2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 4, 2024
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 8.5
Voltar a ver 5.0

Mixed feelings

I went in to this with high expectations, lots of people hyping this up and putting it up there with some iconic kbls such as Eighth Sense. While there is some good to this show, I was wholeheartedly dissapointed and dissatisfied with the whole of the show after i had finished it. The plot? interesting to a degree. The acting? pretty good tbh. The pacing and writing? could be a lot better. Also theres just some weird stuff in this show; the side couple being bully x victim not handled in a great way? Taeyi basically assaulting Seheon? yeah this is not a show i will come back to. Cool concept, love the arts school setting and how they all play instruments, poor execution. Its 2024 people, lets leave poorly handled abuse in the past shall we

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2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 5, 2024
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 5.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 2.0

Major Whiplash

I wonder if my opinion of this drama would change if I had read the comic prior to watching. Coming into it blind the series suffers from major issues in pacing, character development and plot holes. They don't do an adequate job of providing context and showing a transition between being enemies and being lovers, and the natural tension of the leads having underlying chemistry even when they hate each other. This left me feeling major whiplash as the characters transitions between being cold and hot and cold and hot again. The characters were out there having 180 personality changes every 30 second and everything they do feels random and out of the blue.

Taeyi being so physically aggressive really turned me off of the character. Nor did I understand Seheon's motivation for putting up with him, much less why he even liked him as I felt no chemistry between the actors. Jooha's stunts gave the major ick, leaving Doyoon the only likeable character for me. At least he was self aware that he has bad tastes in men. The twist at the end, also felt majorly rushed, and Seheon's reaction to it didn't make any sense to me.

I do like the premise and overall plot of the series. Could have been a winner for me with a better script, editing and directional choices. This may be one of those series you need to supplement with the source material to fill in the gaps, because it didn't work for me as a standalone.

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Abr 15, 2024
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 3.0
História 4.0
Acting/Cast 4.0
Musical 4.0
Voltar a ver 1.0

Not enough screentime for interesting elements + subpar acting: underwhelming overall

This BL series is centred around the encounter of two high school music students as they met and develop conflicting feelings for each other in the midst of their common interest / link with jazz music. Honestly, I'm not the biggest connoisseur of jazz music but I decided to give this drama a shot anyway. Unfortunately, this show missed the marks on many aspects in my opinion.

Story-wise, it was super disappointing...I have the feeling that the most interesting part of the drama was not given enough screentime. There was a nugget of information regarding a specific relationship toward the end of the series but it was clearly not enough...I also had some issue with how the main and the secondary relationship evolved. All the heavy lifting were done (for both couples) mainly by one of the character and the evolution felt too abrupt to be believable. There was also on the last episode a "noble idiocy" move that makes no sense at all and just frustrated me a bit more...

Acting-wise, the actors were too bland. The scenario had some quite angsty moments as well as toxic scenes between the characters...Nothing against that, it can be entertaining and it is all fiction, so I'm not looking for always all green flags characters...But in order for it to work for me, it requires for actors to be emoting so much more than what was the case here. They needed to pour much more passion into the acting in order to make the chemistry much more exciting. The best performance on the series was Song Han Gyeom as Seo Do Yoon and I wish his character had been even more central to the story as it was my favorite.

Production-wise, it felt a bit cheap which is not really an issue for a school series. Here the main default is relating to the music scenes and soundtrack. The couple of pop songs that were used as opening and ending songs were okay to me but all the scenes were the actors were playing instruments felt totally unrealistic. The songs / tunes they used as playback for the music sequences were not really matching and it looked quite fake overall. A bit of a shame when the plot is focusing so much on music.

I would not recommend this to people as there are better BL in high school out there. There are a few moments that are cute (mainly relating to the friendship building between two characters rather than the romantic relationships), as well as some elements that could have been super interesting if more developed and better acted. However, the numerous flaws in terms of scenario, acting and production (especially of the music scenes) make it a series that I would not recommend.

