Doona!

    128. Doona!

    Korean Drama - 2023, 9 episodes


    This was a good drama , it talks about an idol who's taking a break and a first year uni student who started lving together in a co ed residence .At first , FL kept annoying him by always trying to talk to him but he started warming up to her and they will even fall in love .But things didn't go as smooth as she wants to go back as she was born to perform so they can't be together since she is a public persona .There is also a SFL who was classmates with ML and they used to love each other but ML moved on later but she didn't , she will also become friends with doona and will start for a short period in the residence , there was a childhood friend of FL who got born 1 min before ML and she always liked teasing him but she will end up with ML's friend and she has a really interesting personality.IMO , I find that this drama has a HE as in the first scene of the last ep we can see them smiling at each other in japan and in the last scene of the ep , Ml was wearing the same outfit as I will take this as they are dating in secret.Overall , I liked the acting , everyone was good , I also liked the chemistry between main cp and how they fell in love .The styling of FL was really good , her outfits and makeup were always slaying .Cinematography and directing were also good .We had a decent amount of kisses and they were good and their relationship felt real .I usually don't watch romantic melodramatic dramas but this one was good.RECOMMENDED FOR PPL WHO LIKE THIS KIND OF DRAMAS WITH GOOD ACTING .finished 21 October 2023

  • Sono Kekkon, Shoki desu ka?

    129. Sono Kekkon, Shoki desu ka?

    Japanese Drama - 2023, 8 episodes


    this was meh as a drama , it started off pretty good .It talks about a home designer FL who wants to have a partner and will go to a blind date meeting where she's gonna get approached by FL who's actually the one who organised it as he was pressured by his parents to get married .He is gonna suggest a contract marriage and after many tries FL accepted and will start living him .In the process ,they will fall in love but FL is reluctant since she is not ready to commit .By the end , they will cancel the contract and he is gonna resign and will start living a simple life together.What annoyed me the most about this drama is the fake kisses ,I can't believe we still fake kisses n 2023 and the acting wasn't great neither the chemistry , nothing stood out in this drama .NOT RECOMMENDED.finished 22 October 2023

  • Naughty Babe

    130. Naughty Babe

    Thai Drama - 2023, 8 episodes


    this was meh as a drama , it's a continue of cutie pie after the first couple got married and now this drama focuses on the second couple.It starts with them being together but not communicative as SML who's a taekwondo teacher misunderstood that ML is cheating on him but in fact it was just his sisters and he wanted to go to switzeland to escape but ML will have an accident and will suffer from insomnia that is not gonna last long but ML pretended to have it to keep his lover next him and he was therefore more communicative and affectionate after the accident.The SML's uncle is the one responsible to the accident as he messed with the brakes of SML car but ML is the one who rode thus he had the accident and he did so to get compensate by ML family as he is from a very rich family and the families have a contract together.This drama will end with them having a wedding and a passionate night and we will see a fastforward 3 years later with 2 kids mostly adopted and living their happy life together.Overall , I found it better than cutie pie but still it wasn't good and the acting was also better but not something excellent.Kisses and nc scenes were so good thought that I felt shy watching them .RECOMMENDED IF YOU LIKE THE COUPLE OTHERWISE NO.finished 23 October 2023

  • A Vida Biônica

    131. A Vida Biônica

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    this was good overall even thought the second half wasn't as good as the first half.It talks about a guy who works in a company that hunts humanoids (robot but human like )that are created out of an initial obsession , he will team up with FL who's a psychiatrist and will start investigation cases together.For me , I really enjoyed the first eps as we get diverse cases and they were well though but later on , when the villain was found out , I didn't find him to be convincing and even his purpose didn't really faze him(it was bcs he got betrayed by a girl)and he started killing all other humanoids with the idea of freeing them which didn't make sense to me .For ML he was kind of heartless at first as he was so focused on the cases and didn't care about the humanoids or even his coworker in the first ep as he left him bleeding and chased after the murderer that he didn't even catch.But , later he will start warming up bs of FL nad he will care about her a lot and he will evn try to protect her when he found out she was a humanoid and she was the girl involved in his mom's experiments whoch involved removing humanoid's initial purpose and becoming independent which worked but his mom was killed accidentally by the company's directpr who wanted to use her experiments on humans to erase their painful memories and before dying she erased FL's memory so she couldn't remove anything until the last eps.By the end , we can see that humans are reaccepting humanoids who were wrong and main cp linking hands.Overall , I enjoyed watching it but the second half was predictable and boring imo ,acting wasn't the best by the main cp but for the veteran actors such as ML's mom and the first case's woman their acting was good .This drama had dark vibes , it was filmed in a taiwanese way.RECOMMENDED IF YOU LIKE THE LEADS AND DIFFERENT STORY.finished 24 October 2023

  • Qing Qing Ru Huai

    132. Qing Qing Ru Huai

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 24 episodes


    This was good for a short drama.It talks about a married couple who died by poison and FL will go back in time few days to prevent their deaths but they still died again by drinking poison which was imposed by the emperor.For the third time , she went months before marrying ML who's a prince that will become the crown prince later on and FL she is a daughter of a minister and they had an arranged marriage together but in this life she didn't accept to change her fate and decided to be with someone who's far from politics , therefore will set her eyes on a scholar SML who will end up to a bad guy later on as his self esteemed got crushed when FL got with ML.I really enjoyed the chemistry between the leads and their acting was pretty good for a short drama .Makeup , set were pretty good for a shot drama.I liked how ML's brother was his rival and will try to sabotage him but he also loved him that he wouldn't let someone else do something bad to him.kisses were pretty good also , we didn't get a lot tho.The ending wasn't so clear as we see ML dying but then in last ep , we see them meeting againwith ML who's a scholar but my interpretation is that it's their fourth life with ML remembering their 3rd life and knowing that she wants to be someone away from politics so he will give up the throne and give it to his brother ,therefore we hear a girl call his brother emperor and thus them living their simple life together.Overall , I really enjoyed it but still the plot wasn't the best , it could have been better and the ending wasn't clear.RECOMMENDED IF YOU LIKE SHORT HISTORICAL DRAMAS WITH GOOD LOOKS AND NICE BUDGET.finished 25 October 2023

