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***DISCLAIMER: THIS IS JUST MY OPINION ON THE ENTIRE SEASON YOU DON'T HAVE TO AGREE AND I'M NOT HERE TO ARGUE WITH ANYONE.***My comment section is not safe for Sian and Junseo fans or sympathizers. I will probably call out everyone and you might not like what I have to say. To protect your peace I suggest you just keep scrolling because I am not be going to go back and forth with anyone over this show.
I really thought Single’s Inferno 3 was the worst season yet, but Single’s Inferno 4 somehow managed to be even worse. A predictable, uninspired mess that revolved around one contestant—Sian—and her never-ending harem of men chasing after her like lost puppies. The show stopped being about romance and connection and instead turned into a glorified dating sim where Sian held all the cards, leading on multiple men only to predictably choose the red flag in the end.
The worst part? It wasn’t just the cast that made this season unbearable. The editing, production, and overall pacing were awful. Netflix completely fumbled what made Single’s Inferno work in the first place—an organic blend of romance, drama, and character development. Instead, we got shallow interactions, choppy editing, and emotional moments ruined by horrible music choices. They even changed the iconic opening song, and for what? Sorry but “SAY YES” will forever be the best… this new theme song didn’t do anything. Every time a moment could have been impactful, the editing undercut it. There was no buildup, no emotional investment, just scene after scene of surface-level connections that felt hollow.
And then there’s the predictability. This was yet another season where the entire cast revolved around one person, and by the finale, three men were standing there, waiting for Sian’s decision like it was the final boss battle of a romance RPG. The same thing happened in Single’s Inferno 3 with Gwanhee, and I’ve had enough. It’s lazy. It’s boring. It’s exhausting. We get it—people like the thrill of competition, but if every season is going to end with the entire cast worshipping one contestant, what’s the point?
Now let's get into everything that went wrong...
From the moment Sian stepped into Inferno, she took over the entire season. It quickly became clear that every guy would orbit around her while the other girls were left struggling for screen time. This isn’t even about jealousy or whether she was “too popular”—the issue is that it made for bad television. There was no balance, no real competition, and no variety in storylines.
Sian herself? She drove me nuts. She kept insisting that she wanted a man who was thoughtful, kind, and vocal about his love—yet none of her choices reflected that. Who was she trying to fool? She wasn’t drawn to stability or sincerity. She wanted toxicity. She wanted the thrill of push-and-pull, which is why she clung to Jun Seo despite him being emotionally unavailable and a walking red flag.
She gaslit herself into thinking she wanted a sweet, considerate guy, but deep down, she craved an “alpha male” type. That’s why she played mind games with Theo and Jeong Su, leading them on for days before ultimately settling for the worst option.
Like many have said before, she treats men like Pokémon, collecting them for the thrill of it but never truly valuing them. The better men—Theo and Jeong Su—were strung along only to be discarded at the last minute.
And the worst part? Her indecision and selfishness meant no other female contestant got a real chance. Though I want to believe it's their choice not hers... there's no way the other men didn't want to get to know anyone else. I feel this season was written after the script, and the producers pushed the candidates in the direction they wanted to achieve the desired outcome.
What made Single’s Inferno great in earlier seasons was its ability to pull viewers into the romance through music and editing. Remember the soft, sentimental background tracks? The perfectly timed instrumentals that made every confession feel weighty? All of that was gone.
The music choices this season were horrible. At times, they felt out of place, almost like they were taken from a generic reality show rather than a romance-focused dating program. It stripped away any emotional connection I might’ve felt.
And the editing? A disaster. Scenes were choppy, emotional beats were cut short, and crucial interactions were often rushed or left out entirely. At one point, we were getting random reaction shots from the hosts instead of seeing actual conversations unfold.
For example, they completely cut the scene where Dong Ho called Arin “chagi” (honey/dear), which would’ve made it clear he was never swayed by Hae Lin. Instead, they edited it to seem like he was conflicted, when in reality, he was always set on Arin.
Why are key moments being left out in favor of manufactured drama?
Oh, right. Because Netflix took over production...
