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GG Precinct
7 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 27, 2024
6 of 6 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 6.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 4.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

I kind of expected more and better

I have really conflicted feelings about this series.

I really dislike the fact that Marry My Dead Body is acknowledged for a minute into the first episode to set the universe and then disappears from collective memory baring one single reference line. I'm not one to ask for references everywhere, a spin-off has to live on its own, but there it truly feels like they marketed it as a sequel/spin-off just to use 2 or 3 characters again and be done with it.

I actually enjoyed watching again the character of Wu Ming Han, he was great in Marry My Dead Body and continues to work his magic in GG Precinct, to the point where I think he's the one carrying this series. But at the same time he really doesn't have a lot of screen time which is a bit disconcerting for someone supposed to be the male lead. By making it a sort of team drama, they basically took what was the main force of the movie and toned it down to promote what was weak. Lin Zi Qing does not succeed at all to impose herself but rather annoys by her character, and the sidekicks, who are some sort of unfunny comedic relief inside a comedy, are both useless and omnipresent. There's a start of narrative arc with the junkie cop, but it goes nowhere. The villains take far too much time and one of them comes from absolutely nowhere, they just popped up.

The story itself is a bit bland. When they introduce the idioms murderer, you'd think the crime spree would be over after 2 or 3 episodes. But no, it goes on for 6 episodes straight and given the ending, it will probably continue in a potential second part if renewed. The crime story is a boring language lesson, and it's one of the biggest problems of GG Precinct: it feels like a weird private joke among connoisseurs of sinograms. Which makes it really hard to get into for foreign ignorants like myself.

For the comedic aspect, it's basically wacky and over the top humour, which as far as I'm concerned, only works with Wu Ming Han and is, for a series which basically has the running time of a 3 hours movie, really scarce.

I would recommend to watch it in one evening straight if you have nothing else to watch. If you're coming from Marry My Dead Body, you wouldn't miss much not watching it.

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