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Ago 7, 2013

If you screw me, I screw you back. Double payback!

Naoki is a male lead that you would fall in love with everytime you see his intellengence and way of thinking. Strong male leads make dramas very enjoyable for me and Naoki is one of those.

It's a shame that he lost the Haiwai house to Kurosagi; he's a messed up but adds a taste to the drama. And the taxation bureau become soldiers when they come to the bank LOL

And that Higashida just keeps running away; just catch the guy already!
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Cruel City Episode 19
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Ago 3, 2013

He lost it; He's a psycho!

OMG that director Min needs to die! “I killed Gyung Min to protect you because she knew a lot about you”, are you freaking kidding me? That man is one of those freaks who are searching for idealism and have gone crazy in the process. He wants the police to be strong and to cut out the corruption in the prosecutor office so he planted dozens of undercover agents and when one of them discovers his true colors and decides to stay away from him; he consider it as a betrayal and he just kill. As a conclusion, he seriously needs to die.

I felt bad for Safari ahjussi; he was always on Doc’s side. He even took the bullet for him.

I wonder what will happen now? I hope Doc will tell Hyun Min that Director Min was the one who killed Gyung Ki and that Soo Min will tell Hyun Min that Doc is actually from the police.

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Jun 24, 2013

A different Cinderella

Despite the fact that I am team Tachibana, I didn’t hate the ending. Well, I didn’t love it either but it was acceptable. Only that side elements were a little absent in this last episode.

Anyway, nice ending; it was nothing much but good enough. Sakura got her happy ending after all.

“If you believe anything can happen”_ A Cinderella. Fuzakenna! That’s because you’re a fake Cinderella.
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Kazoku Game Episode 5
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Jun 21, 2013

I will be responsible for another student

Shinichi, you're so doomed my friend even more than you already are.

I think I understand Koya more after this episode, he wants the best for Shige and Shinichi but he actually wants to destroy their family because their parents are the main reason they became like that and as he said "The parents created that monster (meaning Shinichi)". He wouldn't be like that if his parents raised him right or if he found the right family feel.

Shinichi don't care a bit about his family; a cold selfish person; he's exactly like Maki; another person whose family was destroyed because of her. I hope Shinichi will change soon because if he doesn't crazy Koya sensei is going to make sure he does; I felt bad for Takatsu, he called Shinichi because he wanted some advice but he replied "go die, although I don't think you have the courage to do so", I just can't wait for Koya sensei to teach him more serious lessons.

Next episode is going to be exciting because Shinichi isn't easy to handle like Shige, this is going to be interesting.

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Kazoku Game Episode 2
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Jun 21, 2013

OMG, this is so cool!

I am so in love with this drama right now!

Anyway, I felt bad for Shige when he was bullied and everything and the way his family reacted to it; the father don't care, the mother don't want to talk about it and the older brother pretends to care but crazy sensei with crazy thoughts managed to sort things out as usual :D

The family's situation keep getting worst with the father's affair and the mother who keep holding everything inside; one day she's going to explode and it's not going to be pretty.

Shinichi is very curious about Koya sensei; he even searched Todai's graduation book and found out that he wasn't there. Interesting...But what's really interesting is the boy who appeared in Koya's imagination; apparently, he killed him (like he said) or was the reason behind his death and now, he keep hunting him but I know that there's more to tell.

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Jun 19, 2013

No family reunion?

Too bad, I wanted Kang Chi and his parents to live together forever; you know those happy ever after endings but I guess dreaming so much doesn’t mean it will come true. Also, if Seo Hwa didn’t kill herself with that dagger, there’s no way that Wul Ryung will go back to being a gumiho; this way she made it for her past mistake.

So now, Kang Chi has to find the Gu family book and in order to do that he can’t kill anyone or show his real self to anyone; can that even happen with that Jo evil dude plotting all the time? Well, Kang Chi has his father with him now so maybe they will look for the book together. Or maybe not.

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Jun 17, 2013

Are you crazy girl?

