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Jun 26, 2013

Brothers but maybe not!

Hyun Jun and Hyun Tae are going all out; they hate each other and they're not ashamed to show it. Well, it's true that both of them are in the wrong but if Hyun Jun treated his brother differently, he wouldn't be like that to him; come on man! How can you say that about your little brother's mother? Even to someone you don't know, you shouldn't belittle his mother.

Hyun Jun is the worst brother, why? Because he doesn't care about anything except his personal gain and believe me if Hyun Soo starts to show interest in the company, he's going to be as mean as he is to Hyun Tae.

But Hyun Tae isn't great as well, why did he do that to Mong Hyun in the club? Bastard in front of her but doesn't want anyone to talk badly about her behind her back? Get yourself together! She's already hating you, you know!

You just can't help but like Hyun Soo and the developments he has with Mong Hee.

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Jun 25, 2013

Let the game begin

So now, Mong Hee is going to be Hyun Soo's substitute wife for real, with a pay and everything; can she really pull the arrogant wife role? I doubt it.

Talk about icy brotherhood; Hyun Jun is such an arrogant brother whether to his eldest or his youngest brother; all he cares about is the company and his father satisfaction; no wonder his wife is evil like that.
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Jun 25, 2013

Poor Mong Hyun

It’s like she’s being sold for money and Hyun Tae is being more than mean to her; why did he have to say all of those bad things to her? But he’s right, it’s not his biological mother that’s scary, it’s Hyun Jun’s mother. I am starting to ship Mong Hyun and Hyun Tae; I am sure he will be better in the future.

Oh, that slap scene in the funeral! She should’ve not done that but I don’t know Hyun Jun is very stiff and hard to get to; I mean he’s not only being bad to Hyun Tae but to Hyun Soo too; what did he do to you? Is it because he wants the company? He better changes and start loving his brothers soon.
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Jun 25, 2013

Substitute Wife

He told her that his wife is arrogant, right? If Mong Hee keeps acting this nice and differently from Yoona, everyone is going to find out that she’s not the same person. Also, apparently Hyun Jun’s wife knows Mong Hee from a long time ago and hates her that’s why she was surprised when she saw Yoona (since they look alike).

Well, since Yoona is gone now, Hyun Soo will keep walling Mong Hee to take her place instead which I guess will be found out by someone eventually.

Also, the grandmother told Hyun Soo that his mother was framed by Hyun Jun and Hyun Tae’s mothers and asked him to look for her. It means she’s still alive! Cool…

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Jun 25, 2013

Still Good

The poor Mong Hyun; she’s going to have two mothers in law and both of them aren’t very nice plus her husband to be is sassy, troublesome, childish and the less successful between his brothers.

Oh, but wait! The second son’s mother isn’t actually married to the father by law? Why does she implicate herself as the lady of the house then? She’s in the same position as the youngest son’s mother. And another thing; she framed Hyun Soo’s mother? So the poor kid lost his mother while she didn’t even cheat on his father and spent his whole life being hated by his father because of that woman? The poor thing!

Also, his wife wants divorce so badly and she’s probably going to get what she wants and all of this because he doesn’t love her? Or is it because he doesn’t stand against his father? That she’s throwing a tantrum that way?

I see where things are going between Mong Hee and Hyun Soo, first she pretends to be his wife and then they actually fall in love; super predictable but I want to see it happening.

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Jun 25, 2013

Nice start for a family drama

I can’t believe I am doing this; watching a 50 episodes drama and its family drama too, I must be out of my mind or something.

The beginning was cool; nothing special but good enough. There was characters introduction and the general concept of the drama: A usual pilot episode.

That jewelry family seems very wicked! And how many mothers are there? The eldest son’s mother (the one who had an affair and was kicked out of the house), the youngest son’s mother and the one who’s currently living in the house, I believe she’s the medium son’s mother who’s married to that wicked girl. Plus, two sisters in laws that are more than wicked (the eldest son’s and the medium son’s) so if the poor manager Yoon’s daughter marries into the family, it’s going to be huge trouble for her.

The father is being mean to his eldest son; what’s Hyun Soo’s fault if his mother had an affair? He’s still your son after all.

I am not sure if I like the female lead or not, I think she’s interesting but she doesn’t differ from other Kdramas female leads so far.

Apparently she’s twins with Yoona?! That’s why Hyun Soo acted like that when he saw her in the streets. Well, it has been revealed that Yoona is adopted so maybe Mong Hee is adopted too. Interesting…

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Shark Episode 5
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Jun 24, 2013

OMG why did you do that?!!

I told you to stop appearing in front of Hae Woo, didn’t I? Not only he keeps popping up in front of her but he kissed her! Are your crazy or what? Tell me, what’s more important? Your revenge or your feelings for Hae Woo? No matter how I think about it, he shouldn’t do that because he will be suspected and his identity may be revealed. Just get a grip of yourself man! And by the way the whole scarf flying and him catching it was so cheesy and melodramatic in a stupid way.

I was right about secretary Jang, she was sent by Yushimora to spy on Yi Soo; I can’t believe he trusts her but not Kim Jun; if you trust no one then trust no one or is secretary Jang a special person to him?

I want more revenge moments!

