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Major regret.
Lhong should be In jail. Tharn was in no position to forgive Lhong as he wasn’t the victim of the traumatic crime.He basically said what Lhong did was fine because his childhood was rough… (normal people get therapy not organise a gang rape).Tharns character had so many issues first being the fact he had no compassion for Types trauma and just decided the best way of dealing with it was to basically force him until he likes it. The second was that he sexually takes advantage of Type in the first couple episodes.
These types of themes shouldn’t be brushed aside or taken lightly , the people that make shows like these should be held accountable, it’s honestly sickening.
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Toxic af
I hate how it deals with trauma and romanticizes sexual assault.The actors tho are really good at portraying their characters. The characters however really have no charm and are extremely toxic.
The best character definitely is Techno, although he can be annoying sometimes. From the main characters I only like Type, though it's mostly because of Gulf. His smile is just so gorgeous.
The amount of smut and kiss scenes mostly carry the show, but other than that I find it extremely toxic.
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Uma das melhores da minha vida
Estamos em 2022, e em meio a um lançamento de uma nova série da Mame, uma nova onde de hater surgiu, e eu senti a necessidade de vir falar um pouco sobre a primeira temporada de TharnType.Esse é um dos BL's de estimação para mim, de vez em quando, em meio a uma extensa lista de mais de 400 Bl's assistidos entre 2007 e 2022 de diversos países da Ásia, eu o revisito e mato a saudade desses personagens tão complexos e que me cativaram tanto.
A polêmica inicial se deu em volta de todo o universo Mame, que abrangia Love by chance e TharnType, as duas séries se passam de forma paralela uma à outra. Há quem ame, há quem odeie, mas pouca gente ficou indiferente, e independente da onda de hater a série se configurou um sucesso estrondoso, alavancando a carreira dos protagonistas e a autora, bem como a produtora Me Mindy.
Minha singela opinião sobre essa série: MARAVILHOSA. Tem defeitos? Óbvio! Mas nada, absolutamente nada consegue tirar a genialidade dessa obra. A maior parte do hate se concentra em 3 pontos:
1. A relação entre Tar e Tun:
É fato que aparentemente eles são irmãos, existe uma polêmica que iniciou em Love by chance e vai se estender até a segunda versão de TharnType e A chance to love, e na minha opinião é um furo no roteiro. Vi várias pessoas falando que a novel explica, mas muitas pessoas (incluindo eu) não leem a novel, e nem querem ler. No momento que a obra é adaptada para a TV, se essa problemática tão delicada vai ser abordada, é interessante que seja explicada. Até hoje não entendi se eles são meios-irmãos, irmãos por afinidade, o pai de um casou com a mãe do outro, qualquer coisa que esclarecesse de vez a polêmica do amor de Tun por Tar.
2. A personalidade de Type
Essa é a situação que mais passo pano, quem não gosta, paciência. Cuide da sua opinião que da minha cuido eu.
A série é uma obra de ficção. Type é um jovem extremamente homofóbico, até mais que o normal, agressivo e com um péssimo temperamento. Essas características foram o suficiente para o linchamento virtual feito pelos juízes de plantão. Na minha opinião, Type foi abusado sexualmente aos 13 anos de idade, teve esse estupro exposto e mesmo sendo criança precisou sofrer e ver sua família sofrer lidando com essa situação. Após isso, foi criado longe de todos que pudessem "oferecer perigo", e só agora saiu das asas de sua família por causa da universidade. Existir uma fobia por gays, no caso dele, é totalmente justificável, quem foi abusado consegue entender os medos, inseguranças e traumas terríveis que são levados por toda a vida. O que os haters não entendem, é que a intenção da série (a meu ver), é justamente mostrar esse lado terrivelmente ferido, que ataca pra se defender, e mostrar toda a mudança ocorrida nele no decorrer da série, graças ao amor e a paciência de Tharn. Ao final da série, não se reconhece mais o Type dos primeiros eps, mesmo depois de assumir seu amor por Tharn ele continuava escondendo do mundo, mas a aceitação não acontece de uma hora para outra, principalmente quando existe uma personalidade com tantas chagas, tentando aceitar em si próprio aquilo que ele sempre odiou. Depois do choque de realidade, de ter medo de perder Tharn, ele admitiu seu erro e passou a se modificar, no final ele se transformou num homem totalmente apaixonado, altruísta, que colocou seu amor em risco para expor o vilão e salvar a reputação do seu rival no amor, ao entender que ambos passaram por um sofrimento semelhante. Outro ponto sobre a auto aceitação de Tharn, vai ficar visível no episódio especial, quando conhecermos seu pai totalmente homofóbico, ao contrário da família de Tharn, que sempre o acolheu e aceitou como ele é. Detalhes como ele pedir desculpas ao amigo, e mesmo sem perder o respeito por seu pai por um minuto sequer, lutar para que sua família aceite Tharn, é um dos principais pontos da mudanças dele.
