0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 20, 2023
10 of 10 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 5.5
Voltar a ver 4.0

O tempo nao flui

É um drama curto com um elenco muito bonito e que sabe o que está fazendo na frente da tela Pois cada emoção é transmitida com a delicadeza necessária e os detalhes para fazer quem está do outro lado da tela muita das vezes se sentir aflito , ansioso e lamentar.
Gostei dele e indico, pois sendo da categoria ficção científica não deixou de entregar nada, só senti falta de um final mas robusto( mas talvez para outras pessoas sejam um final satisfatório) apesar de sempre ficar aquela sensação de quero mais e de que Possivelmente teria uma segunda temporada mas eu acho que a Coreia como sempre não vai entregar essa segunda temporada Mas gostei de ver um elenco bem diferenciado e sigo abaixo com a minha opinião sem spoiler até porque a sinopse já entrega bastante coisa mas nada como ver com os próprios olhos.
Partindo da premissa de que se trata de uma ficção científica, mas que fala muito sobre os resultados da exploração humana de recursos naturais e tudo que pode haver como consequências, isso não é ficção . Mas como as coisas são encaixadas nas viagens de tempo botando o tempo ,como não fluido e sim manipulado essa é uma ficção muito primorosa ,que nos faz pensar em Se pudéssemos voltar no tempo ou se existisse um gestor do tempo , que pudesse modificar e administrar a não ter tragédias no mundo ?
Ja adianto como breve resposta, baseada em todos os filmes que ja vi e que seria como é hoje cada um lutando pelo seu interesse, mas ali vemos um entre "Salvador" não pensam apenas em si mas em todos e como o dia para sempre tem uma grande organização lutando pelos próprios interesses e para conseguir o poder de ter uma tecnologia nas mãos para usar ao seu bem querer.

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Self, We See You
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 16, 2023
6 of 6 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musical 2.0
Voltar a ver 2.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Não tem como defender

É isso, não tem como defender essa série.

A premissa é bem interessante, fala de temas importantes, como suícidio, bullying, descoberta da sexualidade, amizade, mas que foi muito mal desenvolvida e deixou muitas pontas soltas.

O roteiro por si só é ruim, mal elaborado, o que aparentemente salvou a série foi uma boa direção, já que a filmografia foi excelente, num nível bem acima do nível que estava sendo apresentado na série.

A série conta a história de um jovem que um dia vê o reflexo de outro em seu espelho, esse outro está armado e aparentando ser perigoso, e por isso ele decide encontrá-lo. Quando o encontra, descobre que ele é atormentado pelo bullying, e que seu melhor amigo, após se declarar pra ele e ser rejeitado, cometeu suicídio. Um detalhe importante: não havia aviso de gatilho. Esse suicídio fez com que o irmão do morto perseguisse e infernizasse a vida dele, acreditando ser ele o culpado, mas a pergunta que não cala, como aconteceu a parada sobrenatural do espelho? A série acabou e isso não foi esclarecido.

A atuação é mediana, todos os atores são bem jovens. Não tem uma ost marcante, apenas uma fotografia muito boa. Eu realmente não assistiria de novo, mas não deixo de indicar.

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Clik Clak Clok
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Fev 9, 2023
4 of 4 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 5.5
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 5.5
Voltar a ver 3.5
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Série sem lógica