  • O Dia do Rapto

    133. O Dia do Rapto

    Korean Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    this was a good drama , it talks about a guy ML that will kidnap a young rich girl FL to threaten her parents to get the ransom for his daughter's surgery , it was his wife who disappeared for 2 years who suddenly showed up and suggested this to him .FL will lose her memory and he pretend to be her father and you will see this cute father daughter relationship between them.Days pass on , and he still wouldn't get any call from her parents which was weird since their daugter was kidnapped thus will find out that they were killed .FL will also find out the truth since she has a strong personality so she forced the truth out of him .We will find out later on that FL is a genius with an IQ of 200 which is the maximum and it was done because of a project her father studied the genius child experiment which his father started before him and it was ML who was gonna be the first study case but was changed by his childhood fried and now wife who got traumatised as she got exposed to hideous experiments and will even contract HIV at a young age as she was attacked, with a scalpel that was performed on a HIV patient,by a guy who lost his wife and kid to a wack doctor that he will kill in present time and it was him the first suspect for the couple's murder but it was actually the wife of ML who killed the doctor and his wife was killed by him(they had a bad relationship) and he oly cared about his experiments.His wife planned all of this out of revenge but she will get what she deserves at the end , and ML will also go to prison bcs of kidnapping and running away for days.The little girl in the process was also hunted by her uncle who wanted her to disappear to inherit all her dad's money but he is not gonna succeed and she was also hunted by an organisation for the experiment she went through.Overall , I really enjoyed this drama and the acting was so good.RECOMMENDETHRILLER SUSPENSE FANS WITH CUTE PARENT RELATIONSHIP.finished 28 October 2023

  • Xi Qian Hua

    134. Xi Qian Hua

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 30 episodes


    This was a nice drama , it talks about a girl FL from a rich family who got married to her crush SML after she tricked him that they slept together and took her innocence which is not the case and wil witness her family getting executed years onto her marriage as she and her dad schemed which involved tricking the family of her husband's crush SFL whom he fell for her at first sight and will be the reason of the treason therefore her family will commit suicide to prove his innocence,therefore when things got found out they got executed.Thus , she will go back in time 2 years before where she will start to redeem herself but it was the day she got married so she couldn't avoid the marriage and she will even help SML and SFL get married since she only wanted peace and she will prevent SFL's dad suicide by making her got sent to exile for 3 years which was a lot better than 1st year's outcome. She will start redeeming herself little by little but her actions didn't escape the eyes of ML who had a crush on her since day 1 but she was oblivious.There is also gonna be a 3ML who will become her loyal guard and will even have a crush on her and will sacrifice his wellbeing for her in multiple occasion.By the end , she will find out thet everything was actually a dream and that she didn't die in her life but she was in coma for 26 months and it was ML who kept taking  care of her but she couldn't accept it at first and will go back to her dream but she will wake up by the end and probably the main cp will end up to be together.Overall ,the acting was really enjoyable byt I can't help it but feel bad for FL who tried her utmost to change her past to find out that everything she did was useless and her family was dead ,it was kind of hard to watch this drama as it was heavy , also the drama had barely romance so at some point I prefered FL to end up alone in her dream.RECOMMENDED FOR HEAVY HISTORICAL REBIRTH DRAMA FANS WITH STRONG FL .finished 1 November 2023

  • O Pior do Mal

    135. O Pior do Mal

    Korean Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    This was a good noir drama, it talks about a cop ML who feels little in front of his wife FL who is his superior therefore will acept to go undercover to investigate a drug ring with gi cheul SML who's the boss and he will take his SML's friend's cousin identity to infiltrate and will become really close to him but in the process , his wife will also join and she was SML's first love so they knew each other and they will even get together while pretending to love him and ML will also be with the drug producer in china haeryung who came to korea to sell the marchandise to SML gang but will fall in love with ML in process .This drama will end with the police succeeding in their mission and ML will even let SML free but he came back and got killed by ML after he found that they were actually a couple and in this together.SFL also will got to know about ML identity but will help him an he will also help but by telling her to go somewhere else.Overall , the acting , cinematography were good but I found 12 eps to be long for this genre as it is a heavy subject.Also , imo I find that our main cp will not end up together as we see ML putting his marriage ring in front of SML's grave and I can totally understand it since he got really destroyed menatally by what he experienced when he was undercover.RECOMMENDED IF YOU LIKE HEAVY NOIR DRAMA.finished 3 November 2023

  • Kiseki+

    136. Kiseki+

    Taiwanese Special - 2023, 1 episode


    This special ep occured after ep 8 and it gives us a little bit of insight in Zhang Teng who was against ML's gang as they had disputes over drug distribution.It will start with ML Ze Rui who will hide Teng from Cheng yi who was hunting him and teng will even fall in love with ML but he is gonna get killed by him in this ep since he messed with his boyfriend  SML Zong Yi .And we also got to know the reason why Teng is obsessed with lolipops is bcs ML gave it to him first time we met.RECOMMENDED IF YOU WATCHED KISEKI OTHERWISE YOU DONT NEED TO WATCH IT.finished 4 November 2023