3. Abuso sexual e ciúme excessivo de Tharn
Sim, não concordo com essa parte, até destoa da personalidade mostrada por Tharn, me senti enojada quando vi ele beijando e tocando Type enquanto ele dormia. Mas também vi o arrependimento dele, o desespero ao saber do passado de Type, e depois disso, nunca mais houve nada sem consentimento. Ele suportou abusos físicos e verbais, desprezo, abandono, mas não desistiu de lutar por Type. Em relação ao ciúme, vi o hate mas não vi o motivo. Sinceramente, achei Type muito mais ciumento do que Tharn, nem quero debater isso. Uso do termo "esposa"? Era 2019, infelizmente era algo natural na Tailândia e que só agora vem sendo modificado. Eu reitero a crítica sobre a situação não explicada ao público entre os irmãos Tar e Tun, e o fato de que Tharn também teve sua primeira relação sexual com 14 anos, e deixa claro que não gostou, ele também foi abusado e não vê isso como abuso, e a série passou pano pra essa situação. Por último, quero falar do vilão, Lhong. A série foi perfeita na construção do vilão. Até o dia em que ele soube do relacionamento de Tharn e Type, eu jamais diria que ele seria um vilão realmente, e ainda depois desse dia, eu ainda acreditei por algumas vezes que o vilão seria Tar. O ator (Kaownah) merece todos os aplausos pois sua atuação foi genial, tanto que o vilão terminou aclamado pelo público, e não odiado como ocorre normalmente. O problema que envolve o fim e o vilão, é a passada de pano fenomenal para os crimes que ele cometeu. Caraleo, ele contratou 3 caras para estuprarem o garoto, destruiu a vida e o psicológico do menino, prejudica a vida de várias pessoas e não tem nenhuma punição? WTF!
A série como um todo tem uma história maravilhosa, roteiro muito bom, direção nem se fala, a fotografia da série é linda e a ost uma das melhores que já vi. A atuação pra mim, com certeza 10/10. A química entre Mew e Gulf é algo realmente surreal, chega a deixar dúvidas se é realmente interpretação (Alice falando). Poucas séries tem um casal tão absurdamente perfeito em cena como eles dois, nas cenas quentes, nos beijos, nos olhares, a tensão sexual, tudo entre eles é muito intenso e sensual, fora que são dois gostosos. Não foi à toa que o casal recebeu o prêmio de melhor beijo do ano, e foi um beijo no pé!!! Atuação e química, conceito, coesão e aclamação. O final dessa série é algo espetacular, um dos melhores episódios finais que já vi.
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I dont understand the hype about this series tbh. Everyone overlooked the amount of toxicity in the characters.Type's character was so toxic, i understand he has his reason and he has trauma but using his trauma as a reason to be an asshole is not it.
And BJ was totally non-consensual,, the sex scenes in general felt forced. Tharn took advantage of type every night even though he knew about type's past abuse.
Tharn's Character is also a big red flag. He is so possessive and that amount of possessiveness can never make a healthy relationship. Forcing himself on type because he saw the other flirting girls? Red Flag.
And honestly, Long's behavior should've been punishable, he should've been reported,, i don't get why they justified him.
Sorry if it offended anyone who loves this series. This is just not for me.
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2nd review of this toxic drama
Okay, when I first wrote about Tharn/Type, I gave it 10s across the board. I know now that this was because I never really watched this show with an "adult" eye. Having read some of the reviews (positive & negative) and then re-watching the show, I've revised my opinion.I give the acting for this show a 10 due to the ACTORS, not their characters. The actors portraying their characters were very good. I even like the acting of Kittipat Kaewcharoen (Kaownah) who played the antagonist Lhong. All played their parts well despite the very difficult plot.
However, the plot was very toxic for Tharn & Type (and Lhong, too). The fact of Type's being raped by a man as a child is totally glossed over, the fact that Tharn kisses and touches Type while he is asleep and without Type's consent, that despite his childhood trauma Type still allows Tharn to give him a bj and then as a "thank you" and to "do it once and get it over with", Type becomes the "under" for Tharn - who said that this won't be just once, is DISGUSTING and ABHORRENT! How did Type "get over" his trauma so quickly without any type of therapy? Why didn't Tharn, who supposedly loves Type so much, use his care for Type to gently encourage and help Type deal with and heal from that trauma before trying to become Type's boyfriend? And why did Tharn, when he and Type officially became a couple, immediately take type out to a bar, KISS HIM IN PUBLIC and then get upset when Type got angry? Just because Tharn was comfortable with his sexuality (he'd had time and came out on his own terms) didn't mean Type could handle it and WANTED to announce that he had a boyfriend! Tharn was incredibly SELFISH to EXPECT Type to admit his feelings for Tharn.