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Kazoku Game Episode 8
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Jun 22, 2013


Did you see the family's craziness? Everyone showed their real self!

Koya sensei set the scene then left them to relieve their stress, worries and everything they’ve been hiding all along. I liked family confessions and their dissatisfaction about each other; they were honest and truthful for the first time in their lives. The next morning they went back to the way they were before.

I wonder what will happen now? To the Numata family and the crazy Koya sensei, I am sure he won’t end it there; he’s just making them become a real family.
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Kazoku Game Episode 7
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Jun 22, 2013

Become a real family!

OMG, Koya sensei is just too awesome! I understand what he wants to do with the Numata family; it’s true that he’s responsible for the kids’ education but in order to do that, he doesn’t have to change the children but he needs to change their parents; because if they were raised in a healthy family environment, they wouldn’t become the way they are now.

Like Shige said at the end, I hope that Shinichi understands that Koya isn’t a bad gut after all. Also, the moments from the past were about the real Koya who was a bully, that’s why he got punished but I still don’t think that Koya was the one who pushed him but seriously how can a teacher bully a student that way? They are supposed to protect them from bullies not supervise it themselves to the point to drive the student to suicide! And how is crazy Koya sensei and accomplice? Is itbecause he didn’t listen to him? I am curious…

Now, back to Shinichi; he’s going to have a rough time now; I am sure that Koya won’t let him date Maki since the father was interested in her before plus Shi-chan’s girlfriend is going to reveal his shop lifting picture to the teacher, why? Because like Koya sensei said; “women are scary”, don’t think she will stay quiet after you’ve been cheating on her. Once again, you’re doomed my friend.

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Kazoku Game Episode 3
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Jun 21, 2013

Otanjobi Homedito?

That was one sad birthday for Shige, like Kouya said; his family doesn’t care a bit about him and he doesn’t have friends; the latter is understandable, just because they don’t bully him anymore because they were forced to, it doesn’t mean they will become his friends even if they were acting friendly in the class.

I keep making sure that Koya is crazy! Not only had he exposed the father’s intent of affair (which I started to believe that he told Asami to get close to the father) but he also exposed the cruel truth to the children in a heartless way, I feel like he’s been spying on the family even before he entered it. Let’s not forget what happened to the real Koya, he’s accomplice in crime? As if they were the reason behind someone else’s death or something? The little boy who appears in Koya’s imagination I mean.

Maybe Shinichi’s theory is right; it’s clear that Koya wants Shige to trust him only but I don’t think he wants to hurt him, maybe his ways are over the top but he wouldn’t hurt Shige because he wants him to become better and if Shinichi thinks badly of Koya then he should’ve strengthen his relationship with his ototo and forbid Koya from getting close to him; but he simply doesn’t care about Shige. Baka!

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God's Quiz Episode 9
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Jun 18, 2013

Crazy genius

OMG, he’s too freaky but somehow cool too LOL. Apparently he’s the only one who can stand up to Dr. Han, I find that cool because our main lead has someone as the same level of intelligence as him to challenge him.

I figured maybe he has a bad past with Dr; Han or maybe he was hurt by him when he was little that’s’ why he wants revenge. Or he’s just a freak who wants to hurt Dr. Han because he’s jealous of him.
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God's Quiz Episode 8
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Jun 18, 2013

That was sad

This episode’s rare disease was something sad, a person who cannot feel happiness, sadness; she has to live as a robot and never interact with people but when she fell in love, it was a cause of her death. A bit dramatically put but still sad.

Now, back to Dr. Han, the one who put a camera in his house died because of a stroke? Interesting! Which leads me to the thought that Dr. Han has a rare disease too, even his professor doesn’t seem to know what it is.
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God's Quiz Episode 2
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Jun 17, 2013

Death of an idol

The case was solid enough; even the kpop set up wasn’t that bad even though I am not very into it.

I am getting used to Jin Woo’s ways of solving crimes; it’s witty and very intriguing plus his funny comments are daebak! But what’s with him at the end? Apparently, he has some kind of a disease as well, I wonder what it is.

Detective Kang is still stiff as ever and I do not like that very much. Hopefully, she will change her attitude soon.
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Jun 17, 2013

Way to go Kay!

Well, finally he knows that she’s a girl; this way only Alex doesn’t know and I don’t care if he’s kept in the dark until the end of the drama because like I said before, he’s a perfect guy and perfect guys are annoying.

Will bunny accept Kay? Well, it’s her best choice for now and she better do that. I am just glad that he confessed his feelings at last.
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Byakuyako Episode 11
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Jun 16, 2013

Just why?!

Why is he the only one who dies? Why wasn’t she with him? Why wasn’t she punished? And don’t give me the stupid lecture that she suffers more since she stayed alive or that Ryo’s death will be in vain if she gets caught or that she became a living corpse and blah blah blah.

It was clear that Ryo wanted to end his life for a while now, I just didn’t like that he died like a dog in the streets; Maybe he was the one who committed all of those crimes but it was all because of Yuki, she didn’t force him to do some of them but the others were her ideas. So why isn’t she dead with him?!

I still appreciated the last scene though, where Yuki held Ryo’s son’s hand under the sun…

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