Short and Bare Bones But A Thrilling Ride
A Jade pendant, Revenge and Rebirth may be a bit cliché but this Mini drama definitely takes those elements and weaves them together rather well. What first glance seems like a open-and-shut case get unraveled deeper and deeper then further down the spiral the leads go within the story.Where the show excels is with its fight scenes, wire work, and morally grey characters. Almost everyone has a reason for their actions, whether it is a "good" reason or not is beside the point.
As for the plot, everything is bare bones told, nothing extra added which honestly does sometimes mean things you would like to have further explained are dropped and not discussed or shown on screen. But as for the MAIN story, everything important is shown and discussed.
One thing I found interesting was that the ending was expanded upon as much as it was. Without spoiling anything, the main conflict is resolved and then there is a final bit of romance in the last bit of the show. There are MULTIPLE times I could have seen the show ending earlier with a "lesser" ending but the one we got was VERY satisfying in my personal opinion.
(If it had had the budget to delve a "little" deeper it probably would have been higher but there's only so much when some episodes are 7 minutes cutting out the credits).
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Conociendo cada pedacito de ti de alguna manera es fundamental para mi
Tengo digamos que sentimientos encontrados con esta serie que en lo personal a mi si me gusto bastante pero si siento que tiene unos cuantos "problemas", para mi el mas importante seria con la historia que si esta bonita y todo pero yo sentía que algunas veces avanzaba muy rápido o de alguna forma como que no daba el tiempo suficiente creo.Xia Shang Zhou y Yao Shun Yu me cayeron muy bien en especial un poco mas este Shun Yu siento que tiene mas carisma y asi no se su actitud se me hace bien bonita y digo lo entiendo pq esta serie cumple con el cliche de sunshine x grumpy, para mi si cumplen como pareja o sea si se ve química entre ellos y todo, si tengo que admitir que no es la pareja mas green flag incluso tienen unos momentos un poco red flag pero ps todavía no eran pareja, digamos que fue por las adversidades que se tenían que enfrentar y que al final terminan haciendo justo eso enfrentando, tienen momentos muy bonitos que por ejemplo toda esta parte de ellos conociéndose y para mi el cap 10 de la mitad en adelante es de lo mejorcito tienen unos momentos y unos besos que no decepcionan diría yo.
Ahora mi otro problema es con los personajes secundarios y en si no es un problema con ellos sino con como están "distribuidos"?, en general se podría decir que no tiene trama básicamente todos están para cuando algo suceda con algún prota.
Tenemos a Li Hui Wang (el subdirector) que el esta cuando algo pase con Shang Zou pq ps se cuentan todo y asi, creo que es el que mas participacion tiene y me cayo muy bien en algunos momentos como que se quiere dar a entender que puede pasar algo entre el y la jefa de las secretarias pero al final termina en nada, ni se desarrolla y se deja de lado la vd.
Tenemos a todo el clan de secretarias que lo mismo ellas están pero para cuando pase algo con Shun Yu y ps las mas destacables son Lisa que es como la jefa y Sofia que es como las best friend de Shun Yu pero en general todas caen muy bien y tienen mucho carisma.
Y lit creo que ya, bueno esta este Xiao Yang (el chofer de Shang Zhou) que creo que sale hasta mas que la propia mama de Shang pero cae bien los pocos momentos que sale.
y creo que es todo en general una serie que cumple en algunos aspectos y en otros se queda a deber un poquito (historia, desarrollo de mas personajes, etc.) aunque punto bueno pq me gusto mucho estas tipo entrevistas que salen al principio de los caps le agregaba sin duda algo a la serie y tmb que la panadería a la que van se llama "you are mine" son pequeños toques que cuando los captas tan bonitos.
La frase del titulo es del cap. 10.
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This drama started off really well in my opinion and had great potential, but I quickly lost interest in the leads, mainly due to poor character development and the glaring incompatibility between the ML and FL.The side stories are entertaining, and the second leads are adorable, which kept me motivated to finish the series. However, the dynamic between the FL and ML was really off-putting. Their relationship felt unbalanced and infantilizing: the FL seemed entirely self-centered and focused on her work, while the ML came across as a lost puppy, willing to sacrifice everything for her. I have no issue with her being career-driven or less empathetic (I actually LOVE that), but their relationship simply didn’t make sense and felt completely one-sided.
