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Jun 14, 2013

Poor Kang Chi

Not only that he thinks his mother hates him and abandoned him when he was a child because he was a monster but he also has to kill his own father; I felt really sorry for him because his parents aren’t the type he can have a happy reunion with.

Well, Seo Hwa revealed herself to that Jo dude and now she’s going to be in danger because I am sure that her surroundings are questioning her and going to leave her eventually since she’s letting her personal problems get in the way.
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OMG Miroku!

He did it! And not one, it’s two! Why did he kill Risa? Let’s say that she was in the wrong place at the wrong time; It’s obvious that he didn’t do it for you, why did you keep pushing? However, I still felt that he was a psycho at that moment.

He was obviously shaken and at that state it’s a matter of time before the police finds him; I am sure they will find some evidence in the crime scene like DNA, footprints or something but not fingerprints since he was wearing gloves ( In case you were wondering, yeah, I’ve been watching too many detective dramas lately).

What will happen after the punishment took place? There should be another punishment for someone who took lives, right?

This drama is interesting. I can’t wait to watch more of it.

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Jun 12, 2013


Okay, the ghost story was so stupid, silly and bothersome to watch. Actually, this drama’s side stories are seriously messed up and frankly, I couldn’t care the less about them. You guys are saviors or something? Trying to meddle in every customer’s life?

Things got interesting at the end, since Jin found out that bunny is actually a girl. Hopefully, the rest will find out soon. Also, if you’re trying to act like a boy, you should remove the lip gloss you know!
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Jun 9, 2013

In your face Jae Hee!

Did you realize how stupid and small minded you are yet? Now that Jae Hee knows that Tae San wasn’t behind anything of the past accidents, he should think twice about the way he treated his benefactor, idiot!

OMG! I am at the edge of my seat because I can’t wait to see the family reunion especially since Tae San knows that Roy is his brother Tae Min, I liked it when Tae San decided to forgive his mother. I also liked it when president Chang said that he wants three sons: “Tae San, Tae Min and his real son (Jae Hee)”, that man has a big heart.

Sung Joo and Tae San is getting married? Not going to happen! It’s clear that he will get back with Mi Do although I really don’t want them to end up together, that snake doesn’t deserve Tae San after all what she did to him.

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Mai 26, 2013

Nice devolpment

I liked this ep, it didn't feel slow and there were many changes and some extra information.

I used to like Hang Woo's character a lot in the first two episodes but now I am not sure, I can't seem to forgive that he was using Woo Hee not to mention that he left her to die in that fire even though I am sure he was going to open the door if Yoo Bang didn't interrupt.

Now, who got the medicine? Everyone will be on the loose to find it. I am sure that Yeo Chi will try to find it in order to destroy her grandpa's company since he was the reason behind the death of her parents. I knew that she was acting up for a reason.
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Mai 25, 2013

Interesting and funny

I liked the first ep, it was quick and quite good. The quality of events thrown in this ep were absolutely something that would make you want more.

We met our four leads, I must say that every one of them look interesting in his own way and I am expecting so much from their characters.

I also have to say that I love the sense of humor, the funny scenes impressed me considering the fact that I like Japanese comedy better than the Korean one. The golf scene between the two presidents was too freaking hilarious! The way men in suits were fighting in the water is something you won't see in your everyday drama, it kept me laughing for few minutes.

Let's wait and see what will this drama bring us...

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Ice World Episode 11
2 people found this review helpful
Mai 25, 2013


What a psycho! I said that I trust no one in this drama except Eiki, Ujo and Toko a little but the thought that it would be Masako was very slim! Poor Ujo, he was running around while the culprit is actually his wife. Did you see the way she was talking while confessing? Psycho metai! She actually killed four people in order to see Toko miserable, what a strong vengeful soul; I knew she had something in common with Sonoe only that the latter didn’t do anything to hurt Toko.

I am so glad that Eiki wasn’t dead; it would’ve ruined it all if he did. I seriously loved and enjoyed this drama to the core especially because of its incredible mystery.

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Ice World Episode 10
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Mai 25, 2013

I won't let you die

OMG! Ujo is so freaking sweet, I always loved his relationship with Eiki, don’t let him die. Do everything in your power to stop him from death, okay?

I am sure that the whole engagement and insurance policy thing is fake in order to lure the culprit out. Apparently, Eiki found out who it is but before he tells anyone, I am sure he will meet his death. Isn’t it a spoiler? I mean the first cut in the drama showed Eiki dying in a sea (or lake) so we know that in the last ep, we will see that scene, but I am sure it’s not what I am expecting.