This is where I need to rant. Season 1 and 2 were produced by JTBC, and the difference in quality was glaring. JTBC focused on love, friendships, and genuine emotions. Netflix? They just want toxic drama.
Seasons 3 and 4 had this overproduced, almost scripted feel that sucked the soul out of the show. Conversations felt more forced, editing choices felt more manipulative, and the cast interactions seemed heavily controlled to push certain narratives.
For example, I know some of the guys were told to create fake tension in the final episode. Junseo walking past Minseol like he was going to pick her? Jong Hoon walking past Hye Jin only to turn back? That wasn’t natural. That was producer interference to create a moment of “shock” that nobody bought into.
It’s lazy, it’s transparent, and it makes the show worse.
There were so many great contestants who got zero chances because of the production’s obsession with Sian.
Sian herself was frustrating beyond belief. She treated men like playthings, keeping Jeong Su and Theo on the hook while clearly being drawn to Jun Seo’s bad boy persona. She knew she was going to choose Jun Seo. Everyone knew. And yet, she kept leading Jeong Su and Theo on, acting like she was confused when in reality, she just enjoyed the attention. She thrives on chaos and emotional tug-of-war, and she got exactly what she wanted—men fighting over her while she played the victim.
Jeong Su, for all his initial coldness, actually turned out to be one of the more sincere contestants. When he finally let his guard down, it was heartbreaking to watch because, by that point, it was too late. Sian had already set her sights on Juns Seo, and no amount of sincerity was going to change that. Theo, on the other hand, deserved so much better. The fact that he still chose Sian at the end, despite everything, was hard to watch. He stayed true to his emotions, but for what? She never truly considered him a serious option.
Jun Seo, of course, was performative to the end. The way he strutted very near to Min Seol like he was about to pick her, only to continue walking and choose Sian, was disgusting. It felt producer-driven, especially since Jong Hoon did the exact same thing to Hye Jin. These fake-out moments didn’t add drama—they just made the guys look like clowns.
Then there was Tae Hwan, who had no excuse for his nonsense. When Ji Yeon confronted him about his earlier statement that he wanted to stay single, he tried to worm his way out of it with weak justifications about hoping someone would change his mind. But that’s not what he said when they were in paradise. He knew Ji Yeon’s dream was to get married and have a family, yet he clearly didn’t care. In the end, Ji Yeon still left with him, but it was obvious she didn’t really have another option. He looked almost nervous, like his ego was bruised by the idea that she might reject him.
As for the other women, they were done so dirty. Imo You Jin was hands down the best girl in the entire inferno. I like her bright personality and how she’s able to make everyone feel at ease / comfortable and light up an entire room. It’s just too bad she wasted her first couple days on Jun Seo. If she had more time in the inferno plus more time to talk to the other men, I’m sure she would have turned more heads. Her choosing Jeong Su in the end was sweet, but it was hard to get invested when we barely saw them interact.
Hae Lin, the wildcard / game changer, had a similar same problem. She was initially interesting, but coming in on day 5 basically ruined her chances. I feel bad that the men initially hyped her up so much only to basically ignore her or decide she wasn’t worth giving a chance or their time. The wild card contestants always get screwed over just like Minji last season and it pisses me off to no end.
Dong Ho and Arin were maybe the only couple I wasn’t upset at. They at least had some form of connection. The show tried to make it seem like he was wavering, but in reality, he was set on her from the beginning. Their paradise date confirmed that, especially since they worked in the same industry and lived in the same neighborhood. Arin calling it fate was a little sappy, but it was cute, I guess.
Hye Jin and Dong Ho were a pity couple. They only decided to end together because there was no one else. I’m sorry but I genuinely didn’t feel like there were any sparks between them. They seem to have an ok to mid rapport and are cordial with one another but to me it seemed like Hye Jin was just quicker than the other girls when it came to getting his attention after he got rejected by Sian.
By the time we reached the finale, everything was painfully predictable and anticlimactic.
• Sian picked Jun Seo. Obviously. She wanted her “whirlwind” romance, even though he’s the least stable choice.
• Theo stayed loyal to his emotions. He deserved better.
• Dong Ho stayed true to his feelings for Arin but I still felt like production did Hae Lin dirty, typical whenever they bring in a wildcard.