And the very toxic Lhong and how he manipulated Tharn and assaulted and almost murdered Type because he (Lhong) thought that he DESERVED Tharn as a boyfriend as he'd been Tharn's "friend" for years. He gets NO jail time or time in a psychiatric hospital? He's not punished at all? WHY did Tharn's own BROTHER treat Lhong with no anger whatsoever, and wish Lhong all the best?!
All in all, this drama was NOT a good BL, nor a good DRAMA, at all, not because the acting was not good, but because of the awful script and awful direction. So I've revised my "10" review down to 3.0 - and I don't recommend anyone watch this.
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I watched this show around a year ago and at the time i thought that it was the standard for bl's, but the standard should be way higher. Im a gay man and theres so many scenes in this show that are extremly harmful to lgbt people. the worst scene is one where tharn literally S*xually a*sults type and even with types past its just shoved aside with i believe a "sorry". im sick and tired of watching lgbt shows to get some representation and then it taking a 360 and i instead see such harmful sterotypes. this was made barely 3 years ago we need to do better.Esta resenha foi útil para você?
This show is sending some seriously unhealthy messages
I'm fairly new to BL but was hooked from the beginning by Wish You, SOTUS and 2gether (#teamtine #brightwin4ever). TharnType came up on a lot of recommended lists, so I was a little shocked and pretty concerned when I started watching.The main characters relationship is seriously unhealthy. And I don't mean in the cute, coming to terms with my feelings normal drama. I mean when you force yourself on someone or physical abuse them in fits of anger and jealousy without it ever getting called out, that's a huge problem for me.
Violent, jealous, controlling people are not good partners. They are people who need some help because that's called abuse not love.
I am very disappointed if this is what passes unquestioned in the BL fan community. There are a lot of good romantic, funny series that are waiting to sweep us off our feet without having to glorify or normalize spousal abuse.
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No offense on not finding enjoying LBC after the end because it's only on my personal taste.I don't like the story that is being forced to frame and too much fan servicing (eg. too many shirtless scene even though it's not adult scenes, too many scenes that faces of both protagonists are too close enough to kiss but they didn't... meh, I'm not saying this because I want to kiss them but I feel these scenes are not needed and too many drama when it's not necessary..etc and many more) .
Sorry for long intro. This is where my actual review start. Or calling as ' Recommendation article ' may be fit more to my review . LBC has the most of I described ones as above. This TharnType series has them too but storyline, chemistry between two main actors ( overall acting too, I won't judge them in detail because they're not oscar winner.There're some point in acting that I find myself awkward watching), director's direction make me fall onto it. But I have to say that the first 3 or may be 4 episodes make me bored and mehh.. it's too fanciful and unrealistic. I'll say in separated part.
Firstly, for the director, I found that this director is the new one. So, I'll compliment him. Everybody have their requirements. He has requirements too but he could delivered the mains necessity of the series(I hope I'm using right terms). It's the thing I found in this series and "He's coming the series". You'll know what I meant by necessity if your most favorite series are like mine and has a same opinion in LBC ( I'm not shading LBC , I'm only comparing to be conspicuous what I'm saying.I enjoy watching all BL series and of course LBC too). I think I'll follow his projects in future.
Second, the storyline, I'd say good word. I think may be better than LBC? I'll follow the work of this original story's author too.But there's something I'd like to point out as in EP 1 -5. Developing story base and charactor is a bit weak but later storyline make me forget about it. It may be I'm too obesess with BL series . I see some people dropped watching this series because of it. I'd like to push you to watch more episode and you be starting to like. As for the plot and script, I won't or can't judge as it's not my native language. I feel awkward toward some plot too but this may be because of different country and culture. I think I'll pass this part.
Third, music segment, sadly this series OST is being normal. Worth enjoy listening but I think it' s too simple.I enjoy Untill we meet again OST more. Anyway, I like this OST too. I won't judge much too 'cause of different culture again. Judging sound syetem is not my thing. I'm not professional reviewer as I only love to say things about my favourite movies and series.
Last but not least, the actors, I remark as they did their best with their competency. I'm complimenting them because I feel guilty that I severely judged them in first teaser trailer. I did not even look forward to next full trailer. that extend. But I tried to watch when the series started to show becase watching BL series is my entertainment (obviously) ...and here they are, they did more than I though. Thumbs up for them. Clap for Mew as I kinda like him only in this Tharn Charactor. Not in What The Duck. No offense and sorry, may be WTD is not my thing. Others actors are normal. Tar's not bad except only when he made that scared little face or whatever. TAM is just..Not Ok.
