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New York City, U.S.


New York City, U.S.
Descendants of the Sun: BTS korean special review
Descendants of the Sun: BTS
17 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by JADE1300
Abr 23, 2016
1 of 1 episódios vistos
Completados 1
No geral 10
História 10.0
Atuação/Elenco 9.5
Musical 9.5
Voltar a ver 9.0
This is my first drama with Song Joong Ki. His baby face never appealed to me (like watching kid) so I often skipped his dramas. Well, his role in Descendant's of the Sun really turned me around. He was so cool and so sweet, what a great boyfriend he made. My friend's kept telling me the high ratings for this drama was due to the "romance" and the "flower boy". In my opinion, it is so not true. Yes it is about, love, but is also about friendship, sacrifice, honor, and in general the strength and weaknesses of being human. This drama had a little Iris, a little City Hunter and a little ER all in one. Really good chemistry between the main couple. But the secondary couple also had a wonderful story line as well as great chemistry. Some really moving moments between both couples and some really funny light hearted moments as well. The supporting casts were also really awesome. Great acting from everyone. Awesome OST, read that it hit the music charts hard in several Asian countries. As much as I enjoyed the romance of this drama, it also made me think of the danger and sacrifice that our own real life service men and women face for our countries. I also appreciate the many doctors that volunteer all the time for Doctor's Without Borders. A very well done drama, worthy of the buzz and the high ratings it received. I loved Song Joong Ki so much, I looking into more of his dramas. INNOCENT MAN is looking really good.
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