• Jeong Su poured his heart out, but it was too late. I actually felt bad for him.
• Hye Jin got done dirty at the last minute. Jong Hoon’s little fake-out move was unnecessary af.
• Ji Yeon settled for Tae Hwan. Even though she knew he didn’t want a serious relationship. We needed Dex in the inferno!
Nothing felt satisfying. The entire structure of “three people chasing one person” is overplayed.
Netflix needs to take notes from the first two seasons, which were produced by JTBC. The difference is night and day. JTBC focused on love, friendship, and organic relationships, while Netflix is obsessed with toxic drama. That’s why the last two seasons have felt so off. The production quality has tanked, the editing is disjointed, and the emotional depth is completely missing. Instead of real connections, we get fake love triangles, forced drama, and empty relationships that don’t last beyond the finale.
And don’t even get me started on the final choosing ceremony. They need to do something else, having everyone spread out over the island waiting for the men to walk to the woman of their choosing is beyond ridiculous. I also wish contestants could choose themselves because girls like Ji Yeon and Hye Jin got the short end of the stick in that regard. Morevover, watching the leftover contestants stand there awkwardly after not being chosen was depressing. They should let them change their minds and couple up with whoever’s left. It would be way more satisfying than watching them stand there awkwardly while the camera panned out.
Couples —
• Dong Ho x Arin
• Sian x Junseo
• Jong Hoon x Hye Jin
• Ji Yeon x Tae Hwan
Singles (+ their choice) —
• Theo → Sian
• Jeong Su → Sian
• Hae Lin → Dong Ho
• Hye Jin → Jeong Su
Single’s Inferno 4 was an absolute waste of time. The production was sloppy, the cast was forgettable (except for Sian and her harem, unfortunately), and the season was so predictable that I almost regret watching it. The emotional depth that made the earlier seasons interesting is completely gone, replaced with surface-level connections and producer-driven nonsense.
I used to love this show because it gave me a mix of romance, friendships, and unexpected pairings. Now, it’s a tired, predictable mess where one person dominates the narrative while everyone else fades into the background.
The editing sucked.
The music sucked.
The cast felt wasted.
And Sian’s harem was the least interesting part of the show and ruined it for me.
I never thought I’d say this, but Season 3 wasn’t even this bad. At least that season had multiple storylines going on.
Would I recommend Season 4? Absolutely not! It’s completely skippable. I feel like it’s generous to even give this a 1/10. My rating doesn’t even reflect how I truly feel because I’d give this a 0 if I could.
Initially, I considered a 2/10 solely for Theo and Youjin, but even they couldn’t salvage this mess. Those two were the only redeeming qualities of an otherwise atrocious season. They deserved so much better than to be wasted on this trainwreck of a show.
Netflix needs to hand this show back to JTBC before they ruin it for good.
At the very least, I hope Netflix realizes that the one person with multiple suitors storyline has been done to death. It’s lazy and boring. I can't believe they are getting a S5 after this disaster of a season. Honestly, they need to pack it up! Like are they seriously not going to switch things up for S5? The same stale format is getting old. How about some actual eliminations to shake things up? And can we please make the contestants put in some effort to get to know each other? It's infuriating to watch the guys sit around all day, waiting for the women to do all the work.
And bring back the rule about not picking the same person for Paradise twice in a row! It's ridiculous that people can just fixate on one contestant (*cough* Sian, Gwanhee, Seulki and Jia *cough*) This season You Jin, Hae Lin, and Hye Jin were totally robbed of their chances / potential because everyone was too busy fawning over Sian. And don't even get me started on how Sian got to pick Jun Seo after spending time with him in Paradise the day before. I think 10 days in paradise is too short to actually fall in love, it's all a hoax, it's all for PR and I don't believe any of these couples will last. Four years has been long enough. I'm so done with this mess of a show – it's time for me to find a new guilty pleasure!
Just because I hated it doesn’t mean you will. You have to watch it and see for yourself, but truthfully if you are a S1 or S2 enjoyer this season is nothing in comparison. It's just as annoying as season 3, but it's somehow worse because Gwan Hee maintained his ignorance throughout but Sian and Jun Seo were very aware of what they were doing. In my opinion you aren’t missing out if you decided not to watch and you’d probably get the gist from Tiktoks / edits on YouTube.
