It worth at least 1 hour long, I did not put everything here, just those I think is important. I also removed all the dream demon interactions, someone else already explained it bfr in the comments


LSS asked her dad permission to go to mortal world to find heart protection scales. TTJ heard and he asked to accompany her. LSS was not happy, but her dad agreed. They went to mortal world.

LSS + TTJ in the city heard abt Dream Demon killing pp. Both went to King Jin Palace, TTJ memory as King Jin came back. YQY-Now King Jin tried to find ways to kill the Demon, TTJ heard the voice, sounds familiar.

LSS+TTJ went inside the palace, TTJ asked King Jin who are you pretended to be my descendant. YQY opened his mask. TTJ+LSS asked for heart protection scales, TTJ said he left it in the palace bfr  leaving the palace. YQY agreed but they both must kill the Dream Demon first.

PYZ + CJM master

PYZ told CJM master Gong Ye abt to be robbed referring to his love

GY went into King Jin Palace later after LSS + TTJ & met YQY. YQY was shocked called him HRH. YQY later knew they r not the same person but did not explain anything to GY, he took him on a tour of Jin capital. GY starting to have many ? abt himself.

LSS+TTJ+ GY walked in the street, Gy told them abt his meeting with YQY and YQY called him HRH.

Both were shocked but TTJ quickly put an end to it.

TTJ took GY for a stroll in the street while LSS resting

GY found a stall, selling Royal Highness Xiao Lin doll, asked the seller abt his story, curious and bought the doll. TTJ said bellow

Embers: As long as there are still people who know Xiao Rin, if there is another war in Jingguo in the future, there will always be someone like him, to defend the city to stop the war, to protect the people.

Gongye Jiu Min, do you know this person too?

⊿ Ember thought about it and nodded.

Ember: After all, it is a heroic figure for a while, I have heard of it a little bit.... Once, I wanted to be like him.

Gongye: (Curious) What about later? Why did you worship the Immortal Gate again?

Embers: Later... Later, Xiao Rin was killed on the battlefield, and Sheng Guo was also destroyed.

⊿ Gongye wu oh sighed and nodded.

Ember: Don't you wonder who killed him?

Gongye Silence: The change of the country and the rise and fall of the dynasty are common things, and in my opinion, this sixth highness died for the country, not for one person, and it is not harmful or not harmful.

⊿ Ember nodded his head, looking complicated.

Ember: You're right.

Si Ying and DG 1.0: Si Ying remembered DG 1.0 took her hand said: Don’t be afraid and He brought her back to his palace (in trailer DG1.0 with a young white Si Ying walked into the palace)

LSS and YQY: LSS returned to Palace gave captured Dream Demon, YQY relieved it was not PR who is killing pp and gave her the heart protection scale.

After LSS left, YQY remembered all the flashback abt PR. And he is at the end of his life.

Scenes Between Si Ying and Mo NV: Mo NV is questioning Si Ying what DG 1.0 has done for her why she is v dedicated to him

Gong Ye starting to think abt the past life of TTJ + YXW from the images Dream Demon showed him

He went back to his master, asked to leave the sects and go to mortal realm to find out more abt himself. He let go LSS and hope she is happy with CJM.

Dear kwanto, so nice of you to share this. So glad to be able to piece some of the storyline together for ep 33. Can I ask, will there be one of this for ep 34 too?

No, Eps 34 is the same as the script, nothing is cut. I will post ONLY IF there are major things that we need to know. Esp here The heart protection scale bcs it is v important later. Also Gong Ye story how at the end he knows who he is. 


No, Eps 34 is the same as the script, nothing is cut. I will post ONLY IF there are major things that we need to know. Esp here The heart protection scale bcs it is v important later. Also Gong Ye story how at the end he knows who he is. 

Okay, Thanks much. Yes, realised such a huge chunk of GYJW and the meeting of YQY is missing. Once again, really appreciate this.

