So ... I'm looking at the reviews for Love Me Love My Voice, and there are two separate reviews from one account giving this drama a 1 rating -- twice.  Is this a bug?

I mean, can we write multiple reviews, which include ratings, to boost (or lower) the ratings for the drama? 

Here's the two reviews:

seems like a bug, because usually if you wrote a review, even if you click to write a new one it will just redirect you to editing the one you have already written for said title


seems like a bug, because usually if you wrote a review, even if you click to write a new one it will just redirect you to editing the one you have already written for said title

I haven't tried it yet, but someone else said they tried, and they could write two reviews.

The someone else tried it and said they could only write a second review if they changed languages.

Regardless, I'd like to know if it is bug.  And if the rating from both reviews counts?  Cause that's just rife for abuse.

Aoi Community Manager

Hi, I'll address your question here. Users can create one review per language, and it's important to note that reviews don't directly impact the overall rating. We're currently exploring solutions to address this issue and allow multiple languages per review.


Hi, I'll address your question here. Users can create one review per language, and it's important to note that reviews don't directly impact the overall rating. We're currently exploring solutions to address this issue and allow multiple languages per review. 

Thank you!

Aoi closed this Jan 24, 2024 10:32