Movies I've watched

wake me up next week Set 23, 2023
14 Titles Loves
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  • The Childe

    1. The Childe

    Korean Movie - 2023


    This was a good noir movie .It talks about a kopino boxer who's trying to gain money with any method to treat his mom , he never knew his father and he always was curious about him .Once , he will get the news that his father is looking for him and wants to meet in KR .There is also a guy who's the childe that is trying to not let them meet as the father wanted his kid just for him to give him his heart to survive so when he will to KR , he will find out that there are ppl trying to kill him and others saving or kidnapping him .We will find out by the end that the boxer is not atually the son of the rich man but he was just a lookalike and this was all ploted by the childe to get the ransom money to save the mom and give it to the boxer as his last kind gesture since he is sick and wanted to do a good deed after killing a lot of ppl but int he post credits , we will find out that he is actually not sick and he got scamed by his wack doctor who scammed him into buying expenisve medecine which was vitamins.Recommened for ppl who like noir movies with good acting and funny at the same time .finished 23 September 2023

  • Lost in the Stars

    2. Lost in the Stars

    Chinese Movie - 2022


    this is my favourite movie until now for 2023, it talks about ML who's a diver and was in vacation was his wife abroad , but one day she is gonna disappear and instead he will find a fake wife next to him who faked all documents , ppl and pictures but when he goes to the police to declare , no one is gona take him srsl and ill consider him as a mental ill guy.He doesn't know their motif and he is gonna hire a lawyer whos gonna help him with the case but when he was telling her the story , he wasnt teling her the whole thing and he will hide the fact he was a gambler and that it created problems in his marriage with his wife.By the end , we will find out that everything was a plot but that lawyer who's actually a director and his wife's bestie who did all of this to know about the wife's disappearance and it was actually the husband who killed her as he caged her under the sea under the pretense that he was gonna show her art which he did but he left her in the cage alone dying while pregnant and he will find out in the prison where he will break out in tears but that doesnt excuse any of what he did.That scene where she died was so emotional as she didnt deserve it and sh deserved way better as she was a good wife and always supportive.The acting was so good especially from the ML and cinematography , directing were also good.There were some plot holes since it's not as easy to execute what that director did but regardless I really enjoyed the movie.RECOMMENDED FOR EVERYONE.finished 4 October 2023

  • Funeral Family

    3. Funeral Family

    Chinese Movie - 2022


    I really liked this drama , it's the same ML as lost in the stars so u can always be reassured acting wise because he will never disappoint .So the movie talks about a guy who works as a funeral organiser who went to jail for assault because of his gf and then he will have to organise a funeral for an old lady who's little granddaughter doesnt wanna accept her death and she keep pursuing so that she find her grandma but she doesnt have parents so after her grandma's death, she doesnt have a guardian, that's when ML will want to adopt her but he cant sice he is not married and therefore his married friend will adopt her and will all start living together.By the end , we will find out that her mom is actually alive and she will even join them.This drama was really heartwarming and I really enjoyed the father daughter relationship even if they aren't blood related .This movie made me laugh , cry .It doesnt have romance in it.RECOMENDED FOR EVERYONE.finished 4 October 2023

  • Animal World

    4. Animal World

    Chinese Movie - 2018


    this was normal , there was nothing special about it imo .It talks about a poor guy who's in debt and is paying for his mom's hospitalisation but he is gonna get tricked by his childhood friend who's gonna mortgage his parent's house and will get in debt .Therefore , he is gonna get invited to a cruise where you get cards with rock ,paper and scissors and you have to beat them in the game to pay your debt and you can even win extra money but if you lose you die or gets used as a rat lab , he is gonna meet his friend and will team up with another guy there but he is gonna get betrayed unfortunately but he is gonna survive by the end .He will return to his crush who's nursing his mom but this def needs a part 2 since there are some plot holes concerning his father.For this movie , I find that the effects were too extra and a waste of money since they werent really an added value and it'es aesthetically not that great .The acting was good .RECOMMENDED IF YOU LIKE SURVIVAL THEME LIKE LIAR GAME AND MANGA BASED MOVIE WITH GOOD ACTING .finished 5 October 2023

  • Cidade Fabricada

    5. Cidade Fabricada

    Korean Movie - 2017


    This was a good movie .It talks about ML an ex-athlete whos addicted to games but one day he is gonna accused of raping a minor with refuting evidence and he couldnt get himself out of it since the evidence was so convincing and no one believed him except his mom.When he will enter prison , he is gonna get always abused and hurt , he is even gonna get raped there and he got the news of his mom that she commited suicide which was not the case as she got killed.One day , he is gonna break out of the prison to prove his innocence and here comes his teammates in game as they gonna come forward and help him investigate the case.We are gonna find out that there is an organisation run by his lawyer who specialises in fabricating evidence for influencial /rich ppl targeted to blame poor ppl and then will prove his innocence.Overally , I find that his movie was pretty urealistic with all the fighting scenes and car entering studio or even exiting by a window high up safely also the technology here was so convinient and so advanced so you cannot really relate .The acting was so good and I felt so bad for ML since he didn't deserve all what happened to him and all of this just because he is not rich.RECOMMENDED IF YOU LIKE ACTION MOVIES WITH GOOD ACTING.finished 5 October 2023