Vou tentar ser breve... Fui enganada pelo visual totalmente tecnológico e futurista da primeira cena.
É perceptível que o personagem de Daryl Rodriguez, Anton, é um estudante empenhado, aliás, super me identifiquei, que infelizmente foi rejeitado pela instituição onde pretendia estudar e teve um pequeno surto por isso, deve desocupar o AP onde mora, pois o mesmo pertence à faculdade, seguido de péssimas notícias da sua família. Também é possível ver que ele é muito fã do Personagem de Mark Erasga, pelo poster na parede, pelos sonhos, pela maneira como ele se toca ao pensar Miguel, já percebi que a vibe da série seria esquisita... Essa é a apresentação do personagem. Enfim, quais as chances do seu ídolo te responder e ainda te chamar pra ajudá-lo numa competição? Do nada? E ainda assumir que também é seu fã? Qual foi o contexto dessa interação? Meio surreal e forçado. No EP 3, como desgraça pouca é besteira, ele descobre que Miguel tem leucemia. Essa produtora tem fetiche em personagens sofrendo loucamente e plots sem sentido. E pra ficar pior e mais forçado, eles ainda trocam declarações de amor...após dois dias de interação. Beijos imaginários, beijos através da tela do computador, a dança deles que não foi mostrada, apenas soubemos que eles ganharam , sem falar na cena patética de Anton chegando a Miguel através do computador (mesmo que imaginária). As declarações no leito de morte são totalmente sem sentido.
Com a aparição de Miguel na última cena, não sabemos se foi tudo a imaginação de Anton, se Anton tem as faculdades mentais perfeitas, se ele estava delirando, enfim, uma bagunça.

Não sei bem o motivo da série ser gravada apenas com os personagens à distância, se comunicando pelos computadores, já que ela foi transmitida em 2023, talvez tenha sido gravada durante a quarentena, não sei realmente.

O nome da série, Clik, Clak, clok, é uma referência ao nome do concurso de dança que os personagens estão participando.

A atuação é razoável, mas de resto se aproveita muito pouco. Não recomendo essa série.

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Arte do Amor
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Fev 6, 2023
9 of 9 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 5.0
História 7.5
Acting/Cast 2.5
Musical 2.0
Voltar a ver 2.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Uma marmota

Essa é uma das séries produzidas pelas Filipinas durante a pandemia, numa febre de pequenas empresas que aproveitaram a quarentena para criar séries e postar em canais do YouTube. A grande questão era: muitas pequenas empresas e a grande maioria com péssima qualidade em todos os quesitos.

Essa série teve 9 episódios e foi transmitida do final de 2020 ao começo de 2021 pela Hvnly Joy production, e transmitida no canal da mesma no YouTube, atualmente, esse canal foi banido da plataforma e a única informação que temos é que: "Esta conta foi encerrada devido a violações recorrentes ou graves da política do YouTube relacionada a spams, práticas e conteúdos enganosos ou outras violações dos Termos de Serviço."Portanto a série não está mais disponível (graças a Deus).

O plot era no mínimo interessante, com um bom roteiro e direção tinha potencial.
A história começa mostrando Art Gomez, um jovem que ama pintar e fez disso seu negócio pra ganhar algum dinheiro durante a pandemia. Art começa a sonhar com um homem desconhecido e num desses sonhos vê um auto-retrato desse homem e desenha seu rosto como lembra no sonho.
Ao mesmo tempo, em outro lugar, Noah Villa Flor, que é um hétero de uma universidade de respeito faz um auto retrato para um trabalho de artes, seu melhor amigo é Sean Mendez, que na verdade o ama secretamente apesar de ter uma namorada.
Quando Art posta a foto que desenhou, Sean vê e reconhece a pessoa da foto como sendo seu amigo Noah, e o avisa imediatamente, imaginando que Art roubou a foto, e imediatamente Sean liga para Art acusando-o. O plow twist acontece pq na verdade Art nunca existiu, é um alter ego de Sean que criou para libertar seus sentimentos por Noah. Interessante não?

Apesar da ideia ser boa, a série foi horrível. Gravada em frente aos computadores, com péssima qualidade de som e imagem, atores novatos coma atuações horríveis, sem uma ost decente e nem os cenários se aproveitavam.

Eu não veria de novo nem se me pagassem, e mesmo que quisesse ela já foi banida mesmo, então não terei esse desprazer (nem vcs).

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Abandonados 9/28
Máscara de Noiva
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Fev 22, 2024
9 of 28 episódios vistos
Abandonados 0
No geral 6.0
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 1.0
Voltar a ver 1.0

Dropei, mas com todo respeito pela obra.

