de HappySqueak, Novembro 13, 2016



The story begins with Yoon Kang’s Father, played by Choi Jae Sung, who's current mission is to capture the notorious ‘gunman’ who has been eluding him.


This dad is actually incredibly talented in combat but also in compassion.

When notable Scholars are being targeted and shot to death, things start to get intense. He moves his children to a good friend's home - which is where some light-hearted shenanigans begin between Yoon Kang (played by Lee Joon Gi) and female lead Soo In (played by Nam Sang Mi.)


But these sweet moments are short lived, as the action and drama begins to shake things up for our cast. Once he discovers her cross-dressing alter ego,  he ends up helping her with the delivery of an important and sought after book written by her teacher, who has since passed on.


While Yoon Kang might not be the So that you know and love from Scarlet Heart Ryeo, he's still great in this show as well. Here we get to see him dressed as a young nobleman who starts out charming, a little misguided, and innocent, yet his character is going to face tragic difficulties that push growth upon his character. 



Upon a twist and turn of events where his father is blamed by corrupt politicians for treason, his family is torn apart. Not to mention the ‘gunman’ is now out to kill him. With a parting gift from Soo In, Yoon Kang is shot by the gunman while trying to escape on a small boat. He luckily survives due to the bullet being blocked by the compass gift from Soo and is rescued by a group on their way to Japan.


And then the adventure really begins!

Insert a time jump here, along with a makeover, a hair cut to conceal his identity and some glasses.


Yoon Kang returns to Korea in order to search for his sister and take his revenge under the disguise of being the Japanese Merchant, Hasego Hanjo. He also has some new trusty sidekicks!


But he must deny his former name in order to protect those he loves and not be discovered by his enemies.


With twists and turns, the Joseon Gunman is definitely worth a ‘shot’

