was it good?
True be told it was good: hell the FL knocked me out in less than 30 minutes at the beginning of the show however that didn't make her be as kick ass as she were before she meets the ML, as soon as she meets the ML she become less kickass and more of a football being kicked around. So yeah I hate the FL however there were other characters that I like besides the ML. the only reason why I stuck around was that I can see the FL in action but there was hardly any action of her in them so it wasted my time they only reason it got an 8.5 from me is that the acting was good for the side characters and the ML. WELL, this isn't my type of show I prefer a kickass FL that always fight through the use of wits and fist, I prefer the FL to be strong, not weak, or the fact that they shadow her ability and just show her weak pissed me off. I AM TELLING YOU IF YOU MOVE to PASS THE FL AND look at the side characters in the show they were way better and comedic too. SO in short the show was OKAY.Esta resenha foi útil para você?
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I really loved this to be honest, I thought all the characters were pretty great and the main romance was awesome. I really loved how bad ass the lead woman was, and how she helped the lead male through his problems.
The only problem I had with this drama was that the bad guys throughout seemed to always be shown like they didn't do anything wrong or should be forgiven. I didn't fully understand that mentality as the main antagonist would do something shady, then people would act like it was ok and the one affected was over reacting, and then they would do something shady again, and repeat.
I feel like this drama tried too hard to have its cake and eat it too. Have people cause problems but then the ones affected where blamed for getting angry. Seemed very odd to me.
With that said, this drama was really enjoyable to watch and I really loved the lead female. She was great.
I highly recommend this drama.
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Up until episode 13, I was determined to give Protect the Boss a strong 8, as it was a highly enjoyable (if predictable) ride. But as other reviewers mentioned before me, the final 5 episodes (that could be easily reduced into 2) effectively assassinated the plot (and some of the characters). It's not that the series couldn't last for 18 episodes. It could. There was definitely enough material to work with. The problem was that the writing in the final episodes was all over the place, it concentrated on the wrong stuff and did very little for character development; it was like the writers suddenly forgot that some of the characters exist (Eun Seol's father appeared and disappeared in a blink of an eye; the grandmother became strangely passive during some major moments), forgot what their relationships are ("Gangster Chairman" Cha suddenly doesn't approve of the heroine why again??? it didn't make sense), or that the characters were going to say something (Eun Seol promised Ji Heon to definitely tell him why she did what she did next time they talk....I was really waiting for it...it never happened); or that they have valid issues that need to be addressed (it would be nice if Ji Heon was shown to be as supportive of Eun Seol as she is of him).
That being said, Protect the Boss IS a good drama, one that defies many cliches and offers many hilarious moments, not to mention that:
+ the male lead acknowledges that the heroine is much more awesome than him, there is never the typical arrogant male lead moment "she is such a loser why do I have to like her?"
+ family dynamics of the rich family is unusual and entertaining
+ the antagonists are more pitiful and funny than villainous
+ the second female lead is really a precious cinnamon roll and she eventually befriends the heroine
- as mentioned, the last third of the show was poorly written and boring
- the main couple was nice and their chemistry was decent...but lacking, somewhat. I don't know why, maybe it only seemed to me that way because Choi Kang Hee who played the heroine looked like she could be Ji Sung's older sister (not that she wasn't pretty, she was!), they just weren't convincing as a pair - they were cute, but not the OTP of the century
I've never ever heard before about this Ji Sung guy, but he was amazing, he made his character truly three-dimensional and believable, and I definitely became his instant fan. He was adorable! The rest of the cast was great as well.
MUSIC 7.5/10
Some catchy songs but nothing to write home about.
Big yes to rewatching my favorite moments, but I don't think I'll be able to get through episodes 14-18 as a whole ever again.
OVERALL 7.5/10
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I feel like at this point saying that a drama is a breath of fresh air is a lie. Because a lot of Korean dramas (at least the ones who focus on the romantic relationships) follow the same structure. You know what I mean - getting to know each other, falling in love, dating, fighting/ breaking up, forgiving and the happy ever after. The circle just repeats with almost every drama. And even if some dramas try to break this structure a lot of the times it ends horribly. Even with this cliche structure that is predictable and pretty boring I can still enjoy dramas if they make sure to include bits and pieces of something original and interesting. Happiness consists of little things, right?
