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The thing about this show is that starting from the first scene right to the end, there is nothing that can be considered filler content. Nothing is done without reason. You are given a puzzle of a story but the truth is it's not about the answer to the puzzle but about the things you learn getting to it. In a time, where people only want guilty pleasure and happy happy happy, this show gives a voice to so many children who are ignored every day. I'm one such survivor and this story got to me in a way that is hard to explain. Children of Nobody. Can there be a more heartbreaking phrase? The actors made it so you get lost in the fantasy and even root for the villain at times I believe that was the point. That people lose their way. N's story was the saddest and no spoilers but I'm glad finally in a TV show this topic was touched. Honestly just a phenomenal script and acting I wish there were more like this one. Esta resenha foi útil para você?

Anyway, jokes aside if you know anything about me, you know by now I'm a sucker for obsessive love that goes beyond the boundaries of morality.
Absolutely one of those films and couples that will be my go to from now on.
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Miyazawa Hio is GORGEOUS XD sigh. Now then. Sometimes you just need a soft baby girl to remind you, that the things that 'sound ugly ' or 'strange' are just in our heads. When people look at gay people as though they're 'ugly' its just their own ugliness they reveal.And how the biggest problem we all have is that when we lie to others, we're really just lying to ourselves. I'm not gay. I dont love you. Every time we do this, we're just making things worse. Because no lie stays hidden forever and no closet is comfortable enough to hide your gay ass for the rest of your life.
That cheating double life will destroy you and everyone around you.
And I just love how fresh that little girl's perspective was, it was like fudge, why didn't I think of that lol I missed her when the movie ended.
But so why not a full ten stars?
Here's the reason.
There was just way too much of courtroom drama, it just didn't suit the tone of the movie that they set. I would have been fine if it was just a few scenes, instead of being the entire second half of the film! It kills the closeness they were showing in the first half, I don't know it just felt wrong. Felt like that lack of bonding in the second half just didn't work.
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Swing Kids - No Ritmo da Liberdade
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This movie was so gripping and real adrenaline rush the whole imprisonment aspect (for angst lovers this movie is a must watch) especially how dark they got at times it was all excellent, even the hallucinations.
I liked the premise, a bunch of gamers, of different ages and genders band together to fight for the main lead, who is wrongfully accused of a murder. But the thing is the first part feels different from the second half almost. I feel like they were trying to get the feel of shows like Gotham because the villain was clearly Penguin inspired but it wasn't executed as well.
And it's not exactly realistic because the hero will frequently do insane action after getting the kind of injuries that should have got him completely unable to do anything. But Shim Eun Kyeong looks hot!!! But MOST action thrillers movies or books, Hollywood or otherwise, do this, they don't do realistic injuries or realistic anything, and this is one of those. My point is I'm not an idiot lol I see plot holes and other issues but for movies like this where they cast my favorite actors, I can easily overlook all that. Every movie is different.
But I have to say that prison part was very messed up, so might not be for everyone.
Anyway, so yes, if you can deal with the darkness, this is an excellent watch.
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The bromance is great with great suspense plot and backstories with ample disturbing content but naturally because it's TV it's not quite as gory but it's definitely dark and twisted.
And it's just so gripping! You won't be able to stop till you've finished.
I really liked the way the character arcs came together but the best part for me was the way they were always there for each other even when they've all suffered traumatic events. Just a great storyline overall.
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Maybe because of this and the lack of real conflict in the second half I ended up not buying their relationship AT ALL and both the characters seemed to feel unfinished and not well thought out. Acting wise though the rest of the cast was really doing well and you know there's something wrong with a drama when I was honestly siding with the ex lol seriously the two son in laws should have just hooked up they were so good together. Seriously, I really got involved in the other sisters story a lot more. And the sociopathic son in law from hell the actor was so good and all the actors who played the sisters same, I liked both the sisters! Especially the youngest, she was badass.
The problem with a story about cheating couples is if you don't have characters who are conflicted about their emotions and they show some emotion for the ex is what makes the character a worthy protagonist for a romance. If they say they have no feelings for someone they were with for four years not only do they sound self serving but you also are unable to believe they will be any different in the new relationship. Like you waited till you had a hot guy with a stable job to leave someone you claim you didn't have feelings for yet you were sleeping with them? And saying you'll get married, I mean the guy didn't even do anything besides 'not give her enough time' when he was in a business meeting! ! Is she going to resent the new guy when he cancels on her because he was working?
I mean I did not buy she was going to continue to be 'selfless' long term with the new guy it's just a matter of time.
Another thing that also became annoying was the fact that the perceived 'villain' in the story, the ex, was the not really evil and the stunts he pulled become so lame you're left watching a boring story because look the villain actually has to win at something to be a convincing villain! Lol here none of the 'villains' or the antagonists were actually scary and everything got resolved through a single conversation, lol literally, like that's why I was so bored.
That said I did enjoy it but mostly because Jung Hae In is GORGEOUS and I liked the cast, the ex even I felt bad for him.
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This film is powerful. Pure art. I know it's not the sort that most people will get because it's not a guilty pleasure relief or melodrama, you can't 'ship' and expect trivial tropey dialog and sentiments, this is more like watching poetry. But if you do enjoy artistic poignancy and want to watch something with a little more meaning and depth, then please watch this one. The dialog is raw and honest and the love is always sincere and painful. Doesn't matter who you wanted the main character to end up with this film will teach you a great deal about love... and life. I don't like using words like ' literary tour de force ' at the risk of sounding like a paid review on a Dan Brown book jacket but I can't find any other words that fit.
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