A partir daqui , tudo ficou muito obvio.
Eu entendo que é uma história de época que trata do caminho da libertação do povo coreano da opressão japonesa, mas se tornou muito óbvio.

O drama não é ruim.

A ideia central é muito boa e foi surpreendente até agora. Retrata uma época muito difícil do povo coreano e japonês, que criou uma ferida internacional na alma do povo das duas noções...e até hoje existe desconfiança entre as duas noções.

Mesmo que o Japão tenha construído uma estátua em homenagem às mulheres escravizadas escravizadas coreanas e tem havido aí uma documentação de perdão pós-guerra para aqueles que viveram isso tudo sempre vai existir um desconforto mas países que entram em guerra devastam com crueldade com seus grandes exércitos e infelizmente na guerra não existe boyzinhos e nem mãozinhas existem pessoas lutando por seus países e no final das contas toda a guerra deixa um grande Rastro de sangue e muitas coisas horrorosas que não conseguiram ter estômago para citar.
Comi muito falar da série pela minha mãe que assistiu todinha e gostou muito mesmo ela já sabendo mais ou menos o que iria acontecer aí ela me indicou eu assisti até o 9 e depois assistir os dois últimos episódios.

Se você gosta de drama de época e do elenco assista você vai gostar vão ser boas horas desfrutando de um conteúdo bem interessante, mas como eu raramente desiste de um drama esse aí entra para lista de exceções mas não é que o drama seja ruim. Talvez eu tenha assistido drama demais.

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Em andamento 9/16
Time Walking on Memory
4 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mai 7, 2024
9 of 16 episódios vistos
Em andamento 0
No geral 10
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Um pouco do mesmo

Na pegada do * o tempo traz você pra mim * , temos a volta no tempo e o efeito borboleta, e claro,o que não pode faltar é um doido no meio disso tudo.
Claro que vc lembra do drama que citei acima.
Mas , achei que seria um pouco mais leve e mais cômico e está sendo. Porém, qnd ela volta no tempo, (15 anos) , ela não se comporta como uma mulher que tem uma mente madura de mais de 30 anos, como a protagonista de "o tempo traz vc pra mim" , ela adia, enrola, faz um monte de coisa nada a ver , e por fim, ela não consegue cumprir nem o objetivo de ficar em casa no dia que seria seu acidente, por o protagonista a está esperando na chuva, isso pq ela mora na frente da casa dele e viu ele sair . OK, não comecei contando a história, pq a resenha do próprio my drama list já faz isso é aquilo ali, qnd ela vai e volta no tempo, ela tem vários imprint's do que aconteceu enquanto estava "ausente" , como aceitar proposta de namoro do boy encrenca lá, ou de ter conseguido o emprego no futuro e inclusive de saber dirigir, mas , qnd ela volta pro futuro, e a versão do passado reassume, ela não se lembra de absolutamente nada que aconteceu, e isso é uma contradição, o que acaba prejudicando seu relacionamento com o protagonista no passado. Ela realmente não gostava dele no passado e não sabia que ele existia (na primeira linha do tempo) . E qnd ela volta a primeira vez , ela altera isso,da parte dela ..pois ele , gostou dela em todas as linhas do tempo, independente dela saber da existência dele ,ele estava lá! Gostando dela a primeira vista! Enfim, vamos terminar de ver pra concluir!
O comportamento da protagonista ao voltar no tempo, incomoda um pouco, principalmente depois dela perceber que o tempo dela ali é limitado, porém tbm tem o plot de "parar o tempo,toda vez que tenta revelar algo do futuro diretamente" .. ok nós entendemos isso!? Mas , agora que ela voltou no tempo, tem necessidade desse sono todo? Tem necessidade dela ficar louca com cada coisa que vai acontecer!? Ela acha que é uma chance de salvar a vida dele, mais em 4 episódio,ele salvou a vida dela no mínimo duas vezes , fora os tombos que são a cada 20 minutos! E no fim do sétimo episódio, ela ainda dá maior fora nele após a declaração de amor dele! Ela realmente quer impedir um suicídio?
Ps: acredito que não foi um suicídio desde a primeira linha temporal.