Anyway, good luck but don't say I didn't warn you...
Thanks for reading!
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The panelists were the only saving grace!
I have seen all the previous seasons so got a bit used to the show. Many areas felt same so it didn't interest me that much. However I feel even if I had watched it for the first time, I wouldn't have enjoyed it because it was too boring.The couple lacked lustre and conversations were boring. The games were same from the previous seasons so no surprise there.
The contestants were okay-ish. As one can read on any review and the same applies to me as well that it felt they focused too much on Sian love interests. The girl prepared for the show and deserved to win it but it wasn't that exciting. I skipped her many scenes because it was evident she was doing it for the show. No judgements just got 0 entertainment watching it. Liked Ji-yeon and Min-seol for some parts but again lost interest.
The only parts i enjoyed were the panelist's commentary on the situation!
My recommendation- watch s1 or s2 if you haven't. Overall a complete skip~
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Lackluster planning made it go downhill pretty fast.
Starting with some facts - Sian should have been the wild card catfish and join the cast later instead of Hae Rin. She has more of the presence to stir some "trouble" and her indecisiveness would work better if other contestants had time to get to know each other before she showed up. But with how the casting and editing went - it was Si An as the main characters, and some cast members were not even supporting roles, but rather guests.The whole two inferos and how some people met first the first time after 2 days on 10 days trip was also weird choice. First impression is important and it was hard to follow who clicked well with whom, when most of them did not even interact at all.
Now that I think about it, the episodes should be split a bit differently. Nothing really that interesting happens in first 1-4 days, put that all in 2 episodes, and with each passing day, make the number of episodes longer. It takes a few days to everyone to create connection,s and that's when the fun starts. That's what most viewers what to see.
At the end of the day, this season was just boring. People were either 100% into one person, or not really interested in anyone. Little to no excitement. Dong Ho and Arin or the win tho. They were two most normal, but also fun to watch people from the whole show.
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Looks aren’t everything
Single’s Inferno is proof that just being skinny/strong and beautiful/handsome isn’t everything.Si An really might be the most beautiful woman from season 4 (although I personally would have chased Ji yeon), however this season shows that the most beautiful people are also the most toxic at the same time…
Jun Seo too! from his looks he was soooo my type and at the beginning I thought he was really funny and cute. And then seeing how he evolved into this a**hole, getting drunk and being touchy with Si An in bed 🤯🤯🤯
From the guys, Teo was the only proper guy!!! i wish him and Youjin would have started dating!!! they would have been the perfect couple!!!!
Well, yet another disappointing singles inferno season! season 2 was the best one so far i think!
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The Inferno ran out of fuel
This season of Single's Inferno was a whole mess, and if I had to sum it up in eight words, it'd be: Tarzan & Jane: A Dumpster Fire in Hell. The show's attempts at forcing drama and romance were cringeworthy, and the cast was just...meh. The whole thing was a skippable snooze-fest and that’s putting it lightly. Netflix has officially driven Single’s Inferno into the ground, and Season 4 is the flaming wreckage. What started as a mildly entertaining dating show has devolved into a predictable, lazy mess where one contestant hoards all the attention while everyone else fades into irrelevance.This season’s culprit? Sian, the show’s leading lady, who spent ten episodes collecting male validation like Infinity Stones, culminating in a finale where three men lined up to get their hearts stomped on for the privilege of losing to Junseo—the human embodiment of the Cart Titan.
Let’s talk about Junseo. Every interaction was a performance, from the unnecessary back-and-forth with Minseol (as if he’d ever pick her) to the grand finale where he slung Sian over his shoulder like he was Tarzan reclaiming Jane. His entire existence was exhausting, yet somehow, Sian was enthralled. She didn’t want stability, sincerity, or basic respect…. hell no, she wanted someone who’d play mind games with her for ten episodes straight. And she got exactly that.
