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Ago 24, 2013

Yaay for sisterhood

I get all excited when Mong Hee and Yoona are together; I just wish that Mong Hee would show more affection to her sister and that Yoona would be less controlling. They should move in together and catch up about the last 30 years or something.

And is Mong Hyun really pregnant? Hyun Tae would be an adorable father if she is. I hope it's not a faulse alarm.

The third mother found out about Hyun Soo's mother! But instead of threatning the second mother, it would've been better if she told the father. The woman was seperated from her son for 24 years. Poor Hyun Soo.

Yoona and the second mother in the house will be fun to follow; they're both powerful and the second mother can't control Yoona in the way she wants. Also, Hyun Joo is manning up against his mother to be with Seung Eun, not that I care if her gets together with her or not but way to go man!

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Who Are You Episode 4
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Ago 18, 2013

It's about time!

I was wondering when Kim Jae Wook’s character will come into the drama! I guess he’s back as a ghost? And why do I feel like Moon Sik has something to do with what happened in the night when Lee Hyun Joon died and Shi Won lost her memory? There has always been something fishy about it.

This case was cool enough; but I have to say that developments in this drama are a bit slow. They need to fasten things up.
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Ago 18, 2013

Now would you please find out idiot?

I can't believe that Nam Seng who never saw the princess believes that she's still alive while Choong who knows her still denies that she's Moo Young. Wake up you freaking idiot! Now that she got hit by an arrow, I hope that he will find out that she's a girl when he treats her or something.

Nam Seng is an arrogant punk! How can his hate for Choong blind him so much that he fell into a trap? Let's see how he will behave from now on.

I wonder what will they do with Choong? Many against one is a tough equation.
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Ago 15, 2013

Awesome episode

I a so glad that they didn't drag the 500 million retrieving until the end of the drama. The look in Higashida, Asano and the assistant manager's faces was so cool.

I also had my suspicions that Owada was the one who was behind the loan that caused Naoki father's death. Now, it's going to be a fight between the two bigs. I am looking forward to it.
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The doctor won; he turned them into monsters. And even though I like the idea that for once they let killed the criminal instead of letting the police take care of things, I still have mixing feelings about it.

Yun Su's death wasn't something I appreciated either because if you wants to make monsters then make all of them become monsters.

Some things left open especially Yeon Jae's problem with his mother. Unexplained things in mystery dramas piss me off the most but overall, this drama was nice to watch.
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Ago 13, 2013

OMG finally!

Finally Seo Yoon found out the mother’s real intentions; her mask has been on for a long time. And the stupid Seo Yoon was suspecting Won Jae; she’s so sharp so she should’ve found out about the mother a long time ago. But well, the wicked mother is at lost now because she’s discovered and Min Jae gave up the withdrawal rights to Tae Joo. I don’t care if she still owns Sung Jin Cement’s shares; at least her intentions will be clear, no more freaking hypocrite acts.

I never wanted Tae Joo and Min Jae to turn against each other but I knew that Min Jae would betray Tae Joo.I noticed it, that Min Jae calls Tae Joo “Tae Joo ah” while Tae Joo calls Min Jae “President Choi Min Jae”, maybe from the beginning Tae Joo knew that he will be betrayed sooner or later that’s why he went all out and instead of being at lost; he got the whole billion for himself, god Soel Hee out and Min Jae only gets Sung Jin constructions. That’s because you stopped being friends with Tae Joo, you deserve it you freaking traitor!

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Just You Episode 1
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Ago 12, 2013

Typical but still good

There’s nothing new under the sun. This drama has many typical cheesy things; such as the perfectionist arrogant male lead, the love hate relationship, the boss who showed up to ruin everyone’s life by his idealism, the living together concept, the bunch of female friends who can be annoying and so on. I bet I saw several dramas like this. However, that doesn’t mean I hated the first episode; at the matter of fact, I found it quite decent and somehow enjoyable.

But I just can’t understand how the heck can an employee shout at her boss like that?! That’s so unrealistic and doesn’t make sense. Also, why on earth is Qi Yi parking his car in front of the company building? There isn’t a parking lot or what?

I liked the scene where Liang Liang was piggy backing Qi Yi; I saw many male lead giving the female leads piggy backs but seeing it the other way around is a rare and a cool thing for change.

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Ago 12, 2013


OMG, that family has serious issues! Even during mourning; they still fight and bring their greed into the picture. I knew that Won Jae won’t be his sister’s puppet, he was only scared and Tae Joo gave him the last push to rebel against Seo Yoon.

