- Português (Portugal)
- Français
- English
- Português (Brasil)
- Título original: 아이가 다섯
- Também conhecido como: Aiga Dasut , Five Children ,
- Roteirista: Jung Hyun Jung
- Diretor: Kim Jung Gyu
- Gêneros: Comédia, Romance, Drama, Melodrama
Onde assistir Cinco Crianças
Elenco e Créditos
- Ahn Jae Wook Papel Principal
- So Yoo Jin Papel Principal
- Sung Hoon Papel Principal
- Shin Hye Sun Papel Principal
- Shim Hyung TakLee Ho TaePapel Principal
- Shim Yi Young Papel Principal

50+ episode dramas can be extremely tricky. Sometimes they are so bad that you lose your faith in dramas and vow to never watch another 50 episodes drama again. But sometimes they are so brilliant, your faith is restored completely in one stroke. Thankfully, Five Children falls in the second category. The story was brilliant and there were no dull moments at all. The main leads had a wonderful story and all the characters surrounding them had their own great sub-plot. The female lead was badass and the male lead was the touch of kindness she needed in her life. They were perfect for each other!
Sang Min was definitely the highlight of the show and his romance with Yoon Tae was the cutest. Sang Min reminded a bit of Tae Joo from What Happens To My Family. He was so funny and both of them were so adorable.
Tae Min and Jin Joo started off as a little annoying (especially Jin Joo) but they became really adorable in the end. Jin Joo had the most character development, in my opinion. She started as a spoiled brat and became a responsible adult in the end. I think she won a lot of hearts. And their relationship was really interesting to watch in the last 10 episodes or so.
The rest of the cast was equally great! Sang Tae's In-laws were annoying and overbearing at times but they were also one of the most interesting characters in the show. They cared a lot and had their own (crazy) way to show it. Sang Tae's parents were complete opposite of the in-laws. They were sweet, caring and gentle people. The father was so supportive and wise; he was awesome! Sang Tae's brother was handsome but such a swindler in the beginning. His character got better halfway through and he didn't lose his funnyman act anywhere. Soon Young was a sweet presence in the show and a key character to bring more excitement.
Mi Jung's grandma was a force to be reckoned with. Loved that strong lady! Mi Jung's ex husband and his wife and mother-in-law were annoying at one hand but on the other hand, the wife seemed like such a harmless airhead, you just feel like "Whatever, let everyone be happy". Her mom seemed like an evil lady but you realize how human she is. Imagine if your daughter bringing a married man home and declaring she cannot live without him. She was prepared to be cursed and be strong for her daughter. I think I liked the mom more than the airhead wife.
All the children were a delight to watch! In fact, the whole time you feel excited about the kids moving in together (one day) and being one big squad of siblings. I had my moments where I liked all kids. But if I have to think about it, Woo Young was my favorite kid. He was so caring and protective of his mother and sisters. He helped out and looked out for his mom. He was too mature for his age. Loved that kid! Woo Ri was a brilliant actress. Woo Joo was adorable! Soo and Bin were immature at times but I grew fond of them too at some point.
The OST was awesome. I have it in my phone. It was bubbly and catchy and soothing all at once.
I can't imagine rewatching this right now because of it's length but it is highly rewatchable. I will probably get down to watching it again a few years down the lane.
Overall, it was wonderful and would highly recommend it even if you are wary of weekend family dramas. It doesn't have any makjang and it's low on excessive melodrama. It's a nice family drama, almost has a slight slice-of-life feel to it.
Esta resenha foi útil para você?

I really liked the story you will think 54 episodes are a lot but it really isn't i really liked if there were more episodes. There was a great love/family story i cried and smiled watching this i really recommend to watch this drama you will not be disappointed.
The cast was great i liked everyone especially the 2 older brothers from Lee Yun Tae and i loved her with Kim Sang min.
Really liked the Ost
Rewatch Value
I don't think i will rewatch everthing but i will definitely rewatch some cute scenes back
Really great family drama about having laws and a lot more.
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