Twenty-Five Twenty-One: A Heartwarming Drama Of Being 20-Something
Resumo dos episodios - Mai 20, 2022
Just a few words about why "Twenty-Five Twenty-One" was such a good drama.
Currently Watching: Rookie Cops
Resumo dos episodios - Mar 18, 2022
A few words about the newest Disney+ Korean drama "Rookie Cops".
Currently Watching: Snowdrop
Resumo dos episodios - Jan 22, 2022
Snowdrop – newest JTBC drama set in the 80's. A few words about the plot, casting, and controversy.
Why You Should Watch: My Name
Resumo dos episodios - Nov 9, 2021
Here are a few reasons why you should watch the new Korean drama produced by Netflix: My Name!
Mouse: A Masterpiece of Thriller Dramas
Editoriais - Jun 5, 2021
My thoughts about Mouse, a drama starring Lee Seunggi and Lee Heejoon. I felt like we finished it with a bit of unnecessary disappointment.