Meanwhile, the actual interesting contestants: You Jin, Hae Lin, and Min Seol barely got any fucking screen time because the producers were too busy shoving ‘the Sian show’ down our throats. The editing was trash, the pacing was horrific, and it was obvious Netflix has no idea what the hell they were doing. Instead of genuine connections, we got the same old and haggard love triangle formula dragged out like a bad K-drama. The way they were expected to choose people based on looks alone and like a 5 minute conversation pissed me off.
The best part of S4 was Theo, the greenest flag of all the guys and You Jin, the most bubby down to earth girl from the women. They are the reason why I’m giving this show 2 stars because they at least gave me something to look forward to and had me rooting for them even though both were so overlooked.
Lowkey, this season's panel was better than the others, but Dex needed to ditch them and get back to the inferno immediately! Ji Yeon deserved better than what she got like it was so obvious her and Tae Hwan were not compatible. I honestly would’ve liked it more if she turned him down at the end. And, tbh, the wild card men should've all stayed - what was the point of that whole thing, anyway? Jonghoon was hella bland and much too relaxed for my liking. Bro was just there for free vacation like Habin from season 3. He literally put in zero effort, and that "relationship" with Hyejin? Forced, fake, and chemless. Same energy with Jiyeon and Taehwan - I called it from day one, they had zero sparks.
This season was TRASH, and the fact they're making a S5?! HELL NO!!!! WE DO NOT WANT IT!!!!
At this point, it’s clear the show is beyond saving unless they bring in regular people instead of these performative plastic diva’s and lazy ass men. Bro the way they need men who actually try instead of them sitting around waiting for women to chase them. Like, I could try to understand if these men thought they were some prize or were super fine, but that wasn’t the case this season. They were all so unbelievably MID. The most decent looking guy to me was honestly Theo or Dongho. Every single one of them was mid compared to the Season 1 and Season 2 cast. It’s safe to say Single’s Inferno’s flame has officially burnt out.
This franchise needs to die expeditiously!
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Too predictable!!!
I didn’t enjoyed this season’s format !! Guys and Girls in separate infernos was not a good idea! Because contestants picked solely on basis of looks and first impressions rather than a connection or little conversation! Atleast in the past 3 seasons they got to chat with each other a bit before choosing. Hence half of the girls were left with no option.I have noticed couple with no chemistry and compatibility still choose each other at the end !!! Like why won’t anyone break the cycle! I was expecting jiyeon will break this pattern by rejecting teahwan! But she didn’t unfortunately!! Also if a contestant is already rejected why they can’t just leave alone without having to stand in front of the person and get rejected again!! I really hated seeing Theo in front of sian at the end!!
Also I hated the portrayal of one girl as the main character and final price !!! At first I thought people are critiquing the directors for nothing but i actually noticed how every episode revolved around her and the guys who showed interest in her! More than half episode focused on one contestant only.
Sian turned from being my favourite female contest to my least favourite!! She went way too far with exploring her options especially after her fate with Junseo.THAT SHOULD'VE BEEN IT ! but she still had a lovey dovey date with jeongsu in the end.. That made me sympathize with jeongsu. Like I get it feelings change and preferences change as well but they can’t change every day !! Hence the only thing that makes sense is that she loves attention and want it from every guy!
Youjin is too good for this show!! I thought she was a player in the beginning but she the most authentic one. But she needed to be more active and follow her heart. She got too lazy in the middle.
Hyejin, Minseol and Jiyeon were too fun to watch . I enjoyed their conversations and bond. I feel bad for hae-rin, wild card contestants are always left alone.
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Just plain : the overall show felt totally empty
I'm disappointed by this 4th season of Single's Inferno. Compared to previous season, the novelty factor is not there anymore and the storylines lack excitement and romance. The paradise dates felt even worse than before and except for one or two fun challenges, the overall season felt very empty and plain. There was no suspense, with an ultra-predictable ending with unfortunately no couple I was rooting for, except one that I found very cute. Some couples formed felt very fake, almost like choosing each other by default, to not finish the show alone...The panel is the saving grace of the show. I honestly wanted to see more of their reaction as they were filling the void despite the lackluster and uneventful season. The cast might be lacking some variety, except one or two people, it seems that it is mostly become a show for public appearance and building some influence rather than sincere try at romance. The wild cards were not exciting enough to the point that I am truly thinking that there is no use to have extra people coming into the adventure.
