Hey, I'm Duck!

I first got into dramas when I was casually flipping though Netflix, bored out of my freaking mind, and I saw something called "Boys Over Flowers". I had never watched anything foreign in my life, but I was willing, so I said "What the heck? Why not?" I thought it was a little weird at first, but as soon as I finished the first episode I wanted to watch another, and another until I literally stayed up all night to finish BOF. Then, began the addiction. My hobbies are watching t.v. and reading usually, and with dramas I can do both.I was introduced to MDL when I was watching a drama on dramacrazy.net and casually glanced over to see a very pouty, attractive (sarcasm) face of one of my favorite actors (Lee Min Ho) on an ad. I love hearing about other dramas people have seen, and what they recommend, so befriend me! Message me! I would love to hear from people!

I thought I would add this, since a lot of people have something like this.
Favorite Band: Big Bang
If you can't tell from my avi, gifs, and ^^, then I will tell you now. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE G-Dragon!! My little Ji Yong-ii. He's amazing, and inspiring. <3

Drama Favorites:
Favorite Couple: Jason and Pil Suk- Dream High
Favorite Kiss: Yoon Yoon Jae and Sung Si Won; kitchen kiss scene- Reply 1997
Favorite Character: Joo Byung Hee- Shut Up Flower Boy Band
Favorite Scene: Blood On Hands- Smile, You
Favorite Villian: Shin Sook Hee- Protect The Boss
Favorite OST: Shut Up Flower Boy Band
Favorite Confession: Pil Suk to Jason- Dream High
Favorite Ending: King2Hearts
Favorite Funny Moment: CPR Scene- Emergency Couple
The Husband List: A list of all the Korean actors/musicians I find attractive.
Micky Yoochun
Lee Min Ki
Jang Geun Seok
Kim Soo Hyun
Hyun Bin
Lee Min Ho
Lee Min Ho The Younger
Kim Hyun Joong
Jung Il Woo
Lee Jun Ki
Kim Woo Bin
Seo In Guk