
  • Última vez online: 37 minutos atrás
  • Gênero: Feminino
  • Localização: Jiphyeonjeon
  • Contribution Points: 1,781 LV8
  • Aniversário: December 04
  • Papéis: VIP
  • Data de Admissão: Maio 19, 2014
  • Awards Received: Finger Heart Award3 Flower Award39 Coin Gift Award3

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Red Flags 101
19 titles 8 loves 6
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7 titles 1 love
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7 titles 1 love


I am a busy introverted ex-NICU nurse and current dental nurse, constantly studying because knowledge is the key to my life, and I am a bit of a nerd. When I am not at work, I am focusing on obtaining my second degree in Korean history; thus, I have a love-hate relationship with South Korean historical TV series. I became part of the dramaland in 2005, but don’t be fooled—I am not that old. When I am not watching, I am reading books, mostly fantasy romance. I love talking about most random things like, ‘’Why is the universe expanding at different speeds based on where you look?’’ and other random things.
I am a mood watcher, and that’s why my watch list looks like a mess. I don’t really have favorite genres, but I admit, I am a romance sucker. I also rate TV series and movies based on my mood, so don’t get freaked out if I have many things rated 9 or 10; once I love something, I do rate it highly.
What do I like? Well, my favorite color is sky blue, and my favorite animals are cats, which I am a very proud owner of. If you are curious about my books, well, my favorite book is Twilight (controversial, I know). In terms of TV series, Healer, Red Sleeve, and One Spring Night rock my watchlist. If you are curious about movies, well, Better Days, Duelist, and Yin-Yang Master: Dream of Eternity rock my heart, but there are many others that I truly adore. I also listen to various genres of music, spanning from classical music to heavy rock music, so it’s hard to name my favorite singers!
Gif made by Spooky

If you enjoy my articles, you can now find me on my own personal blog page, where you get to read both new, and older articles!

Badass Bunny Editorials


312d 17h 10m
7,929 episódios, 662 programas
22d 3h 59m
317 filmes

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