Snow Eagle Lord (2023) poster
Sua Avaliação: 0/10
Avaliações: 7.6/10 de 2,229 usuários
# de Fãs: 9,523
Resenhas: 46 usuários
Classificado #5342
Popularidade #1920
Fãs 2,229

Dong Bo Xue Ying, também conhecido como Snow Eagle Lord, é um jovem que nasceu em uma terra conhecida como Snow Eagle Territory. Seu pai veio de origens humildes e acabou comprando o Snow Eagle Territory. Ele se tornou um nobre e se casou com uma mulher que havia fugido de sua própria família aristocrática. À medida que Dong Bo Xue Ying envelhece, ele começa a perceber que a paz que conheceu quando era jovem está prestes a acabar. Seus pais são presos e ele resolve libertá-los. Para piorar a situação, os poderes demoníacos estão reunindo suas forças em preparação para um ataque ao clã Xia. Dong Bo Xue Ying entende que um herói deve surgir para derrotar os demónios — e que esse herói deve ser ele! Mas ele não pode derrotar essas forças monstruosas sozinho. Então ele decide unir forças com sua amada Yu Jing Qui, também uma formidável jovem guerreira e membro da elite Changfeng Academy. O grupo inclui o jovem especialista em teletransporte Pu Yang Bo. Juntos, eles reúnem seus poderes mágicos, incríveis habilidades em artes marciais e uma inteligência formidável. Isso será suficiente para derrotar a horda de demónios ou o mal dominará o reino? (Fonte: Viki) Editar Tradução

  • Português (Portugal)
  • Arabic
  • Italiano
  • Español
  • País: China
  • Tipo: Drama
  • Episódios: 40
  • Exibido: Jun 21, 2023 - Jul 14, 2023
  • Exibido em: Quarta, Quinta, Sexta, Sábado, Domingo
  • Original Network: Tencent Video
  • Duração: 49 min.
  • Pontuação: 7.6 (scored by 2,229 usuários)
  • Classificado: #5342
  • Popularidade: #1920
  • Classificação do Conteúdo: 13+ - Teens 13 or older

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Enigma05 Flower Award2
51 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 16, 2023
40 of 40 episódios vistos
Completados 9
No geral 6.5
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 3.5
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Smart Demons + Stupid Humans = Extraordinary Mess

Watched this to see Xu Kai act but just like in a previous series of his; his and everyone else's acting was great but the story itself was a hot mess. Wish he or whomever chooses for him, chose better. The only reason this even got a 6.5 and not lower was because of the literally only 3 pros. Otherwise, it was like the mighty morphin power rangers and mortal kombat took LSD and spit this out.

Pros: Leads chemistry, the actors hard work which included great fight scenes, and costumes (except for the Halloween store costume lion for Uncle Tang), and good OSTs. No other pros.

Cons: Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for smart antagonists but not when the protagonists are so ridiculously idiotic. Just about everyone was led by the nose by the demons the ENTIRE show. Even when our ML told them otherwise, the Elders still chose to believe evil people. The amount of times the good guys failed to understand something very simple made you want to run your face into the wall. The entire series made a ton of no sense because the bad guys were running the show while the good guys were just walking around like zombies and talking in circles.

Did just about everyone really deserve to die; KYY's death in the last episode was pointless and meaningless. Some really did die as heroes but what made much of it senseless is that if they put two and two together sooner and made it 4 instead of 7, they could have made things happen sooner and survived. It made me feel like whoever the writer was, had no clue how to write a novel or one that's understandable or cohesive. Ji Rong staying alive and even her death at the hands of probably the show’s stupidest character, made me feel like I lost brain cells. DXY warned his brother and the two elders something was fishy about her from nearly the beginning and yet both uncles died because of her.

The sets and CGI looked very cheap. The words chucked up on the screen each time a new magic trick was used was eye roll worthy. Welcome to the 90s and not in a good way! Situ Hong's ruthlessness was completely ignored and his death and that of the weird random cultivator that at first clung to XY was completely pathetic. Both were sucked dry for big bad demon God that most of the time sounded like an alien cat that sucked in a helium balloon. We were all expecting a fight between him and XY but yeah, why bother?

Demon Ao Lan turned himself into a psychedelic Venus flytrap to try and kill XY in the last episode and it had me laughing. Little Shop of Horrors that was filmed in the 1970s had better CGI than this mess. I shed a tear for Shifu sacrificing himself at the end as out of all the guardians, he was the only one that infiltrated the demon clan and didn't do too poorly. Yes, happy ending for leads and the maybe 3 other living people but what did I watch for 40 episodes?