  • I Feel You Linger in the Air

    137. I Feel You Linger in the Air

    Thai Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    this was a good drama, it talks about an architest Jom ML who got cheated by his bf by bringing his pregnant gf and will time travel to the past where he will meet Yai SML who will become his master and will start working in his house but will get upgraded to become his study compenient which is more like a secretary in present time and in the process , they will fall in love .But, at that time same sex love wasn't accepted which made them exposed to a lot of prejudice.SML's sister who was ML's sister in present time, was married to a foreigner by an arranged marranged by her father is full of abuse and he will even take a second wife who's the girl his ex bf cheated in him with and in the past life she was in love with him.This 2nd wife was also exposed to violence and abuse which made the 2 wifes join forces and bringing Robert down which they will succeed in doing but SML's will get pregnant but will decide to abort it and for the 2nd wife , she couldn't go back to her lover as she felt that she didn't deserve him and that she changed a lot.I really enjoyed the acting and cinematography.The chemistry with main cp was so good and their NC scenes were also well done , I could feel love between them and the affection.This drama will end with ML going back to present an meeting the reincarnated Yai in the house he was renewing at the first ep and it was were the old Yai was living.Overall , this was good and it totally deserves a S2 .RECOMMENDED FOR TIME TRAVEL DRAMA WITH GOOD ACTING AND CHEMISTRY.finished 6 November 2023

  • Kiseki: Dear to Me

    138. Kiseki: Dear to Me

    Taiwanese Drama - 2023, 13 episodes


    This was a good , it talks about a high schooler ML who dreams of becoming a doctor , he lives alone and his dad and sis are living in another city , he will save a guy SML after he got injured and will start living together but SML is from the mafia so he cannot pursue ML as he is afraid he is gonna drag him . At first ,ML found him a nuisance but then he started falling for him little by little and they will get together after SML went to ML's school undercover to find the drug ring.The enemy mafia boss is gonna be in love with ML and he will want to destroy his love so he attacked ML and SML killed him accidentally and the mafia made ML take responsibility in exchange of SML's safety and his dad's surgery and SML lost his memory .At the same time , we have another couple coming from the same mafia as SML , the top is gonna be cold and had some complicated feelings towards his step father and for the other bottom he was always in love with the top and they are also gonna end up together.The bottom will even sacrifice himself to go to prison with ML since he didn't want him to be there alone and he got attacked there and he got a short term memory so he had to give up his dream as a doctor.Years later ,after finishing his sentence , he will open a cake shop specialised in strawberry cakes as SML really liked them ,waiting for him to comeback and they will meet and SML will remember him and they will end up together.Overall , the acting was good , I really loved the chemistry and NC scenes  and the kiss scenes of both couples even thought I prefered the 1st couple.RECOMMENDED IF YOU LIKE GAY DRAMAS WITH GOOD PLOT AND ENDING.finished 7 November 2023

  • Pending Train: 8:23, Ashita Kimi to

    139. Pending Train: 8:23, Ashita Kimi to

    Japanese Drama - 2023, 10 episodes


    it started off pretty good but went downhills .It talks about passengers of a train but only 2 compartements time travelled to the future where no one was living after an astroid hit the earth 3 years later so therefore they all got stuck together while trying to find ways to go back to present.In the first compartement,.Our FL is a gym teacher who's your typical japanese FL who once had a crush on a firefighter SML who was teaching drill in her school and he was also stuck with her so she approached him and they took the lead in the train, with ML who's a hairdresser but with fiesty and rude personality.FL ended up with ML which I prefer over SML as he was so obsessed with being the hero and was trying to save everyone , he was the typical hero and he didn't have any flavors in him and also SML he was too rude and yandere that he didn't commuicate as much but I liked how he drove ppl to get going and start being usefull .this drama had many charcters that were important such as a nail artist who was a brat but kind of redeemed herself by the end and a CEO woman who was all over the place at first because she couldn't see her family but will start being useful also a botanist who was the nutritionist for them as he was able to tell them what they can eat or not.There was also a 2nd compartement but they were split apart and they didn't meet each other until later where there had disputes.  The 1st compartement was able to go back to past but not to their initial year but 3 years later when the catastrophe was approaching , therefore they tried everything to prevent it as it was human made.This drama will finish with them evacuating so we dunno if the catastrophe happened or not.Overall, the drama was normal , it focused more on human relationships and feeling rather than thriller which I would like to be the case.RECOMMENED IF YOU LIKE TIME TRAVEL DRAMA WITH MINIMUM ROMANCE AND SO MANY RELATIONS.finished 17 November 2023

  • Ning An Ru Meng

    140. Ning An Ru Meng

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 38 episodes


    this drama talks about a girl FL a daughter of a reputed man lived with a woman but later found her family since that woman switched the babies , she will do everything to become an empress and she will succeed in doing so but at the cost of everything and everyone which will end with her dying .But , she will go back in time and try to rectify what she did and she will even give up becoming an empress , in the process , she will get involved with ML xie wei who she met 4 years before and she saved his life but she was always afraid of him as he sufferes from manic episodes due to his traumas and in her past life , he will revolt with her childhood friend yan ling 3ML who's also the cousin of ML to take revenge as he was abandoned by his dad to save the crown prince in his childhood and he was caught by a revolt and lived in misery and she will even kill herself in exchange to save zhang he 2ML who she had mixed feelings for , with his knife in front of him BUT what she didn't know is that actually after her death , he also commited suicide as he didn't have a purpose anymore.In this life , she will make new friends such as the princess who had bad relation with her in her past life as she was crossplaying as a boy and when princess saw her she fell in love but will angry at her when she will know it's a actually a girl .and will even save a girl you fangnin who was her servant in past life and she will help her escape her family but she will die and I totally feel that it could have been avoided .In this life  ,FL will friendzone 3ML from the beginning as he always had feelings for her and they will remain as friends.For 2ML , he had an arranged marriage but he declined it and FL at first wanted to be with him from a part due to his acts in past life as he was by her side even thought she was evil and she had a crush on him but she will break it off with his , during his mom's funeral to make him stronger and also as their goals don't aline.PART 2 IN EXTRA

  • Story of Kunning Palace Extra

    141. Story of Kunning Palace Extra

    Chinese Special - 2023, 1 episode


    The romance with ML will start until the last eps but he always had feelings for her , she was just so oblivious of it but after 2ML got involved , he started showing his jealousy more and becoming overprotective. , the romance between the main cp was toxic that I would be against it irl but for this drama , it made sense since ML is no saint and FL was the only one who know who he was and he was transparent with her and she accepted him despite all of his flaws .This drama will end with them getting married and having twins a boy and a girl and livinga serene life together.Overall , I really enjoyed the drama , it didn't feel draggy despite the 38 eps, I even wanted to have more eps , I wish they started the main cp romance before aswe didn't see the transition of feelings of FL as ML's feeling were in the right order.Also , the you girl didn't have to die but I guess they wanted to follow the novel's ending .The chemistry and the acting was so good especially from ML , I loved how psychopathic he was and how he was vulnerable in front of FL .I liked how the sisters made up in this life and how FL's sister turned out to be a good person.What I hated about this drama was the directing as he had some weird cuts and the filming wasn't that great but other then that , I really loved the drama .RECOMMENDED FOR ALL.finished 25 November 2023.