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Absolute BL
35 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Mil
Abr 14, 2021
3 of 1 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 9.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Please let me live in a BL world

This series / movie / special can be defined with one word: hilarious. This series is clearly made for fans of the BL world, there is no more, to enjoy it and appreciate it in every way you have to be a fan of red bone.

All fans of rom-com genre manga (BL or not) will know that most of them are a bit .. absurd, in the world of manga everything is strangely convenient, but it is fine because the format lends itself so that these conventions work and be fun for readers, but if it comes to taking this to the big screen with real characters, well it is obvious that many creative licenses are taken, to turn the absurd and convenient situations of the manga to more or less realistic situations of the in real life, this is not always the case of course, but if it is about taking the manga as it is to another format it does not come out exactly well and many times the only thing that comes out of that is a great cringe complication and not necessarily a good one (you I'm watching you Love Stage!!), a very good way to bring unrealistic situations to the screen and also deliver a good product is parody.

This series uses the power of parody and it comes out perfect, it is very funny, the best thing is everything that happens in the background of the stage, it genuinely feels like being in a world dominated by the BL, another feature in its favor is the duration, the fact that it is so short allows you to better enter the game and participate in the absurdity.

As I said, this series is very niche and although I do not deny that it can be enjoyed by all audiences, I think that if you are not a fan of BL, understanding some jokes or colloquial situations could be not so funny, sometimes this is what you need a production that don't take yourself too seriously, but still strive to deliver a quality product.

Another thing, do not try to run away, sooner or later the BL will catch you in its clutches, ufff... I will know.

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Esta resenha foi útil para você?
Absolute BL
18 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mai 27, 2021
3 of 1 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 8.5
Voltar a ver 9.0
Based on the manga of the same name, A World That Definitely Becomes BL VS A Man Who Definitely Doesn't Want to Be in BL is about exactly what it says on the tin. A meta commentary on Boys' Love works, wherein every character is somehow gay and gorgeous, Mob exists as a character who is always in the background and has no intention of getting in on the action. Even someone who may not be 100% familiar with the tropes that are highlighted in this short run series is bound to enjoy the comedy of watching Mob carefully rearrange his life so that he can avoid being alone with cute boys, or helping cute boys up from the sidewalk drunk, or helping someone to fall in love with him. In his attempts to avoid all of the BL tropes Mob forgets that he is, in fact, a BL trope.

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A Casa de Papel: Coreia
79 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 24, 2022
12 of 6 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 10

Remake does the orignal justice

Although this was a remake of la casa de papel (money heist) it certainly does do the series justice in my opinion. I've watched and i am half spanish so when i heard there was gonna be a remake i thought ehhhhh i don't know if this is the right move by netflix because i thought the Spanish version was always gonna be the best however after watching the remake i think that the korean version of this show is as good as the original spanish version of the show. Certainly worth the watch even if u have already seen the original, there are some key differences in this remake to the original which makes the series a lot more exciting than you'd expect. I've noticed from the negative reviews that most people dropped the show within the first or second episode, all i can say to that is that if u give the show the chance and watch it fully it will grow on you and the unique storylines will certainly catch your attention here.

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Alma Gêmea
48 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 26, 2011
22 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 2
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 9.0
this drama has everything a kdrama should have...definitely my favorite out there. Its like they took every great thing about kdramas and put it all in a neat package for us.

non-boring story line? check

great OST? check (one of the best)

chemistry between actors? check (sizzling in some cases)

hilarious and embarrassing events? check

a beautiful love formation? check

actors acting their butts off? check (especially Shin Dong Wook's I mean acting I mean acting chops)

angst but not jump-off-the-cliff angst? check

a totally different way to tell a story (editing etc)? check (I haven't seen a drama do what it does to the story and not make it confusing but actually add to the awesome-ness)

man I love this drama!! definitely a must watch!!

