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  • Data de Admissão: Junho 23, 2012


Song Kyun Tae isn’t F; he was only pretending to be one and I told you not to make Ji Hoon F now didn’t I? I never questioned that he’s F but I wanted to know the reason behind his actions. Also, I thought it was so easy if Kyun Tae is actually F.

Apparently Ye Ri decided not to tell him that F is still out there; maybe it’s for the best so that he can let go of that obsession but I am sure he will find out about it at some point.

One year passed (They needed to change their looks to make it feel like a year has passed LOL) and team TEN is back but where’s Do Sik?
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Jun 10, 2013

Great development

It’s official that Seo Hwa knows that Kang Chi is her son, it’s amazing how she could’ve restrained herself in front of that evil Jo dude, it’s clear that he seriously doubt she’s Seo Hwa but why is he still able to play with their lives until now? Come on, Seo Hwa, you’re a strong powerful woman who’s surrounded by many warriors; do something!

Also, it’s good that Kang Chi knows about who killed his father and why did he became like this so that he would understand him and feel what he’s been through. However, is Wul Ryung turning into a full time demon now? That’s pretty bad! I was hoping that he would meet with Seo Hwa and deepen his bond with his son first.

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Jun 10, 2013

Meeting Mommy

Seo Hwa wasn’t afraid of showing herself, probably because no one is able to recongnize her. I am happy to know that she’s looking for her son since she wants to find the monk, the last scene between her and Kang Chi was pretty good.

Finally, some serious romantic development between Kang Chi and Yeo Wool, it’s about time you know! I hope it will get better and better in the upcoming episodes.

Even though he was beating Kang Chi up (I like to think of it as a father who’s teaching his son a lesson in a supernatural way), I felt so bad for Wul Ryung! Kang Chi made him remember his past and the way he felt back then, I wonder if he still loves Seo Hwa? Since he said that he won’t become a demon until he forgets all the memories about her and that he wants to die before that to go to Seo Hwa, you poor little thing! Don’t turn totally evil yet, just help your son out and eventually there will be a family reunion.

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Jun 9, 2013

She seriously doesn't deserve him!

Even though I knew from the beginning that Mi Do will end up with Tae San, I couldn’t help but being upset when I saw them getting together; after cheating on him, betraying him, having bad thoughts about him, treating him as a thug, making out with another man in his house and what makes the matter worse that he was the one who helped her and her family but she repaid him that way. Now, a simple regret can fix things? I don’t think so!

On the other hand, I liked the family reunions and everything related to family in this ep, actually I believe that family relationships are the only good thing in this drama. I also liked it when Jae Hee went to pick out Chang Hee after coming out of the prison, I always liked their bromance.

Overall, the last ep was normal but it can never make it up for the disastrous drama’s storyline.

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Jun 2, 2013

So that's how it is...

The only interesting thing in this ep that we got to know Jae Hee’s backstory; he’s the son of Chang Ji Myung and since the latter couldn’t find him when he came to Korean looking for him (Chang Hee lied to him), he adopted Roy Jang who is Tae San’s brother and didn’t let anyone find out that he’s not his real son. It wrong to think that Jae Hee’s Tae San’s brother because he was raised with Chang Hee ever since he was a baby, while Tae San lost his brother when he was about eight years old. Now that Roy Jang came to Korea, it’s going to be fun.

Also, I am glad that Chang Hee isn’t dead. The rest of the ep is just rubbish.

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Jun 2, 2013

Great ending!

It was fitting, everyone got his happy ending and I am so glad that Woo Hee didn’t die after all (Although I was kind of sure she wouldn’t). But isn’t it illegal? Yeo Chi covering her face and pretending to be Woo Hee, shouldn’t the court make sure later that she has scars on her face or something? Anyway, it’s not important. What matters the most that Mo lost it, Muwahahaha

At the end, when Yeo Chi and Yoo Bang’s daughter went on cursing and cursing just like her mother, it was hilarious.
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Mai 26, 2013

So that how it happened

Ho Hae's death was an accident anyway but what's ironic that Hang Ryang killed him because of vitamins, lol.

I understand that Hang Woo wanted to save his only family but once again he did an unforgivible act by trying to frame Yoo Bang when he sent him to Ho Hae's place at that hour.

Hmmm, I thought that the identity of the killer will stay hidden until the end which provokes some mystery but this way isn't bad too.

Things just keep getting complicated...
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Mai 25, 2013

OMG Another one!

Another wide eyed kiss that I hate the most! I thought this drama would be better than that!

Old young relationships were never my thing, I don't know, I rather that Sakura end up with Rintaro but Hiroto isn't bad too so even if they end up together I won't mind it that much even if he's a liar right now.

