1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 21, 2022
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 6.0

Une première partie rafraichissante et très drôle et une deuxième partie plus fragile

Je ferais court, le drama étant en deux saison.
J'ai bien hésité avant de me lancer dans cette saison. Une des raisons qui me freinait, tout à fait personnel, était la présence de Jo Jung Suk. Déçue de ses rôles précédents dans"Jealousy incarnate" et "Oh My Ghost", je n'étais pas impatiente de le revoir sur "scène". L'autre étant que je n'avais pas envie de série médicale dans l'immédiat, ayant déjà eu ma dose avec "Doctor Romantic" et "Doctor John", deux dramas que j'ai adoré.
Et puis, il y a eu les raisons qui m'ont poussé à le regarder, même tardivement : Jung Kyung Ho que j'adore!!! et surtout un scénario pondu par Lee Woo Jung, le talentueux scénariste de la saga des "Reply" et surtout " Prison Playbook" que j'avais adoré.

Nous retrouvons comme dans la saga des "reply" ou "prison playbook" un groupe d'amis dans la quarantaine, amis depuis leur 20 ans, partageant le temps d'une saison (de deux plutôt) leur vie quotidienne de médecin.
Un groupe d'amis, un thème récurrent que nous adorons voir, surtout si cela est bien fait. Et pour tout dire : C'est plus que bien fait. Leur amitié est non seulement solide mais d'une complicité hors du commun. J'ai été frappé par la symbiose du groupe, où tout un chacun se connait sur le bout des doigts (bien que chacun ait ses secrets), se titille dans la joie et la bonne humeur tout en se soutenant avec une loyauté sans faille! Quelle amitié! On rit, on rit et on rit. Leurs pitreries sont à la hauteur de leur chamailleries! Mais tout cela avec un lien que rien ne semble pouvoir défaire.

Alors je vais être franche, le groupe d'amis est LE point fort de ce drama. Ils sont parfaits quand ils sont ensemble, et on en redemande encore..... Ce qui pose donc problème est leur vie en dehors de ce groupe. Ils deviennent moins intéressants, moins dynamiques, moins drôles. En tant qu'individu, ils sont très bien, je n'irai pas dire qu'ils sont inintéressants, juste moins attachants. Moins loufoques. Moins eux.

Les protagonistes interagissent souvent avec leur équipe et, bien que cela ne soit pas du tout une mauvaise chose, j'avoue que je n'ai pas trouvé leur interaction avec les autres équipes médicales transcendantes, à la hauteur de leur groupe d'amis. Il y a des seconds rôles intéressants comme Do Jae Hak, mais je pense que son personnage n'a pas été assez approfondi. Et puis des rôles inutiles comme Cheon Myung Tae si ce n'est pour nous démontrer brièvement tout l'opposé de nos héros.
Il y a pléthore d'acteur et d'actrice connus venus en tant que guest star, cela serait trop long de n'en citer ne serait-ce que quelques uns, mais c'était sympathique de trouver des visages connus d'épisode en épisode.

Les romances sont un point faible dans ce drama. Il n'y a aucune romance qui m'ait vraiment donné envie de retenir mon souffle et d'en avoir des papillons dans le ventre. Sincèrement, j'ai même trouvé certain duo...ennuyant. Si vous recherchez une ou des romances trépidantes, passez votre chemin.

L'autre point faible qui m'a posé problème est la succession de cas à chaque épisode. Si la première partie, nous sommes témoins de 2 ou 3 cas médicaux, en deuxième partie, il y'en a tellement qu'il m'est devenu impossible de ressentir une quelconque connexion avec ces personnages, m'obligeant à me souvenir qui avait quoi, et qui souffrait de quoi. C'est un choix, que celui de vouloir traiter de nombreux cas différents à chaque épisode, cela donne en effet l'impression que les médecins n'ont plus de vie privée et doivent courir à chaque instant de leur vie. Mais l'effet pernicieux est de nous obliger à nous détacher rapidement des personnages pour pouvoir suivre la progression du drama. Résultat, on croule nous aussi sous les cas à traiter, et nous n'arrivons plus à ressentir de la compassion ou n'importe quelle émotion si ce n'est de l'ennui. J'ai préféré de loin d'autres séries comme "Doctor John" ou "Doctor Romantic" où les cas font avancer les médecins dans leur apprentissage, les rendant plus forts à travers leur faiblesse.