I am curious to who is it! Will it be Tsukiko? The bar girl? Ujo’s wife? The superintendent? Shogo? At this point, I only trust that Eiki and Ujo aren’t suspicious, okay maybe Toko isn’t suspicious as before but everyone else can be the culprit. I think everything is up to the last ep, let’s watch and see.

I am totally having high expectations for the end! Surprise me!

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Bad Guy Episode 2
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Mai 20, 2013

This is getting good!

I found Gun Wook’s childhood story quite tragic and touching, I understand the reason of his revenge but I am not sure if he’s taking it against the right people, only the father and the mother should pay for this not the whole family.

Anyway, let me state that the last 10 minutes made me so excited! His twisted way in making Mo Ne falls for him along with the older sister. I don’t mind him using the older sister because she’s not that great as a person but Mo Ne is an innocent child who doesn’t deserve to be used.

On the other hand, I am not impressed with the female lead, not at all! I hate gold diggers and so far Jae In is obviously one of them, what’s so great about marrying a rich guy? Why did she have to be so low in order to fake bumping into Gun Wook thinking that he’s Tae Seung? You’re poor, stick with your status, why do you have to aim high? I wish she changes soon because I don’t like her charcter that much now.

On a final note, why do all revenge heroes have a basement or a hidden place in their houses full of pictures and information about their targets? Couldn’t they place in on PC or something? Just a thought :D

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Mai 6, 2013


So magic is taking part in this drama? I thought only Kang Chi is a magical creature in the drama, I never thought that Jo evil dude possesses some magic too, it's not going to end well this way.

I am curious to how Kang Chi and Yeo Wool met in the past, it seems interesting.

So far, good.
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Mai 6, 2013

What a horrible person!

The lady of the house aka Chung Jo's mother is such a bad person, I would understand that she doesn't want her daughter to get involved with a person who has no roots but she doesn't need to be mean and so obvious about it, she didn't like Kang Chi ever since he came into the house even though he was the main reason of her husband's fortune and her family's well being.

On the other hand, I like Tae Seo, he's treating Kang Chi like his real brother and he doesn't care about his roots.

Well, in this ep the fated meeting happened, let's see what will happen next.
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Fitting ending

I didn't hate the ending even though it was sad.

I am so surprised to why that Misawa Jun Killed Meiko's family, woah, it was just to prove that he can be independent from his father not caring who would end up dead and the one who talked him into it was Kotomi-san, OH My! Such a twist! who would've thought that the one Meiko should take revenge on was actually under her nose and I always thought that the way she treat Meiko was very kind in a suspicious way.

So, Meiko end up killing herself anyway and I am fine with that. No matter how much grief she went through just because some rich powerful boy wanted to play around not caring who he would hurt, I am still against all the lives she took, they have family too and revenge with murder isn't always the best solution. Her death was the right thing to do.

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Come on Meiko be more serious! You're a revenge freak and a psycho murderer who uses people weakness points to make them commit suicide so don't try that resentment attitude because it's not gonna work, at least not with me, I can never imagine myself feeling sorry for you.

Mashima on the other hand should connect things together and try to reveal her, it's obvious that she has something to do with Miwa's disappearance and I guess he became more sure when he found out that he was investigating the old case so that means that Miwa will be targeted by Meiko?

Also, what's that necklace that she's holding the whole time? A present from the devil or something? Just kidding but that woman has a great way of changing her character, does she really think she can fall in love with Mashimo? Come on! revenge people don't need love, it will only ruin their plans.

I am also curious to how her life imprisonment sentence got lowered? How did she got out of the prison?

On a final note, why do everyone at the station hate Mashimo? Yes, he was partially behind the death of his Kouhai but he didn't mean to so why is everyone treating him that way including his boss? Sounds suspicious!

More question= More fun! I am liking this drama!

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Last Battle

This was a nice final ep, all the comedy didn't disappear and Maou is defeated and I liked the last line Yushihiko said.

I will be watching the second season soon.
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Abr 14, 2013

What the hell, Oji San!

Kanzo actually stabbed Ryo? Even if he thinks that he's a devil, he shouldn't stab him! He would do anything to protect his imoto from someone who is full of darkness but it still feels wrong.

Right when Ryo started to change and love Yuko, this happens! Actually, I wanted Yuko to listen to her brother and stay away from Ryo, it's probably the first time in a drama that I wish for a female lead to listen to her family and stay away from the person she loves. Why? Because Ryo is a dangerous person with a cryptic past, a twisty life and a dark heart but he changed! During this ep he changed! But you know that change doesn't erase what he did before so yeah, we can say that he deserved it.

Oh, and I am so glad that Yuki didn't die, I really like her character.

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