Can you please kindly add the dream demon part into this, just reference the Commentor’s name (as well as a link if you think not good enough), as it will make it easier for everyone to see the flow of the story. I think it’s a great lost if we have to go back and forth. The original post should contain all the original screen play so we all can read and understand what was lost in editing.

Let me help in this part, since this is a good distraction from work. 

Attached is the further addition of original script with the cut scenes for ep 33,  credit to @junokatcd for generously sharing with us and I am re-posting it here:

After Tan Tai Jin and Su Su got the devil cube thing, it was bought back to be sealed under the power of the immortals.

They wanted to re-enforce the seal so they wanted MingYe’s heart protection scale. Su Su volunteered to go back to Jing country to retrieve this.

Tan Tai Jin volunteered to go with Su Su, hence their meeting in Jing country. They both went into the royal palace to see the King. Su Su said let’s go meet your grandchildren, TTJ said I have no grandchildren. Once you went, I went right after you.

They both encountered the King in the palace, he was masked, TTJ got the sword out to ask who he is, why he is pretending to be of Tan Tai family? He unmasked and turned out to be Ye Qing Yu. They talked about the scale but YQY couldn’t give back because it’s their last resort against a very powerful demon. Su Su and TTJ decided to go and catch this demon.

Su Su (pretend to be drunken) got into the hotel and pretended to sleep to wait for the demon, the demon arrived and tried to get into her forehead. She placed a spell on the demon and captured it. It was very strong and broke the spell to ran out. She threw a string to catch it and once she jumped out, saw that she caught TTJ.

TTJ said that he was worried about her so he came back, and that he saw a black smoke rushing out of her room hence he got there. Su Su removed the string and they both walked out of the hotel to a different place.

—-Cut to real TTJ meeting a fake Li Su Su and beat her up into black smoke that flown away—-

Su Su got the fake Tan Tai Jin to a place where she started a stronger spell to capture it again. She said she knew it was fake, the fake TTJ then begged for her to save it, Su Su continued to apply more spell force.

——Real TTJ then went to find SuSu and saw her with fake TTJ——

A black smoke got into fake TTJ, turning him into the devil god, Su Su got distracted and the demon got the stronger hand. It said that it could see through her biggest fear and escaped from her spell. Real TTJ saw the whole thing.

—- This then cut to the scene in which TTJ said: so the thing you fear the most is me turning into Devil God—-

Then they went onto meet CYJW, he told them that this demon can morph into the person they love the most/ and also the one they are scared of the most. As TTJ realised that he was the person Su Su loved the most, he threw a look at Su Su, resulted in her saying : “don’t get the meaningless part”

Well that dream demon story  is SOO LONG in the script.
Someone posted it bfr and  that's what it is. 

I can't share too much of the script I promised someone I won't.  

No, I mean just add what megumi post with yours, so that it is one post. But this is good enough lol

Oh no they took out so many interesting scenes? I want to be able to see that. Wish I know the director so that I can ask for all the scenes which were taken out ? Wow you know someone who has the script? So lucky. Thank you for sharing. This is really good.

Why would they take out their meeting with YQY? Darn it


Why would they take out their meeting with YQY? Darn it

Agree on that one. I really wonder what they will talk about when they meet.


Why would they take out their meeting with YQY? Darn it

Aft watched yest eps, they changed the filming not the same as script (which is common). The whole reason going to YQY is to get the heart protection scale, but later if u remember, CJM master said, it was PYZ who brought the artifact to him. So no more reason why they need to go there. Although I did not understand YQY in white hair was in the trailer

Got the feeling this drama is rushed for airing and not yet ready. 

They changed the script where the heart protection scale was suppose to be with YQY and the changed script now is with PYZ and already pass to CJM master.  TTJ is connected with it because he had experienced MY life right? Heart protection scale is to help TTJ to realised the good things could had happen to him? Sorry would like to understand more about the story ??

Yes on the Script. Yes on TTJ and Ming Ye. 

The next purpose of this artifacts is for TTJ to protect LSS

Thank you thank you ?