L'OST est loin d'être mauvais mais ne sera pas inoubliable comme l'OST des "Reply" ou de "Prison Playbook".

Les acteurs? Alors je dis bravo, j'ai été époustouflée par leur jeu alors que je les connais plutôt bien. Ils ont su créer ce lien incroyable entre eux, rendant les moments entre amis hilarants et émotionnellement forts!
Alors que Jo Jung Suk m'avait dernièrement déçue, il a été de loin mon préféré dans ce drama, alors que je n'étais venue que pour Jung Kyung Ho! Jo Jung Suk m'a fit rire aux larmes, et ses expressions de voyou au grand coeur m'ont fait fondre comme neige au soleil!!! Sa relation avec son "fils" est incroyable, sa patience et son humanité envers ses patients m'ont fait un bien fou! J'en redemande encore et encore!! Et puis, juste pour son arrivée dans le premier épisode, je n'aurais loupé ceci pour rien au monde! (cela a presque supplanté son entrée calamiteuse dans "Jealousy Incanarte" et qui m'aura fait rire pendant 3 jours).
J'ai adoré Jung Kyung Ho, toujours fidèle à lui même, son attitude un peu hautain mais tellement humain parfois m'ont donné à plusieurs reprise des envie de le câliner.
Yoo Yeon Seok n'était pas à la base mon favori, mais depuis "Mr Sunshine" et "Doctor Romantic" je le suis de près, un acteur qui sait jouer avec nos émotions avec maestrio. Ici, encore il nous démontre tout son savoir, jongler entre le rire et l'émotion...
Je connais moins bien Jeon Mi Do et Kim Dae Myung dont c'est ma première fois, mais j'avoue ne pas avoir été déçue par leur prestation, même si cela ne m'a pas marqué plus que cela.

Je voudrais apporter une mention spéciale à mes deux petits coups de coeur : Kim Hae Sook et Kim Gab Soo! Ils ont été un rayon de soleil incroyable!!! Leur prestation a été magnifique et j'ai adoré les voir interagir. Leur duo a été empreint d'une telle complicité phénoménal, que je n'attendais qu'une chose : qu'ils finissent ensemble. Si j'ai la chance de vieillir, Si j'ai la chance d'avoir encore mon époux à mes côtés, je veux être ce couple. Se chamaillant sans cesse, mais avec tant d'amour et de respect l'un envers l'autre, et cela toujours dans la bonne humeur.

Un drama qui a donc la particularité de nous faire rire grâce à un groupe d'amis unique dans ce genre, une amitié indéfectible et d'une telle complicité qu'on ne peut que vouloir en être aussi. Malgré des faiblesses dans la deuxième partie, ce drama reste un must to see. Et puis certaines scènes sont inoubliables! Comme le karaoké au début du drama, à mourir de rire ou les scènes de repas (fight) entre nos protagonistes!
Vous ne regretterez pas d'y jeter ne serait-ce qu'un coup d'oeil. Rire garantie!

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 25, 2023
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.5
i finished a drama so fast after so long ah i loved it sm.
i can understand when people dwy this is overrated cuz everyone and their mamas know about this drama but really it deserves the recognition. ive gotten accustomed to jumpscares and sudden betrayals in dramas sm i expected smth to happen at least but nothing happened lmao. hospital playlist is all about 5 doctors and their personal lives and i loved how much insight we got in every operation and everything. i loved how they had a personal life to enjoy too after all their struggles the whole week
i have nothing much to say this is just a feel good drama showing struggles of doctors and the strong friendship between 5 besties. i have a lot of hope for season 2
i loved senghwa and ikjun sm. their foodie besti thing ugh i love them sm. also the parents being friends <33 ah my heart i love all of them sm im gonna cry

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 13, 2024
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 5.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

I had high expectations from other reviews but found it slow and drawn out

7/10 Season 1. 8/10 season 2. This is a 2020 South Korean medical drama with 12, 73-113 minute episodes.