I knew that she still have feelings for Alex but I thought that she’s a little over him since Kay came into the picture but now she’s having an indecisive mind again? Oh come on! Make up your mind! If there’s something I hate then it’s a girl playing on two guys. Just choose and get it over with!
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Mai 25, 2013

Accidental date

Kotoko and Naoki had their first date, I must say it wasn’t very exciting but it was good to see Naoki getting closer and not setting that distance between them but now he’s moving out.

I loved Kotoko and Sudou’s stalking parts, the way they were running and hiding, even an idiot can tell. I also liked it when Kin-chan had those crazy thoughts, he was hilarious.
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Mai 12, 2013

It's all because of Mi Do

If she made up her mind from the beginning none of this would happen. She should've admitted that she likes Jae Hee, it's clear as the sun, why hurt Tae San? I mean he's not that stupid to stay in the dark forever.

The relationship between Mi Do and Jae Hee is a different refreshing type of relationship between a female lead and a second male lead but it's still wrong, come on! Not only they're stabbing Tae San in the back but they're doing it in his house, do it someplace else you morons! However, I am not against it, she's better off with jae Hee anyway.
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Mai 3, 2013


It was a heartbreaking episode with Wul Ryung dying and everything, I was a little mad at Seo Hwa since she didn't believe in the love they had together, even Wul Ryung was disappointed and felt betrayal but even with that, he never thought about daggering her and save his life. I mean the girl even went to the enemy lines, what a stupid noble girl.

Anyway, another legend is starting and I get to see Kang Chi next ep,...
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Abr 20, 2013

The charm

It's fearsome what a charm can do! Woah, it's like bringing Kotoko's bad luck around.

I wasn't very impressed with this ep but I liked the parts they added like the festival at the beginning of the ep and the struggle that Naoki had to go through because of that charm but the rest of the ep wasn't very interesting mainly because this is not my favorite part of the story.

All I can think of is that preview! It's actually the ep I've been waiting for ever since this drama started plus it seems they added more exciting things! Next ep, come now!
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Abr 16, 2013

I hate these situations.

Han Tae San is Jae Hee and Do Mi's benefactor, they owe him a lot, I don't like the fact that Do Mi is liking Tae San just because she wants to thank him, it feels wrong and tasteless.

Other than that, the plot is full of cliche, I can't seem to find anything interesting about it, it's the type of drama that you can predict everything that's going to happen but once again I am here because of SSH, I never had great hopes for the plot anyway.
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Abr 15, 2013

Female lead/Second male lead

Okay, this was basically the ep where the second lead male fall for the female lead and they have a great time together, the usual blah blah blah but wait Seo Mi Do smiled, the girl can smile! I was so tired of her one expression face in the last two episodes and I am glad she changed but not with Tae San.

I like Jae Hee but I have this feeling that he will turn into a bad character for the one he loves, so far he's so good but I am not confident that he will keep being this way.

Also, I like the second female lead, I really hate how Tae San shut her out in such a harsh way.

Okay, let the triangle begin...
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Abr 14, 2013

What a heartbreaking ep !

I felt so bad for Sun Woo in this ep, it's like everything around him was falling apart, he found out that his brother was the one who killed his father and he couldn't do anything about it, he could only scream and feel betrayal, after he gave up everything for him including Min Young, he get to know the ugly truth but Jin Cheol wasn't that innocent after all.

I hate the fact that Sun Woo decided to give up on everything and he even left the sticks at 1992, it's not over yet, right? I know it isn't that's why I am so anxious about what will happen next.

At the end of the ep, when Sun Woo was crying and answering everything with "It's secret", I felt so sad! Even Min Young who doesn't remember anything started crying unconsciously, sadness overload :(

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Abr 12, 2013

I am falling,...

Yup! I started to drown into events now, everything began to seem so interesting and the story has already taken my intention. The time travelling theme in this drama is so much different from what I saw before and it seems to get greater with episodes going by. The scene where Sun Woo travelled to take the nine stakes, I was totally excited and screaming "Just let him take the sticks, man!" and believe me when a drama makes me excited, it can only be that good!

Oh, the romantic development was so fast, right? I don't remember watching a drama where the lead characters werere together ever since the first ep but I am sure there are hardships coming up.

I am looking forward to more time travelling adventures.

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