The final episodes seemed rushed, which only added to the disappointment. All in all, wasted potential.
On the bright side, though, the casting was great and I really loved the sisters' dynamic.
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Who rules the Drama???
Comincio col dire che la visione di questo drama da 40 puntate si é protratta per 2 intere settimane, un’eternità se la confronto al tempo che generalmente impiego per finirne uno della stessa lunghezza (5 giorni).Questo dovrebbe far comprendere quanto poco coinvolgente sia per una serie di ragioni:
La storia parla di sei regni che hanno tra l’altro nomi simili (Joungzhou,Jinzhou,Qhuinzoun,Jonzhou…) , quindi diventa confusionario capire di quale regno si tratti e quali vicende lo attraversino .
Per ognuno di questi regni, e quasi per tutte le vicende vengono rappresentate, c’é una quantità davvero sostanziosa di attori e comparse con il risultato di appesantire la visione, così lo spettatore fa fatica ad entrare nel vivo della storia perché deve farsi un quadro mentale dei 30 personaggi a cui si riferiscono gli attori quando parlano, impiega un po’ per seguire bene le vicende, si confonde e si perde. Il risultato per un drama cosi breve é che risulta molto dispersivo.
Inoltre le vicende non hanno uno sviluppo ordinato, mentre si parla di un regno si passa alla visione di un altro che non ha ancora con quello precedentemente visto delle connessioni.
Entriamo nel vivo della storia: si parla dei sei regni e della lotta per il trono che implica la conquista del mondo (da qui il titolo), nello specifico segue prevalentemente la storia del Man lead, il protagonista Fenglaxi che ha una doppia identità che verrà disvelata nel corso delle puntate senza sorpresa o stupore per nessuno se non per il padre. Questo mi é sembrato davvero inverosimile. Stessa cosa per un altro personaggio che non spoilero. Nessuna meraviglia, stupore quando si potevano usare dei colpi di scena.
La co-protagonista (su carta), la famosa Zhao Lusi ha davvero poco spazio nella vicenda, se escludiamo i primi cinque episodi, tanto che ci si chiede se il drama riguardi anche lei o se é semplicemente una figura a supporto.
Dal 20° episodio inizia ad ottenere sempre più spazio nella storia e allora ci si accorge che il lavoro comprende anche lei , fino a diventare protagonista assoluta nel corso degli ultimi episodi.
Di 50 drama finora visti é quello meno omogeneo come compresenza dei personaggi, iniziano insieme poi il FL
prende il sopravvento e il ML si eclissa sul finale, fino a diventare contorno, poi protagonisti finalmente entrambi negli ultimi cinque episodi.
La loro storia inizia come sodalizio marziale sebbene poi diventi altro ma dovrete aspettare circa 30 episodi per vedere sbocciare qualcosa, perché sono entrambi presi dal percorso di conquista e riscatto di uno, e dal supporto dell’altro, le loro vicende e peripezie sono innumerevoli, le loro sfide si risolvono nel corso dell’episodio e poi si passa alla sfida successiva, come se fosse un videogioco a livelli. Questo, personalmente, ha smorzato molta tensione perché comprendevo che tutto si sarebbe risolto presto a beneficio dei protagonisti ma ha anche interrotto il coinvolgimento presentando una discontinuità. La visione non é fluida, non ti cattura, non ti prende, non ti consente di immergerti e di immedesimarti, risultando una storiella tiepida, poco credibile, le emozioni legate alla nascita di un rapporto amoroso , fondamentale per l'evolversi della storia, sono congelate perché é un drama d’azione con pochissimo romanticismo.Gli episodi romantici sono due e tutti sul finire del lavoro, dal 30 in poi... .
Il finale non é triste ma molto , troppo uguale, a tanti drama finora visti con una brutto risvolto sul finale che lascia un retrogusto amaro. Non c’è felicita piena per il modo in cui finisce e per ciò che comporta.
Non posso spoilerare ma nonostante comprenda le intenzioni del regista sul messaggio che voglia lasciare sull’importanza del tempo speso con le persone a noi care, per le modalità con cui decide di lasciarlo, mi sembra assurdo e poco credibile che si possa godere della serenità sapendo di avere i giorni contati , con il tacito benestare della protagonista. Quanto può essere veritiero???