    Extra: This was like the cherry on top as we see the private marriage between the main cp and their intimate moments , it seemed logical that they wated that moment just for them .RECOMMENDED AFTER FINISHING THE MAIN STORY.finished 25 November 2023

  • Somente por Amor

    142. Somente por Amor

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 36 episodes


    This was disappointing for me overall , it started off good but then went downhills with no plot and I find 36 eps too long for this genre , 24 eps would have been better.This talks about FL a journalist who got cheated on by her uni boyfriend and will decide to get back to them by sedecing the mistress's uncle but what she didn't know is that the mistress's uncle was actually ML's driver .ML is a CEO in an investing company who comes from a well-off family. FL therefore seduced the wrong person and she will not find out early and will even drag it instead of telling him , she decided to not to not abandon her which didn't make since as she loved and he loved her so he wouldn't really have that big of a reaction.We also have a second couple who were friends with benefit at first but developped feelings for each other (ML's bestie and FL's bestie) then there is a third couple who I actually enjoyed involving also ML's bestie and ML's real niece who works as an intern in FL's company .

    FL in this drama was kind of annoying because at first she was really outgoing with him and direct , but then when she knew that he found that , she blocked him and didn't even try to explain things to him and just got depressed.Thankfully , ML forgave her quickly .Acting and chemistry were good but there was no plot and it wasn't interesting to watch at.RECOMMENED IF YOU LIKE THE LEADS OTHERWISE DONT BOTHER.finished 27 November 2023

  • Only for Love Special

    143. Only for Love Special

    Chinese Special - 2023, 1 episode


    In this special ep , we see the beautiful marriage between main cp .RECOMMENED IF YOU WATCHED THE DRAMA BEFORE.

  • Strong Woman Kang Nam Soon

    144. Strong Woman Kang Nam Soon

    Korean Drama - 2023, 16 episodes


    This drama was a disappoitment , it started off good but then went total downhill.It talks about a girl FL who has superpowers inherited from her mom's side of family , who got lost in Mongolia and went to korea when she grew up to look for her family.In the process , she will meet a cop ML who's gonna help her find her family which ended up one of the richest families due to her mom.She will start working undercover in a company suspected of dealing with drugs where she will get involved with the CEO SML who will start loving her.This drama is gonna show you how they investigated and find out the truth.It's gonna end up with SML killing himself in front of her without even confronting her about the truth since she betrayed him when he actually wanted to give up all of this before because he found THE PERSON for him .The error that this drama have made is that they gave too much screentime to SML which made the viewers connect with him instead of ML and not seeing him as the villain , when he did a lot of bad things such as randomly killing people , creating a drug to control ppl...The romance between the granny and her bf was cute and I loved how she at her age got another chance to experience love.Acting was normal , SML stood out of them , chemistry was meh , we didn't get enough build up but I loved the relation between the 3 female leads , FL her mom and her granny.NOT RECOMMENED .finished 29 November 2023

  • Vigilante

    145. Vigilante

    Korean Drama - 2023, 8 episodes


    This was good , it talks about a police student whose mother got killed in front of him but he was only imprisoned for 3 years to continue afterall with his crimes so he began to question and hate the law system and therefore started taking things into his hands.He first started with his mom's killer by beating him up but he caught the attention of an obsessed journalist and started a show talking about similar ppl who didn't get the deserved punishement and thus , will start killing them one by one.A rich guy will join him and will start aiding him by hiding his traits , providing him with info ... Another policeman with big body will get into this who always responds with violence as he thiks that certain criminals shouldn't be treated as humans but still is against killing as he thinks that law will punish them and he will even get into arguments with ML as they disputed about this since ML doesn't believe in justice and is better off taking things into his hands.This drama will end with ML's bestie from the school dying while protecting him and he got hailed as the criminal Vigilante(the name, the jounalist gave him) and the uper ups escaped as always to show that the law is only for stong influencial ppl.Overall , this was a good drama but characters were 2 dimensioned as the drama was short so we didn't get a lot of info about them , it would be better to get a part 2 as there is a lot to unlock as I don't think ML will give up especially after his bestie died and was taken as the bad guy.RECOMMENED IF YOU LIKE ACTION PACKED DRAMA WITH GOOD ACTING.finished 30 November 2023

  • Drama Special Season 14: Confession Attack

    146. Drama Special Season 14: Confession Attack

    Korean Special - 2023, 1 episode


    this was a 1 ep drama , it was so cute .It talks about a guy who's always the second in his generation in uni who deciced to attack FL who's the first one by confessing his love and making her his girlfriend but wht he didn't know is that she actually knew and she was just going along.At first , they were awkward but then got closer which ended with them falling in love and getting officially together.Overall , I really liked the chemistry and the acting.RECOMMENDED IF YOU LIKE CUTE SHORT ROM COM.finished 30 November 2023