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Mai 20, 2024
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.5
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Very well done all around.

I thoroughly enjoyed this series and everything about it: the story, the acting, the pacing, the directing. It all came together really well to create another great series to add to the growing Korean BL lineup.

The series begins with an insight to where the story is headed then we go back in time to tell the story of how we ended up there. By the time we catch up, there's still more story to come (including one of the best plot twists I've seen).

This series could have really benefitted from a couple more episodes, just because the story was that good and it deserved more ironing out. That's my main issue with KBL series; they are always so short. Sometimes it's good when the story is less involved and doesn't need all the extra filler. But when they are working with a more complex theme or multiple storylines intertwined, they really deserve a bit more time to have it come together better.

I think this series did a decent job with tying together all the loose ends though just a tiny more explanation or conclusion in some areas could have made this series perfect.

This could have been a 10 from me if they didn't use my most HATED trope ever.. The "I don't love you" excuse for breaking up instead of being honest about what was going on in their heads. I can't remember which series I wrote it in but one of the reviews I did for a series that used that, I said that there's no coming back from a claim like that and it's just as true here. Thank goodness the very next scene is someone stepping in and the couple clears the air and reconciles not even two minutes later so the unnecessary angst didn't linger.

The only other complaints I have for this series is that I wish the "side couple" (if you could call them that) didn't really end up together although they were back to being friends. But the senior kind of allowed his internal homophobia to win which is really unfortunate. It would be great to see a side story or even spin off series that explores their relationship more as I still think they had (have?) a lot of potential.

I wish there was a little more resolution with the father though I get that there were time constraints to fit in the main storyline. They needed to have a serious conversation. The dad get's told off once and he's suddenly a changed man? I highly doubt it. But I just took it to mean it would be a work in progress and that they would eventually come to an understanding, even if we don't see it.

Speaking of things we don't see... I love when a plot twist comes completely out of left field and I don't see it coming while it still fits in seamlessly with the story. I could see people saying there were too many coincidences but I think it was pretty poetic when the truths came to light. (I'm trying really hard not to give it away so I'll stop talking about it now.)

But yeah, I definitely recommend this series. It was full of heart, great storytelling and had a mixture of funny and serious moments that blended well together. The music was a nice change of pace too, giving a fresh spin on a classic formula.

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 2, 2024
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
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Um BL apaixonante, mas cheio de furos

Desde o primeiro episódio eu simplesmente amei Jazz for Two. É uma série super bem produzida, com uma fotografia bonita, uma trilha sonora deliciosa e um elenco extremamente talentoso. A história era muito promissora e trazia personagens complexos e uma trama bem densa, mas apaixonante.

A personalidade indiferente e fria do Taeyi, a inocência do Seheon e o carisma de milhões do Doyoon (um dos melhores personagens que eu já vi) conseguiram carregar essa história com maestria e muita química.

Porém, apesar de ter amado essa série, é triste perceber o quanto o roteiro sofreu muito com falta de tempo ou talvez uma narrativa mais objetiva na hora de adaptar a história. Muitos dos arcos da série são completamente abandonados ou ignorados como: a briga e a cobrança do pai do Seheon, o casal secundário que não recebe qualquer tempo de tela, a reação super violenta do Taeyi quando é beijado (e principalmente a facilidade com a qual ele é perdoado), a "rendenção do Jooha (que é um personagem muito mal desenvolvido) e o maior e mais grave de todos, o plot twist no final sobre Taejoon e Sejin.

E o problema que eu tenho aqui é que essa revelação é completamente desnecessária para a história. É uma trama repetitiva (porque a mesma coisa acontece com o Taeyi e o Seheon), em momento algum da série há qualquer indicio sobre isso (então a relevação acontece do nada) e não tem impacto nenhum na narrativa. A falta de reação do Taeyi ao descobrir sobre só prova que não havia a menor necessidade de inserir esse arco na trama.