  • Terra à Deriva

    6. Terra à Deriva

    Chinese Movie - 2019


    this movie talks about the olanet earth in future where it ha thousands of engine to tranport it from milky way to another galaxy since it was in danger in the previous galaxy and thsi process is supposed to take 2500 years where all ppl are gonna come together to save the earth but in the process the trajectory got deviated and was gonna approach jupiter and therefore everyone is gonna died suffocated , there come ML a guy with dad issues as he left him alone with hus grandpa to go on a space ship on the same mission of saving the earth and there i also his siter not blood related but also got raised by his grandpa , one day they wanted to sneak out but earth was collapsing and will get in the mess with the objective of saving the earth.I hate the fact his grandpa and dad died sacrificing themselves but it had to be done.I find the acting to be good in this drama also the CGI was so great for a chinese movie but I feel like the directing and story telling werent as great as the transition between the scenes wasn't as smooth and the characters weren't fully developped .Recommended if you like sci fi movies with great acting.finished 5 October 2023

  • Save The Green Planet!

    7. Save The Green Planet!

    Korean Movie - 2003


    I didn't really enjoy this movie .It talks about a guy who's obssessed with the idea of saving the planet from aliens and to do so he has to find the most logical person who's the director of a company as he is the prince of aliens that they are looking for .So , he is gonna kidnap him and will torture him to make confess that he is an alien but he is not succumb to the pain and by the end he is actually gonna turn out to be an alien .I find ML in this to be deranged and he wasn't stable mentally , he did so many wrong things or the wrong purpose.NOT RECOMMENDED .finished 6 October 2023

  • Sempre

    8. Sempre

    Korean Movie - 2011


    this was a nice movie overall , it talks about an ex boxer who's working random jobs to get by after going to prison , one day a blind girl will come by to his security office and will start watching dramas together .Little by little, they will fall in loveand start a relationship and ML will go back to martial arts but one day, he will find out that her eyesight can came back but it was so expensive , so he will fight illegally to get tha money which he did but he is gonna get attacked and will go under treatments .2 years will pass by , FL got back her eyesight and ML is still healing , they will meet in hospital as she massages ppl and she will also do it for him but she wont recognise him at first but afterwards , she will have a feeling and this movie will end up with them reuniting in front of the river which they used to go to .Overally , i enoyed the movie , chemistry was good and acting also , but it had nothing special , it's a simply romantic movie .RECOMMNEDED IF YOU LIKE ROMANTIC MOVIES WITH HEARTWARMING MOMENTS.finished 9 October 2023

  • Declaração de Emergência

    9. Declaração de Emergência

    Korean Movie - 2022


    This was a good movie , it talks about an ex pilot who's going on vacatio to Hawaii with his daughter and them getting trapped in the airplane with bunch of other ppl because of a psychopath who was a scientist that invented a new virus and attacked passengers with it and he was one of the first victims .This virus makes ppl own immune system attack them which ends with them dead , so they started dying after another and they couldn't even let them land in Hawaii as they didn't know about the virus and didn't wanna take the risk which made me return back to Korea with minimun fuel and one of the 2 pilots dead already and second SML is infected which drove ML to help the pilot who was his coworker but ML resigned as he was involved in an accident which made SML's wife die .Japan also didn't let them land and even taked them when they wanted to so at the end they made the decision to keep flying until fuel run out and not land to not infect others but thankfully there was an anti virus but it was for the first version of this virus so they weren't sure if it's gonna be affective against this newly mutated virus , therefore a policeman come forward and got himself infected and will get injected with many doses of anti virus which will make him survive .This made ppl reassured and even pleaded the passengers to lend as they found a remedy for them .This movie will end with them being healthy again but the policeman became hadicapped due to the overdose.Overall , I really enjoyed this movie , even though it wasn't that logical and there were many plotholes but still didnt make the watch unenjoyable.finished 14 November 2023

  • Junto Com Os Deuses: Os Dois Mundos

    10. Junto Com Os Deuses: Os Dois Mundos

    Korean Movie - 2017


    finished 24 January 2024

  • Ro Gi Wan

    11. Ro Gi Wan

    Korean Movie - 2024


    finished 14 March 2024

  • A Maldição da Ponte

    12. A Maldição da Ponte

    Taiwanese Movie - 2020


    finished 10 April 2024

  • The Bridge Curse 2: Ritual

    13. The Bridge Curse 2: Ritual

    Taiwanese Movie - 2023


    finished 10 April 2024

  • Ballerina

    14. Ballerina

    Korean Movie - 2023


    good cinematography and acting but unrealistic .finished 21 April 2024

wake me up next week's Lists

Dramas I finished
253 titles 2 loves
