Older Men I Adore

Being an older woman in my late 60s my eyes roam the landscape flitting past those much younger (is "eye-candy" still used as a description?), and landing firmly on the experienced older profiles with LIFE written boldly across their faces. Never in a lustful way. In appreciation for having lived well past their youth. Surviving to a ripe older age that has gotten much better with adventures small & large etched around the eyes, the mouth, maybe hair receding or not, but all have earned their place in this world and are proof that like wine, people get better with age. I'll take an older actor over a young pretty boy anyday.  ALL have touched my heart on more than one occasion (or drama or film) and have earned a place. All are over 40, with a few under 40s thrown in.

My list is in no way finished. I fill as my time allows, and thus are in no particular order either since MDL usually changes it back to Alphabetical order.

Even though public, this list was made in mind with "ALL have touched my heart on more than one occasion (or drama or film) and have earned a place." Suggestions are sweet, but please do make your own list.

LucyL Dez 2, 2022
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