The story of Protect the Boss is nothing special. But there are a few plot lines that were pretty interesting and thought provoking. Be aware that like a lot of Korean dramas Protect The Boss also gets dragged on and boring and it gets pretty bad but not horrible.
I always watch comedies, because I hate the heavy atmosphere in melodramas. The comedy in this drama...i don't know if it even exists, because I don't remember it being extremely funny, well sure there were a few moments, but overall the comedy in this drama is just the lighthearted, mushy feeling that will make you smile a lot. ^^
I loved the main characters. Cha Ji Heon was really interesting and unique. No Eun Seol was a perfect main character and at the end of the show I supported her like she was my friend. This rarely happens but I actually cared a lot for the supporting characters. Loved Seo Na Yoon and the way her character developed and, God, Wang Ji Hye is just a godess in general. The relationship between No Eun Seol and her two friends was like a cute little bonus. Cha Ji Heons father really gave me mixed feeling. One episode he was my favourite character and the other I hated him. I don't know if that is a good thing, but I guess I really enjoyed loving him.
There are a lot of unanswered questions for me, especially about Cha Ji Heons past. Sometimes the decisions the characters made or how their feelings changed were unnatural and unrealistic. No Eun Seol and Cha Moo Won even though I loved them, but their characters were kind of bland and needed more character development. The evil characters were just there, because they needed to be wich made them annoyng.
I didn't notice anything horrible and I feel like I am not qualified to nit pick little flaws.
Absolutely bland and uninteresting. I don't remmember any song that I liked but there was this backround music with string instuments that was kind of uplifting.
Despite its flaws I still enjoyed this drama for the lovable characters and cute moments.
Overall: 7.5
P.S. Don't even look at the rating sistem. I put 7.5 everywhere so the overall would be 7.5. i dislike this rating sistem.
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Protect the Boss will forever be one of my favorite dramas ever! It's hilarious and adorable =)There's some real eyecandy- (Ji Sung and Jaejoong)Ji Sung is just too adorable in this x3 I will definately buy Protect the Boss when it comes out on dvd! Protect the Boss is a must watch!
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Divertente, un po' più lento dopo la metà
Protect the Boss è una serie in 18 episodi da un’ora circa ciascuno. Si tratta quindi di un drama piuttosto corposo, forse troppo, per quello che viene raccontato. Siamo nell’abusato ambiente degli uffici di una grande società gestita a livello familiare, nella quale tra l’altro non si capisce molto cosa facciano gli impiegati e i dirigenti, visto che paiono sempre più impegnati a persegui(ta)re l’anima gemella o a farsi le scarpe l’un l’altro piuttosto che a svolgere un qualsivoglia lavoro.I cliché abbondano, come spesso accade nei drama: si va dal presidente-padre violento ma sotto sotto amorevole, ai traumi infantili, passando per gelosie e complotti dei familiari, per finire allo stereotipo del ricco figlio di papà che si innamora della povera e grezza segretaria campagnola. Eppure, nonostante l’apparenza, le vicende non sono così scontate, perché su questa trama se ne vanno ad innestare altre che aggiungono sale e pepe a questa minestra che, altrimenti, risulterebbe molto insipida.
Invece, l’agorafobia del protagonista Heon Ji Cha, mirabilmente interpretato da un giovane Ji Sung, rende la prima metà del drama molto interessante, specie per il rapporto che viene a crearsi con la sua muova segretaria, l’energica Eun Seol No, che l’attrice Kang Hee Choi è riuscita a rendere al meglio, e che lotta con lui per guarirlo da questa malattia debilitante che non gli consente di prendere posto a testa alta nel consiglio di amministrazione, cosa cui peraltro egli non aspira, ma che il padre desidera. Siamo in Dramaland, quindi soprassediamo sul fatto che una ragazza qualsiasi possa agire da psichiatra dopo aver letto qualche libro, e riuscire a guarire il giovane in pochi mesi.