Quanto é credibile inoltre che questo duo che possiede un intuito e un’intelligenza fuori dal comune si renda conto dell’identità del cattivo solo a fine lavoro, quando il generale imperiale, invece, lo identifica subito e io seguendo gli indizi, da spettatore, comprendo dalla sua comparsa che é il cattivo?????
Il protagonista che è un surrogato di ingegno, intuito, furbizia e capacità oratorie, pur avendo perso la madre in giovane età, all'improvviso, non sembra porsi dei dubbi sull'eventualità che possa essere stata avvelenata, e non conduce nessuna indagine pur avendo ogni risorsa a disposizione, dato che ha costruito una sorta di organizzazione di spionaggio. Anche il re padre non ha alcun dubbio , nonostante ci fossero davvero pochi dubbi anche su chi potrebbe essere stato . Quanto è verosimile???
Ci sono poi numerosi escamotage e soluzioni che mi sono sembrate frettolosi e poco convincenti, come se la storia abbia un pubblico destinatario molto giovane , se non adolescenziale per apprezzare un lavoro cosi approssimativo.
Il caposetta marziale, custode del sigillo, doveva essere un uomo saggio, avveduto e prudente invece si rivela spesso incauto determinando una sua prematura scomparsa, in modo molto , troppo stupido.
Interpretazione : la nota dolente di questo lavoro, insieme al montaggio delle scene e a combattimenti approssimativi, non mi ha permesso di entrare nella storia ma di seguire distrattamente e controvoglia il drama. Mi riferisco a emozioni non sempre corrispondenti con quanto di tragico appariva nella storia, occhi sgranati per dare profondità al personaggio ma risultavano un po' delle caricature, il protagonista che perde i sensi in ginocchio e prima con l'avambraccio si pone in modo da non cadere di botto ma in modo comodamente studiato (se siete svenuti nella vita sapete bene che non potete sistemarvi prima in modo da evitare di farvi male). Quest'ultima scena grottesca e ridicola l'ho rivista a rallenty 5 volte perché non potevo credere che il regista non se ne fosse accorto e avesse montato proprio questa ripresa di svenimento quasi amatoriale.
Attori che stanno per morire ma hanno forza per fare discorsi e tutto ad un tratto girano la testa e chiudono gli occhi di botto. Interpretazioni PENOSE.
Salvo solo un attore che mi dispiace abbia parti da comparsa mentre meritava più spazio. Mi riferisco al fratello maggiore del protagonista maschile, il primo principe. Lui é uno dei pochi che mi ha convinto perché ha dato intensità, partecipazione, credibilità al suo ruolo, dandogli un po’ di serietà.
Musiche: penso sia il drama che meno abbia investito in musiche di sottofondo e colonna sonora, il peggiore tra quelli finora visti e non mi dilungo.
Effetti speciali : alcuni combattimenti sono molto belli e di sicuro impatto scenico, molti altri sono invece cosi veloci e con soluzioni abbozzate, spesso poco curate, da avermi strappato qualche risata nel corso della visione (maniche di tessuto leggero usate come frustre, armi o scodelle lanciate nei combattimenti che vengono scagliate sulle vittime senza partire direttamente dalle mani dei combattenti, come partissero animate da una forza invisibile, peccato però che fossero a pochi millimetri dal personaggio che voleva lanciarle, spade che si piegano come fossero di carta, antichi saggi truccati male con poteri ridicoli e mosse caricaturali, sangue arancione). Eppure dovevano rappresentare la drammaticità della guerra e il sacrificio inutile dei sudditi . Occorreva più impegno.
Dialoghi: descrittivi e narrativi con poche riflessioni introspettive, salvo solo un paio di frasi (avremmo voluto sopportare il peso del cielo per te in modo evitarti ogni preoccupazione mentre quel cielo ora devi portarlo da sola). Bella anche la riflessione sulla difesa
Questo ha tolto molta serietà alla visione dello spettacolo .
PRO: le scene di guerra e le formazioni che vengono schierate per difendersi, alcuni discorsi sulle strategie militari e la concezione della difesa vista come situazione di bilanciamento, la vendetta sui cattivi, in questo lavoro finalmente ho potuto vedere piena nemesi, seppur tardiva , di tutti i cospiratori in modo sottilmente spietato, senza buonismi superflui, belli i costumi e gli interni dei palazzi, interessante utilizzo e manipolazione delle superstizioni per manipolare il popolo e i soldati. Questo è stato onestamente molto interessante da seguire.