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O Jogo da Morte
63 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de ibra
Dez 16, 2023
8 of 4 episódios vistos
Completados 4
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 7.5
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Glamorous cast, thrilling show

totally enjoyed first 4 eps, charcter of death is really amazing as well as screenplay. this show is not cliche kdrama with happy parts only it is serious stuff with some real world issues. We have seen shows like rezero anime similar to this but what differentiates this is how every death is linked to previous one which is kinda amazing thought by writer.
only part I didn't like was some stories were little rushed to fit in 4 eps and obviously it makes sense when you have so many top tier actors coming in.
can't wait for next 4 eps.
Esta resenha foi útil para você?
A Casa de Papel: Coreia
29 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 25, 2022
12 of 6 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 6.5
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 5.0

Don't expect heart-racing thrills

I would expect a heist show to be fast-paced, high-tension, and high-energy. But this was strangely flat, slow and pretty dull. Heist movies and shows need one of two things to succeed: a tight, well-structured plot, or complex and rich characters. This tried to have both but ultimately had neither. There were interesting moments here and there, particularly towards the end. But the characters were too thin and the plot was too loose to make this an engaging watch. But since it's only 6 episodes, it's a pretty quick binge (supposedly there is going to be a part 2 with 6 more episodes, but I'm not sure if/when that will come out).

Acting-wise, Kim Yunjin is definitely the standout. The rest were pretty average. Park Haesoo's Berlin is probably the most interesting of the heist crew, but it feels like they could have gone in harder on his (and everyone else's character).

The setting (reunified Korea) is probably meant to give the show a different spin. But I feel like they didn't make full enough use of it. They could definitely have exploited the tensions between a newly reunified North and South Korea a lot more. Even things like tensions within the negotiating team could have been used to create a lot more tension.

There was also not much soundtrack or BGM in this. Music is usually quite an important part of this type of movie, as it can really heighten the mood. But it was basically non-existent here. It's almost like they forgot.

This wasn't a bad show. It's an okay watch if you have some time and don't want to get too attached to a drama. But given the nature of the source material and the strong cast of actors, it was quite disappointing.

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72 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 25, 2019
12 of 6 episódios vistos
Completados 4
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers
The biggest plot twist ever in history...continue reading to find out!!!!!!

