- Português (Portugal)
- Polski
- Español
- English
- Título original: スイッチガール!! 2
- Também conhecido como: Switch Girl Season 2
- Gêneros: Comédia, Romance, Juventude
Elenco e Créditos
- Kiriyama Renn Papel Principal
- Nishiuchi Mariya Papel Principal
- Kumabe YoheiKimoto MasaruPapel Secundário
- Okamoto AnriJougasaki ReikaPapel Secundário
- Jinnai ShoMasamune HirotaPapel Secundário
- Nozoe YoshihiroAidaPapel Secundário

And yet, here I am writing a review for the 2nd season, after having marathoned through the first in one night and this one in the next.
The plot is full of cliches - from a narrative point of view, the 1st season was much better - with a little too much lingering on evil sex slave dealers laughing crazily and raising their malignant eyes to the skies. There have been moments I wished they would just go on with the plot (whatever that was), since the drama only has 4 hours time to tell it.
The force of this show is therefore not in the plot, but the characters. Nika, our heroine, is possibly the most adorable being in the northern emisphere. I simply love her. Not because I can rely, or because she's realistic, or because she's flawed but for a combination of those and an amazing ability to surprise me. I couldn't stop laughing at her antics, her sitting in the middle of a square crying about her pubic hair showing from under her underwear. The second after, I would empathize with her. Yes, she's a crazy character whom you can either love or hate, but not ignore.
Arata is the silent hero every girl dreams of, and the chemistry between these two is quite striking if you think this drama is romantic despite having no such ambition.
All the side characters are insane and some deliciosuly hilarious. The villains, on the other hand, are so stereotyped they are forgotten the moment they are out of the screen.
Music is nothing special in this one, while I thought it was quite well chosen in the 1st season.
All in all, I am ready to recommend this drama to:
1. clever people who have put their brains in the fridge for some time to recharge it and don't want to use it for a while
2. fans of Renn Kiriyama (someone has called my name?) and/or Nishiuchi Mariya
3. girls who want to learn what to avoid before a romantic evening with their boyfriend, such as wild hair removal or litres of aphrodisiac perfume
4. lovers of manga-like, over the top comedy
If you're one of the above, enjoy your watch!
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This show is full of randomness and over dramatic scenes, but that's what makes it so entertaining for me! Overall, this a worth a watch! Make sure to watch the first season as well!
STORY-7, Nothing that special to the story. It's just about a couple and how they spend their time together, loving each other and thinking about taking their relationship a bit further. But it's really cute. I really like seeing Arata and Nika together. Renn and Mariya have such great chemistry! TO be honest, they have better chemistry in this season than season 1. Probably because they feel more comfortable now since they've already worked together. This show is stuffed with funny, romantic moments... random moments.. not any twists or trouble happening here.. but that's what makes it fun for me to watch! I've been watching dark dramas lately, so I decided to see a romantic comedy. I ended up loving this so much!
ACING/CAST-8. The acting from Renn and Mariya improved a lot. I can feel them getting much closer. I liked their chemistry in season 1, but I feel they have better chemistry in this season. The supporting characters did a great job as well.
REWATCH VALUE-7. I might re-watch this whenever I finish a depressing drama... Haha, I mostly likely will get a bit bored though.
Trust me, try this drama! You might end up liking this as much as I did!
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