So far, this ep isn't what I want. Let's watch the next ep and find out
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Mai 12, 2013

What the ...

First of all: Tae San let the girl go, she doesn't suit you. You're making things complicated than they're already are.

Second: Jae Hee off you go boy! I am so glad to see a second male lead that actually take action, not only stare from afar. It's a disturbing action but still good.

Finally: Mi Do just decide what you want or go jump of a bridge or something, I can't stand her indecisive mind anymore.
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Abr 16, 2013


Apparently the past and the present are being disconnected, it's like the past is ruling what happens in 2013 which it's kind of weird and mysterious, how can that happen?

Also, Min Young and Sun Woo's relationship is getting even more complicated, I mean we all know about their relationship but how would their surrounding understand it? Especially her mother she's a very difficult woman and very hard to please plus she complains a lot!

Anyway, I really don't know what is going to happen next, it's making me confused, in a good way! Can't wait!
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Abr 16, 2013

What's going on?!!

Min Young remembered everything and the young Sun Woo is leaving messages all over the place? I guess Sun Woo is right, this is a punishment for trying to change the past, woah, everything is so messed up and mysterious. How will things become from now on? It's like Sun Woo from the past is separated from the future him and there's no way to predict what else he will do and it's kind of impossible for the sticks to come back so will there be a miracle?

A drama that's making everything so hard to predict, an awesome drama indeed!
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IRIS 2 Episode 18
5 people found this review helpful
Abr 14, 2013

Nothing Much,...

Developments in this ep weren't that exciting mainly because of the lack f action scenes and the presence of many political talks but I guess the appearance of Mr. Black is an important event, he's totally the brother of the one who was killed in the previous season by Beak San.

The president is too stupid to trust Anthony Choi to his nuclear weapons, it's like he's telling his enemy his deepest secrets, what an idiot move!

I am so glad that Director Choi was stopped from bringing the nuclear weapons to the US, I still think it's betrayal, I don't know why the president let her go back to the Pentagon, he should've treated her as a traitor because that's what she deserves.

Also, I said before that I am loving Yu Gun and Yun Hwa's relationship better right? I like her better than Seo Yoon because the latter feels so plastic.

Now, the last scene was interesting, I really wanted Seo Yoon to find out about Yun Hwa being by Yu Gin's side but what did Shi Hyuk wanted to prove by doing that call and let them trace him? I am sort of curious about that.

Anyway, two episodes to go and I hope it will be a satisfying ending that will answer all the questions.

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Maou Episode 5
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Abr 7, 2013

Great twist!

So the older sister isn't actually his sister since he's the fake Ryo, I was wondering how did he fake his death and it turns out that he took his friend's personality and lived as him ever since then and he was even taking care of his sister. The journalist already found out about the personality embezzlement and I believe he will cause trouble for Ryo but I am also confident that he will find the perfect way to get rid of him.

Other than that, I felt like Ryo's heart wants to soften up but can't like in the scene with Shiori and the little Sora but he's too blinded for a revenge game that I believe it's for naught because the truth is, Naoto never meant to stab Hideo, it was really an accident when they fell so you can't blame accidents you know!

Oh, and who sent the red envelope to Ryo? It couldn't be the journalist right? Or maybe there's someone who wants to play mind games with Ryo this time? That would be totally interesting.

I am so loving this drama!

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Maou Episode 3
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Abr 7, 2013

Seriously! This is so good!

I liked this ep! It was full of great suspense events and I get to find out Shiori's relationship with what happened in the past; she's a witness and like she said, she's being used by the devil. I like Ryo's manipulative mind more and more as the episodes goes on and I want to know what's the glass guy's relationship with what happened, I believe he's Ryo's ally and wants to get revenge because he was bullied in school by that group or he was Hieodo's friend or something.

I liked the fact that we saw a human side of Ryo in this story, when Sora's mother said that she hated the one who manipulated her in killing a person or when Shiori was crying for being used by the devil but I still want more and more of his tricks even though Naoto's losing one after another is painful. Let's wait and see.

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Maou Episode 2
5 people found this review helpful
Abr 7, 2013

What a manipulative mind!

I found this ep quite manipulative, in a smart way! I like Ryo now, not because I am supporting his revenge but because he got some great tricks in his mind, who would've thought that he would use the maid, her child and the teddy bear that way?! He's the type of person who enjoys setting plans and watch from afar, I have this great respect for him but at the same time, I can't enjoy Naoto loosing friends one after the other, I mean the Yousuke didn't do anything wrong, he's beginning to sound crazy but I still like his manipulative mind. Also, what do Ryo manipulate Shiori too? She didn't do anything wrong so why?

I am so liking this, next ep here I come!

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