Cast: Seo Ji Hye plays Juha as the fiance of the son who ultimately betrays her trust for the other girl. I hated this guy so much - he was extremely SELFISH. He only thought about himself and his wants - he cared nothing about disregarding all the hurt he threw onto others by his actions. I hated his interest in the lead girl and did not ship it at all. If he was to be with anyone IMO he should be with his fiance.
Kim Joo Seung (RIP) as Harok our main leads first love (and who I like to think of as her only TRUE love) - I loved his character and absolutely shipped them together from beginning to end - reason why I watched a little more after episode 8 was b/c I enjoyed his scenes with Soryung ^_^
Kim Hyo Jin as Soryung (Jae Hee) was frozen for 25yrs b/c her father wanted to save her (ultimately this plan was a horrible idea b/c it played with fate and her life). I did not like her early in the drama when she had "memory loss" and her liking of Harok's son happened - I was super irritated by her and wanted to shake her and make her wake up - finally she did thank goodness and I could like her a little by then - but not completely b/c she didn't seem to grasp the hurt she caused another woman b/c of her actions. I loved her with Harok and hated her with Minjae.
Kim Nam Jin as Minjae - an extremely selfish and self-centered jerk who only cared about his own feelings - he seemed to think he was entitled to this despite what he promised others - such an ass -_- I never liked him in this drama - he went with the wrong girl when he should have remained with the girl who had stood by his side all those years.
The music was AMAZING!!! I absolutely LOVED every single song (of course I've heard the soundtrack long before I watched this drama b/c I'm a huge fan of Drama OSTs) hehe But the music won't disappoint if you love romantic ballads ^_^
I will never re-watch this drama and I don't think it's worth re-watching either - as I said I only watched it b/c Seo Ji Hye is in it - and ended up liking her character and Harok & Soryung's love story. That's it.
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