Conclusione : una storia d’azione che manca di intensità e credibilità. E non linciatemi ma Zhao Lusi non é questa grande attrice che la fama mi faceva pensare che fosse. Certamente é più valida di tante altre, molto più belle che ancora devono, si spera, maturare artisticamente ma non é ai livelli di una Yang Zhi o di altre due (l’attrice di the double per esempio ).
Una cosa che mi ha fatto sorridere è come abbiano volutamente scritto i copioni a favore della protagonista, tanto da risultare palese: mai come in nessun altro drama, con protagoniste femminili molto più valide a livello estetico di Zhao Lusi, viene decantata la sua bellezza da tutti (Bella quanto letale, bella come una fata... la donna più bella del mondo... XD XD XD). Mi è sembrato un po' too much perché zhao lusi è una brava attrice ed è molto graziosa ma non è obiettivamente una bellezza sconvolgente, quindi, queste parti dove le lodi superano OBIETTIVAMENTE I REALI MERITI, le avrei tolte o quantomeno ridotte di frequenza. Mi chiedo quanto l'agenzia dell'attrice non sia coinvolta in questo .... !!!!!!!!!!
In conclusione un drama dispersivo, lento, poco convincente e forse a basso budget che aveva un progetto ambizioso che però non é riuscito a decollare ma si é perso nella lista infinita dei personaggi, delle comparse dirette male. Linee temporali confuse e sovrapposizioni un po’ a casaccio.
Chi ha dato 8 , 9 o 10 o é un fan poco obiettivo di zhao lusi o ha 13 anni!
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Hwang Da Seul does it again...
Oh the intricacies of life that are brought so achingly to the screen in such a brilliant way. This was masterfully executed, as expected from Hwang Da Seul. She continues to provide us with compelling and beautifully acted stories and she definitely didn't fail us here.Let Free the Curse of Taekwondo is a series of growing up and fighting with the expectations that are set forth and how we can break from those cursed chains that try to destroy us down to the bones. Or, what one is pushed to do just to survive, even if it means leaving everything and everyone you know behind. Not only does this story pull us in and keep us invested, but it gives us flawed characters and challenges us to understand (and still love) them.
All in all, this series was a solid work of art that deserves the high praise and a rewatch or two.
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A Riveting Blend of Justice and Supernatural Forces
The Judge From Hell is an enthralling Korean drama that redefines the supernatural legal genre, delivering a spellbinding mix of courtroom drama, eerie suspense, and moral introspection. At its center is Park Shin-Hye, who shines in her transformative role as a demon judge seeking justice beyond human comprehension.Set as if it's a mockery of the current Korean justice system, Park Shin-Hye’s character, an enigmatic judge with demonic powers, emerges as a relentless force balancing the scales of justice. Her duality—a merciless arbiter of punishment and a vulnerable soul burdened by her past—creates a compelling narrative anchor. The drama explores themes of redemption, vengeance, and the blurred line between good and evil.
Park Shin-Hye delivers a career-defining performance, embodying the judge’s inner turmoil and steely resolve with magnetic intensity. Her transformation scenes, where her demonic powers manifest, are breathtaking and highlight her versatility as an actress. The supporting cast complements her well, particularly her demonic teams and the lead detective who pursues her, who add layers of moral complexity and emotional depth to the story.
Visually, the drama is a masterpiece. Dark, brooding cinematography and meticulous production design transport viewers to a hauntingly beautiful world. The special effects, especially during her own trial confrontations, are both chilling and visually stunning. The soundtrack further elevates the atmosphere, blending haunting melodies with pulse-pounding beats.
However, the series does have minor flaws. Some subplots involving secondary characters feel rushed or underdeveloped, and a few episodes in the middle stretch could have been tighter in pacing. Nonetheless, the climactic episodes more than make up for these shortcomings, delivering a thrilling and emotionally satisfying conclusion.
The Judge From Hell is a bold and imaginative drama that captivates from start to finish. Park Shin-Hye’s mesmerizing performance and the show’s unique premise make it a must-watch for fans of supernatural and legal dramas alike. It’s a haunting reminder that justice doesn’t always come from above—it can rise from the depths of hell itself.