Eu também sinto falta de ter uma cena do Taeyi falando sobre o seu irmão e o que aconteceu com ele. Eu fiquei esperando pelo momento em que ele iria se abrir com o Seheon e o Doyoon, mas isso nunca acontece. Inclusive toda a mudança dele sendo frio e distante para sorridente e apaixonado soa muito abrupta.

Apesar de tudo, ainda acho que é uma série incrível, extremamente sensível e com uma produção acima da média. Falha em querer abordar muita coisa em poucos episódios e acaba atropelando a trama, deixando inúmeros furos no roteiro. O elenco incrível, entretanto, consegue entregar um BL divertido e apaixonante.

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 3, 2024
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 6.0
História 3.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 6.5
Voltar a ver 5.5
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What even is going on rn

I have to give kudos to this series for being the first one to have a scene so disgusting I teared up lmao - but more on that later.
I'm tired so let's just get into it.

What I liked

- The acting is fine, it didn't take me out of the story for the most part. I think the main leads have decent chemistry, and the other couples (kind of) as well. It's watchable, enjoyable at times, super cute at others, you get what I mean. Kind of a rollercoaster, but not bad overall.
- You add domestic scenes to a series, you got me. Nothing else to add. It was so cute
- I like that they chose somewhat morally grey characters for this series, seeing how literally everyone had issues with internalized homophobia, violence or both. It's a bold choice, and I respect the team for that. And also, the emotional turmoil Tae Yi was going through after his brother's su*cide was an interesting premise.
- Some of the physical comedy is really well done. This series has some hilarious moments, I admit that
- The girl? Loved her. She was amazing and called her brother out for being a fucking idiot. She deserved better though, Tae Yi treated her like absolute shit and she was so nice.

What I didn't like

- First off, don't come for me with the "He's dealing with internalized homophobia, ofc he's going to be toxic" or even the "The show doesn't frame it as a good thing", because I've seen enough of it on TikTok and I'm so tired. I'm not mad about the main love interest (and every other man in the damn series) having this issue. Toxicity can be portrayed well on-screen, and it doesn't have to make a show worse. In this case, though, it's just handled terribly. I'm sorry, but where are the consequences?? Like at all?? Tae Yi does some God-awful things (if I need to name one, touching Seo Heon under his shirt while aggressively asking if that's what he likes, while saying he's not into it and that he's not a *girl* - I'm dedicating a separate bullet point to this one), and he doesn't really pay for them. In my humble opinion, he should have gotten his shit rocked more than once. The "bully" tries to rile Tae Yi up by essentially assaulting Seo Heon without his consent, and all he says is "I'm sorry"???? Yeah man I'm not buying it.
- Okay now THIS FUCKING SCENE. I. Am. Fuming. Maybe I'm just a crybaby lol but I had never been so appalled by a scene in a supposed romcom. Literally made my hairs stand on end. Like, the fear in Seo Heon's eyes?? Terrifying. I hated Tae Yi so much for that, and I didn't really get over it. What's worse is, the show tries to make you forget about it like ten minutes later?? As if he hadn't done THAT at all??? Like no, I'm not rooting for them to get back together, this man has slammed MC against a wall multiple times, bruised his wrist, screamed in his face, given him the cold shoulder - and now the shirt thing? Yeah no. Some scenes in previous episodes were cute but this man needs (more) therapy and a restraining order filed against him.
- Just. Every man is a red flag in this series. The bully IS a bully, and a hardcore one at that. He fucking kicks Doyoon until he bleeds, for God's sake!! And let's not forget the fake flirting and sexual harassment he put Seo Heon through just to get back at Tae Yi. He was fucking awful and I'm not going to pretend otherwise.
- The ending is just a mess. They rush to give the characters a happy ending when they don't deserve it, and it wouldn't have come naturally like that. It feels so forced. And the reveal? Like okay, the brothers were involved with each other, but why does that make Seo Heon break up with Tae Yi?? IN THE LAST EPISODE??? Do you see what I mean? There's no way that could've been done well in the span of one single (and the last) episode.