In terms of production value, I think that Inferno is much nicer than Paradise. The dates in the city hotels are really an error : they hold nothing compared to the charm of the island and I don't see the point of being in closed doors at a bar for a "reward" rather than on a beach watching the sunset...They really need to work on this aspect and to make dates in paradise really heavenly and swoony, and their stays in Inferno really be hell !!! The long make-up session and change of clothes in Inferno make no sense...The cast need to have more challenging time on Inferno, in order to bond and to make the fact of going in Paradise much nicer.
I would not recommend this season to people as it was really lackluster. The best cast member had little screen time overall and most of the romances lacked sincerity. I'm not saying that participants should only have pure intention and cannot be there for clout...But there should be at least some sincere romance (with sufficient screentime) for me to really get onboard. Here, at the end, only one couple convinced me and I wish the show would have been even more focus on them. I still will watch a 5th season because it is nice to be able to watch that kind of show when airing to discuss it with people. With the panel comments, that honestly became the best part of the watching experience.
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I don’t wanna take dating reality shows that seriously but somehow i got too absorbed in it. I had love-hate relationship with some contestants and for others, I couldn’t care less!! Firstly, I know all contestants can’t be equally interesting or active but I feel like some had no personality at all! I wondered what they are doing in a reality show!! Tae-hwan and joon-hoon were most inactive among guys!! Dongho would’ve been inactive too if it weren’t for 3 girls chasing him!! So basically my point is that girls were more interesting than the boys!! Casting could’ve been a lot better!! Variety is important but some contestants have nothing to offer.
Secondly, I missed how in earlier seasons contestants use to cook together and draw water from well. It gave opportunity to interact and bond. Now they just fly directly to paradise!! Too easy and convenient.
Finally, the main reason people are unhappy with this season! Sian!!She acted the same with all guys she was interested in, whether it be Jeongsu, Theo or junseo!! When she went on a date with Theo, she was all smiles, called him handsome and held hands with him. Same with jeongsu, she kept calling him handsome and keep looking into his eyes, getting jealous and all. And finally same with Junseo!! That’s why it didn’t gave us butterflies when she choose junseo bcz she was soo unsure till the end. Her emotions didn’t seem genuine or it was hard to tell which ones were real. At times I was convinced she was into jeongsu but then I couldn’t tell any more. She played us all.
Jeongsu and youjin, the most misunderstood contestants and had the most crazy journey. they both start getting hate at the same time( the campfire scene) but they both proved them smto be genuine in the end . I enjoyed their date the most.
Junseo, I liked him in the beginning but not after how he treated youjin.. I realised this guy is not nice. Can’t believe Sian fell for him out of all. Anyhow I am still bitter about the finale and final couples. (Just Sian and junseo)
Taehwan and jiyeon also seem off togather but can’t believe still ended up togather. She should’ve dumped him.
MinSeol and Youjin were soo fun to watch. They deserved better guys..
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amo a los red flags: la temporada
arin y dongho salvaron la temporada!! aunque decepcionada de que casi no tuvieran tiempo de pantalla porque los productores estaban aferrados a el triángulo amoroso de sian que realmente a nadie le importaba.ojalá en la temporada 5 traigan a personas con distintas personalidades y atractivos para intentar cambiar algo y que no se vuelva tan monótono.
͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏
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This season was honestly disappointing...I was bored the entire time, not even joking. Junseo was pissing me off constantly. Sian, had way to much screentime, she always went to paradise. Next season, they need a limit. It wasn’t even interesting when she went, and I ended up skipping most of it.
Jeongsu was a walking red flag. I liked him at first, but he could’ve been more firm when turning down girls. Instead, he gave mixed signals, which made the whole situation more frustrating to watch.
Taehwan is very self centered but I think he could improve idk
As much as I love Theo, he really should have just given up. Sian did reject him but he still chose her in the finale, like what
On the brighter side, Jiyeon was an absolute baddie. I love how she was never mean to Youjin, and she handled herself with grace the entire time. And by the way, the whole swing situation was so hypocritical. When Youjin did it, it was “weird,” but when Sian did it, she was just “having fun”? HUHHHH. The double standards were insane.