Le lotte intestine nella famiglia sono un altro asse portante della serie, coi genitori che cercano di spingere i figli in posizione predominante, facendo di tutto per scalzare la supremazia del presidente e scongiurare l’ascesa del figlio anticonformista. Peccato per loro, che i ragazzi finiscano ben presto per fare amicizia e opposizione alle trame genitoriali, mentre si innestano giochi di innamoramenti a formare un quadrilatero che ci metterà un po’ ad assumere forma definitiva.
Nel frattempo, si parla molto di fondi neri, evasione di tasse e così via, non mancando di rimarcarne l’illiceità. Peccato che gli evasori della nostra allegra società se la cavino sempre con qualche centinaio di ore di servizi sociali. Potenza dell’essere importanti e del sapere come impietosire il prossimo presentandosi su una sedia a rotelle…
Ma quella che veramente scalda il cuore di questa serie altrimenti piuttosto anonima è la grande amicizia che si viene a creare tra la protagonista, la sua compagna di stanza e Na Yoon Seo, ricca e viziatissima figlia di mammà, che passa dall’essere un’antagonista ad un’amica sincera. Queste tre ragazze ci faranno ridere e piangere con loro.
La serie procede senza troppa suspense a passo lento e sicuro, ma lento. Troppo spesso nei drama accade, come qui, che le situazioni diventino ripetitive, che le vicende sembrino ristagnare, mentre gli ostacoli posti sulla strada della coppia principale si moltiplicano a dismisura, uno dopo l’altro. Passata la metà dell’opera, finite le risate che le situazioni iniziali ci avevano strappato, arriva un generale rallentamento che ci porta a chiederci perché abbiano dovuto insistere a fare 18 puntate quando avevano materiale per 15. Un racconto più condensato sarebbe stato scintillante, mentre così la seconda metà risulta un po’ appannata. Peccato.
Perché, allora, ho assegnato un voto tutto sommato alto? Perché, come già detto, l’amicizia delle ragazze è qualcosa che scalda veramente il cuore. La lunghezza della serie ha consentito di descrivere crescite caratteriali importanti in diversi personaggi, primo fra tutti il protagonista, che di crescita da fare ne aveva veramente tanta. Ma, soprattutto, per l’interpretazione che ne ha dato Ji Sung. Di questo stupendo attore, magnifico qui a 30 anni e ancora meglio in altri drama a 40, non si può che dire bene: la sua recitazione è sempre impeccabile, le sue micro espressioni, il linguaggio del corpo, qualcosa di sublime. Se non mi credete e ancora non l’avete fatto, andate a guardare Kill Me, Heal Me, dove recita la parte di un uomo con personalità multiple. Non due o tre, ma sette, e le interpreta tutte…
Finita questa parentesi di adorazione per Ji Sung, bisogna riconoscere che l’intero cast ha lavorato benissimo, sia pur a tratti con qualche esagerazione nella mimica, ma non bisogna dimenticare che si tratta di una commedia, e quindi qualche smorfia è pur consentita. Se eccezione c’è stata, è da applicarsi a Jae Joong Kim, che ha interpretato il ruolo di Moo Won Cha, cugino, antagonista e amico del protagonista, un ragazzo bellissimo ma dalla mimica piuttosto legnosa. Purtroppo chiunque si trovi a recitare al fianco di Ji Sung è destinato a subire paragoni impietosi.
Il commento musicale che cade a proposito, i begli abiti di tutti (tranne che della povera protagonista!) le ambientazioni ben curate e una cinematografia sul pezzo contribuiscono a rendere questo drama una serie da vedere per tutti coloro che non vogliano azione a tutti i costi e non si lascino scoraggiare dalla lentezza.
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An okay drama
LIKEI actually shipped for Eun Seol and Moo Won
That moment when Chairman Cha said "Omma" to Mrs. Song and Eun Seol was like?? then Mrs. Song froze and embarrassed - lol
Nothing much I could remember of
MUSIC - personal fav
Let Us Just Love - A Pink
It doesn't matter if I re-watch or not
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