The storyline is simple but fresh. The movie was fun, it addressed some serious issues, and it was somewhat lacking in the romance department. Exactly what you'd except from a Japanese movie...and that's not a bad thing. What really made this movie great were the characters, none of them were forgettable! This is mostly thanks to the actors who were just amazing. Both of the leads knew what they were doing, they were both new to me but Suda Masaki has plenty of projects under his belt ( he has like three movies coming up next year! wow ) and Nounen Rena is also quite talented ( Amachan anyone? ).
This is a feel-good movie, funny and light-hearted...and I honestly don't have any complaints about it. I'd definetly recommend this to anyone who wants a break from melodrama, anyone who likes fashion, and anyone looking for a good weekend movie.
PS. The soundtrack was so great!
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I've wanted to watch this movie for months, and once I found it subbed I couldn't wait to see it. First of all the actors were great. Uhm Jung Hwa,Song Seung Hun, and Kim Sang Ho are veterans. You can always expect great acting from them! I was actually impressed by Seo Shin Ae, she's improved a lot since The Queen's Classroom. It was a great cast, and this type of role definetly fits Um Jung Hwa.
The story itself wasn't new at all. Like some people were discussing in the comments, this movie is a remake of a remake of a remake. However, it was my first time watching and I found it to be a very heartwarming family movie. The plot moves at a nice speed and you might even shed some tears here and there. It's not groundbreaking but it is entertaining. Watch it, you won't regret it! Personally I'm always looking for these types of movies. Seeing someone's world get turned upside-down
I honestly cannot remember a single song from this movie. There is a soundtrack CD, with a lot of songs, but they just didn't register with me.
Overall---: I'll definetly be rewatching this movie. It has comedy, drama, and even romance ( although not enough ). I was satisfied by the ending and I think it could even have a second part. The actors fit their characters extremely well and the plot had enough twists to make it a memorable movie.
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I honestly watched this movie for the clothes; I'm a history geek and I wanted to see the history behind Joseon fashion. So I didn't watch with very high expectation...thus I wasn't disappointed. As for the actors...I'm not a huge fan of Park Shin Hye's acting but wow, she did a great job in this movie. As for Go Soo, this was my first time seeing something by him. His character was extremely likable!
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I had high expectation for the cast and they did not disappoint. The characters themselves were simple yet charming, managing to pull at my heartstrings despite only knowing them for a few short hours. Obviously the main point of this movie is Sunny's character development, and they managed to pull it off in a believable and entertaining way. Making this story and characters one of my favorites.
This movie has a lot of music, considering it follows a band that was to be expected. There's not much to comment on here since the stages/performances were much more important than the music itself. The music numbers were fun to sing along to ( some of them were in English ) especially if you like oldies. Overall this was a very nice movie, I don't like rewatching things so I doubt I'll be going back to it -- but one definetly could.
One thing I want to point out tho...this is not a romantic movie no matter how much the synopsis makes it seem like it is. This is about growth and friendships, which is not a bad thing but I was expecting a lot more romance. The ending was also somewhat open ended, which I do not like. Because they did not follow through with Sunny's and Yong Deuk's plotline ( there was something there! ) and didn't really give this movie the closure it deserved, I will not give this a 10/10. I did like the ending, I think the movie was very entertaining but I was not fully satisfied with it.
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There's nothing unique about this. Its story has been brought to life many times and it suffers from classic kdrama tropes. However, you'll barely notice at only 15 minutes per episode. The cast is ok, I didn't exactly come prepared with high expectations but they're not awful. They're on par with most idol-led dramas like Dream High or Monstar. The music of course shines and a couple of different tracks are featured.
Overall I'd say go ahead and watch The Miracle! You'll only lose a few hours of your day and it is a nice break from other longer and more serious dramas.
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Story: As I mentioned, I love the theme of this drama. It's done well and there's a good balance between the scenes in present time and those in the past. It even has a nice twist at the end and the ending is satisfying. The only reason why I can't give this a 10 is because some things were a bit over the top -- and it did get on my nerves at times.
Acting: I won't say that Ahn Jae Hyeon completely redeemed himself but I didn't mind his acting here. As for the other actors it was my first time Ji Jin Hee (weird, I know!) and Lee Ji Ah. They played their characters well but it was nothing special. The chemistry felt a bit forced at first but by the end it was ok.
Overall: I'm giving this drama a 9 because it was nice and I'd definetly recommend it. I don't think its worth re-watching just because its such a cliche drama, there's not really anything new and exciting going on. Watching it again will just not be that fun.