Felt bad when Minseol started crying ngl but don't cry for the cart titan
Overall, this season was underwhelming, and I expected way more—especially since Season 3 was amazing. The pacing, cast dynamics, and even the drama felt off. Personally, Season 3 remains unmatched and is still my favorite.
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Documentário de Si-an?
Assisti ele com tanta esperança de que tudo podia mudar, mas no final não queria ter dado a chance final pra ele.O programa foi totalmente focado no dilema de Lee Si-an, 3 dos rapazes ficaram encantados por ela, ela teve a chance de ir ao Paraíso todas as vezes, então teve tempo de conhecer ele. Dessas opções de homens ela escolhe o mais questionáveis, um homem ríspido, meio mal-educado.
Senti falta de ver o desenvolvimento dos outros casais, como eles começaram a se gostar? Quando eles tiveram tempo para conversar? Ficaram esses questionamentos.
Espero que a próxima temporada volte a ser como as outras e não foque totalmente em um único participante.
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imo the most consistently mid season so far.
Looking back at the whole season, I think I was entertained enough through all of the scenes except Jeong-Su's. The problem with this is that this season didn't get the peaks that the previous seasons had -- especially from seasons 1 and 2.There were a lot of things that disappointed me this season. The casting was probably the biggest problem this season, the male cast were particularly bad. The games, the format of going to paradise, and inferno itself sucked. Instead of talking about the bad things this season, I'll list down things that they need to do for the next:
- They should choose the cast more carefully with specific intentions
(types of cast needed):
- The "IT Girl": There's always one in each season. A girl that would get 2-3 men choosing her in the end. This contestant's
background doesn't matter too much.
- A pure and innocent girl: A girl that's similar to Season 1's Shin Ji Yeon.
- A funny and reliable one-woman guy: Someone that would take Season 1's Moon Se Hoon. It would be nice if this guy likes
the pure and innocent girl and gets her in the end. Note that I am not mentioning Season 2's Jong Woo; I don't want an
unimpressive, no aura, cry baby simp in any season ever.
- A smart korean-american girl: someone like Season 2's Nadine please. Someone with an impressive background that
would feel untouchable for mere peasants.
- A darker skinned girl (for korean standards): Someone like Season 4's Jiyeon. They usually don't get much love in the show,
that's why...
- A korean-american guy: an expressive, freedom loving guy that has a preference for darker skinned girls.
- A guy that looks like has a professional job: Someone like Season 2's Youngjae and and Season 4's Dongho.
- A funny mood-maker guy: Someone that lighten ups the mood.
- An entertaining red-flag guy: Someone like Season 3's Gwanhee
- The male game-changer: This is probably the hardest to cast. They need someone like Dex, a person with immense
charisma and impact in the show
- The rest of the girls just need to be pretty and entertaining.
(we need more non-model contestants. this season pretty much had a modeling cast)
- They should bring back the old Inferno. Cooking their own meals together, fetching water, tents, etc.
- Maybe change the season they film. Seems like they film during summer season, it would maybe be refreshing if they filmed during a season where it rained more.
- They should naturally orchestrate scenes that would go viral. Scenes like Season 2's Dex and Seulki's pool scene would be nice if they happened again.
- It's nice that we're getting more funny and light scenes, but we need more tension filled scenes. Dex totally filled season 2 with tension, and we need to get that feeling back; the feeling of holding your breath.
- Make Paradise trips less frequent and harder to earn. This is not Single's Paradise. Make Paradise feel more special, not just another weekend.
- Games need to be more physical and feel more important. A perfect example would be Season 2's mud wrestling.
- It would be refreshing to also have games of luck. Games where only luck matters. This doesn't have to be for a trip to paradise, it can be simple things.
- Wouldn't it be nice if the panel were more involved in the show. Somehow integrate them to the show itself. Maybe they could be counsellors, or maybe they can give special privileges to the contestants. Whatever it is, they could maybe make the show more interesting.
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