First I provide a unique synopsis then review


The series centers around five doctors who have been friends since medical school. Lee Ik-jun (Jo Jung suk) is balancing a busy career as a general surgeon and medical professor with the demands of single fatherhood. Despite the many challenges in his life, his magnanimous personality makes him well liked by fellow doctors as well as patients. His son, Woo joo (Kim Joon) is growing up well in the extended family he is experiencing among his father’s close friends despite the absence of his mother. Ahn Jeong-won (Yoo Yeon seok) is an assistant professor of pediatrics but his real passion is Catholicism. He is considering focusing on the clergy as he has a difficult time dealing with patient suffering. Chae Song hwa (Jeon Mi do) is a brilliant neurosurgeon and her amiability and pleasant disposition often draws the group together. Kim Jun wan (Jung Kyung ho) is admired but his austere domineer also prompts fear, particularly among the interns. His career is on the move as he achieves the head position in cardiothoracic surgery. He has known and been friends with Ik jun since childhood and is also close to Ik jun’s pretty and energetic sister Ik sun (Kwan Sun young). Yang Seok hyeong (Kim Dae myung) is also among the divorced. He is perceived as cold and distant because he is quiet and shy particularly compared ti his more outgoing friends, but he is a very caring doctor and professor of obstretics and gynecology.


Comtrary to a lot of other reviews, I found it slow and I forwarded every time they did the band practice. In the first season it really just goes from one tragic medical case to another. They often had good outcomes but it still was emotionally a bit of a downer. The friendships among and between the five doctors were nice and heartwarming and it was clear their mutual support is what helped them weather the emotional storms to excel in the areas of medical expertise. But their romances were less believable as the focus seemed so strongly on the friend group you did not see full development of the romances. So when they started having a romance it felt abrupt. Woth the exception of two of the couples but there were still some aspects that felt unfinished where there would have been more time to develop aspects if so much time was not spent on band practice. I am glad the second season was out when I watched it or it would have been a sudden and incomplete end. That is why liked season two better, it at least wrapped up loose ends.


Jeon won and Jang Gyeo-ul (Shin Hyun been) become a couple but there was no lead up of significance. She confessed and he at first rejected her feelings. Then he basically had his friends and his mother Jung Ro-sa (Kim Hae sook) say they would be a great couple which I guess made him reconsider. Then he suddenly reconsidered, and when she confessed again, kissed her and then they became a dating couple. But it was like she confessed the first time and then he goes back and hangs out with his friends and it doesn’t seem like much developed between the two of them and then later he’s like “oh wait a second you’re right I do like you” and then they are together. It just seemed weird.

Jung Kyun ho (Kim Jun-wan) and Lee Ik-sun’s (Kwak sun young) relationship also felt just out of the blue. He had a girlfriend he broke up with because she seemed to have alcohol issues. Then what felt like all of a sudden he expressed interest in Ik sun. There was no build up. Just, bam, suddenly he is really into her. I got angry with her when she selfishly broke his heart because she decided her illness and the distance thing were too hard on him. Since she told him she was in love with someone else, she lied to him about her real reasons. They seemed to be dating again in the end but they were never fully back together which made the whole relationship seem pointless. Ik jun obviously came to know one of his best friends and his sister were a couple but neither of them ever talked about it to him. It was weird and also felt like it did not reach a logical juncture where one of them would have “come clean” to Ik jun.