Story: (SPOILER)
It starts out with the physician and his assistant visiting the King's chamber. The next day, news broke out that the King is gravely ill, upon hearing the news CP Lee Chang decides to visit to see his father. Upon getting there, the Queen forbids him from seeing him and tells him that if he catches the flu who would be the nation's next King. He later sneaks into the chamber and discovered something gruesome; a shadow-like a beast follows by a foul stench and the smell of blood that could not be described. The thin paper bamboo door suddenly slides open with the guards outside questioning him why he is there. He follows with that there is a beast in the chamber and proceeds to persuade everyone. The head guard tells him there is no such thing and that it must be the tiredness. CP heads on to see his father, but again failed to meet as he was stopped by an official. CP tells about the sighting of the beast and to his amused the official replied back with saying he's seen it too, a son who pretends to be concern about his father but really he wants to see his father dead so he can guarantee his safety to the throne was the monster he has seen (referring to the prince). CP is escorted back and finds out that the last physician to see his father lives in Dongnae and so the journey to see the physician embarks. The next morning, all the official gets together to plot a scheme to kill the CP, and so he was going to be arrested for treason. Meanwhile at Jiyulheon, as the physician returns with the dead body of his assistant, those who was close to the boy was confused and lost about how he had died. Seo Bi, a woman who's also a physician returns from her daily findings of herbs to see all the sick patients happily eating. Confused as there is shortage on food and nothing to eat she rushes to the kitchen and sees this guy (honestly I can't remember his name or did he even have a name, can someone confirm with me cause I really can't remember/ gonna call him GUY1) Seo Bi asked him where he got the food from and he tells her that he hunted a deer. Pleased that everyone gets to eat meat, she was asked to refill another bowl of delicious meat soup and so she proceeds to do so to find out it wasn't a deer. The soup was made from a dead body. Shooketh, not shocked but shooketh, because I was shooketh too, she confronts GUY1 about it, meanwhile, the start of the epidemic starts to happen. CP and his trusted body guard arrives to see the place locked up from the inside and looking like a mess. They get inside and discover the bodies of the dead and sends them to the magistrate. When all hope was lost guys, GUY1 & Seo Bi did not die, yes they did not die and is friggen alive. CP and body guard finds Seo Bi in the mountain looking for a herb that can cure the dead, she finds out that the body has been moved to the magistrate and tells them that the bodies are not dead. They were literally like girl what you on about, but she keeps insisting them that the body will start to rise at night. CP slowing believing her asked her if the creature has a foul stench and blood smells and she said yes, and with this, it proves the theory CP has. CP sends his bodyguard and seo bi to the magistrate to check out what's happening. Seo Bi and GUY1 starts explaining about what the bodies do but no one believed them and they both end up in the jail. As night fall, the bodies starts to become alive and the village becomes the walking dead. The epidemic starts to spread and at this point in time, everyone finds out about the CP. This is basically the story, the CP ends up helping the people and everyone ends up at this city call Sangju, there with the help of his former teacher and his people, they start to build forts and trenches and traps to kill the zombies. As this was unfolding Seo Bi discovers the herb that can cure the epidemic. Back to the traps, they waited all night and nothing showed up, relieved they killed off the fire and everyone was ready to go and rest...and the CP looked into the distance, a disturbance in the wood had set off the bird and the ground was trembling and trees was literally shaking!!!!! Seo Bi hears something and turns around to see that there are the zombies standing behind them,- you can see it in the reflection of the water...BIGGEST FRIGGEN PLOT TWIST she realises that they do not rise during the night but to the temperature, yes temperature. THE END. Another plot twist, the Queen is not pregnant, repeat she is not pregnant. & now the wait for season 2. I literally watched this when I found out it was on netflix via IG and I literally stopped watching my current drama because I was that excited to see it. I can't even explain it lmao, but like each episodes had it's own feels like my siblings and I we were so into it that like we commentate the whole series cause we didn't want bad things to happen t the good people and we were rooting for the bads to get eaten by the zombies. haha. But check it out.

It was soooooo good, like props to everyone who has to run like that like yalls MVP of the year already.

I would definitely rewatch this and rewatch it when season 2 comes out.

Everyone has to watch it like its sooo good, like I could not find any fault with it. Like its amazing. Shoutout to NETFLIX for being MVP and subbing this.

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Esta resenha foi útil para você?
O Jogo da Morte
84 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 19, 2023
8 of 4 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 8.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

This is the hell!

Episode 1:
"You are guilty of coming to find me before I came to find you."
Episode 2:
"Isn't it that what you humans do? You care more about the thorn in your own finger than the knife inside someone else's body."
Episode 3:
"At first, it felt so unfair. But now, I regret being trapped in a prison called death after going out of the way to ruin my own life."
Episode 4:
"Humans always struggle to live only after they die, not while they are still alive."
"The reason we're afraid of death is because there will be no tomorrow."
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Concerto de Outono
97 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de seka
Fev 19, 2014
34 of 21 episódios vistos
Completados 1
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 10
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As you can probably see, this drama is one of my favorites, if not number one. I've seen this drama three times, and I enjoy it every time. I could probably watch it again, today, if I had nothing better to do. Sometimes, I watch the first few episodes just for the fun of it. When I feeling down, or when I'm feeling alone.

