This movie while very simplistic takes on a concept I've never seen before. The main character is a guy who is plagued by his anxiety. Because of this, there may be a time where the viewer'd get annoyed, but the ending is completely satisfying. It's a love story that leaves you with nothing but happiness. It's super pure and super sweet.
It's a JAPANESE MOVIE. I want to say that about every Japanese anything. Because of this, the way the movie is shot and the elements of it will be weird to someone who is not accustomed to Japanese stuff. However if you like Japanese stuff, this is perfect for you.
Rewatch value?: For you crazy BL fans, 100%.
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Plot - It's based off the first, so there's not much room left for criticism. I like that the story doesn'r completely revolve around Kijima and Kido. It rather revolves around Kijima's feelings, vulnerability, and his relationship with the famous writer he studies under in this drama. I liked this because I don't really like Kido, and I assure you many of you won't after finishing this.
Story-Telling - Some episodes pull your heartstrings more than others. For me:
Ep 1 - Weird
Ep 2 - Revolting
Ep 3 - Captivating
Ep 4 - Exciting
Ep 5 - Interesting but lowkey rolling my eyes
Ep 6 - Ehhh. I like the ending ((:
The pennical for me are the middle two. The story really makes you think at some parts because I've never seen a relationship like Kido's and Kijima's. And I don't think that's necessarily a good thing.
Rio Kijima - The best part about this drama is the fact that it lets you understand where Kijima is coming from. You see a side of him you've never seen before, and I have a new respect for this character that doesn't even exist in real life. Why must we care so much about fictional characters?
Music - The same music from the first drama. It's not my favorite, but it sure works the scenes well.
Acting - It's good. Nothing to say about it. Zero criticisms.
Rewatch? - Probably not unless you're obsessed with these characters and love their story. The story's not overwhelmingly heartwarming or super funny. Only if you're invested in these characters the rewatch is worth it.
Ending Credits Scene/ Kuzumi-kun - I love throughout the movie that Kuzumi was mentioned.. And also anyways Kuzumi and Kijima TOTALLY outshine Kijima and Kido. Kido's character I don't know if he's sad or bad. Not sure which one.
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Story Evaluation - In the beginning the most intriguing part is the sexual tension. This tension then leads up to much more complex situations and serious problems. Some of them are I admit too dramatic and full of angst, but the relationships between all the chatacters pulls you in enough to keep you watching all 2 hours. The story is not expected at all and is unique in many ways. It is a Japanese movie though. (((: This is not a fluff or a smut really. The movie is more of just about a deeper meaning than anything else, and I guess that meaning would be the nature of love (you'll see if you watch it.. just watch it!).
Casting/Acting - The teacher is HANDSOME y'all. I might rewatch this one day in the future and one of the main reasons will be to see his face. But the acting itself is great for the story. The characters visuals very well fit their personalities too. Nothing to complain about at all.
What I love - The drama has little quotes all throughout it that teach you lessons. While they're mostly about love, they're very insightful and beautiful. They will make you think differently.
Also this movie is gayland. The type of movie where everyone's gay and no one asks any questions about it. The word gay is not even said once in the movie. Thailand needs to take some notes. With that being said, the movie is extreme in many ways, and because of that.. it's pretty beautiful in a weird way if you can take the angst.
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Vagueness - Throughout the movie, the couple faced many problems that were lightly glazed over. The positive is, we as viewers don't have to sit in angst for the characters to reconcile. The negative is, the story feels slightly disconnected. Although, the story is very cohesive considering this.
Acting/Cast - The acting of the main characters was great. There was some cringey or unnatural acting with the smaller roles and one-liner roles (there are more than you think), but not really a big deal.
****Ending - Vague like the rest of it. LOL. Happy in my opinion.
Music - It was good. Nothing to complain about.
Rewatch Value - The couple is cute, but with the plethora of BL dramas and movies I have, I would not pick to rewatch this one. The story is generic. Because of that, my chance of re-watching is low.
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Takeaway - You will be left with your heart warmed. If you want to see some cute boys, your desire will also be fulfilled. But nothing deep.
Story - It involves multiple issues. Having no money, prostitution, love vs sex, and even a little bit of family problems towards the end. However none of these issues are truly addressed. The movie is somewhat of a comedy and should be watched with a light-heart. The ending is also sort of ambiguious.
Actors/ Cast - Both do their part (there are 2 main characters). There are a couple side characters that serve as cute jokes. The story focuses on Khao the most and his experience with prostitution. Pete is his next door neighbor and in my eyes super cute. You can feel the love between them towards the end of the movie.
Music - Basic music but enjoyable nonetheless.