As concluded , I won't try to say much, only wanna say just try this. Even though it's 18+ series full of rude swear words , there's still something in deeper, meaning and passion. Thumbs up again for the whole crew and heart reaction to the " TharnType The Series " . I planed to write review after the series end. But I wrote it now as I heard next week won't be final EP showing week. I wrote this because I believe and hope the ending won't let me down.
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TharnType The Series. I love this series SO FUCKING MUCH! This is the series that i have been waiting for my whole life! I feel like every series that I watched seems like missing something except Theory Of Love. That's another case huhu. I feel like this series is so fucking real. Everything about it felt to fucking real. From the acting, to the kiss and the argument. I could feel the sadness, the anger in the actor's eyes. It felt sincere. Somehow, i do believe any series that related to Love By Chance has this one spark that i couldn't even explain.Moving on! I am going to talk about P'Type. I really hate bottom like P'Type. He is so stubborn, hot-headed, rude and his words are always vulgar. He thinks that he can do whatever that he wants and no one can change his point of view. He also likes to say things without even consider other people's feelings. I understand that he has a trauma where to the point he hates gays but he need to know that the person that assault him is not mainly GAY. I think the person is actually a PEDOPHILE. I also feel like he is very rude to Tharn eventhough Tharn didn't do anything to him except care for him and even after he open up to Tharn, he still hurt his feelings and steps on Tharn's feelings like trash. UGH I HATE HIM! Type is the type of person that would use his first to talk instead of sort things out, when Type finally dates Tharn, he somehow soften up but i still feel he is somehow rude and there is no two way effort, only Tharn is the one that care for him and all he does is get angry. Anyway, I REALLY LOVE THE WAY GULF POTRAYS TYPE. It's so accurate.
Tharn. Ah. My Tharn. I love Tharn. He is such a sweet boy. He is an opposite of Type. You know what they says, Opposite attracts each other. Tharn on the other hand is soft-spoken person, very careful of his words and a straight-forward person. He always try to sort things out with Type whenever something happened or they had an argument. For me, Tharn is a very mature person but he somehow hides a lot of things from Type. Type is a mean person but if Tharn would tell him about himself, I do believe that he will listen to it. Tharn is so secretive and he has too much empathy so people would use him easily. He is a big puppy when it comes to Type and he couldn't get mad at him too long LOL. Btw, i've always know Lluong likes Tharn because I can feel it. The first time he holds Tharn's hand, i thought they were sex friends and when he looks shocked at the confession that Tharn Type dating, I already know something is going on. AHAHAHAHHA
Anyway, Hands down to the top best BL ever! I love this series and I can't wait for LBC S2 because TinCan UGHHH!!! <3.
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Perfect. No words to describe.
Kudos all. Director etc team esp Gulf and Meow.
What I really like is the way they acted. Its just natural... Esp bestfriend turn villain here hahhahaha ooppsss....
All ... U should watch . I will definitely watch it again...
Gulf and meow portrayed their roles here very well i really love the music and all
It's just pure love definitely a Valentine's Day movie.....
Super awesome like everyone said here
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Story, music, climax, drama, actors you name it. All of them got me and they’re the best.
I like how they twisted the story and caractère and make it perfect. I am
Looking forward to watching the second season. I have watch 3 times in 2 months time :-)
Caractère :
Type : At first I don’t like how type treated tharn but he has his reason behind all that. He seemed very mean but inside he is good guy. Gulf did his role very well and suit him. I am very happy with performance.
Tharn : is very cute and I love when he is playing drum and singing. Like type said that’s his sexy part and I freaking love it.
Techno : awesome and nosy friend. Love him here to play the carachter.
Lhong : awesome and excellent antagonist. Thank you to the director who explain in the scene why long had to do this kind of bad things
Nic and Kla are another my fave
Champ : I think perfect for No
Seo & Khlui : give them more scene
Tum & Ta : I thought they’re weird and I was kinda guessing how their relationship to each other but at the end I understood after I watch Love by Chance.
I love all of them and I can’t mention one by one.
Story line :
No boring, exciting, funny, tense, cry whatever in it has the perfect and best ending of any drama. This is my first review ever and I made this account to appreciate their work and I will keep doing from now on. Tharntype is the best.
Soundtrack :
Love all of them especially: hold me tight acoustic version and be mine.
Music when sad, happy, comedy tense are all excellent.
Writers in movie and novel :
You’re absolutely amazing and thank you for this work and I can’t thank you enough.
Kuddos all
I am just loving the BL series recently especially from Thailand. Well done.
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