  • Perfect Marriage Revenge

    147. Perfect Marriage Revenge

    Korean Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    this was nice overall , it talks about an adpoted girl who was abused by her step mom and step sister and will find the love of her life and will even marry him to find out that he actually married her because he was in love with the sister and to end it up , she will get accused b her mom that she has been providing fake paitings to the gallery which will make her a criminal and afterwards , she will have an accident and will die.But , time is gonna go back 1 year , and she will take revenge , she will start with seducing the CEO , the guy who he sister loved and they will get married and he will help her throughout her revenge .Then , she will start finding out the truth one by one , such as she is actually the dad's biological daughter and her stepmoter was responsible fot the fire she and her mom accountered , she always thought in the past that she got abondonned by her parents which was not the case as her mom was always grieving as she thought her daughter was dead.And , the step sis is actually not the dad's bio daughter.The step sis will try to get together with ML's half brother as they were competing who's gonna become the inheritor but he is gonna end up in prison as he tried to kill ML .Overall , the drama was good , I loved the acting but the chemistry for me wasn't the best and I felt bored throughout the end .RECOMMENED IF YOU LIKE TIME TRAVEL DRAMA WITH REVENGE AND ROMANCE.finisheed 4 December 2023

  • Eu Posso Amar Você

    148. Eu Posso Amar Você

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 24 episodes


    This was good as a drama not the best.It talks about a girl who's a writer and dreams to become a scriptwriter and has a crush for 5 years on ML who's a CEO and she will even get close to him by helping him pursuing her best friend which she did to just approach him and ML pursued the bestie mostly because he was pressured by his family and not because he had feelings for her.After failing in getting her , she confessed to him but he rejected her by saying they are ot suitable ,therefore , FL gave up on him and even resigned and will even meet a director SML who will get interested in her script and will make it into a movie.He will recruit ML's sister SFL  who will get a love line with SML .I really enjoyed the 2nd couple even though their romance won't start until last eps , for the first couple, they were cute and I liked how ML pursued FL and she won't accept him until she kind of made sense he really liked her and not just because he felt guilty but she won't let him break through that easily so I found that they kind of dragged with the eps .I liked the acting and the kisses were good but the plot wasn't as good so I didn't feel engaged throughout the drama .RECOMMENED IF YOU LIKE ROMCOM WITH CUTE COUPLES.finished 13 December 2023

  • A Business Proposal

    149. A Business Proposal

    Hong Kong Drama - 2023, 15 episodes


    this was cute as a drama , it felt kind of cheap based on the outfits and the effects but still I weirdly enjoyed it .It's based on the korean business proposal .The acting was good but not that great but I liked the FL in this even though she had a meek personality and her outfits were meh , the couples were cute and the kisses were good .I would have liked if we got one more ep with their marriage ,this drama ended with ML proposing after one year of him being in the US fot his grandpa's treatment also I find that her guy best friend in this drama was less annoying than the one in the korean drama .RECOMMEND IT IF YOU WANNA TRY A HONG KONG DRAMA WITH CUTE ROMANCE .finished 19 December 2023

  • It's Night

    150. It's Night

    Korean Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    This drama started off good but then went downhill because of the last ep .So , it talks about a high school class who went together on a trip for some activity but they all got trapped in the place where they were forced mafia game where they had to vote for the mafia in the allowed time if they don't vote , they will get killed instead.Then we have the main leads , 2 girls and a boy who will investigate this game but by the end FL is gonna find out that they are trapped mentally in this game and that her dead's classmate parents are the one who kidnapped the whole class and forced them to play this game but this was the only round where SFL helped FL survive in the game and this is gonna end with them entering another round.First of all , I dunno how the parents manage to kidnapp the whole class and no one is looking for them and they were even the suspect since their daughter commited suicide after certain classmates deep faked a sexy vidio of her and she will get shamed of it therefore will commit suicide.and it's kind of useless to have this entire drama for it to be all fake and they getting into iut , it makes the whole drama useless so that's why it went downhills for me .NOT RECOMMENDED except if you like the cast or mafia game.finished 21 December 2023

  • Sweet Home 2

    151. Sweet Home 2

    Korean Drama - 2023, 8 episodes


    this was the continuation of sweet home s1 , I see this season as an introduction for S3 since a lot of new characters showed up and not much happened and the old cast doesn't show up as often .So we have hyun su ML who still wants to help out ppl and even got involved in experiments to help with the vaccine that scientists are not even studying and still able to control the monster , Eun yu still looking for her brother and most likely will show up in S3 as of the main lead we can see some sparks between eunyun and hyun su but not much action and I liked how she was strong headed and was keen on surviving , her friend the musician , who died but most likely survived as they didn't show her body of her turning into a monster .by the end of S1 , the survivors were taken into a shelter but they didnt stay there as there was a monster but it wasnt attacking any , it was just humans who attacked every monster they have seen.There is a ex baseball player who's gonna show up as a soldier and will help our main cast and was interested in eun yu that will show throughout the season.There is also another soldier who was rumoured to have killed his family and will start fighting his demons by the end of the season.The survivors were taken to the stadium where they met these ppl and the chief who had a lot of secrets that we still don't know , and it was hyunsu who killed her husband but they though eunyu who killed him and they didn't even that the man was turning into a monster.The fighfighter is gonna give birth to a daughter who's a monster that can even turn ppl into monsters and will end with the firefighter turning into a monster and fighting her demons.IM LOOKING FORWARD TO S3 .finished 25 December 2023

  • My Dear Gangster Oppa

    152. My Dear Gangster Oppa

    Thai Drama - 2023, 8 episodes


    This started off good but went downhills , it talks about an introverted ML who's lonely and only has one best friend irl that he is in love with and he also games with some friends that he is going to meet irl including the SML who's gonna be a gangster that wants to quit this industry and start living a normal life .He is gonna fall for ML at first sight and will start pursuing him  they will get together relatively quick but I dont get how ML fell for him quickly and got over his first love , the transition wasn't as smooth.There is also a villain that betrayed SML's gang but he is so soft that he couldn't kill him multiple time so he is gonna keep showing on till the last ep where he is gonnaget killed finally .The bestie is also gonna confess to ML but at that time it's gonna be too late as he missed the ideal time to do it .The acting was normal , nothing special , I liked how soft ML was and how genuine he looked, kisses were kinda awkward and the directing wasn't something good .I hope the script got improved as there were many scenes that didn't make sense .NOT RECOMMENDED EXCEPT IF YOU LIKE THE LEADS.finished 25 December 2023