Song hwa was my favorite and it was easy to see how someone like her would be loved by her patients as well as her students. It was also believable that two of the men in her friend group had feelings for her beyond friendship, and why all her male friends looked to her for companionship, comfort and advice. That was why I absolutely loved her and Ik jun’s romance. They were perfect together and made so much sense. It was sad they liked each other all those years and had their early romance derailed because of their mutual friend, Seok hyeong’s confession to her. I wish they had further closed the loop by showing Woo soo’s reaction to Song hwa and Ik jun becoming a couple. Song hwa and Woo Soo already acted like mother and son so I think he would have been very happy to have Song hwa as a stepmom.

I was suprised that I very much liked the romance between Seok hyeong and his intern, Choo Min ha (Ahn Eun jin). She did not like him at first, got to know him and fell for him and then pursued him diligently. It was slow burn and very believable when they finally started dating. His mother, Jo Young hye (Moon Hee kyung) was something else so I wish they had shown Min ha either win her over or tell her off but we did not get the satisfaction of either. And the whole gold digger suspicion his mom had around his ex wife, Yoon Shin-hye (Park Ji yeon) was never resolved. They show Shin hye with this large diamond necklace that could have been from the ring Young hye thought she stole but was it? If it was the same diamond then it would have vindicated Young hye and laid the ground work for Min ha and her to have a good relationship. I did not like that aspect of Young hye’s character, her as a horrible harpy of a mother-in-law. They spent so much time early in the series portraying her as a character we should sympathize with because of her husband’s flagrant affair, that switching our feelings for her as a mean mother-in-law seemed to be an inconsistency in the character. Were we supposed to like her or not?

Overall it felt like there was a heavy focus on the friends. I liked that but did not like there was so little time spent on the romances. And too much time spent on band practice. They did some awesome songs and one or two would have been okay but it was a lot more. And hearing Song hwa sing off key was not enjoyable at all. I know it was supposed to be comedic and it was, the first time, but they had her sing off key a lot.

They spent a lot of time playing music. I found we fast forwarded a lot not because we did not like the music but because we wanted to watch the drama content.

#HospitalPlaylist #JoJungSuk #YooYeonSeok #JungKyungHo # KimDaeMyung #JeonMiDo #KwanSunYoung #MoonHeeKyung #AhnEunJin #KimHaeSook

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 25, 2021
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 7.5
There’s no way this wasn’t going to wind up high on my list. Fangirl moment: It has Jo Jung Suk and Jung Kyung Ho. I love, adore, will watch anything either of them do. They’re always just so charming and rich to watch. That aside, the creative team behind this show is one of my most dependable. I always watch them because I know I’m going to be treated to heart-felt stories about characters that feel meaningful and real. They did it in the Reply series and they did it in Prison Playbook. Their slice-of-life take on their topics is always touching, humanizing. This show is no different.

As I get older I appreciate stories that focus on characters in their 30s/40s because its nice to see aspects of my own reality reflected back. The world is different at this age than when I was in my early 20s floundering through love. There are hard stories to watch here; one of the doctors works pediatrics. There were tears, and choked up moments because this show is so great at humanizing characters that only show up for a few minutes of screen time.

It’s also great at subverting expectations. There are not really and villains that you’d expect. There are shitty chaebols but also human, endearing ones. People come in a range of good and bad and we get to see them through our loveable group of long-time friends. The show is just the definition of a moving human drama.

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revel best
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Out 14, 2020
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10


i personally watch this bcs jo jung suk is in the cast, he has incredible acting and can do anything. and i was right!!!
him playing as ikjun is the best ever!! can sing, can dance, can act, handsome, also great at humor?? lee ikjun is literally jo jung suk in real life!!

thesecond best i like about this is the OST!! damn, i replying this over and over again, they r so talented. esp jo jungsuk and jeon mido. they did really well, their ost also charted so well, pretty sure jjs gonna got that Ost of the year!!

the third best character that i like after ikjun and songhwa is jang gyeo wool, i love her character development. the girl who dont care abt a patient, she did it her own way too~

about the ships, iam all for ikjun-songhwa, they r the sweetest, altho at 1st i like chihong, but when he cant take the hint with how many times songhwa reject him and he still pursuing her, and that day at the dinner with other nerosurgeon doctors, he crossed his lines. iam 100% IKSONG for endgame now!! def knewiksong gonna be super slow burn couple, but whatever, they r my endgame now

also, the cutest ujuuu!!