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This is the first time i've seen Han Groo and Yun Woo Jin in a drama so I had zero expectations for them. Overall their chemistry was good and they were quite a refreshing couple. The only complains I have as far as acting are the idols. Sun Hwa's acting needs a lot of improvement and Jin Woon didn't do much other than smile. The latter might be the writer's fault, after all he's shown his acting skills before and they could have done a lot more with him and his character. Lastly Yoon So Hee ( apparently the viki community isn't too fond of her or her character ) and Heo Jeong Min. They didn't steal the spotlight from the main couple but, in my opinion, complimented the drama. Heo Jong Min also added comedy when we really needed it.
Not much to say here. It had a fun soundtrack, lively and easy to sing along to but not very memorable. It fit the mood of the drama perfectly as well.
Overall this is a drama I will miss. It was fun and exiting with very real characters. I'll definetly be re watching this in the next few months.
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The focus of this movie is very much on the mother (Han Chae Young) and her journey to taking responsibility for her daughter. This was the first time I saw Han Chae Young act and she was fine - the script didn't really require much from her. Jin Ji Hee's character, on the other hand, could've been better. Most of the time her problems felt superficial, I believe this was because the movie told rather than showed Ji Hee's character's issues with her mother. Not to mention she never sympathized with her mother. As for the support characters...they were fine. I was surprised to find Seulong here and in such a role but he was by far the most likable character in this movie.
Overall this movie is fun and simple but I won't be rewatching any time soon. I liked the story they were trying to tell but it was clear that it followed an established format and didn't bother to do anything new or interesting with its talented cast.
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It is a mess. The first half of this movie made me so confused that I had to convince myself to keep watching. I watched after reading the synopsis and I can honestly say that it didn't prepare me for what the movie was actually about. The only redeeming quality about this film are its main actors. Yang Mi was the reason why I didn't close the video and Deng Chao was the reason why I managed to finish. If you're going to see this movie then I suggest that you bring lots of patience. It'll be worth it.
The first 50 minutes or so of this movie were irritating for a couple of reasons. Number one...it was culturally offensive. This movie came out in 2014 so it gets no excuses; what they did would not be received well by an international audience at all. Number two...you really needed to be paying attention to understand what was going on. Like I said the beginning of this film is a mess. I don't mind putting effort into watching a movie and figuring out what's going on, but this was just messy. It was hard to figure out what was going on until the second half when the movie finally stopped trying so hard to be 'different' and 'funny'.
But I'm so glad that I stuck around. This just got so much better, and so much funnier. Deng Chao did a great job, he made me laugh and almost cry. I got used to this movie's world after a while. It was definetly shot in an interesting way, somewhat different from what other movies with similar plots have done. Most of the characters ( aka everyone but our breakup guru ) were really 1D and didn't offer much. I can't help but think that this movie could have done with a couple more minutes and added some character development. The ending was cliche, but it was the kind of ending this movie deserved.
It definetly isn't something I'd re-watch. Suffering through the beginning is definetly not worth it. I'd rather remember it for the gem (?) that it became and leave it at that. Would I recommend this...? Not to everyone.
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The story: Back in the day Uhm Jung Hwa was a dancing queen, she was even offered to train under a famous entertainment agency. However her dreams were put aside once she met Hwang Jeong Min. The two knew each other from childhood and hit it off as adults. They decided to get married young and she supports him until he passes the bar exam...This is all pretty standard, cliche even. It's probably why I was so hesitant to watch this movie. The story does pick up once an incident makes Jeong Min the talk of the town. The relationships between the characters are enjoyable and realistic. And the characters themselves well-written and relatable.
This movie never gets too serious, and it never strays from its plot. I'd have to say that overall this movie was organized, it knew what message it wanted to convey and it did a great job of delivering it. The beginning may seem a bit dull ( especially if you've seen enough kmovies in this genre ) but the movie was entertaining overall.
Acting/Cast: Its Uhm Jung Hwa and Hwang Jeong Min! These two actors have both been very successful in other projects and they definitely brought that experience to this movie. In my opinion the best kind of the acting is the type that makes the story feel real. When I was watching that's exactly what I saw, the real struggles of a real family. I also loved Ra Mi Ran and Jung Sun Hwa in this! My only complain in terms of acting is the group...in a movie with such great acting the girls of "Dancing Queens" were a big disappointment. Lee Ah Rin ( who played a villain character? ) was just awful. But the worst acting in this movie goes to that girl from 'Oregon'. I honestly don't know the actress and can't remember the character's name ... I just remember how bad the acting was.
This review is getting to be too long so I'll wrap it up. This movie isn't something I'd go out of my way to recommend. It was funny and sad at times, but it wasn't exceptional. It definitely followed a formula and didn't take risks. However, it was a solid movie with a nice message so I'll give it an 8.5.
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