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  • Contribution Points: 176 LV3
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  • Data de Admissão: Junho 14, 2020

I race streaming platforms and then complain about it in my feed.  That's my schtick.  Speaking of...

ATTENTION US NETFLIX USERS!  I create lists to keep track of which movies and dramas are being pulled and when.  I create a new post every month.  Note that I'm not an avid watcher of Filipino content so I only have updates for content from Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, Thailand, Japan, and Korea.  

I'll watch anything except concert movies or reality TV.  I'm not a big fan of dramas that involve cooking or restaurant settings for some reason, but if someone who's seen it tells me it's good, well, I'm more likely to take their opinion seriously than MDL's recommendations (algorithms, amiright?).  Friend requests are welcome!

I'm honestly not a huge fan of romance as a genre, a lot of shows with interesting stories just happen to be about a romance or have romance in them.  Horror is in fact my favorite genre (which is why death is currently my top tag).

Things I've seen from countries not included here-



  • Goodnight DJ/声空感应之幸福玻璃球 (drama, 2 seasons, 26 episodes total)
  • Forget Me Not/罪爱 (drama, dropped after 7 episodes)


My rating system is inconsistent.  Sometimes it's based on personal enjoyment regardless of the quality, sometimes it's based on the quality, sometimes it's based on how the subject matter is handled regardless of the quality.  Also, I generally don't rate titles in relation to other things I've watched, I typically rate them independently.  I will use similar content, like the same genre or if it's part of a series/franchise, as a metric sometimes though.

I will never clear my PTW list and I have made peace with that.  Won't stop me from trying though!  So...maybe I haven't made peace with it.


97d 1h 52m
2,569 episódios, 189 programas
19d 8h 9m
276 filmes

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