- Última vez online: 6 horas atrás
- Localização: in my Pillowfort
- Contribution Points: 7 LV1
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- Data de Admissão: Dezembro 18, 2023
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Completed BL and gay-themed dramas / films
85 titles 1 love
No romance!
37 titles 1 love 1
My Top 10 Pick-Me-Up Dramas
10 titles 2 loves 1

in my PillowfortSaeng
in my Pillowfortต้มเลือดหมูจงเจริญญญญญ
[English is not my first language. Please ignore any strange sentences.]
Brian Hood Jonathan Turley Jonathan Zittrain David Guido Scorza
- I love writing reviews and I am happy to receive polite feedback! I write mainly for myself, to sort my thoughts and find words for them, but I'd also like my published reviews to be helpful for readers.
- Top/Bottom dynamics and all the tropes that go with it is just heteronormativity in disguise.
There's already enough heteronormativity in het romance, I don't need it in BLs. - If something is called "cringe" I'll take it as a recommendation. In most cases, the "cringe" is either really funny or a "cringe" character is just weird and different.
- I'm always looking for good dramas without romance. Please recommend me some! I hate it when a (het) romance is forced into otherwise good stories.
- Ceterum censeo GagaOOLalam addendam esse.
About my reviews:
- If you find that there is something unclear in a review or if you think I should say something about an aspect I did not mention, please leave a comment or send a PM. Feedback that helps me improve future reviews is welcome as long as you can be civil, while just marking them as "Not Helpful" (i.e. downvoting them) won't help me write better reviews.
I can only know what's wrong with a review if somebody tells me! - Inspired by his post on Pillowfort by CorgiTeaTime, I will use these questions in future reviews: "Was it good?", "Did you like it?", and "Would you recommend it?" -- because yes, these three questions have different answers most of the time.
I plan to rewrite older reviews, too, but this will take a while. - You might notice that the average rating is pretty consistently higher that the suggested average. That is because I find both "music" and "rewatch value" not that important.
- "Music" gets points between 4 and 6.5, if I didn't really notice it, which means it did what it was supposed to do, i.e. support / enhance the experience. If I notice someting that annoyed me, the rating will be lower; if I noticed something good, it will be higher.
- "Rewatch value" is not really something that factors into my overall rating. A title might have been excellent, but it does not mean I want to watch it again. "Mr. Long" is one such movie.
- And, yay, according to this comment by Ji-N3, this will become obsoltete with the next update.
- I rate titles within their genres -- e.g. Thai BLs will not be held to the same standard as Korean crime/mystery dramas; short films and low-budget web series cannot be compared to 50-episode-long C-Dramas
I also notice that I tend to rate more according to the question of "Did I like it?" -- and I am often very lenient. - Obviously, everything is just my point of view. Things I find grating might be loved by you -- and vice versa.
- Ceterum censeo GagaOOLalam addendam esse.
Fannish bio:
- Started out with Japanese manga, BL and not, ages ago.
- Read my way through slash fanfiction of too many fandoms. from ca. 2005 mainly western fandoms, because I got tired of the same old top/bottom dynamics.
- Rediscovered Asian content through a throwaway comment in a Marvel fanfic.
- In summer 2021, was astonished to find that there are now live-action BL dramas, was sad to find that the top/bottom-trope is still a huge thing. (Although in the last two years, it's become less prominent in most BLs.)
- Started writing reviews on Viki in Summer 2022.
- Created an account on MDL, to have a back-up for my reviews and a place to put reviews of those titles that are not on Viki in December 2023. I'm still in the process of editing and cross-posting these.
- Started a second back-up on Pillowfort in April 2024.
- Did my own rewrimo (review writing month) in November 2024, I kept track here and posted a summary here.
- Ceterum censeo GagaOOLalam addendam esse.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to comment or send a PM.
โบกมือลา ... แล้ววันหน้าพบกันใหม่
(btw imo gaga MUST be added ...)
38d 13h 22m
1,497 episódios, 128 programas
4d 0h 39m
69 filmes
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