Rewatch Value: Some day in the future, yes, I would watch it again.
Overall: I RECOMMEND! It was truly an enjoyable movie, and unless you just don't want to see guys having sex, I don't understand why you wouldn't like it?
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Cast - Sensei is selling me looks! But real talk. They both played their roles excellently. Kido (supporting character) also did his part well. Japan executes so many parts about film in such a beautiful way. Everyone who worked on this including the actors deserve a thankyou from me!
Downfall - The story builds up and builds up. It is a story full of hope. We feel the hope with Kuzumi-kun. But the twist of the drama and the "open" ending ruined my fantasy and left me unsatisfied. This drama is a great JOURNEY with a sucky DESTINATION.
Rewatch Value - The journey is more important than the destination, aye? So re-watch value is 10/10. It's just that ending'll get me every time. 2 words: UPSET & SALTY.
Recommend? Yeah. Girl. Go watch it.
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This was SO good 10/10. To me, this movie was not hard to get through at all. Have you seen gay porn? Have you seen gangster movies? Yes? Okay.. There is no problem for you.I have seen Japanese movies that depict the horrible sides of prostitution, but even though the main character is not in good circumstances, I never felt sad or bad for him.
This movie is over the top on purpose. There are no scenes that show the main character feeling bad for himself in despair. The movie does not drag on at all, and there are no serious conversations about the world of prostitution or hosting.
Therefore there are no lessons to be taught from this movie. It's pure entertainment. It's sexy and entertaining.
I recommend it. The acting was great. Camera work is good. The straight client was especially sexy for me, and I am just so tickled by the plot. I promise you will be tickled too if you're not skeemish and don't take this movie too seriously.
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Cast/Acting/Characters - I have no problem with either actor. They suited their parts fine and acted out the roles well. It's just that the way I'd describe their "love" for eachother is infatuated, fast-paced, and sexual. There is no real development in feelings.. I guess this is fan service which I AM NOT a fan of if it has no STORY.
Music - ??? I never remember music.
Rewatch Value - Never.
Extra - I assume people like this because it involves crossdressing? But I honestly don't care what clothes you wear.. so I have 0 bias towards this or against this. Therefore I think my judgement based on this drama is very rational. I love BL, but I don't like BL without a story or feelings because then it's just meaningless fanservice. Two boys just pressing their bodies onto eachother is not my definition of cute (we need something extra), so sorry.. next!
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Falls short for me.
This is a very critical review.BEGINNINGS:
This movie is about Jamie and Kevin who knew each other in secondary school. Jamie comes to visit Kevin in Australia very many years later, and the theme of the movie, "I Miss You When I See You" begins.
I like indie films like this because they're raw in emotion. The characters never say their feelings in words. You're just supposed to infer them. This movie tries to tackle themes of internalized homophobia, maybe depression, and AIDS a little as well.
However, I found the film didn't teach anything. It really ended where it started.
Maybe the movie is just supposed to show two messed up people and that's the whole point, but I am always searching for a silver-lining or takeaway.. couldn't find one.
The cinematography is great. The scenery is exceptional especially in the beginning. I applaud the actors, directors, screenwriters, and the likes for evoking unique emotions is every scene. Most of this was accomplished through the actor who played Kevin Fong. He was instrumental in the vibe of the entire movie.
I say these things, but I didn't get any value out of this movie. It didn't devastate me into gratitude or depress me into melancholy. I just feel like.. "Man. This story is messed up!" It had very few moments of true beauty. What are my criteria of beauty? Realistic, well-thought-out moments that strike a cord in my heart. This falls short at no cords stricken...
Compared to other lower production films, this one didn't have any elements I felt were particularly unique. I think the story is well told by talented people. However, the story itself is lacking. Nothing was tackled in depth, and I am at a loss to what the creators' goal was with this film. With that being said, it is not bad. It is just not special. Watch it if you have time.
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Cast - Everyone acted that perfect.
Music - Definitely fit the mood.
Lasting Impression - If you're a BL fan, I recommend watching it once. It has its sweet moments, but the movie is overall twisted. It does not really have any character development or progression of story. It's more just like 'this is the situation and this is how it ended up.'
For the reason I just mentioned, some people find this boring. There's honestly a lot going on in this movie, but the story is so weird that you could feel more frustrated than interested. If you're into Japan's weirdness or weird stuff in general.. 100% watch it.
Rewatch Value - Unless you just really like weird stuff, Nah.