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How to adapt a sport for the uninitiated
This show is a definition of how you combine an obscure sport with fantasy element to heighten the impact of both. I never knew what GO was but after this I really found a keen interest in learning even thought it seemed complex and difficult to master unlike chess.The show starts of with a simple premise of a past spirit wondering the earth to meet his destined person to fulfill his wish. However, the twist is that the ghost has absolutely no power and can only annoy the connected one depending on his mood. So as the story progresses no authority is given to the ghost and even the super genius spirit becomes kind of like a mentor without stealing the limelight from little kids.
All characters are different in nature in this show unlike other dramas. No one is traditionally attractive so I found their minds more fascinating then the distracting facial features. No one acts and demand more than they should get and the drama feels more like a simple slice of life drama where people learn GO and get good at it in a reasonable pace while having interesting yet grounded adventures.
For me the best interactions were always between the spirit and our main character and his rivals. These golden trio while always weighted heavily on the side of our main character as he can cheat anytime, was made balanced due to him deciding not to cheat and get good on his own. To me it seemed somewhat annoying at times where he could have taken the help from the spirit to cheat way more but it is understandable that he was a honest kid and wanted to play fair and square.
Overall, the show was better than I imagined. No other sports show has produced so much interest on a obscure game such as this drama. I have watched many sports drama on Tennis, Badminton, Snooker, and many other obscure ones but none explain the rules and implement such rules as effortlessly as this one.
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Every episode was worth it
I am astonished by how much I liked this. I often feel more in the grey zone with many dramas, but I loved every episode in Love game in eastern fantasy. What kept me hooked was the trust and love between each character; the way Miao Miao fights to keep the group together is hearth warming, and her devotion towards a happy ending also helped keep direction for the plot. Sometimes I am watching a series, and all I can think is, where is this going? But I didn't feel that way here, everything just fell into place. I really loved how Ding Yuxi was able to make Mu Sheng look both fierce but have such a cute and soft side. His acting is great! And although many people complain about the childish personality of Miao Miao, I still found her endearing. I mean, she never actively caused misunderstandings or act stupid. I wasn't a huge fan of the system telling Miao Miao to make Mu Sheng like her, because it felt a bit forced at first. But after a while, his trust in her and her love towards him grew naturally, and there was not much scheeming anymore on her part. I thought it was good how the system became less active after the first few episodes.I found the second lead couple also quite cute, a bit dry maybe, but they were still pleasant to watch. I loved how the love rivals in the capital weren't actually bad people. I dislike plots where the whole thing is about some scheeming second female/male lead and I didn't find that here which was very nice!
The only thing I didn't love is that the last ten episodes were a lot about Mu Sheng, and his past. I mean, I liked it, it was interesting to see his background. But I just would have liked a bit more of Miao Miao's character growth throughout the drama. In a way it's understandable, the whole world was created for Mu Sheng to find self-love and to see that he was loved, etc. I still would have liked a bit more episodes about Miao Miao. Everybody had an arc of personal growth, except Miao Miao (not saying that her character didn't grow, but it was more gradual throughout the entire story). On that note, I'd like to also say that I wished the drama were a bit longer, I really liked it and it felt a bit rushed at the end. I wish they had gone on more adventures, and please, that side plot about the bracelet was soo annoying to watch, it was almost painful honestly.
I liked the ending. When Mu Sheng found out the truth and told Miao Miao he wrote all those books for her, I was so happy. That's so cute and so loving! I think it was a good conclusion. And the fact that they never kissed, I was at first a bit surprised, but then I found it actually quite sweet and I liked it better like that. The ending where we didn't get to see the writer/ Mu Sheng at the book signing event, I was distraught. But anyways, I'm over it, and I'm gonna watch Moonlight hahaha.
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This series initially had great potential with an intriguing plot—characters going back in time whenever the leads die—but as the story progressed, it began to lose its charm. The premise itself is interesting, but it feels like the writer either lost track of the story's direction or introduced key elements prematurely. For me, the pacing felt dragged, and the focus started to deviate from the core mystery.Given that the jade allows them to turn back time, it would have been more logical for the leads to actively seek answers together. Instead, the drama prioritizes their love story, which could have developed naturally while they searched for clues. Unfortunately, it leaned into a cliché trope where they hid their identities, leading to unnecessary misunderstandings.
