Going further, what makes this drama so engaging is that it puts the human emotions and experience of betrayal, vengeance, love, family, friendship, and money into a universal context that possibly anyone can relate to. First and foremost is the betrayal. You may have experienced in life when you felt betrayed by the very people/person who trust and admire...simply being used up and tossed aside like trash...one can't help but feel betrayed thus leading one into seeking vengeance for the pain that one has experienced...it is only justice, right? "Eye for an eye", as the saying goes...they made you suffer, you've experienced emotional pain, now they will get a taste of their own medicine...there's an interesting double karma that occurs in this drama that really makes you think, "Could there have been a better course of actions?"...
Along the way in one's vendetta, you meet people or someone who brings love and friendship into your life...your heart wavers because you begin to fall in love with this person...what will you do, when your heart betrays you as well? Will you give up your vengeance for this person?...seems like a very plausible thing to do and just forget about everything while you're still trying to complete your master plan...will falling in love mess you up?
Family is also important as well, as your action may consequently affect everyone in it...as well as those who are connected to your family...however, what if your family hides a dark secret, will it still justify for your actions and vengeance? Often in the scheme for power, it is really about about the money, the Benjamins...as greed is quite an over-powering human desire for more of everything in life...after all, money is what makes the world go round, right?...I think...well not really in my opinion but nonetheless we need it in order to survive in our current societies.
If you're not into those sappy and sad dramas...this one will be a treat for you...it's a thriller filled with twist and turns and I think blends very well with the love plot between the individuals who create a love triangle that's rather interesting to watch and see it unfold.
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In terms of the human emotions, this one delivers it all! Although, it is probably meant to be more of a comedy drama than anything else, it touches your emotions on many fronts, that is, your feelings of happiness, anger, sadness, loneliness, laughter, sanity, etc. This one is not particularly a very deep drama in terms of love triangle relationship but I will say this, you won't be disappointed nonetheless. This one has just the right touch of love drama, not too much and not too little, but enough to keep you on the edge of your seat and feeling satisfied with a happy smile on your face when you reach the end.
Every character in this drama played their part in this film so perfectly, you can't help but fall in love with watching this one. I guarantee you'll be quite entertain from start to finish. If you're still reluctant...you shouldn't be...try out the first three episodes and you'll find yourself addicted to this drama in no time...I did...maybe you will too...
Overall, a very loving, funny, happy and entertaining drama that will have you laughing all the way through!
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Shin Mi Rae, played by Kim Sun Ah, is a lowly government official, financially driven to join a beauty pageant, crosses paths with Jo Gook, played by Cha Seung Won, an ambitious and highly driven politician with a hidden agenda of political advancement. Propelled into the political arena in her small town, Mi Rae finds herself running for mayor, backed by her very supporting and hilarious friends, with Jo Gook as her campaign manager, only to be embroiled in small town and national partisan politics. City Hall is a trial of two opposite people's determination to keep their individual conviction, beliefs, and political ambitions, while keeping their blossoming romance under wraps from the critical and career damaging eye of the media, political intrigues and ambitions of others.
Kim Suh Ah continues to impress with her amazing acting in her role as Shin Mi Rae, whose conscience and idealistic nature, clashes with those who are more driven with personal benefits than social and political obligations, and torn between protecting the town and its people, keeping her personal beliefs and convictions, entangled in political intrigues, and her unflinching love for the ambitious Jo Gook.
Cha Seung Won unarguably pulled the stops as he embodies the smart, cynical, confident, charismatic, and ambitious Jo Gook, yet still charmingly capture the quirky, romantic side of a man pulled apart by his desire to follow his heart, achieve his political dreams, familial loyalty and paternal approval, and protect the person he loves most from the damaging life of politics.
Amazing chemistry and solid acting by the two leads, as well as the supporting casts, makes this a must watch drama with its witty lines, political and partisan intrigues, and touchingly wishful and uplifting romance. A hands-down, fantastic plot!
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Note, people spend years developing and honing their skills at doing their job but Haruko does it like it's nothing, which is unrealistic especially considering she has more skills than can be put on her job applications, I found that to be amusing .
All the hakens showed great potential, much more so than the full-time employees, but they seem to always be the target of bullying and ridicule by FT employees. Nevertheless, its the hakens who usually come out on top which angers the FT employees even more - which is hilarious.
Overall this drama was interesting to watch. I really like how this film brought out the important issue of how temp workers are mistreated and viewed by FT employees. Also how corporations all over Japan, if not the world looks down on them as not human beings but as tools to be used until they're no longer useful. In addition, it goes to show how corporations nowadays are pinching pennies to maximize profits, paying big bucks and bonuses to performing executives and managers while demoralizing their employees, especially temp workers with massive work and little pay.
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One thing I want to say is that we humans are great architects...we can create many wonderful and big skyscrapers...ultimately creating a huge city of wires, bricks, cement, glass, plastic and metal (also known as concrete jungle)...all the more easy to trap us in our own devices and creation when all hell breaks loose...it's quite ironic, I think...
What I like best about this film is that it shows the very nature of man...just how prideful, hateful, selfish, loving, and caring we can be when disaster strikes...what I dislike most is that when good people try to take steps to warn the masses to save lives, there's always these hateful people who get in the way, and on top of that no body listens...but when hell breaks loose, then everyone panics and kill each just to save their own skin...and afterward, of course comes the finger pointing (a.k.a putting the blame on someone)...if there's one thing we humans don't ever learn...it is from our past mistakes.
On the level of emotion, this film have its moment of great sadness, fear and comedy...it'll make you feel sad, scared, happy and laugh at different points in this movie...which I think is a good portrait of how people react in real life situation and circumstances of this magnitude.
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Infused with modern tools and music, it isn't just a typical Korean historical drama. Laden with humor, great costume, scenery and Korean culture - it's a drama that celebrates Korean life, history and culture - a feast for the senses - and heart! Romance, action, history, catchy music, lovable characters and characters you love to hate makes this drama for everyone!
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Bad acting, bad script, bad characters, bad pace, bad action choreographer, bad stunt manager, bad execution of original premise, bad camera-work, bad costume design ... yeah, just really really bad in general.
This is like the worst gothic-vampire movie you've ever seen multiplied about thirty-fold and combined with action choreography that would make "Deathstalker and the Warriors from Hell" look like Woo-ping Yuen's latest action set-piece.
Even approached from a plot-progression and character-oriented standpoint, this is bad. Ok, that's a bit harsh. The concept itself is somewhat intriguing, with the idea of unavoidable fate and a Romeo/Juliet-esque romance going on. Too bad the acting is painfully bad. Given the poor performances in that arena, one expects other parts to hold up better -- thus my emphasis on the action and scenic bits; both of which only add to the net failure of this drama.
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Overall this drama was enjoyable, but don't count on this one as being one of those touchy-feeling type of series. It feels more of a fast-pace action roman drama since it doesn't dwell too much on the love relationships between the main characters - in another words, don't expect to cry your eyes out .
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