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2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 13, 2020
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 8.5
Voltar a ver 9.0
With such an amazing cast and great production, the show didn't disappoint.

But with an average rating of 9.3 and many dithyrambic reviews, I was expecting a unique gem. The show wasn't that for me.

The good points :
- Incredible cast and acting : great actors in EVERY main and supporting roles. (Probably the best casting I have ever seen in quantity and quality).
- Solid writing and pacing.
- Beautiful stories, realistic enough characters.

The average or bad points :
- The show was previsible to me (but I watched too many dramas... )
- I skipped some of the band parts (musical parts of the drama) : I didn't like the way it was recorded/mixed and the music didn't move me.
- For a medical drama, it is amazing (although I don't know anything about medecine). BUT there are already many great medical dramas out there, and although the medical parts were amazing, there was not much originality.
- The first season calls for the second with some cliffhangers at the end.

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2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 11, 2020
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10

Pure wine

This is most likely the only drama review I'll make in a lifetime. And that's because Hospital Playlist is certainly a drama that'll stay me for life. Friendly summary of everything I loved about it:

- It's hard to beat the greatness of the main five friendship. Their chemistry, understandment and care are just something else.
- It portrays the beauty of life in its root. No flashy heroes, hateful villains or over the top happenings; only life and its greatness, and life doesn't have a planned outline.
- Characters are so well built and compelling, supported by brilliant acting. And I mean all characters, including hospital staff, families and patients. All of them feel important to me, it doesn't matter how big their roles are.
- Again: the acting in this drama is no joke, but rightfully expected from such a great cast. All the care on the process of casting showed.
- The musical breaks are so heart warming and comforting! The OSTs have been in my playlists for months already, and the Aloha karaoke scene remains as my favorite moment in the drama. Plus, props to the actors for making such an effort on actually playing the instruments. No more bad instrument playing cringe on dramas, please!
- It only gets better with time. By the time of this review, I've watched season one 8 times, and it's amazing how the show hooked me more the more I watched and understood its elements.
- The CRAZY amount of details and consistency. The amount of information (specially in the first couple of episodes) can be overwhelming at first, but it's full of meaningful scenario, characters and background details. It's impressive, really. Rewatch value is so high on this one!
- It's so full of emotions and realness. The work put here by all the actors and production must be commended. I sincerely want to thank all of them for making such a masterpiece.

I could go on and on about it, but this is already too lengthy. It's unbeliavable to me how Hospital Playlist could climb my favorites list right away, but I'm so happy it did. This is my comfort show and I can't get over it. Season 2, please come fast!

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Fev 23, 2021
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10

Mature, skillful writing, direction, and acting that inspires

This is my current all-time favorite drama. Although it's a medical drama, it resists going down the melodramatic path and really strives for a sense of hope. It gives us a glimpse into the lives and meaningful friendships and relationships between very smart professionals. You get to know every character, including all the supporting cast, in amazing depth. It's light in the sense that you're not crying over dead people every moment and it isn't plot driven so some would say the pace is slow, but it's so very deep around the characters' love and support of each other that you are never bored. All the characters are written in a mature way without silly angsty features, which is refreshing. There is magic in every interaction and conversation. And there's an overlay of confidence, humbleness, and making good, moral decisions so the entire show radiates hope and inspiration that you feel like striving to emulate when you watch it.

If you are looking for mature stories, amazing writing, and great acting, this is it. This is the ONLY drama I've rewatched more than twice, and without skipping ANY scenes. It's. That. Good.

