Seldom can dramas make me feel this frustrated, excited, bubbly all in one episode. That’s what an incredible drama should do with you - completely play with your feelings, make you question certain things. The genre is definitely melodramatic so prepare to feel heart-broken and to weep a whole lot. However, this is also a realistic drama showing the unfortunate lives of two humans and their natural approach to romantic love. Seeing the two characters develop feelings for each other and being connected in the past made my heart oh so weak. I’m a sucker for the main characters to have a bomb chemistry. And oh boy, the lead actors killed it! First, Won Jin Ah is currently one of the most memorable young and starting actresses out there for me. She was so professional with how she transferred her character’s feelings. I have to say, this was my first time seeing Lee Jun Ho’s performance as well and not only is he an amazing actor, but a singer as well. Speaking about music, the OST was so sincere, the songs made such an impact on all of the scenes, and me included. To add, I appreciate that the viewers got to see the different lives and struggles of the supporting characters. Each of them have their own unique story which makes this drama worth rewatching all over again!
(Also, I felt the need to address something as well. Never drop a drama if you’re not sure on how the ending is going to turn out like. The natural progression of the drama, the characters, their developing stories are what make this series worth watching.)
Overall, this drama makes you appreciate life even more and live your life to the fullest every day somehow. I bow down to the creators of this drama for giving me a thrilling rollercoaster ride full of incredible emotions!
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Fun fact: this movie came out on my birthday. But then of course, we had to wait a little to finally be able to see the subtitles. A love story? *reads the plot* Love it. The actors? *checks the cast* Yes, two of my favorite South Korean actors, both such beautiful and talented human beings. The decision has been made - I'm watching this!I have a thing for love stories set in the 90's or the early 00's: how the set design is specifically made to reminisce the flip phones, dvd's, etc. I even noticed how the filming style varied a lot in this movie, from shaky to cinematic and professional. So even the little details stood out to me. Now, the main characters and their relationship seemed to genuine. They had amazing chemistry and character development. People gave this film a lot of backlash because of the sad ending, but I found it quite contemporary. The writers of the story didn't want to sugarcoat anything. This movie depicts how relationships in the real world work: people might have a strong belief in fate and how it brings humans together, but love doesn't last forever. Personally, I was balling my eyes out and had a thought that life is, indeed, so unfair sometimes. I'm still convinced that the main male lead Hwang Woo Yeon had the biggest character development. From a stupid jock to a mature and sweet teacher, we all wish him true happiness and to look back at everything as memories that shaped him. Even the female character Hwan Seung Hee changed from someone unapproachable to a loveable and hard-working woman. In other words, the story is important, but I though that observing the main characters was more fascinating. So if you're still on the hence whether this movie should've ended on a bad note, take your time to rethink if it would've been better with a happy ending.
Overall, this exceeded my expectations. I definitely recommend watching this and myself, I'll go and rewatch this movie sometime in the near future!
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It's one of those dramas that is filled with emotion. Showing the real and quite awful education system in South Korea, the realness factor was why I became interested in watching. Of course, I have to mention the other "School" series but unfortunately, I can't compare any them to this drama, since this is my first "School" series that I've watched. Nevertheless, the actors really put on a great show! As far as I know, the majority of them are amateurs in acting, I just have to give them cool points. Furthermore, the characters were relatable, totally "best friend" and "best couple" goals! After each and every episode, I had to tell my friends what kind of a great drama this is. Not only does it make you feel kinda cool, brave and happy after watching it, but also concerned and shocked about some of the school related things. To add, the music made a hugely positive impact. The OST is very fitting and there are a couple songs that piqued my interest.
A wonderful drama for back to school or to reminisce the good old high school days. This drama will take you on a diverse emotion trip and leave you feeling chilled! Definitely re-watching it after I complete the other "School" series!
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Cheese in the Trap will always hold a special place in my heart. First of all, it's the first Kdrama series that I'd started watching and that got me sucked into this Korean entertainment world. Second, I really enjoy reading the manhwa of this story. So to be quite honest, I had really high expectations for this movie. From the first glance of the teasers I noticed that the movie's cast is more fitting and appropriate than the original actors of the Cheese in the Trap drama. There is no better actor who could play the dark and mysterious Yoo Jung than Park Hae Jin. I was surprised, that a lot of people didn't like the fact that the actress for our Hong Seol has changed. However, I personally think that the new actress looked more like the original comic book character, and her personality of Hong Seol was more like I've imagined her to be. Now for the storyline, I believe that one movie is not enough to depict the story of Cheese in the Trap. Many important scenes were just not added into the movie and left out. What a bummer. However, the cinematography gave me something beautiful to look at for 2 hours. The camerawork was simply amazing and mesmerizing.
Overall, this was personally a feel-good movie to watch for me to watch. I love the original drama and the storyline so much, that I just can't get enough! I would love for the directors to turn this into a drama with the new cast since, I think that the new actors fit the roles of the characters much better!
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You'll fall in love with all of the members once again, laugh at their quirky personalities and amazing English skills. It is essentially a story of their success, hardships and a way to the whole western music world. By the way, these are some of the most iconic memes and jokes of BTS that are jumbled into 8 episodes. so if you're staning any member, you NEED to watch this. My favorite thing was the interaction between the group members and the American artists. You can really spot the cultural differences and how 2 separate cultures can merge into 1. As much as every episode was enjoyable and totally amazing, in my opinion, this show needs a season 2!
An entertaining series worth the watch that will put a smile on your face!
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I started watching this mainly because it's one of the classics + there's Ji Chang Wook in this, how can I say no after I hear this actor's name? I have to admit that, just like in any other Korean drama, the main actor swept me off my feet like always. On the other hand, I didn't like the way that there was sort of a strong character digression of the female lead. What seemed to be a powerful leading lady was actually a weak character. More about the main story, I enjoyed the occasional story slips into the past. They made the drama feel alive in some way. In my opinion, the whole story could've been completed in 16 episodes fully for everyone to understand all of the highlights and main points of this series. But 20 episodes is too much, it felt like many unwanted and irrelevant scenes made it to the screen.
This is another example of the fact that you might not enjoy very loved and highly-rated dramas as much as all of the others. But nevertheless, Healer is one of those dramas that had to be watched since it's a classic, but it's also a drama that I wouldn't rewatch ever again.
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Overall, it's a must-watch for all of you Itazura na Kiss franchise fans!
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Being a hardcore fan of BTS, this show has always been on my "to watch" list. I regret not seeing it sooner. This is the season 1 where the guys go to explore Northern Europe. As always with the boys, the show is very entertaining, doesn't lack humor (believe me, a goldmine for memes), and surprisingly enough, it's very inspirational. I want to travel to the same countries too. Watching back, you do reflect on some things and fall in love with the band members even more. <3
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Beijo Malicioso O Filme: Colegial
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First of all, let's just appreciate the fact that they're making 2 more movies with the same director and actors. The story was actually never finished due to the author of the manga passing away while writing it. That's why there is an opportunity of the directors and writers to add their own little twist to the story. I loved that this movie was actually very close to the anime, all of the principal parts were kept in and squeezed into a one great film.
Second, what I adored the most were the actors and how wisely they were chosen. I mean, the actors of Irie and Kotoko looked like they were taken straight out of the manga, their resemblance is uncanny. The acting was spot on as well. The mom's character got me just like in every other adaptation, she'll forever be my true spirit animal of shipping couples :D
Overall, this movie is definitely worth a watch for the biggest and true fans of Mischievous Kiss and for those, who are looking for a sweet and typical Japanese rom-com movie. Can't wait for the upcoming sequels! Let's hope they'll be subbed faster!
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