  • Please Fall in Love

    153. Please Fall in Love

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 24 episodes


    this was normal as a shot drama , it talks bout a writer who's gonna get pulled into her novel and will become the second lead who's missing is to experience love and romance to quit the world but she doesn't wanna get back to her world therefore she tries to avoid any potential romantic partner .ML is FL's fiancé from an arranged marriage who's gonna suggest to do a relationship contract between them as she wanted to cancel their marriage and the goal is for her to not fall for him .We also have the 2ML who's a designer and 3ML who's FL 's bestie anf had a crush on her since young age , there is also SFL who was supposed to be FL but because FL came to her world , she will kind of steal her role and she will even get to know that this world is fake and that she has to fulfill a mission to go back which will make the 2 girls good friends sharing weal and woe which involved getting successful as a clothes designer.FL will find ou later on that in case she doesn't fulfill her mission , she will disappear which will make her wanna get wth ML as she fell for him and will fulfill her mission and finally will get back to her world .This drama will end with them meeting in the real world .The acting was good , it's wasn't bad for a short drama , also it didn't feel cheap , but I don't like how FL wasted a lot of time to get with ML which was exhauting to watch.RECOMMENDED IF YOU LIKE ROM COM SHORT DRAMA WITH TRANSMIGRATION .finished 26 December 2023

  • O Jogo da Morte

    154. O Jogo da Morte

    Korean Drama - 2023, 4 episodes


    I enjoyed this as a drama , it talks about a guy ML who was a motivared young boy and dreamed of having a simple life with his girlfriend who's a writer but life is gonna fuck him up and he will end up commiting suicide .But that wasn't the end of it as the angel of death didn't allow him to go to hell directly as his death affected other ppl but we still didn't find out the whole thing (certainly his mom and gf were affected) and gave him a chance to experience life 12 other times in different bodies in present time and the moment he can prevent of the body's death , he can stay alive .So in this first part , we can see him live through 6 ppl I think , but he always ends up dying and all of his deaths are related to the compnay he always wanted to work for and especially their CEO who's the villain of the show , but we still don't know his background story .For me I enjoyed the lee jae wook cameo , when he is gonna live as a deliquent but unfortunately he didn't suvive for long as the body itself had enemies as he entered the prison in exchange for money but his acting was really good , I also liked lee do hyun cameo , and it hit home since he died after telling his gf about him but they will both get killed by the CEO and this is the end of part 1 .I liked the acting ,cinematography and directing , the cast was giving so I'm looking forward to part 2.RECOMMENDED IF YOU LIKE SHORT DRAMA WITH GOOD ACTING AND SUSPENSE .finished 30 December 2023

  • Mutual Redemption Love

    155. Mutual Redemption Love

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 30 episodes


    This was pretty good for a short drama , it talks about an ex princess who was forced to marry ML father after killing her family and she will remeet ML as they met before while she was still royalty and they fell in love but all went downhills .She will get shocked after fidning out her new husband is her lover's father therefore she is gonna be torn as she wanted to take revenge for her family.She is gonna cheat on the his father with ML but she is not gonna submit fully as he head was full of revenge .There is also SFL who' FL's bestie ,I felt like their love was a lot bigger more important than with the ML and she had more chemistry with her even though she had a nice chemistry with ML .Afterwards, she will find out that ML also wants to kill his father and that he is not his biological son and that he abused him throughout his life.This drama will end with them killing him and taking revenge then getting married so a HP .I liked the acting in this drama , and the visuals /outfits/makeup were really good for this short drama , the kisses were nice but unfortunately I didn't enjoy the drama as much as this is not my type of stories .RECOMMENED IF YOU LIKE SHORT STEAMY DRAMAS WITH CHEATING.finished 31 December 2023

  • O Jogo da Morte Parte 2

    156. O Jogo da Morte Parte 2

    Korean Drama - 2024, 4 episodes


    This was nice as a part 2 , it's a continuation of part 1 where we will see him in 4 different bodies , my favorite was when he got into the body of the painter who's a serial killer and will start threatning the psychopath who's the CEO of the company he applied to and always wanked to work there .He will be able to get his revenge when he will get into a policeman body where he will uncover all the truth and make all the bad guys pay but he will also end up getting killed by protecting his police coworker , the last body he will possess is his mom's where he will live a sad life attoning for what he did by leaving her alone and he will live alone until his death.Afterwards , he will regret and will want a second chance in life that he forgot that he actually won the debt with death and that he survived till the end with one of the bodies .We will see him returning to the moment where he was gonna commit suicide and will pick up his mom's death but that shows that the bad guy will still be out there but I guess that wasn't the goal of the drama .I liked the acting and directing it in this drama , I even shipped the 2 psychopaths when they showed up together but he is gonna get killed by the ceo in that life but he got the evidence which he used in his policeman life.RECOMMENED IF YOU LIKE SHORT DRAMA WITH INTRIGUING PLOT AND GOOD ACTING .finished 5 January 2024