It’s also understandable that Eun Jung would side with her husband after what Seo Yoon did to her; I think things will be different between her and Won Jae from now on.

Tae Joo’s ambition never stops; he knows how to make a way for his success; “700 people die in Korea every day, Sung Jin’s Chairman is just one of them. Why does it have to be different?” What an amazing male lead!

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Ago 12, 2013

Who will get Han Sung Steel?

Now that’s the question although I am pretty sure that the father will die and Seo Yoon will fight for it until the end. The mother is really wicked; she locked him up in his last three days alive just so that he doesn’t meet So Yeon and tell her about the hidden shares. Sung Jae cares about him because he’s the only father he ever knew and he loves Seo Yeon so much and I am sure that one day he will stand up in front of his mother.

Also, Min Jae thinks of Tae Joo as a race horse; someone he has to follow in order to gain power. In that case, I am sure that one day he will betray him for his own profit; I don’t want to see that but I am sure it will come one day.

Won Jae won’t stay still as his younger sister’s puppet; after his father’s death he will rebel on Seo Yoon which means that harder days are on their way.

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Ago 10, 2013

Let's go together, to the golden empire...

Tae Joo and Min Jae working side by side? I would love to see that! Because Min Jae isn’t as bad as I thought he is; he was just kicked out of the family and the Sung Jin Group without mercy. I think he has the right to go back in, no, I believe he should go back in and using the stupid Yong Jae in the process isn’t a bad idea. If he wants to bring Tae Joo with him then that means the marriage between him and Seo Yoon that was shown at the first episode is happening soon.

Also, I understand why the mother is being sly; she actually married the one who was the cause behind her husband death and even made him think that Sung Jae is his son.

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Ago 10, 2013

Poor Min Jae

He’s not that bad guy; he just wants to survive alongside with his father. If the Chairman didn’t mistreat them then things wouldn’t turned out that way. He’s desperate and I seriously felt sorry for him when his wife passed away. She was just holding on for her husband’s sake and when he decided to leave her for another woman because he’s forced to marry her in order to save the company, she died because she lost the will to live.

I don’t know how he will face Tae Joo’s proposal because I started to think that he would believe if Tae Joo accepted his terms from the beginning; Yoon wouldn’t have to die.
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Ago 10, 2013

Still Good

The fact that the story is set in the nineties is pretty different and cool. I like that.

Also, I think things become more interesting now that Tae Joo became a president and is being as ambitious as ever, he won over Min Jae again!

I also find it despicable that Won Jae is betraying his father by taking Min Jae’s side and Seo Yoon can be pretty heartless if she wants to.
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Ago 8, 2013

I will be big

Tae Joo is really something; not only that he’s making his way through but he’s going big too. He could’ve stood still against Min Jae and even interrupted his plans. One thing to ask: If Min Jae and his father could’ve buy lands and borrow loans to control the company then why didn’t they do it before?

Also, Dong San is treating Seo Yeon and Sung Jae very differently and I can’t seem to find the reason why. Also, Sung Jae is apparently not Dong San’s son? How is that? Was he and his mother keeping it away from Dong San? That’s the only explanation because if he’s not his son; Dong San would never treat him that way.

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Ago 8, 2013

This drama is becoming more and more amazing!

The confrontation! How will it go? The princess and her secret agents and the totally transformed Choong who wants power by following his father. Although I don’t believe that Choong would be a bad person like general Yeon but I like the fact that he’s on good terms with his father and yes, I know it’s a bad thing but I like his character more now. And I told you that they just needed to make him think that the princess is dead to free him.

I am sure “bringing the justice” that the princess is speaking about won’t happen that night because general Yeon isn’t stupid to go with only 10 soldiers in there.
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Ago 7, 2013

What an amazing start!

That was one of the best pilot episodes I ever saw: Something coming out from someone who don't care much about first episodes.

I never thought that I would be involved in a business drama and it's about bankers too but Tada, surprise! I like the way things set and how horrific the bank system is. I also came to know many references used by bankers such as "Naked" and "Window dressing".

I like the acting and the charcters; our male lead is perfect which means that this drama is going to be enjoyable. The rest of the characters are cool too.

The fact that Naoki is after revenge for his father is also something I want to follow; and I began to guess who's the banker who refused to give Naoki'd father a loan and eventually led him to suicide.

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