I am disappointed, especially because I really liked a couple of the episodes in this one. I'll be rewatching those because they were the cutest, most entertaining shit I've seen in months. But the rest? A mess.

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 9, 2024
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 7.0


I find this short series endearing. The story contains or/& mentions bullying, mental issues, homophobia, family issues, crammed within 8 episodes of 30m each episode. Having done this, there are some issues that were left unanswered or unsettled like the confrontation with the father, the vagueness of the 2nd CP's relationship, and the suicide of one of the characters. The series felt rushed to me, or I may be just wanting more.?‍♀️
If you are into jazz, you'll enjoy the pieces played here and the melding of pop and jazz towards the end.
I appreciate the production for a good wardrobe selections and not recycling for other scenes, scene set-up and props.
At first, I made a mistake that one of the main actor is the same one as 8 sense. This series has also same vibe as 8 Sense which I thoroughly enjoyed.
Recommend to any BL genre fans.

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 4, 2024
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 5.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 5.5

It was promising but then kept going downhill

I actually enjoyed the show at the beginning and the pacing. I also liked how I knew right away who were gonna be the couples, especially with Doyoon and Juha.

Part of me like the toxicity cause it caused for very thrilling moments but I cannot ignore it.

Every character was gay but had a sense of internalized homophobia. I at least appreciated Juha’s development but Taeyi and Seheon being that way made no sense.

Also, Every relationship had assault and sexual assault and that I can not ignore either. There were so many unsolicited touching and kisses that actually wasn’t okay even if it is in the name of bls. And like I said, I get it with Juha and Doyoon, like that was actually their story, but the instance with Taeyi and Seheon outside of the jazz bar was ABSOLUTELY ridiculous. It was out of character but was looked over once again.

And lastly the conflict of Taeyi’s and Seheon’s older brothers was just poor writing. It was actually so unnecessary and pissed me off. And the fact it was resolved so quickly just proved that it never was needed.

Overall the production of the show was nice and I liked the characters stand alone but the dynamics were f’ed up and the love could have been sweeter and less aggressive.

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2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 3, 2024
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 4.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Para esto, mejor nadota.

Puntos malos.

Inicié bien emocionada este kbl, la historia se veía muy prometedora y en los primeros capítulos me gustó, pero conforme va avanzando, sentí que todo era muy rápido haciendo que queden vacíos en la trama, lo cual hizo q vaya perdiendo el interés. En los capítulos finales se siente como que el hilo se va perdiendo y simplemente van haciendo brincos entre drama q solucionan en dos minutos para volver a meter más drama. Intentaron crear angst de miscommunication y lamento decirles que simplemente todo parecía ridículo.

Los personajes (a excepción del chico con cabello azul) siento que no tienen nada especial(? es decir, no hay algo que realmente destaque tanto de ellos que te haga encariñarte, por lo que para mi, hace que un drama sea muy fácil de olvidar.


Es realmente repulsivo como en pleno 2024 traten temas tan fuertes como el acoso muy por encima. La escena donde taeyi mete la mano en la camisa del protagonista en un momento de enojo, me pareció tan desagradable y el hecho de que al día siguiente lo hayan tratado como si nada hubiera pasado y con un simple "lo siento" se solucionara todo, es aún peor.
Lo mismo con la pareja secundaria, el romantizar que lo golpeara y no dijera nada porque le gustaba el chico es también horrible, no puedo seguir escribiendo de esto pq de verdad no tengo palabras para lo horrible que es.

Puntos buenos.

Las canciones son buenas ?

Las actuaciones la verdad me sorprendieron, fueron mejor de lo que esperaba, ya conocía al protagonista por otros papales de apoyo, espero le den más papeles porque veo mucho potencial en él, también en el hermano de taeyi apesar de q apareció como 3 minutos y el chico de cabello azul.

Me gustaría agregar mas cosas, pero no encontré algo más que me gustara.

