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The Ingenious One chinese drama review
The Ingenious One
22 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by Xtinew
Mai 9, 2023
36 of 36 episódios vistos
Completados 4
No geral 8.0
História 9.0
Atuação/Elenco 9.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers


There wasn't only one ingenious person in this drama. Yun Xiang was the master of brilliant strategist, manipulator, thinker, a charmer, negotiator, but most all he's a loyal friend. It's all started when he came down from mountain, finishing 15 years of study and cultivation to seek justice of the dead his family and fellow 300 people of Luo village where he came from. Yuntai Sect is the organization that produce smart people around in many different aspect. A long the way Yun Xiang met friends, foes, love, understanding, trouble, challenges and happiness.

Yun Xiang & Shu Yu Nan
Yu Xiang was brilliant with strategic while Shu Yu Nan was an incredible with martial art. They both love each other, Yun Xiao broke his sect's rule by loving her. They learn to trust and depend to each other because Yun Xiang wasn't entirely open with this strategy or manipulation to Yu Nan, while she's totally in his side she felt that she's being used by him as piece of chess. Around ep 22 the trust was broken, relationship strained, heart distanced, YuNan switched side and betrayed their love. Broken heart lasted for 10 episodes full of drinking, crying and daze...thinking hard for next step forward for both. Will they back together? We'll see that on last episode...

Mo Bu Fan/Kang Qiao (Guanghui Bank, Yuntai Sect)
They both have great relationship between father and adopted son (uncle/nephew). One of the smart Yuntai student in finance and banking. He monopolize economy in town, very money oriented - everything is for profit, cutting throat to his customers, sharp tongue to Yun Xiang, lovable in concern to his nephew. He went bankruptcy for mishandling trust of an old friend, business, reputation, and money was gone. BuFan was so heartbroken when Kang Qiao died, lost in disappointment of his sect and angry to his master. So sad, he didn't see way out - he'd rather died than go on living.

Su Ming Yu/Ke Meng Lan
While Su GongZe was a young handsome heir of rich merchant, he inspired to be a wanderer in martial world, forced to learn business from his sister and family, got PTSD after the terror of killing. In love with the manager of entertainment gambling house Ke Meng Lan. Although she's great with business and very loving, her character was a boring one, killing atmosphere to few notch down. The love affair was smooth one after MingYu's sister approved with their relationship although Meng Lan didn't come from respectable background.

Jin Biao
He called himself '10 Gold Tael' hitman for hire. Very rough looking, brash attitude, soft heart and kind. He liked Meng Lan's personal maid Tian Hu and became the patron of orphanage. He struck friendship with Yun Xiang for money at first but genuinely devoted to him after they've been through together. Ep 32 he went coma of poison.

Many critical characters came and went as new episode brought in new development with new characters, Mo BuFan should go as 2nd ML as he has important role and most of the crisis focusing on his money/bank and the way he handled things. Every character related to him....he's a pretty good actor with much charms and difficulties in such role. All this, at the end is about rebellion to overthrow the throne initiated by Prince Fu (Yun Xiang's master). As a master of Yuntai where Yun Xiang came from, they met face to face, at the end he came up with the ingenious idea to avoid revolt and personal grudges.
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