With only 24 episodes, each lasting about 40 minutes, the writer should have maximized the runtime to highlight the plot instead of overly focusing on romance. The chemistry between the leads was already apparent; there was no need to overdo it.
As for the acting and casting, the actors are unfamiliar faces to me, and their performances didn’t leave a strong impression. Both the characters and their portrayal felt frustrating at times—especially the female lead, who comes across as hypocritical for getting angry at the male lead for lying about his identity when she did the exact same thing. The male lead had his flaws too, misleading the female lead into liking his alternate identity.
Overall, this series isn’t worth the watch. The underwhelming acting, annoying character traits, and a meandering storyline make it feel like a waste of time.
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“Everyone is different, and thats normal”
“I know you're trying, but you are trying too hard. It'll only eat away at you without you even realising it”“Brewing Love” is one of those rom-coms that aren't plot-centric, but rather character focused. Its such a feel good type of show that'll heal your inner child through the main characters' story, atleast it is healing my inner child.
“Brewing Love” has a pretty simple plot. Its nothing too complicated, but it stays consistent with its storytelling. It doesn't stray away from the main plot, which makes it very easy to watch. It doesn't have any annoying side plots either. The main focus is on our main leads, and their healing journey, and the people around them.
A lot of the times dramas like these fail to fully flesh out characters, but Brewing Love totally captures the essence of a character. Even, the side characters don't feel like one dimensional caricatures who are only there to help the main leads.
Every relationship between the characters feel rather heartwarming and wholesome. The villagers were annoying at first, but even they feel endearing after a few episodes.
What I love most about this drama is the main couple. At first, I thought it would be the typical grumpy and sunshine trop(not that I'd hate it). But they ended up being something more than that. The chemistry between the main couple is just so perfect. The way they became vulnerable with eachother in a few episodes never fails to amaze me. Their story really progressed without much misunderstandings. What they have is the definition of a healthy relationship.
Small town romances can get really boring sometimes, but Brewing love is different. It makes me giggle and kick my feet everytime the main couple are on the screen. It has the perfect balance of comedy and seriousness too.
Brewing Love feels rather refreshing to watch at the end of such a chaotic year. It feels comforting in a way. Anyone who loves a good healing romance should watch it.
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...dateci un'occhiata. Non aspettatevi qualcosa di truculento o ansiogeno però è interessante, mi è piaciuto, anche se talvolta secondo me non è tradotto bene e mi sono un po' persa sia coi nomi dei personaggi che con tutti gli intralacci. Poi però si recupera...!Manca la parte romance; sembrano esserci un paio di relazioni un po' ambigue ma niente di ché e comunque non se ne sente molto la mancanza. Forse sarebbe troppo scontato.
In ogni caso, ripeto, se vi piacciono i thriller e non lo avete ancora visto dategli un'occhiata.
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Fraco, porém quente
O drama em si é bem fraquinho, vários furos e conversas desconexas, por mais que depois haja flashs tentando amarrar as pontas soltas. Pelo calculo a sugestão de nota era 6, dei 1 ponto a mais porque definitivamente a química dos protagonistas era bem acima da média dos dramas chineses e coreanos que vemos por aí. Nem sempre um mini drama consegue ser tão intenso nesse sentido, mas definitivamente alguns são melhores que até os dramas de 1 hora de duração com química de de uma porta.Esta resenha foi útil para você?
Not very convinced by the story despite the good performances of the actors
I needed twice try to watch this series until the end... However, I really like Ren Jia Lun and the actors in this drama. But some parts of the plot are so poorly written, even incoherent, that even these talented actors, who give their everything, cannot make this story believe.PLOT: Romance between CEO (with a failing mechanical heart) and the orphaned, optimistic and warm FL (assistant).
Suspense surrounding the cause of the accident 10 years ago.
+++ A very good cast with Ren Jia Lun, Xing Fei as CL, and Wayne Liu & Chloe Zhao as CL2
+++ Very good OST
1 bit sci-fi, 1 bit suspense, 1 bit romance
### Very "dramaland", with slightly absurd narrative arcs (notably the vagaries of the mechanical heart which makes sparks, influences feelings, etc.)
