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Orlando Florida
Final Life japanese drama review
Final Life
13 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by Old_Anime_Lady
Nov 21, 2017
12 of 12 episódios vistos
No geral 9.0
História 7.5
Atuação/Elenco 6.5
Musical 10.0
Voltar a ver 7.5
Up front, any time there is English in this it really is bad, not the English, the acting.  Even the "American" they got sucked at English.  It was so jarring. And if he speaks Japanese, why do Kana and Sion have to speak English when they are alone?  I would get it if he was Korean and she was Japanese and English was the common tongue, but that is not the case, but I digress.

Now let's push that aside, and look at the series.  I decided to look at it a super hero origin story, those are always kinda clunky, having to mush so much stuff in such a short amount of time.  The first 5 episodes are flashback heavy, the same flashbacks, but you see more each time.  For those anime fans out there think Naruto's swing in front of the school, that level of repetition flashbacks.  

Ok lets get past that.  There was lots a pretty in the movie with Taemin and Shota, that helps me forgive a lot.  Its Matsuda, so yes its an artsy film, like Depp he doesn't do any other kind.

The songs What's this Feeling and I'm Crying by Taemin are really good.  It's a coherent, even if sketchy story line.  

If you like Sci-fi or super heroes, Matsuda  Shota or Tae-mini I recommend this title. Despite the way this review sounds I liked it a lot, I just feel if you go in with low expectations you'll enjoy it more.
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