Third installment of the " Satsukyu" franchise, after "Arimura Kasumi no Satsukyu" and "Takeuchi Ryoma no Satsukyu", this "Kamiki Ryunosuke no Satsukyu" is, very simply put, just as good as its predecessors. It has the same (many!) strengths (a nice script that combines many elements, part dream, part quirkiness, part humor, etc. etc., to obtain an original mix; a truly artistic, never pretentiously artsy, approach; a great lead - needless to say!) and also the same weakness, namely, the varied quality of the episodes: alongside little masterpieces with really memorable scenes (I'll name but two: Narumi Riko's hilarious reference to "Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo" and the "Chinese" restaurant with the giant panda mascot!), there are also a coupla much weaker episodes, as it's alas inevitable in dramas like this one.
Add some nice music and a pretty good "packaging" and you get a recommended watch! ^___-
p.s. Can't wait to watch also the next installment starring Sugisaki Hana!
Add some nice music and a pretty good "packaging" and you get a recommended watch! ^___-
p.s. Can't wait to watch also the next installment starring Sugisaki Hana!
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