### Happy ending but not very satisfying.
=> Nice but lengths
J'ai du m'y reprendre à 2 fois pour regarder cette série jusqu'au bout ... Pourtant j'aime beaucoup Ren Jia Lun et les acteurs de ce drama. Mais certaines parties du plot sont tellement mal écrites, voire incohérentes, que même ces acteurs talentueux, qui donnent tout, n'arrivent pas à faire croire à cette histoire.
PLOT: Romance entre CEO (coeur mécanique +/-défaillant) et FL orpheline, optimiste et chaleureuse (assistante).
Suspense autour de la cause de l'accident 10 ans + tôt.
+++ Un très bon cast avec Ren Jia Lun, Xing Fei en CL, et Wayne Liu & Chloe Zhao en CL2
+++ Très bonnes OST
1 peu SF, 1 peu suspense,1 peu romance
### Très "dramaland", avec des arcs narratifs un peu absurdes (notamment les aléas du coeur mécanique qui fait des étincelles, influence les sentiments, etc.)
### Happy End mais peu satisfaisante.
=> Sympa mais des longueurs
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Já estou morrendo de saudades da série. Entregou tudo!! O último episódio foi perfeito, com reviravoltas inesperadas. Somente Tattoo para conseguir levar um tiro no bumbum deitado e Sorry ganhou um novo significado para mim 55555. Só tenho a agradecer a YinWar por acreditarem e investirem na série, que me fez amar e aguardar ansiosamente pelas segundas-feiras!!! A história é cativante e te prende desde o primeiro episódio porque soube dosar na medida certa comédia, ação, drama e romance. A produção é impecável. A química entre Yin e War é inegável. Todo o elenco teve uma atuação irrepreensível, mas quero destacar Suporn Sangkaphibal, a avó do Jack, uma das responsáveis por todas as minhas risadas e pelas cenas mais inesperadas e a pequena grande Taengkwa Chananticha Chaipa, Toi Ting, que deu um show de interpretação. Já estou aguardando pelo menos mais duas sequências: a história de Tattoo e Aran e a história de Hope e Save!!!! Esta resenha foi útil para você?
Se Minha Esposa se Tornar uma Estudante do Fundamental
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"Isn't life too long to live that way?"
If My Wife Becomes an Elementary Student was actually an off-putting title for me as I’ve had some odd experiences with Jdramas. One, I worried that this would be one of those age gap VERY inappropriate dramas or if it wasn’t illegally weird the child actor would be awful. Neither of those concerns were fulfilled. There was one little segment that was uncomfortable but mostly this was a very wholesome drama about healing after suffering from devastating grief. I know what it’s like to wonder if the sky will ever be blue again after the loss of a loved one. For the most part this drama handled it well. And most importantly, the young actress playing the elementary school child was amazing.Keisuke and his 20-year-old daughter Mai have become zombies after the death of his wife ten years prior. The are alive but not living. One day 10-year-old Marika arrives at their house and claims she is Takae reincarnated. At first neither believes her but before long the two fully accept her as their beloved wife/mother. Slowly but surely, the sunny, responsible Takae begins to work her magic on everyone involved. The only question, is she here to stay?
With the exception of the initial encounters with Marika and Keisuke acting like an idiot, the drama portrayed the healing powers of love and reconciliation in a meaningful way. Takae helped the people around her reconnect to life by showing them how to plug back in. Maida Nono played adult Takae quite believably and also 10-year-old Marika. The entire drama hinged on her performance and she carried the weight beautifully on her tiny shoulders.
The nagging drawbacks to me were the substantial age differences for characters and actors. I’ve no problem with most age gaps, but at the time 58-year-old Tsutsumi Shinichi and 26-year-old Morita Misato (32 year gap) was a bit of a stretch. They couldn’t have found a more age-appropriate actress? The potential romantic partner was barely older than the actress playing his daughter! Keisuke was described as kind, innocent, and clueless, but at his age some of his responses were over the top ridiculous, even for a man whose wife returned in the body of an elementary school child. Marika’s mother was no prize but the loss of her child was never dealt with in a consequential manner.
Overall, I enjoyed this drama quite a bit. Second chances in life are rare, impossibly rare when a loved one has passed. And when that loved one is the center of a family’s world and the sunshine in their lives, it can feel like life has ended when their life ended. Even as wish fulfillment, it was beautiful to see these wounded people granted the chance to heal and have their rear-ends kicked when needed in order to remember they were alive and needed to live to the fullest in order to honor that precious gift.
26 November 2024
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