  • Park's Contract Marriage Story

    157. Park's Contract Marriage Story

    Korean Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    I really liked this drama , it reminded of old korean drama , it talks about a joseon girl who's gonna killed after her husband andwill time travel to the future where she is gonna meet a lookalike of her ex husband and will get into a contract marriage with him and will start cohabiting .ML suffers from heart conditions which stopped him from pursuing many things including love but after meeting FL he will start falling for her .FL in joseon used to release new clothes and will pursue her dream in the future with the help of ML as he was collaborating with a brand that specializes in korean traditional clothing who's CEO is the lookalike of FL's mother which made them click fast .There is not gonna be a love triangle even though there was a girl who worked with ML and had a crush on him and was even the spy of ML's grandpa as he controlled his life , the half brother of ML also like FL but he was and remained as her little brother and he even supported ML when they didn't have the best relationship.Grandpa was the bad guy of the drama , and I don't like the fact he didn't get what he deserved because he got a concession saving ML and turned into a fool , there was also ML's step mother who was so obsessed with the company but later gave up because of her son and found that it wasn't worth it and I liked the fact she didn't go astray even thought she did many questionnable things.The second couple was so couple , I hope we got more scenes of them which included ML's secretary and FL's maid in past time who will also time travel and will meet with FL .But , I didn't enjoy the ending even though we got a HE as they didn't meet until the last 5 min after she went back to joseon to save ML from dying , and i wish we got a collective wedding or honeymoon.RECOMMENED IF YOU LIKE TIME TRAVEL ROM COM WITH CUTE ROMANCE.finished 26 January 2024

  • Princess Raiders

    158. Princess Raiders

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 25 episodes


    This was normal as a short drama , it wasn't the best but still not bad.It talks about a girl who will time travel and will start occupying the body of a fool and will have an arranged marriage with ML who got killed at the time and was forced to get burried with him , but time will go back for her everytime he get killed so she will start uncovering his death by investigating alone and in the process telling ML and falling in love .In every life , she will find out clues including ML's step mother and her servant and the niece who the queen forced to have relationship with ML but she had a crush on 2ML who was in love with FL even before occupying this body.This drama will end with 2ML getting found out as the one who killed ML and will kidnap FL and will try to marry her in front of ML but he won't succeed , therefore , we will have our HE .FL will go back to present and will even meet ML who was part of the cast of the plot of the drama who remembers her .RECOMMENDED IF YOU LIKE CUTE SHORT DRAMA .finished 9 January 2024

  • Descarrilamento

    159. Descarrilamento

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 30 episodes


    This was normal as a drama , I enjoyed the first few eps .It talks about a rich girl who's gonna time travel to a parallel world and will occupy a body of a girl that has the same name as her and appearance but who had different lifes , therefore, she will start living a poor life as she was used to her spoiled life .In the process , she will meet ML who's a ex friend of the original body and she will tell him about what happened and he will help her investigate as the man who gave her the phone who opened the channel for the time travel is the same as ML's friend who disappeared.Meanwhile , she will start working in a hair salon where she will meet new ppl and will even find out that she is interested in makeup and start a journey of being a makeup artist.We are gonna find out later on,that she didn't actually time travel but her memory was altered as she participated in an experiment with her ex boyfriend who will also think he time travelled but he will end up commiting suicide.And the man who ML was looking for is actually the creator of the whole thing but he is gonna get killed by SML's mother who was actually the first experimentee with ML and that he didn't meet the researcher directly in real life but injected memeories that made him think he did and all of that was to delete his sad memories as his best friend died in front of him and couldn't get over it .This drama will end with a happy ending , as the mother will get what she deserved as she even killed her husband but SML is the one who will get prosecuted and will carry on her life peacefully with ML.I think that this drama had good plot but the execution wasn't the best , I feel like they focused a lot on FL journey so the drama isn't focused on suspense and thriller ,the acting was good thought especially from FL but the fact we still got fake kisses is funny .RECOMMENED IF YOU LIKE THIS KIND OF DRAMA OR LEADS.finished 10 January 2024

  • Hidden Marriage

    160. Hidden Marriage

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 16 episodes


    This was cute as a short drma , I wish we got more eps since the novel is so long and they cut out a lot of good scenes .This drama talks about FL who will have a one night stand with ML and will get pregnant but will have an accident and lose her baby , but what she didn't know is actually that she didn't lose him and ML is the one who's gonna take care of him .Meanwhile , she will start her journey of becoming an actress and will meet ML and his son where she is gonna feel attached to them and will start cohabiting with them to take care of bao bao and in the process falling in love with ML who already was in love with her .This drama will end with SFL who's FL's half sister going to prison as she tried to kill FL out of jealousy and getting together with ML , but we didn't get any hidden marriage in this drama , it was the case in the novel as they went out after 2 years of marriage .This short drama was an ad for an eye cream so that's why they didn't go through a lot of details.Acting was good and also the chemistry so It would have been a lot better if we actually got a regular drama out of this plot.RECOMMENED IF YOU LIKE ROM SHORT DRAMA WITH GOOD ACTING.finished 13 January 2024

  • Wu Yu Lun Bi De Ta

    161. Wu Yu Lun Bi De Ta

    Chinese Drama - 2024, 26 episodes


    This was nice overall for a short drama , it talks about about a married couple living in peace but then the husband will get into a yacht accident and will be presumed dead but then 4 years later his twin is gonna come back to take revege and to find out who's the mastermind after his accident and some company issues with the help of the wife FL but then it's actually ML and the twin has always been abroad and never cameback , by the end we are gonna find out that's its his uncle who's behind all of this .After that , FL wanted to take a break from all of this and will flee but we can see in the last minute of last ep that she actually went back to ML and will meet him under the tree where they started their relationship.I enjoyed the acting and it didn't feel cheap even though it's a small productio also the chemistry and the kisses were nice .RECOMMENED IF YOU LIKE SHORT ROM COM WITH NICE CHEMISTRY.finished 20 January 2024