Eso es todo, la verdad quedé muy decepcionada. Ayunaron, se saltaron el lunch y de paso la cena, es más, ni hidratados están.

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 16, 2024
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 6.5
História 6.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 1.5
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

watch this drama without reading the webtoon.. or you'll be disappointed

I had read the webtoon long back.. but decided to rewatch it before starting the drama..

so basically this drama is just like most other webtoon-adopted dramas.. fast paced.. too short.. lacks development..

talking about the pace.. at the beginning.. i felt it was too slow.. the at the end it was too fast.. everything just happened too quickly and didn't show any development

also I would like to add... a few weeks ago I watch kBL Why R u?.. j read a review from a person saying that they did not like the korean version because it completely altered the original story.. well at that time (i had not seen the original drama) i was quite against this statement as I believe it's an independent drama and although it's adopted from the thai version.. it does not have to be the same...
But boyy when j saw jazz for 2 drama.. I realised the pain.. I actually liked the og manhewa i gave it an 8.5 .. so i didn't like the fact that the story was completely altered in the drama

1...for instance.. Doyoons character and personality is changed completely... but I like the doyoon in the drama more like he's more energetic and in manhewa he is calm ig
2..the past is changed completely
3...half of the events aren't according to the og webtoon.. for example the kiss??? that wasn't how the events unfolded in the webtoon
but it's alright I guess it does not HAVE to be a carbon copy of the original after all

apart from this talking about the relationship between the couples was kinda... mehh
i mean the second couple was neither given a proper closure.. nor a proper explanation of what exactly their relationship is and why are things messed up between them.. they just gave a half assed commentry(?) on their relationship

for the main couple I don't have much to argue about except that SA topic.. in the webtoon they conversed w each other properly and sorted it out(altho I didn't like the fact that seohoon forgave taeyi so quickly) but in the drama.. it was just 'sorry' and a kiss.. that kiss didn't even feel nice (usually I get butterflies)

also talking about the side couple.. like they had a lot of potential.. but the storytelling and fast pacing just wadted the potential.. both in the webtoon and drama.. well the drama was adopted from the webtoon only so if the story of side couple in the webtoon is bad.. the dramas gotta be bad too.. but i also wonder.. if they changed so much jn the drama then they could have added some changes into the relationship of the side couple too.. so that their relationship could make more sense and seem logical..

so yeah id recommend this if u wanna watch it just as a fling but not if you're seriously wanting to watch something (iff it makes sense.. and dont watch this after reading the webtton coz you'll be disappointed by the drama.. since the webtoon is beter

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 5, 2024
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 4.5
História 3.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 3.0
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story is kind of irritating...

First few episodes were fine, progression was also fine not until the first half of the episodes (ep. 4). The tropes were problematic because some of it wasn't addressed properly; Second leads were fine but needed more screentime 'cause wdym no one else were homophobic except the main cast (characters they play) themselves...? What irritated me the most is the last few episodes, there was this particular scene where it was sooo problematic that it made me lose my interest in watching it. That scene where Taeyi quite literally s**ually ass*ulted Se Heon was NOT addressed properly AT ALL. I expected a redemption arc even if it was just for ONE episode but there was nothing. They acted like nothing happened... LITERALLY. That was the last straw for me. this had potential but putting serious issues like those and just making it seem like nothing happened was not it.

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 14, 2024
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 6.5
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 5.0

jazz for... idk who i'm watching for anymore

this series was a bit... confusing? i'd say, at first i thought the plot was peculiar and interesting, something maybe light as usual from kbls, but then it takes a turn, which i'm thankful for in some sort of way, because it'd have been way boring! my mind went from oh, to Oh, to oh...
and the last oh is a bad one.
i don't like the way south korean kbls have been using the same tools thai bls were using back then (romanticizing abuse, non con behavior, or bullying), so i wasn't pleased towards the end.
anyway, the actors did a good job and the piano music is chef's kiss but do read warnings before watching!

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Jazz for Two (2024) poster



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