de Hazel Jung, Setembro 6, 2023

The upcoming tvN Monday-Tuesday drama, Twinkling Watermelon, written by Jin Soo Wan and directed by Son Jung Hyun, is set to premiere on September 25th, tells the story of Eun Gyeol (played by Ryeoun), a CODA (Child of Deaf Adults) boy born with extraordinary musical talent, who time-slips back to 1995. There, he embarks on a journey where he forms a band with his father, Lee Chan (played by Choi Hyun Wook), from his childhood.

The revealed watermelon poster offers a glimpse of the youthfulness of characters experiencing the brightest moments of their lives. Against the backdrop of crashing waves and warm sunlight on the sandy beach, the energetic enthusiasm of the boys and girls chasing after someone is heartwarming. Beneath the blue sky, the bright smiles of these young people, building happy memories, create a refreshing atmosphere.

However, objects placed throughout the poster raise questions. A giant watermelon positioned prominently at the center, along with a guitar and a t-shirt, piques curiosity. The phrase "Youth is like a Twinkling Watermelon" is added above it, stimulating viewers' imagination with its jewel-like sparkling seeds.

The reason behind describing the youth as a Twinkling Watermelon has sparked numerous speculations about the connection between these two words. What events transpired for the child in 1995, and will their dreams of simply wanting to shine come true? Viewers eagerly await the premiere of Twinkling Watermelon to find out.

The production team of Twinkling Watermelon stated, "Eun Gyeol, who falls back to 1995, and the youth he encounters from the past all have a variety of dreams and goals hidden within them, like seeds inside a watermelon. We hope viewers look forward to the diverse and harmonious growth of these 'twinkling' youth as they come together." The drama will premiere on September 25th at 8:50 PM KST.