  • Different Princess

    162. Different Princess

    Chinese Drama - 2024, 36 episodes


    finished 3 February 2024

  • Love Supremacy Zone

    163. Love Supremacy Zone

    Korean Drama - 2024, 8 episodes


    finished 3 February 2024

  • My Piggy Boss

    164. My Piggy Boss

    Chinese Drama - 2024, 12 episodes


    finished 3 February 2024

  • LTNS

    165. LTNS

    Korean Drama - 2024, 6 episodes


    finished 5 February 2024

  • Cheng Wei E Du Nv Pei Zhi Hou Na Xia Nan Zhu

    166. Cheng Wei E Du Nv Pei Zhi Hou Na Xia Nan Zhu

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 81 episodes


    january 2024

  • The Murderer and the Toy

    167. The Murderer and the Toy

    Korean Drama - 2024, 8 episodes


    finished 11 February 2024

  • Thousands of Years of Love

    168. Thousands of Years of Love

    Chinese Drama - 2024, 22 episodes


    finished 12 February 2024 , very good for a short drama 

  • Fu Hei Nv Yong

    169. Fu Hei Nv Yong

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 80 episodes


    finished January 2024

  • Wo Cai Ni Ai Wo

    170. Wo Cai Ni Ai Wo

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 16 episodes


    finished November 2023

  • It Doesn't Matter if You Don't Know the Plot

    171. It Doesn't Matter if You Don't Know the Plot

    Chinese Drama - 2024, 18 episodes


    finished 12 February 2024 , pretty good for a short drama

  • No Meio de uma Tempestade de Neve de Amor

    172. No Meio de uma Tempestade de Neve de Amor

    Chinese Drama - 2024, 30 episodes


    finished 16 February 2024

  • A Esposa do Meu Marido

    173. A Esposa do Meu Marido

    Korean Drama - 2024, 16 episodes


    finished 21 February 2024

  • Nine Times Time Travel

    174. Nine Times Time Travel

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 22 episodes


    finished 23 February 2024

  • Dusk Love

    175. Dusk Love

    Chinese Drama - 2024, 24 episodes


    finished 2 March 2024

  • Ready, Set, Love

    176. Ready, Set, Love

    Thai Drama - 2024, 6 episodes


    finished 10 March 2024

  • Be Spoiled

    177. Be Spoiled

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 24 episodes


    finished 16 March 2024

  • Branding in Seongsu

    178. Branding in Seongsu

    Korean Drama - 2024, 24 episodes


    finished 16 March 2024

  • Nang That Hua Thong

    179. Nang That Hua Thong

    Thai Drama - 2024, 22 episodes


    finished 17 March 2024

  • Pegasus

    180. Pegasus

    Chinese Drama - 2024, 28 episodes


    one of the drama I really enjoyed in 2024 .finished 20 March 2024

  • When We Meet Again

    181. When We Meet Again

    Chinese Drama - 2024, 24 episodes


    finished 2 April 2024

  • A Lenda de Shen Li

    182. A Lenda de Shen Li

    Chinese Drama - 2024, 39 episodes


    finished 5 April 2024

  • Pyramid Game

    183. Pyramid Game

    Korean Drama - 2024, 10 episodes


    finished 8 april 2024

  • Meu Nome é Zhao Wu Di

    184. Meu Nome é Zhao Wu Di

    Chinese Drama - 2024, 24 episodes


    finished 8 April 2024

  • Zhi Bi

    185. Zhi Bi

    Chinese Drama - 2024, 24 episodes


    finished 10 April 2024

  • Apartment 404

    186. Apartment 404

    Korean TV Show - 2024, 8 episodes


    finished 14 April 2024

  • Parasyte: Cinza

    187. Parasyte: Cinza

    Korean Drama - 2024, 6 episodes


    this was good , finished 14 April 2024

  • Shan Shan Lai Chi  De Ni

    188. Shan Shan Lai Chi De Ni

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 15 episodes


    was bad but got curious about the ending .finished 19 April 2024

  • Unknown

    189. Unknown

    Taiwanese Drama - 2024, 12 episodes


    finished 21 April 2024

  • Our Dating Sim

    190. Our Dating Sim

    Korean Drama - 2023, 8 episodes


    finished 21 April 2024

  • Floresce na Adversidade

    191. Floresce na Adversidade

    Chinese Drama - 2024, 40 episodes


    I really enjoyed this family drama.finished 27 April 2024

  • Amor à Primavera

    192. Amor à Primavera

    Chinese Drama - 2024, 21 episodes


    nice one .finished 9 may 2024

  • Xiao Nan Feng

    193. Xiao Nan Feng

    Chinese Drama - 2024, 28 episodes


    i wanted them to get away with murder especially since Nan Ya didn't really kill and xu yi was the one who killed himself using her hands .Also , we didnt see ML family and his 2 other friends , i wanted to see whether they were still friends or not. Also officer Li didnt help with anything , he wanted to remain as a goodpoliceman which actually made the case worse for FL as she could have gotten away with self defense , also the novel was a lot more dark , i would love it if chinese drama could actually produce smth that dark but Overally was really a good drama with good acting and cinematography , the plot can be slightly improved .finished 11 May 2024

  • Money Game

    194. Money Game

    Korean Drama - 2024, 8 episodes


    was really an interesting drama and it was filmed in an very unsual way , i loved , i would have enjoyed this drama more if the plot was better since i feel like it was superficial.finished 18 Mai 2024

  • Princess Nirvana

    195. Princess Nirvana

    Chinese Drama - 2024, 20 episodes


    ending very abrupt , it doesnt make sense .finished 19 May 2024

  • Adorável Corredora

    196. Adorável Corredora

    Korean Drama - 2024, 16 episodes


    finished 28 May 2024

  • Yi Wen Cun Dang

    197. Yi Wen Cun Dang

    Chinese Drama - 2024, 23 episodes


    finished 1 June 2024

  • Regeneração

    198. Regeneração

    Chinese Drama - 2024, 10 episodes


    good drama , ML will die at the end saving FL He Shan and others willget punished by law.finished 1 June 2024

  • Blank

    199. Blank

    Thai Drama - 2024, 6 episodes


    finished 5 June 2024

  • Mei Gui  Guan Mian

    200. Mei Gui Guan Mian

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 100 episodes


    this was good as a short drama , i liked that after getting married with ML , she never looked back at SML especially when he had the chace since she loved him but he always threw off her feeling and I loved how ML made FL love him little by little and how he pampered her .recommended .finished March 2024

wake me up next week's Lists