Would I recommend? No way. Even if you are a fan of the leads or anyone else, please find something else. Leads chemistry is not enough to hold this thing together.

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19 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 14, 2024
40 of 40 episódios vistos
Completados 1
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 9.0

A fresh and thrilling tale against demons.

Note: Snow Eagle Lord originated as a web novel and has since been adapted into multiple formats, including a live-action movie, a Chinese mobile game, and a donghua.

To begin with, I loved everything, the music (both modern and traditional, just like the drama itself), the costumes, the special effects, the drawings, the fights, the cinematography (especially the snowy territories, which were a pleasure to see), and the demons. The drama was cool and beautiful visually, despite not having as much budget as others. The cartoonish design, too, is great.

Speaking of the special effects, I was expecting anything but this, especially in view of the criticisms of this aspect? It looks even better than in the trailer. It's quality and I've clearly seen worse, forced criticism as usual... The fights were also superbly filmed and choreographed. This isn't a drama with huge production value either and I wish it was because it would have been even better, but I was fascinated most of the time. Xu Kai is way too cool and his mastery of the spear is impeccable, I can't even imagine how much he had to train.

Also, Snow Eagle Lord is neither a Wuxia or a Xianxia but a Xuanhuan, which appears to be uncommon. "Xuanhuan (玄幻 xuánhuàn) – literally means “Mysterious Fantasy”. A broad genre of fictional stories which remixes Chinese folklore/mythology with foreign elements & settings."

The story may not be original, but it still feels somewhat different from at least most Chinese historical dramas, allowing it to stand out in its own way. Watching it is pure pleasure, and its freshness makes it even more special. It's consistently dynamic and engaging—I’ve never felt bored for a moment. It reminds me of the animes I loved when I was younger, and honestly, it feels refreshing. While some might dismiss it as cringe-worthy, I find it epic. Not to mention that I've never seen this before in a real-life format.

The drama delicately alternates between sweet moments, drama, action... The story developped very well and was very captivating to my taste. As you can imagine, the theme of evil demons versus good humans and the hero becoming all-powerful is far from complex. Nevertheless, I'm glad the drama brought a modicum of nuance. In addition, I loved the diversity of the characters.

Of course, I’m not claiming that the drama is entirely shallow and simple. It’s not. Ironically, many of the people who criticize it seem to always miss the point. I've seen complaints about the plot all the way through to the ending, but it’s not that difficult to understand why things unfold the way they do, especially at the end. It’s also not just about the style or the lack of budget. And of course it won't be the same as the original.

Plus, I don't understand most of the criticism I've read about this drama. It really wasn't as bad as people made it out to be. Drama logic doesn't always need to align perfectly with reality—that's a given, whether it's for comedic, dramatic, or other storytelling purposes. The drama didn't feel as "dumb" as I had been led to expect (well, sometimes characters are criticized for being "dumb" when they are just being human but okay it's not all that here), even with these few moments and side characters. In fact, one of them actually made me cry at the end, and it was the first time I actually did. But I still teared up more than once, as there were some really beautiful and emotional scenes.

What stood out to me was how humans always managed to triumph in the end. The demons, who were supposed to bring chaos, took so much time to actually pose a threat. It's ironic to admit that I was almost disappointed because of how much I had braced myself for a "train wreck" based on what I read beforehand. That said, I loved how the drama turned out in the end—it was a pleasant surprise despite my initial expectations being shaped by another reviewer's headline.

Finally, claiming the romance is bad is immature. Tension is not the only form of chemistry, romance doesn't have to be intense. Sometimes romance is a sweet and subtle thing that can be built upon. I even found it beautiful.

If everything about Snow Eagle Lord gets you hooked from the first episodes just like me, and not only Xu Kai, you will have a lot of fun. Besides, we never really see him less as some people states here, maybe for a few little parts but it wasn't for no reason. It's true that there are a lot of characters. However, he's the character we see the most, and certainly the most important.

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  • Drama: Snow Eagle Lord
  • País: China
  • Episódios: 40
  • Exibido: Jun 21, 2023 - Jul 14, 2023
  • Exibido On: Quarta, Quinta, Sexta, Sábado, Domingo
  • Original Network: Tencent Video
  • Duração: 49 min.
  • Classificação do Conteúdo: 13+ - 13 anos ou mais


  • Pontuação: 7.6 (avaliado por 2,229 usuários)
  • Classificado: #5342
  • Popularidade: #1920
  • Fãs: 9,523

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