The only thing I would have liked to change would be at least one more female in the main cast. It does pretty much balance out because there are a couple strong female supporting characters but having only 1 main female lead out of 5 is disappointing.

And if you've seen this show, you should check out the many behind the scenes videos online. You gain so much respect knowing how they made the show, how skilled the director is, and all the skills the actors had to learn.

In a COVID world where hope is sorely needed, I can't wait for the next season of inspirational relationships! I have a feeling it will take a very long time for another show to take the place of HP as my most favorite show ever.

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mai 29, 2020
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers
Okay. I started watching this drama without reading anything about it (well except the actors and director). Didn’t really know how the story will go or what. So half way thru the first episode I kept looking for answers to questions I have in mind - what’s the story? Who’s the main lead? Who’s the protagonist? Antagonist? What would be the main problem? Main love line? Etc. So when the first episode ended, I was quite surprised. I realized that I may have misinterpreted this drama. This drama is simply about the lives of five friends who happened to be doctors and are working in the same hospital.

Seeing that this was the plot (reminded me of reply series tbh), it made me feel refreshed. Initially I postponed watching it when it first aired because it will only air one episode per week and I cannot stress enough how I anxious I think I will be while waiting for the next episode. But I easily gave in, I started watching when episode 3 or 4 was out.

It’s not your typical medical drama where everyone keeps cockblocking the career of others for their own advantage. And where one episode is dedicated to just solely treating a patient.

I love the friendships of every one in this drama. Starting from the five main leads, the doctors in the hospital and of course, the “oldies” (the mothers and the chairman). They really complement each other. But of everyone my most favorite character would Ikjun. He’s just so funny and mature at the same time. A good father, a good friend, and I believe he is a good lover.

Love love love the OSTs as well!!! The voice of Jo Jungseok is really something!!! Daebak!!!

The ending was such a cliff hanger. Can’t wait for the next season!!! Hopefully it’ll be out next year. And really hoping that they will still be the leads for the next season.

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 7, 2020
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
Definitely one of the best dramas I have watched to this day. This series got everything. They have a romance for 5 different couples, they have family relationships, doctor and patient relationships, personal struggles of each of our characters, and the best of friendships.

We saw each character’s strengths and weaknesses, their inner conflict, and the reality of what they have to go through in their daily lives. Sometimes they need to give bad news to the patient's family and how every bad news also breaks them inside, as they are a human first before they are a doctor. How they have to sacrifice their personal time for patients and how to make time for themselves.

This show does not have a major plot going on, a major villain, a major case to solve, a big secret buried and waiting to be revealed, nothing like that. This is just a story of a few doctors and how they cope with their daily life. Yet I did not find any dull moments for 12 episodes. Every case is interesting, every patient shows a piece of the reality people struggle with. I feel like I watched us on hospital playlist, I watched the stories about humans and I think that's what we need right now.

I am so happy we will get season 2. I will not wait for season 2 just to get the endgame of our beloved iksong couple (even I certainly hope they will end up together), but more than that, I will definitely wait for another patient’s story and the relationship they have with our doctors!

PS: this drama definitely has the best soundtrack ever (other than goblin)!

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2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mai 31, 2020
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 9.0
So, I went into this drama with no real expectations. I didn't hear much hype on it, and I didn't really have any prior knowledge of what it was going to be about, who was in the cast and what the premise of the entire series was. By the ending of the first episode, I remember thinking "Wow, this reminds me a lot of the Reply series, I love how this is written!" Alas, only as I have finished it did I realize it was the same writer. No wonder I loved it! Hospital Playlist is similar to the Reply series in only the best aspects, but also distinct on its own. Some great points:

1. The all around feel-good nature of the drama. There aren't "bad" character or "enemies".
2. The morals and lessons that are taught throughout
3. The character development/interactions between not only the main characters but side ones.
4. The witty and comical bantering between everyone
5. The style in which the writer tries to mislead you into thinking one way and then reveals the underlying truth sometimes not until much much later. Details are important!!

