Lu Qing é uma mulher moderna que, após um acidente, sua alma viajou no tempo, entrando no corpo da antiga Su Qing, que estava prestes a ficar noiva contra sua vontade. Em sua primeira viagem no tempo, Lu Qing não teve tempo de reagir e foi forçada a beber um veneno mortal. Na segunda vez, ela conseguiu impedir o assassino, mas foi morta por seus cúmplices. Na terceira vez, ela voltou ao tempo antes do noivado e decidiu mudar seu destino. Com sua inteligência, ela escapou de uma armadilha e ganhou a confiança das figuras importantes da corte usando suas habilidades médicas. Lu Qing fez amigos na corte e conseguiu convencer o imperador da injustiça que sofreu, conseguindo se livrar do casamento forçado. Ao mesmo tempo, ela conhece um jovem que chegou na capital para lavar sua honra, e juntos eles superaram vários desafios, se apoiando mutuamente e terminando por criar uma bela história juntos. Com sua inteligência e habilidade, Lu Qing conseguiu mudar seu destino. Ela e o jovem superaram muitos obstáculos e, finalmente, se tornaram um casal. (Fonte: WeTV) Editar Tradução
- Português (Portugal)
- Español
- English
- Português (Brasil)
- Título original: 卿卿三思
- Também conhecido como: 請卿入懷 , Qing Qing Ru Huai , The Deliberations of Love
- Diretor: Zhou Xiao
- Roteirista: Zhou Mo
- Gêneros: Histórico, Romance, Fantasia
Onde assistir As Deliberações do Amor
Elenco e Créditos
- Zhao Jia MinLiu Yue QingPapel Principal
- Richard LiPei Xun [Sixth Prince]Papel Principal
- Li JiPei YanPapel Secundário
- Liu Zhi WeiHan Zhen [Pei Xun's guard]Papel Secundário
- Zhang ChiYu Ming HePapel Secundário
- Yu Yang ZiA LuoPapel Secundário

This drama is so To The Point. This is what dramas should be like. where can i find more dramas like this? T-T also., why does this not have any reviews?? (guess im the lucky one to be writing the first, lol) So going back to the drama, The drama ooof, ...Its so good that I cant find out any single flaws here. well, maybe there ArE but idk they were unnoticable to me. Soooo, You should watch this drama cuz it has:No complicated storyline
No love triangles
No jealous SFL/SML
No sad ending
No useless quarrels between ML FL & misunderstandings
No complicated court shit
A SuPeR hawt, badass, attractive & sometimes cute looking ML (he made me a simp bro)
cute FL
Excellent visuals, settings, costumes, makeup & camera quality
& Finally, No reason for you to not watch :DD
By any chance if you stumbled upon this drama, DONT SKIP. Its actually VERY GOOD for a short drama. It takes like 2hr or so to finish this & i would totally love to rewatch this anytime soon. The rewatch value is 8/10 for me. The story is repetitive & not that unheard of so. i would give it a 7. As for the acting/casting, im not the one to judge but for me its a 10. & the music too, i really liked it. Its so sweet and calming to my ears..
moving furtherr, I believe that the ML here has a lot of potential in the entertainment industry and should be recognized more. In my opinion, he is perfect for playing ''cool & badass'' roles. Even though he is not portrayed as a baddie in this drama, he gives off such a bad guy vibe. I would love to see him play a badass character in the future." & coming to fl now.. The fl did a good job with her role. She should get more opportunities to roam in different genres and characters in future. Also not neglecting the side characters & other guest roles, they also performed their roles to their fullest aswell.
Sooo, in short, The drama is very nice. The characters execute their roles perfectly & the storyline and eps are very simple to follow. Its good to watch when you are free and have nothing else to do. Basically, VERY MUCH RECOMMENDED FOR YALL to watch when you feel like you have nothing to watch. If not for anything, just watch for ML bro lmao.
signing offf,
yours Angel
Thanks for reading the review <33

Hidden Pearl
The story is not new, but the execution is great. I've seen a lot of C-dramas. This is not to be missed. ML and FL not only paint wonderfully in ancient costumes, but can also play. This was the first story I saw them in, but it certainly won't be the last. FL is beautiful, smart . ML is persistent, handsome and cunning. The chemistry, the humor, and the visuals are also great. The music with the heartbeat and the insertion into the series is perfect. Even though it's only a miniseries, I would watch the characters for a longer time.Congratulations for the team.