This drama is the perfect representation of what true love is, and how it should be portrayed. Yes, romcoms and comedies are good, and fun and exciting during that moment, but this type of love... it may be acted, but it still is a goal of mine to have love like that, because even I know love like that does exist, even if that one is not real.

This drama really hit everything for me. I'll try to keep the fangirl inside of me down, and be logical and realistic without giving away spoilers or anything, but it really got everything. There were so many plot twists in this story, and a lot of them weren't very original, and yet... they worked. I mean, come on, popular boy rich boy and poor girl, cancer, memory loss, pregnancy... that's just the beginning. It's like, everything you've ever seen in a drama was thrown into this one, and it WORKED. I know, I can't believe it.
I cry so many times when I watch this drama, it's definitely a tear-jerker. It's a beautiful story, one that will pull at your heart and you won't be able to stop thinking about it.

The acting was phenomenal, I think it is very underrated. Vaness Wu gets a lot of harsh criticism for his 'over acting' but I don't think there was a lot of it. I really liked his 'over acting'. When he cried... oh. my. god. I really believed it. He actually looked like he was crying, and it actually looked painful. I don't know how to put it... he looked like how a guy WOULD cry. And Addy An, she get's a lot of harsh criticism for her under-acting. I agree that sometimes she looks expressionless, but I think it had more to do with the script. Not only that, but I wouldn't say she under acted. I could see it in her eyes, in her reactions, in everything she said. Her mannerisms and subtle expressions, that's what made her character. You need to pay attention to those, it isn't in her character to look so blatantly affected all the time. Mu Cheng gets all of my respect, even if shes fictional. To me, the acting was superb, and lets not forget little Xiao Le. God is that kid going to grow up to be a super star. His acting was absolutely perfect, especially for a child. He really pulled the story together throughout the last half. Some go as far as to say the story was only held together by him toward the end, but I wouldn't go that far. With or without him, I would have kept watching, but he is such a cute little guy. Someday he'd get so tired during shooting that his dad would have to be on site. Such a strong little boy.

The romance and chemistry between the Mu Cheng and Guan Xi is tangible. I can literally almost taste it, I can feel it. It's so beautiful, it touches my heart. I know this sounds cheesy and cliche, but really, you won't find more pure love in a drama than in this. If I didn't know any better, I would assume Vaness Wu and Addy An are in love. The chemistry was just out of this world. Love really does win out in the end, that's what this drama taught me. I have to say I learned a lot from it.

Also, the people you hate in this show you'll grow to love. Along with character development in the main characters, the side characters really developed too. The side-plots in this show were interesting, too, and I found myself just as engaged in them as I was the main couple/family.

The ending of this drama is my favorite. Not just the ending with MC and GX but with everyone. The ending of this drama is also one of the reasons this drama is #1 for me. There is closure, on everything. No loose plot ends, all side plots are tied up, no questions are left, not for me at least. Everything is happy, I'm actually content at the end. No worries, no complaints, just sadness that it's over. Very bitter-sweet.

I won't lie and say that this is an easy drama to watch. There's going to be a lot of painful moments and heart-wrenching scenes, but the good in the drama sky rockets it to the top. Even when you hate someone you didn't think you were going to hate, you understand what's happening, and why their doing what their doing. The love never dies, and even in the toughest moments in the drama, they give you little moments to nibble on while you're waiting. It's a brilliant story, and I will forever enjoy it and remember it. The music alone is beautiful, I have a few songs saved and listen to them frequently, even now. In fact, this is random but I have my itunes on shuffle and ironically 'Next Stop, Happiness' just came on. How funny, must be a sign. (;

If you're looking for a refreshing, pure love story with superb acting, tangible chemistry, and every plot twist you can imagine, this is for you! I will recommend this to any person interested in dramas for the rest of my life, hah! Hope this helped people, sorry if I wasn't as rational and logical as I planned. As you can tell, I'm a fan. I have never watched a drama more than I have this. Three times through the whole thing, not counting the many times I've just watched an episode here and there that I liked. Please watch!

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