I'm so so excited that Hospital Playlist is getting a second season. I just can't get enough of these characters and I can't wait to see them again soon!

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Erika Song
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Out 12, 2020
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 8.5
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Light drama that takes your stress away

First things first, this drama is a big appreciation for our medical staffs especially now that we are in the COVID-19 pandemic. Second, this is so light and it's perfect as a stress-reliever. If you are tired, overworked, bored, sleepy, you can watch atleast one episode then after that continue whatever you need to do. For my case, it really worked. A few times, I only watched half the episode then continued later. It's not because it is not engaging but it was just really light compared to the ones that keep you in the edge and that's its beauty. There is no major plot, the drama strive no masterpiece, it is just meant to make you smile a little, laugh a little, cry a little and just there to refresh you. The medical aspect is close to reality, not dramatic, just right and some of the stories just hits you naturally especially those in the finale.

But, I do believe that our medical friends will much more appreciate this drama, since, there are technical terms that might be really helpful for them especially to those that are med students. And there are med jokes, I'm sure they'll loved (I am not a med student, I am programmer btw). Overall, this is really nice, I also learned a little on what the doctors do on certain cases.

However, the reason why my rating is not that high, because although it delivered as a light medical drama, I think there is some mediocrity in it, especially in the first two episodes. The first episode was a bit over the place. There are some stories of the patients in those episodes that I just felt like kind of force. I mean, the stories are sad and I cried, but the directing and acting on some of those first emotional scenes weren't delivered very well as I expected. The humor is also there, I laughed but did not buy me off. The editing of the first scene in episode 1 did really seem mediocre in my opinion --but, wait hold up!! Don't be discouraged because episode 3 got me attached to it and have warmed up to their friendship and by episode 4, I am really vibing the drama.

I also want to talk about the romance as its sub-plot, although I enjoyed the ships especially Min Ha and Seok Hyeong, I think this drama would've been really impactful not it almost turn into a shipping club. But, for what it is, I enjoyed its low-key romance.

The likes:
- Jun Wan and Song Hwa best food buddies
- Yang Seok Hyeong, the sweetest teddy bear!
- Min Ha x Seok Hyeong ship (they are my absolutely OTP in this drama!)
- Gyeoul's character development and her motivation of becoming a better doctor!
- The friendship, it is lovely
- Chae Song Hwa best teacher, best girl, best prof
- Ik Jun being the best PR, doctor and a father
- Uju moments (I hope to see more in season 2)
- Jun Wan and Jae Hak friendship development!
- The touching finale
- Its nice OSTs

The dislikes (major spoilers ahead):
- Ahn Jeong Won's shallow character development.
He's a sweet nice doctor, I commend his character for that. But, I don't buy the way he was 'obsessed' of being a priest, maybe not really 'obsess', but the drama did not give a backstory or the main reason why he wanted to become a priest, the whole plot was just there to become some comic relief. It was really shallow for me. I also thought that at least at the end of this season he would realize that God's calling for him is to become a doctor, but he realized mostly because of some 'romantic' reasons. I know not just because of Gyeoul, but let's admit that she is the biggest influence.
- Ahn Jeong Won treatment on Gyeoul that doesn't feel right
- The lowkey jokes about Catholic priests and nuns
- Some transitions of scenes on the drama's first part
- Choi Young-Joon role as the gossip doctor (I really liked him in Flower of Evil but here his only job is to be a gossip doctor, if he's going to be cast again in season 2 I hope to see more involvement in the medical cases^^)

So, that's it. Of course there are things I did not like but you see, there are more things that I liked. I enjoyed the drama, got refreshed by it and appreciated our medical staffs! :) So last words, if you are craving for a romcom, not this one, next. But, if you are in for some medical drama that is light, good, simple with some good friendships and nice feel good music, hop in and this drama might be for you!

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