Personal Opinion - I enjoyed it, but it was a disaster. Keyword: DISASTER. If it was art.. that's diffferent. Art can be weird. However art has a deeper meaning. Something that leaves you looking at the world in a different way.. This movie lacked that. It's just in your face. So it gets a 5 because I enjoyed it. If I thought it was complete trash, I wouldn't give it a 5. It just lacks substance.
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It's a pink film, so lots of sex scenes. Some of them feel rather corny. Like, I know that was just a blurred out dildo.Overall, the story is very bad. There's a criminal who wants to make all men gay by raping them. He believes it frees men and shows them their true desire.. Weird. So Hiro as a police man, interacts with him. I can't call the story incoherent. It follows a plotline, but the actions the characters take and the outcomes don't make sense in the real world. In the fantasy world of the movie, however, I guess it's fine.
The cast is very limited. The small budget of this movie is obvious by the not so great cinematography, lack of extras, subpar effects, and subpar acting. I will admit, some of the way the acting comes off is intentional. Because by reading the synopsis, it is pretty clear this movie intends to be comedic. Therefore, some of their over-the-top reactions are on purpose.
If anyone is interested in the potential love story of Hiro + Mamoru, that's not the main focus, but it's in here. The movie is only one hour, so if you have the time, the story exists.
Rewatch Value? No. If any of the sex scenes are to your liking, rewatching those is not a bad idea. Other than that, this movie is so bad that I would not rewatch it. Maybe if really bad movies make you laugh, you can rewatch and have a laugh.
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Why am I watching these?
Another pink film. This one is extremely sexual as it's about a masturbation camp. A student who is interested in studying gay masturbation goes and checks it out for himself. He forms relationships with the students and teacher, some more than others..I think the story is pretty good. I was actually thinking while watching. At times I felt the conversation between the student and teacher about their area of study was somewhat forced, but the script-writer tried.. The rest of the plot deals with the rules of the camp. You can masturbate together, you can masturbate one another, but there is no fellatio or anal sex. This is mainly what the plot is based upon as well as the teacher/master's philosophy and life studying this subject. The incoming student is used more as a vehicle to tell the story. The story starts with him entering the camp and revolves around what he experiences there without focusing on him as a person. The movie feels more third person than told from anyone's perspective.
The acting was pretty good. The actors have to act overly emotional. Whether it be surprised, turned-on, remorseful, etc, they put on a performance. I felt the performance by the guy who is against the straight student, the straight college student, and the teacher/master is the best. Those are the three main roles afterall.
Rewatch Value? Yeah. I think this one is not that bad, so why not rewatch it?
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Actors - The movie could not come to life without the actor's beautiful execution.
Rewatch Value - I'll only watch it again one day if I wanna feel inspired or something.. LOL.
~~I didn't reach the character requirememt, so I'll add more~~
The movie is very unique and adds on to the charm of Japan. I have watched many Japanese BL movies, and this movie is just an addition to my pile of good Japanese movies!
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Noboru Fukami is pretty handsome, and the chemistry is without a doubt there (like every other Japanese BL), so it's awesome.
I never remember music, but I felt the emotion, so they must've used some good music, and I could watch it again and will as long as I remember this movie's existence.
Just WATCH IT!!!
And the ending is:
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Story - I agree that the story is not solid. At first it takes a couple weird turns. It's unexpected. They are not swimmers. This is not about a swim team. However I think the different tangents the storyline goes off on helps introduce the characters really well and more importantly what kind of world Nack or Chimon (actor name) lives in. There is also a part about his devout Christian mother, but this storyline remains unfinished. I don't know if I like that or dislike that because it's a controversial storyline anyways.
The story overall is GOOD. The ending is not really happy or unhappy. It has a lesson at the end, but it is up to the viewer whether to agree with it or not. The story is DEFNITELY enjoyable though if you're here for some BL. It's also a smooth watch in general even if you're not a crazy BL fan.
Acting/ Cast - I'm a fan of Chimon, so I'm a little biased. Chimon, the main actor, is very good though. He acts good! The other main male character/ his partner also delivers for the part. There's nothing bad to say about their acting. If you watched Thai BL before.. it's about average with all other series and movies.
However the main character, Nack, has a group of friends. They are not a huge part of this movie, but I never felt the real connection between them and Nack.. I started to ask myself if they really saw him as an equal friend, but I think it's a mix of them being newer actors and how the storyline was written.. not really much can be helped there.
All the other supporting characters definitely delivered though.
Music - I don't really ever pay attention to music.. I like the story more. From what I remember it was pretty good.. I think.
Rewatch Value - If you're into BL, this is something to consider to watch again in the future. It's a light-hearted movie that's not typical or overly anything really. It's a good movie. I will probably watch it again.
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