
TTJ has lost the devil bone so he'll never be an Evil God even if he has the other two weapons.

Don't be so sure my friend xD

If he didn't become the devil god how he reversed the "path of sorrow or the path of sadness " whatever its name at the end of the story enlighten me, please!

I asked this question on the main page but I wasn't too sure of the answers. How did the devil bone end up in TTJ after it was sealed after a whole lot of effort by Ming Ye, Ji Ze and Chu Huang? Someone said it was the heart and not the bone or that it was the bone refining seal and not the devil bone that was sealed. However, I went back and watched the scenes in episodes 14 and 15 again and they definitely seem to call it the Devil Bone and that it was out of DG's body only for that set period of time. It even looks the same as what YXW extracts from TTJ. The bone refining seal looks different and was sealed under the water mirror. So I wondered how it came to be in TTJ's body? 

Also, is it a plot-hole that Si Ying did not recognize CJM in Shangqing realm when they fought for the bone refining seal in episode 32? Someone said it was because his eyes were different but seems weird that she'd only go by the eyes. Even Di Mian takes one look at him and does a double take immediately.

I remember this quotation from the novel "He knew that the Path of Same Compassion could not be destroyed. Even if the seal was sealed this time, a new Demon God would emerge in ten thousand years" The only thing I understand from this phrase that even if the evil bone was destroyed and that path was sealed another Devil god will be reborn after 10000 years so he has to reverse it completely.
Can anyone enlighten us is that correct or what?

Does anyone remember what chapter in the novel where TTA was conceived? Was it before he turned back into the DG or after? 

 Sirry Usly:

Does anyone remember what chapter in the novel where TTA was conceived? Was it before he turned back into the DG or after? 

I think it was after.  He had one night with her when she snuck in the demon realm.  

 Sirry Usly:

Does anyone remember what chapter in the novel where TTA was conceived? Was it before he turned back into the DG or after? 

Who is TTA? 


Who is TTA? 

Tantai Ami, TTJ & LSS’s daughter.

Tantai Zi Mi is her name. 

Can somebody recap whats gonna happen in 36-40 ? :(( im so scared of sad ending


I think it was after.  He had one night with her when she snuck in the demon realm.  

What chapter was that in the novel lol? 

Question about Ye Qingyu: In one of the future clips there’s a shot of him with long white hair, looking up. But we know from EP33 leaks he still has black hair.  

So what is that scene about (if it’s same with the book)? And how did his hair turn white?


Tantai Zi Mi is her name. 

Oh sorry, lmao in the MTL translation I found they messed up her name. 


What chapter was that in the novel lol? 

That's what I'm trying to figure out. I searched but I think I went too far. 

 Sirry Usly:

That's what I'm trying to figure out. I searched but I think I went too far. 

Yeah, I tried to read the translated novel but it's hard to comprehend what's going on at times since it seems like auto or machine translated so I just gave up. Would like to be able to read the novel but the TV series is enough for me atm